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Knocked Up

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Clichés are part of a good novel, it is undeniable. In some cases it becomes repetitive, monotonous. In others, if well used, it is what moves the plot, which makes the reader identify and sigh. Knocked Up uses the biggest cliché of all: a one night stand between a maid of honor and the best man. And it works brilliantly. The book can be funny and light and will make you embark on the plot, cheering for the couple, pitying in a few hours and above all, believing in the story.
The scenario is simple: Cara is the maid of honor at her best friend's wedding. Braxton is the best man. Many drinks later, the two spend the night together. The next morning, the bed only houses one person, since Cara ran away at dawn. A single affair, one night only. But we always carry a little souvenir at the end of weddings, do not we?
Cara is a 24-year-old who, from a very early age, faced the harsh truth that her parents do not care about her. Coming from a very wealthy family, order, status, and appearances are essential to them. Being an artist, she knows that her unsupported expectations do not make her happy, and after the death of her twin brother, she decides to throw everything up and take control of her life. Goodbye money and social standing. Welcome to the real world, where every penny counts and the rents are expensive.
Braxton had a difficult life. With all the factors pointing to him making bad choices, his chance to improve arises in the form of a gentleman older man, who will treat him as a son and will be responsible for teaching him values, the difference between right and wrong and will shape him in the man he became.
Two completely different and unlikely people to have something in common. But the beauty of life lies precisely in that sense: not everything is what it seems. They will find that they are more alike than they realize.

Some time after the night spent together, Cara discovers something that will transform her life: this adventure had consequences, she is pregnant. Despite the shock and determined to have the baby, all that remains is to tell the future father the news. And so begins the journey of these two characters in search of the happy ending.
Cara and Braxton are good characters. She is a strong woman, who goes in search of her goals, but inside she has a vulnerability, she has a lack of affection. Braxton now has a good financial condition, and is willing to take care of his son and Cara, and is extremely cute and passionate. The two need to find a way to understand each other, to try to make this new relationship work.
Some difficult situations are thrown in their way, and it is up to the two to seek strength and comfort in each other. Cara's parents are despicable. Stella was the spoiled girl of the story, which did not provoke me empathy, on the contrary, I did not like her petty interference. Jenna and Dan were good additions, just like Graham. Lucy the dog, was the star of the show.
The book was well written, the characters are interesting and engaging, the reading flows naturally and there are bits of comedy and cuteness. Cliches are great storytellers, and here it gives all the necessary spicy to the book.

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Knocked Up by Stacey Lynn is the second book in the Crazy Love Series. Every book is a standalone. The previous book, Crazy Love tells Corbin and Teagan´s story.

Cara Thompson and Braxton Henley met at a wedding. A hot ons leads them where they´re now. While from different worlds, they´re great together. But society and families throw wrenches their way.

Knocked Up is a beautiful heartwarming story with great characters. I connected with them very easily and enjoyed their lovestory. The writing is great and the storyline is unique, believe it. I give 5 beautiful stars.

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Yesss that was glorious and I loved it. Not only was it emotionally satisfying, Knocked Up was also HOT.

Cara – an artist from a rich family – and Braxton – a tattoo business owner from the wrong side of town – have a great weekend together at their best friends’ wedding. Weeks later, Cara finds out she’s pregnant and seeks Braxton out to let him know. She’s mortified, he thinks she’s disgusted by him, but both are insanely attracted to each other – and both want to keep and raise the baby. Fighting pride, prejudice (I couldn’t help it), hormones, and terrible parents, these two must find a way to deal with each other for the sake of their unborn child. But honestly, they’re meant to be!

I thought Cara was very admirable. Yes, she was only 24 and wasn’t financially or logistically prepared for a child, but she was determined to have it, with or without Braxton’s help. I loved that she could be both strong enough to set out on her own against her parents’ wishes, wanting to achieve her own dreams and not there’s, but she was also vulnerable and scared. I imagine getting pregnant is scary enough when you plan for it, but she took the unexpected news in her stride.

Braxton was very much an alpha male. He’d built his life up from nothing, and when he found out about the baby, he was determined to give it a better life than he’d had. He could be quite bossy, but he also took Cara’s wants and emotions into consideration. And he wanted that child; it wasn’t just a responsibility for him.

----“We made a baby.” A tear falls down Braxton’s cheek and he leans down, brushing his lips over my cheek, and his voice is so gruff, so broken and beautiful. “Thank you. Thank you so much, Cara.”

