Member Reviews

This wasn’t my usual sort of book but I really enjoyed it! I didn’t realize it was part of a series but I still followed along pretty easily. Definitely going to check out the rest of the series!

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YES!! Dylan & Lydia are back!!

I cannot tell you how excited I was to discover Parker Swift and her Royal Scandal series. I have reached out to her on FB and have told her how much I loved this series. So, when she wrote Royal Match, I knew I needed this book in my life!!

I am so glad to have Dylan & Lydia back. I really hate royal books because I tend to think that they are trying really hard to write new storylines that try to match the true royal family in England. But for some reason, this series just resonates with me. Parker Swift makes you fall in love with Dylan & Lydia! It’s easy and effortless.

With Royal Match, you continue to see their relationship grow. All of the original characters are back! Dylan & Lydia have new challenges ahead of them. This book takes you on an adventure that completely make you fall in love with Dylan & Lydia all over again.

I am looking forward to see what other books Parker Swift sends our way. Her Royal Scandal series was a fantast way to start her writing career. She is a diamond in the rough! Please, please Parker, write some more so that I can enjoy your work! You have a fan for life!

~ Review by Heidi Pharo

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I loved this book! It was great to catch up with Lydia and Dylan and see how their life has progressed. I loved meeting their little growing family and seeing where life has taken. And how their love has grown.

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This was such a fun book. I loved the characters and the story line flowed well. It was a great easy read that kept my attention throughout.

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I thought this book was a perfect tale of what life is after the wedding and babies come into place. This was my 1st book of Parker's and I now know I should have read a few books before this one, but it did not matter I go there after the wedding. I thought it was a fun quick read!

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I have chosen not to read and review this tile. While the blurb drew me to the story, I was not engaged with the characters or the way the story was written.

I appreciate the opportunity to review this early title and am looking forward to the next title through your company.


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2.5 stars. I find the story somewhat unbelievable. Lydia has to become the maid of honor when she is 9 months pregnant of another royal wedding and it happens to be on her DUE DATE! Can the royals be that selfish? And she couldn't say no.

I did read the original trilogy before this novella, but I don't think it needed this novella or with at least this type of storyline. I started to skim at the 66% mark. I just wasn't too impressed with it unfortunately.

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<b>Another <i>FANTASTIC</i> read by Parker Swift!</b>

I thoroughly enjoyed this fourth addition to Dylan "Knighty" & Lydia's "Damsel" love story! I mean I could read EVEN MORE about this couple and their twists and turns in British Royalty. And I usually get tired of book couples, its just that there is something exciting about them!

If you haven't began The Royal Scandal series I HIGHLY SUGGEST going back to the beginning with Book 1, but if you need to see their Happily Ever After then you could begin with this novella; although you would just be jumping to the end. After reading this novella it just made me want to start the series all over again! Love them!

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A great rollicking read when you are an American about to produce your baby, married to a delectable Duke who adores you when the Queen asks/orders you to attend her daughter as a bridesmaid how do you cope. Despite the due date being the day of the wedding, extra help arrives in the form of the brother of the groom and so the tale begins. A super read for a holiday and continuing the tale of the Ducal pair.

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**I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***
I am a sucker for any sort of romance novel that deals with royalty or nobility of any kind. Seriously, I feel like I own almost every romance book written that features a duke, prince, earl, etc. I instantly got hooked into this one just like all the others. I didn't realize at first that it was part of a series. So I promptly went and bought the rest of them and read the whole series over the course of about two or three days! The chemistry between characters is great! I absolutely love it!

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What a perfect ending to this beautiful story! This extended epilogue is so sweet, steamy and romantic! I was so glad that Parker Swift decided to give us a glimpse into Lydia and Dylan’s future. I could read about them forever! This novella really puts the cherry on top, and I loved it.

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Genre: Romance, Royalty
Standalone: Yes but better if you've read the rest of the Royal Scandal series
Part of a Series: Royal Match joins Lydia and Dylan five years and almost three kids after the end of Royal Treatment
POV: Lydia
Steam Level: Some sexy time

If you loved the Royal Scandal series like I did then you're in a treat with Royal Match. In it we join Dylan and Lydia and their growing family fives years after the end of Royal Treatment. Dylan is just as bossy and overprotective. Lydia is just as sassy. And their love life...well two kids, the tail end of pregnancy, and working full time makes it a little more difficult. The sexiness of this book came from the anticipation and some of the giggles from the frustration. Parker Swift's writing is fun, immersive, and rather realistic even in this fictitious world. I loved catching up with these characters and realized just how much I need the stories of the other couples (Daphne/Nick, Emily/Will, Caroline/Zack). Parker Swift has built this immersive world and it fun to visit, Definitely pick up Royal Match, especially if you liked the Royal Scandal series. I cannot wait to read more of Parker Swift and her writing.

I received an advanced copy of this book for free. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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I quite liked the Royal Scandal series, so this was such a great treat to get more from Dylan and Lydia. But this time around Lydia is very pregnant with their third baby and is a bridesmaid for a very royal wedding and poor Dylan is not handling the stress well.

