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Head Over Heels

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This is a very sweet romance that I would highly recommend reading. Liv is a woman that grew up in the foster system after her mom dies when she was 7. She learns from a young age that nothing is permanent & one foster sister tell her to only have stuff she can move easily. She takes that too heart & moves around a lot. She's currently in Seattle working as a nanny but leaving in a couple of weeks for a new marketing job in Denver.

Chase is also a commitment phobe but most of this stems from his parents not believing in him since he struggled as a child & his daughter's mom thinking he was too much of a deadbeat to be a good dad. Now she has passed away & he's a single dad raising his 5 year old daughter.

Chase & Liv are connected on a blind date but realize from the get go that they are too different to be good together. They do figure out they make great friends. When Chase has to fire his nanny, he looks to Liv to fill in for the couple of weeks before she heads out to Denver. She agrees because she loves Katie (Chase's daughter) & wants to make things easy for her. Then the sparks begin flying & they decide they can be friends with benefits, no strings attached. After all, she's leaving for Denver in a couple of weeks.

Read this fantastic story to find out if either of them can get over their hang-ups & become more than just friends. I couldn't put it down!

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Fun, super sexy, and full of heart. Head Over Heels will have you falling for Liv, Chase and little Katie in this opposites-attract/friends-to-lovers rom-com.

It's the perfect, easy, pick-me-up romance read full of "oh, my *fans self* moments" that you won't want to put down.

This is my first read by Serena Bell and I'll definitely be back for more!

3.5 stars

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I received this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I loved this sweet and very steamy read. I’ve read several books by Ms. Bell and this was as enjoyable as the others. This is the story of Chase, his daughter a Katie and his friend Liv. They were set up on a blind date and decided they were not compatible. However they became best friends. Chase is a single dad, Katie’s mom recently passed away, but they weren’t together. Chase is in need of a nanny and Liv is drafted until she plans to leave town in a couple weeks. Chase and Liv are attracted to each other and decide to act on it. They fall in love but don’t acknowledge it right away. I love the interactions between Liv and Chase and the plot was very enjoyable.

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I have to be honest that I was a little wary about a romance novel with 50+ chapters in it. I usually look for something that is interesting, an easy read and that doesn't drag on for endless chapters. I was surprised that this book ticked off all of my boxes. Chase and Liv are friends who are never going to work out romantically. They are both very jaded and aren't really looking for "the one". Circumstances bring them under the same roof and the chemistry they never believed they had becomes apparent to both of them. This is a true friends-to-lovers story with a 5 year old mixed in. The book never lags and there is plenty of background story for both characters to keep one immersed in the book. The ending wraps everything up well. I found myself cheering these characters on and hoping for their happily ever after. I would definitely re-read this book. It really kept me entertained.

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3.5 stars for steamy and sweet romance!

Chase and Livvy once tried to date but realized they were better off as friends because they are complete opposites.

Just as Livvy accepts her dream job and will move away, Chase hires her as live-in nanny for his daughter Katie, and sparks ignite between the best friends.

What works — Liv and Chase are unapologetic about who they are, they can just be themselves. I found it refreshing to have a female character who admits she likes makeup and dresses for the occasion. None of that natural beauty crap, sometimes you gotta work it.

What made me raise an eyebrow — they’re getting together felt contrived like it was mostly convenient for Chase.

Still, I enjoyed their story and the final chapters when they both realize what matters.

After all, there is something to be said for falling #HeadOverHeels in love with the man who is your best friend, a cool dad and sex-on-a-stick hot too!

Thanks to #Netgalley and Loveswept for the ARC!

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Chase and Liv met three years ago on a disastrous blind date. Both were reeling from bad past relationships. While they felt that they couldn’t cut it as a couple, they ended up being fast friends. Fast forward to present day, and Chase is now taking care of his four year old daughter after her mother’s death two months ago. He has lost his nanny, and Liv has given her notice for her nanny job to start working a marketing job in Denver in several weeks. Since she needs a place to stay until she leaves and Chase needs help until he can replace the nanny, Chase asks her to nanny. This is a start of a really fun friends to lovers romance. While the plot is pretty predictable, and the sex scenes are a bit perfunctory, both of the main characters are very likable. I would definitely recommend this book. I was given an ARC of this book for my honest review.

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Cute book! Quick & easy romance read; I liked the storyline a lot. I was NOT prepared for the amount of sex scenes in this one - not that I mind it, but they were quite graphic and borderline over the top? I'd say there were at least 5-7 and I would've been fine with 2-3..... we get it, the sex is hot/best sex you've ever had... but it almost took away from the storyline, if that makes sense. Overall, a sweet story if you're looking for a light romance read.

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4.5 stars <3! I received an ARC copy of Serena Ball's Head of Heels from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I have to say I was a wonderfully & delightfully surprised, this is the first book I've had the opportunity to read written by Ms. Ball and I was not disappointed. I don't read to many friends to lovers books but I just loved the interactions between Chase & Liv ( & Katie Chases's 5-year-old daughter) from the beginning. If you are looking for a cute, quick read this book has you covered! Can't wait to see what else Ms. Ball has to offer.

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I really liked this story. I enjoyed the characters and how they interacted and teased with each other. It was a fast read and very enjoyable.

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book. The review below is entirely my own opinion:

I usually like this trope: single-dad romances -- which is why I requested for an ARC.