When I read that, I just about died. And honestly, Braxton worshipped this baby in words and acts all through the book. If I ever get pregnant, I hope the dad cares about me and the baby even half as much as Braxton cared about Cara and their child. Talk about setting unrealistic expectations.

And their chemistry! There was so much heart and humour and heat between them, only heightened by this shared adventure they were embarking on. It was drawn out torturously, but when they finally came together, it was immensely satisfying. And I have no doubt, if there was no baby involved, that they’d have made just as great a couple.

Both had people in their lives who couldn’t understand the “other side” and felt the need to meddle. It was frustrating and even painful to read, especially towards the end with Cara’s parents meddling with her life. I’m also none to happy with another person who just wanted to protect one of the couple by driving them apart. But I did like how the angst was resolved in the end.

This one hit me in the feels, and I read it almost in one sitting (damn work). If alpha males with hearts and family drama are your thing, Knocked Up is available now!

PS – Why doesn't the cover model have tattoos?! This is probably my only criticism.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Knocked Up is a fun and heart warming romance story that is easily devour able. It's a story that seems like a one night stand turns into a pregnancy and forces two people to reunite but it's more than that. 

I think what I liked the most about Knocked Up how vulnerable Braxton was. He was so invested in Cara from the moment they hooked up, even if she didn't know it. So when she tells him she's pregnant, he's all about it. Sure, he's scared, which is more reason to love his vulnerability but he knows what he wants and he isn't afraid to let it be knows. Oh and there's the fact that he owns a multiple tattoo shops and is covered in ink. GIMME! 

Both Cara and Braxton are now not only fighting their vulnerability of becoming first time parents but fighting the vulnerability of their feelings and how much they want each other. On the surface they might seems worlds apart but in reality, they are exactly the same and perfect for each other. 

If you want a soon to be dad that will make your heart swoon then Knocked Up will certainly deliver that. If you like secret babies for a short amount of time and then the story of two people figuring that out together, then Knocked Up will deliver that too. Like I said, it's just a fun and heart warming story. It's a quick read that will leave you feeling light and happy.

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3.5 stars

Knocked Up is exactly what it sounds like. A fun, flirty romance with an accidental pregnancy gone right! Say that again!?! An accidental pregnancy turned love story. These two couldn't project the image of opposites more than if they were in the dictionary. But we all know appearances can be deceiving. Money doesn't buy happiness. And my personal favorite- men suck! Okay, so it's only said once, but she totally meant it. 😉

Get carried away with Braxton and Cara. What's the worst that could happen? An eight pound surprise!?!

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this was a rare miss from the author for me. i just didn't connect with this book. pregnancy tropes are probably my least favorite of romance books so i went into it not expecting much. the heroine just seemed so passive and the hero came across as a dick. sleeping with other people to forget someone was absolutely ridiculous and their misunderstandings because of a lack of communication was just annoying.

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I like how this dives straight into things and we gets bits and pieces of Brax and Cara's one night stand along the way and how it plays into things. So Braxton has a right to be upset when that one night stand didn't end well considering the whole time was great but the after went awry. Kinda hard not hard to feel for Cara when she's sickly and weak and not understanding why Braxton is upset.

Braxton for his rough appearance is kind qnd sweet and only wants to take care of Cara and his baby. While I get Cara's hesitance to jump into everything it's actually smart of her. They have their share of misconceptions and misunderstandings along the way navigating this whole new relationship and thing they have gone into and it was interesting to see.

A learning curve for them both, Cara leaning on Braxton for support and Braxton being a dad. I can truly appreciate their slow progression as it's never not complicated that situation. The heartwarming and sweet moments between them as they grow together too. It's not always smooth sailing so it felt realistic, Braxton proved himself.

Sometimes things aren't how you planned them but turn out for good. It maybe the people you least expect to step up and do it well as the case here is, that one moment that attracted Braxton and Cara may have defined it but they made their way to

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4 Stars

Knocked Up may be the second title in the Crazy Love series, but I haven’t read the previous title and didn’t feel lost in any way. Knocked Up is a charming, sweet accidental pregnancy story.

Braxton is an endearing, brooding, tattooed alpha. A savvy business man, he’s just as determined in his private life to go after what he wants as he is in business. He’s kind, generous, talented , loving and loyal and the he’s not going to let the one thing missing from his life slip through his fingers.

Cara is independent, honest, hard-working and level headed. Despite the connection and chemistry this pair share she makes Braxton work to gain her affections.