Its was a great window into married life . As its not always as easy to find alone time when you have kids and life expectations. But Dylan and Lydia make it work.

I hope we get more this series with different characters or a spin off series.

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Couldn’t resist reading this delightful novella, coinciding with the royal wedding weekend! It is a lighthearted, fun read involving a important royal wedding. Dylan is an English Duke and his wife is Lydia. When Lydia is requested to be the matron of honour at the Royal Wedding you’d expect them both to be suitably honoured - but there’s a serious bump in the way . . . Lydia is pregnant and her due date is the day of the wedding!

I haven’t read any of this series before but found this to be an enchanting fun read with great characters, lots of love and so much humour it had me laughing out loud. The romance between Dylan and Lydia is still vibrant after five years of marriage, hectic careers and two children. Dylan would love Lydia to have the latest addition to their family before the wedding and is keen to seduce her into labour! Get ready for a lovely fun, sexy, read in this delightful royal wedding novella.

I requested and was given a copy of this novel, via NetGalley, with no obligation. This is my honest review of the book after choosing to read it.

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With the Royal Wedding for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on the front of everyone's minds, this story was the perfect antidote to royal wedding fever. This novella is the perfect way to catch up with the couple in the midst of all this royal wedding hype.

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I read it in one siting!It was fast paced and cute reading!I love the relationship between Dylan and Lydia, they were sexy and passionate!They have some really hilarious moments through the story!I find myself smiling most of the time!If you are looking for a quick and refreshing story this is perfect for you!

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Royal Match by Parker Swift is book 3.5 in the Royal Scandal series. This is the story of Dylan and Lydia. In this book, Princess Caroline, who is the heir to the throne of England, is marrying her commoner husband and at the behest of the Queen, Lydia becomes part of the royal wedding party. Lydia is pregnant with baby #3 and we get to see the madness that takes hold while preparing for a royal wedding plus catching up with favorite couple Lydia and Dylan. A sweet novella with heart and heat. I loved catching up and getting glimpses into the lives of the Duke and Duchess of Abingdon, also known as Dylan Hale and his American wife Lydia. This is great fun and a sweet novella read.
My Rating: 4.5 stars *****
“I received an advanced copy of this book from the author at no cost to me."

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This is more like an extended epilogue than a stand-alone, but I still enjoyed it. I enjoyed the Royal Scandal series immensely.

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Received in exchange for an honest review.

Dylan is just as sexy and devilishly handsome as ever in this next book in the series. Here we see him dote over lydia and be a great dad to his children. They are married for five years when the book begins and expecting a third child.

Their lives are harried but you can see they are still as in love as before. Now they have a family life that they love and adore. I loved seeing Dylan dote on her and the children and when he does what he can for Lydia when it came to her duties as Matron of honor I swooned. He could be a wee bit overbearing but it came from a place of love.

Lydia was about to have their third child and she is asked by the Queen to be the matron of honor in a wedding. Not able to refuse the Queen she agrees even though she is due right around the day of the wedding. Which is where Dylan’s overprotectiveness comes into play.

In this fun loving sweet story we see Lydia and Dylan in all aspects of their lives. We see them in work mode, family mode and showing us how in love they still are with each other. We see them as Dylan tries to feel in control in an out of control situation when it comes to the wedding his wife is in. We see Lydia working on keeping things from going to far out of control and trying to stop her husband from seducing her so she can go into labour.

The story is addictive and fun. There isn’t a moment when you won’t smile and just fall in love with the family side of this couple as well as how much they are still in love with one another. A truly wonderful fun romance.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆
M/F Romance

This is a quick snippet look at the royal couple who are expecting their third kiddo.

While her husband is slowly going bald with trying to keep his full-time working, active, pregnant wife from going into labor, she then goes and accepts the queen's decree that she be the matron of honor in an upcoming wedding.

It's really just a snapshot into their lives and how busy everything has become. It was cute, but there wasn't a true story. You got to see a little of the royal couple and their chemistry, but I don't think this was what it was about. It was more about their crazy trail to the delivery of their third child.

Overall, it was sweet and you wouldn't necessarily have to have read the previous book to understand the protective nature of Dylan or the love they share together.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆
Although I had not read the previous trilogy, the blurb just made me want to read it! I really enjoyed this snippet of family life, in a royal situation, but involving two people who are very grounded in their outlook on life. For a short story, I got a very big story and some delightful new friends. It pretty much guaranteed that I will be reading the original trilogy as soon as I find the time.

I love the relationship between Dylan and Lydia – it is a wonderful combination of very sexy, lustful, passionate, loving, and also totally children focussed. And those children have bad timing down to a fine art, which is hilarious, and frustrating! They take their responsibilities seriously yet have lots of fun along the way. Daphne was a total hoot – and I would love to follow her in her new romance.

Perfect escapism, thank you, Ms. Swift.

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