This was a cute story (bec of Katie, Chase's little girl) and it had very little angst. But for me, I found the pace of the story to be slow and at times, I found myself disengaging from the story.

I also found myself skipping through a lot of chapters bec man, they have a lot of sex. Sometimes, it's just too much. At least for me. I would rather have more snarky, flirty and funny banter than chapter after chapter of descriptive sex scenes.

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If you asked me to rank my favorite tropes, friends-to-lovers would be way up at the top of the list. I love it even more than enemies-to-lovers, and that's saying something. I also really love anything having to do with roommates. And kids. I really like kids. In real life, I mean. Not usually in romance novels, but I have to say, Serena Bell did an awesome job with the kid. So often, the kid kind of gets forgotten amidst all the romancing, but Katie was always front and center in the minds of Chase and Liv, and I so appreciated that. But enough on the kid. Let's get to the good stuff.

I guess it's safe to say that Head Over Heels checked all of my boxes. Not only is it a friends-to-lovers romance that actually feels pretty natural... but, let's see.

They actually communicate!
They have insane chemistry.
There's honest-to-goodness banter.
The writing is legitimately funny.
They're truly best friends. Not like I'm going to pretend you're my best friend because I'm secretly super attracted to you type friends, but real friends.
And did I mention their chemistry?
I read this book in one sitting. I was so invested in the story that I couldn't bring myself to put it down! Sure, there were a couple sections that felt a little jumpy, but I can forgive it because the chemistry was insane. (And also because the book really tugged at my heartstrings! I didn't expect to tear up so many times!)

This was my first read by Serena Bell, but I definitely plan to read more from her.

Final rating: ★★★★☆

I received a free advance copy of Head Over Heels from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. Head Over Heels released on June 5, 2018.

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Head over heels
Serena Bell

I likes this book. Little slow at the beginning for me I'm not a fan of the Manwhore types. That being said it was done with taste. Some books make it cringy. Loved the ending so sweet. I'm a sucker for a long epilogue I just wish there was more of them settled.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this one. :)

If you're a fan of friends-to-lovers romance, topped with a sexy alpha male and a strong heroine, funny, wicked and smart, then you should love this book. Not to mention the really hot sex scenes and their off the charts chemistry, which is a delight to watch.

Long story short, they've been friends for a long time (after a bling date from hell, where they decided they're better off as friends), but after Liv agrees to be Chase's daughter nanny for two weeks and live with them, of course that a spark appears from nowhere that ignites both the MCs' feelings.
They're total opposites in tastes, so their banter is another plus of this book.

Besides all the hotness and fun, there's also a little bit of drama. Both of them are somewhat broken souls, damaged by their childhoods, that manage to find their way to HEA. Trust me, it's a beautiful journey.

I loved the book. Honestly, I don't really know what's missing from being absolutely amazing 5*, but trust me, you should definitely read it.

"ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review."

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I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review and all reviews are my own. I loved this book! Such a sweet story about friends that grow together over Chase's daughter. Chase and Liv started out as friends but when Chase runs into a bind for a nanny, Liv steps in. The friendship and chemistry between them is so believable and the story was well put together.

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I am Head Over Heels about this book. I loved how Chase and Liv started out as friends who realized on their first blind date that they would be an awful couple. I loved how they became best friends and realized that they were an amazing couple. Serena Bell made me feel like I personally knew Chase and Liv and it broke my heart for what Katie had to go through. I laughed and cried and would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a friends to lovers book.

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I love it when an author can create two characters who are otherwise ordinary people, but create a relationship that is extraordinary. Chase and Liv are both likable and relatable. Their friendship is charming, and so important to both of them that they deny having other feelings until they are faced with losing each other.
This is simply a delightful book, populated with characters you would like to have a drink or dinner with. The dialogue is sharp and witty, and I loved the push and pull of their negotiating their relationship. Both had to overcome lifelong fears to commit to a relationship, We know they will because - romance novel - but getting there is a great ride. Humor, heart and heat. A perfect package.

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I fell in love with Chase right along with Liv💜
This is a beautiful story that flowed perfectly. Little bits and pieces of their personalities and personal pains/joys emerging until I couldn’t imagine them not getting a fairytale HEA. Highly recommend.

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This is a nice, romantic story about friends to lovers, one of my fave tropes. Chase and Liv have incredible chemistry and I really love their story. Watching them fall in love and the realization that they are way more than friends was just so sweet!

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***3.5 Stars***
Chase and Liv meet on a blind date, that goes terribly wrong, but in the end they forge an unbreakable friendship. Things start to change when Liv moves in to take care of Chase's adorable daughter...they change when they both start to look at each other with more than friendship in their eyes and when they kiss, woo boy, things really start to change.
This was a perfect read for a plane ride or time spent on the was an adorable story that wraps up nicely and doesn't leave you unhappy.

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Chase Crayton is in need of a nanny ASAP for his five year old daughter. His best friend Olivia Stratten is moving away for a job and is looking for temporary living quarters. Who better than her, except they may drive each other crazy living under the same roof. But Olivia loves his daughter so she accepts. However, they suddenly find an undeniable chemistry that came as a surprise to both of them, specially since they tried dating once and it was a disaster. Who will hold out the longest living in such tight quarters.
I enjoyed this great romance.

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