This pair both have demons they need to obliterate before they can find a happy ever after in each other’s arms.

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Thank you so very much to Netgalley, Random House & Loveswept for allowing me to read this book for free in exchange for an honest review 🙏🏻❤️

Oh my gosh can we say Swoon 😍😍
Braxton Henley why can't you exist in real life... or do you!!??

Taken directly from the words of Cara " Heart.Melt.Puddle.Floor." - describes this book quite well!

Thrillers , horror & dystopians are definitely my genre of choice but I'm totally not ashamed to admit that I love a Great romance every once in a while & this one was fantastic!!

I flew through this book within 24 hours and loved every moment of it! When their hearts beat fast so did mine, when they were sad I was devastated! ! I was fully invested in their relationship & the baby just as if "squirt" was mine! I could totally relate to all of the supporting side characters as well, even the ones that I didn't particularly like! Nice parents, right!?

I totally loved the baby name , I'm such a sap! I predicted the gender totally wrong though ! A pleasant surprise!

I hope to hear more from these two in a sequel & I do hope they keep Lucy ❤️🐶

Stacey Lynn is an author I now follow on goodreads & I will definitely be checking out the rest of her books!

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Knocked Up by Stacey Lynn is book Two in the Crazy Love series. This is the story of Braxton and Cara.
Braxton owns tattoo parlors and is now successful in his choice of career but things were not always that way. Always wanting a family but it never came to be. Now he is out his best friends wedding and thinks to sleep with the maid of honor, Cara. They had a hot encounter but Cara finds out later that the night has left her expecting a child. Cara parents were very strict with her but working toward doing what she wants lead her to the night of passion. Thinking that when she tells Braxton that he won't be there for her she is surprised that he seems to want to be. Braxton thought the morning after that Cara was just slumming it with him the way she reacted to him. Sow when she comes into MadInk he first acted like he didn't know her but when he found out she was having his kid he dropped that attitude.
Both really has a preconception of the other during and after that night. So besides watching them handing the pregnancy it was great seeing how they learned about each other....looks don't tell your story..actions do.
Loved it!

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The first time Braxton and Cara met - chemistry was already explosive. The only thing was, Cara escaped before Braxton could do something about it. Now, she struts back into his life and gave him the biggest surprise of his life, telling him she’s pregnant with his child.

Braxton is easy to like. Rags to riches, he knows how to value money and family which what he has always wanted. A family that he can call his own. So when Cara came knocking down telling him she was pregnant, there was a slight excitement to it, at the same time he was more wary. Cara was out of his league. But it won’t stop him to be there for her or for the baby.

Cara was born privilege. But now, she was enjoying her life. She might have a very small apartment in a not-so-impressive neighborhood, but she was happy. She wanted to be an artist and to prove herself. But then, life has other plans. She got knocked up.

It wasn’t an easy adjustment - Braxton has his doubts, and Cara just wanted to be loved as well and for Braxton to lover her and not just the baby that they made. It took several mishaps and misunderstanding, but they finally made through the journey.

I looooveeee this book! It is sweet, steamy, with enough drama to pinch your hearts and well-paced that everything was perfectly laid out.

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Knocked Up was such an amazing story with such relatable characters! I absolutely loved that she wasn't willing to give up everything just because he said he would take care of her. She wanted to be able to say that she could handle things on her own until she couldn't any longer, But he was always willing to do whatever he could to make this easier on her. Even if both of them made mistakes it was still worth the effort to show that they could be together and parent their child!

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I received a copy of this story from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is such a welcome breath of fresh air after the last book I read! It was light and quick and just what I was looking for. The characters were distinct and dynamic and the whole story moved nicely. I didn't have much emotion invested into them but I did what to know how it all wrapped up. It was a great palate cleanser.

I am disappointed with the missed opportunity for the cover. Braxton is this built, scruffy dude covered in tattoos. The cover would have been WAY more compelling had it utilised that description more.

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So "accidental baby" isn't a trope that I normally go for. I don't have anything against it, but sometimes it's hard to pull off without being super-angsty and filled with drama. Knocked up wasn't like that – I really liked this story and it felt believable to me.

Braxton is sweet and swoony – and honestly, it was like he had THE perfect reaction to finding out he was going to be dad. He went all-in but was willing to work with Cara's reluctance to rely on anyone else. And Cara is strong and independent, refusing to live her life for her parents although it would undoubtedly be easier for her if she did.

Despite not being angst-filled, never fear – there is some towards the end when Braxton acts like an idiot, but all is soon resolved. My two "issues" were fairly minor and really didn't have anything to do with the plot: 1) if the hero is supposed to be an ink-covered owner of a tattoo shop, why is the cover model totally ink-free 2) what did they decide to do with Lucy? We got no real confirmation on that.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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in knocked up, cara finds herself knocked up after a one-night stand. of course, the guy happens to be her best friend's husband's best friend. so she knows how to find him. she's just afraid of his reaction.

when she finally finds braxton to tell him about the situation, she's surprised to find that he's mad at her. angry, resentful. because he believes that she things he's trash. that sleeping with him was a disaster. what he doesn't know is that cara thinks she is trash. that she is the disaster.

once they clear the air, however, braxton quickly proves himself to be kind, supportive, and all in. and most of the novel is spent dealing with cara's baggage and need to be independent and need to be loved unconditionally.

there's a moment where braxton almost lets his own demons get the better of them. but when they both take a moment and really listen, they figure their baggage out. and so that even though everything in their relationship happened backwards and too fast, they come out of it stronger. for keeps stronger.

**knocked up will publish on june 12, 2018. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/random house publishing group (loveswept) in exchange for my honest review.

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Cara wasn’t expecting an night of fun to turn into an unplanned pregnancy but telling Braxton about it was never in question, his response was certainly unexpected though. Knocked Up is kind of a story of overcoming obstacles and finding yourself along with it being a love story. There are lots of hot and steamy moments but also so many tender moments that will make your heart melt. Loved this story.

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Knocked Up is a fun, quick easy read that had me hooked from the start. Braxton is my favorite kind of BBF, all tattooed bad boy on the outside, and sweet, softy on the inside. I fell for him fast and hard, and I couldn't get enough.
I really enjoyed this one and can't wait to see what Ms. Lynn brings us next!

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3.5 stars overall

Knocked Up is a sweet story about Cara and Braxton and the aftermath of their one night stand. It’s sweet and funny and down to earth, touching on some real life pregnancy issues…especially the morning sickness.

Cara is an independent woman. She tries to live her life to make herself happy, being true to herself is important to her. Living on her own, working a job that she wants and supporting herself are her goals…..but then it happens. She finds out she’s pregnant and her whole life is about the change. I liked how real her feelings were - scared, unsure, nervous and protective.

Braxton is also independent. He is a business owner, spending his day inking people at MadInk, he’s making a name for himself and striving to be the best person he can. My first impression of him was “DICK”, but after the bomb that Cara drops on him settles in he becomes a completely different guy. He is caring and loving and interested in everything that has to do with Cara’s pregnancy, and not out of a sense of duty, but because he wants this.

I don’t just want this baby, I want a family.

Cara who doesn’t really see it that way. I mean come one, she’s a nervous wreck and doubting Braxton’s feelings on this.

This guy takes in abused animals, and I’m his new pet he thinks he has to nurse back to health.

The blossoming of their friendship was important to Cara. They barely know each other and now they are on one of the most important journeys of their lives. Together they are sweet and sexy, yet still unsure and insecure about how things are going. I loved how they worked together, supported one another in ways their own families couldn’t and how they care so much for their “squirt” the whole time.

We’re not a disaster, Cara. We’re a work in progress.

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I found this book to be a very enjoyable read with the great character and storyline development which made it very hard to put this book down!

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I like how this dives straight into things and we gets bits and pieces of Brax and Cara's one night stand along the way and how it plays into things. So Braxton has a right to be upset when that one night stand didn't end well considering the whole time was great but the after went awry. Kinda hard not hard to feel for Cara when she's sickly and weak and not understanding why Braxton is upset.

Braxton for his rough appearance is kind qnd sweet and only wants to take care of Cara and his baby. While I get Cara's hesitance to jump into everything it's actually smart of her. They have their share of misconceptions and misunderstandings along the way navigating this whole new relationship and thing they have gone into and it was interesting to see.

A learning curve for them both, Cara leaning on Braxton for support and Braxton being a dad. I can truly appreciate their slow progression as it's never not complicated that situation. The heartwarming and sweet moments between them as they grow together too. It's not always smooth sailing so it felt realistic, Braxton proved himself.

Sometimes things aren't how you planned them but turn out for good. It maybe the people you least expect to step up and do it well as the case here is, that one moment that attracted Braxton and Cara may have defined it but they made their way to their own happiness.

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