Member Reviews

Lei and Emma's story is one that will have you looking over your shoulder, wondering at every bump in the night and give you hyper-alert senses.

Their story is not a fun one - the past decade has been a world of horrors, but as a reader you can't help but cheer that they are finally starting to move on in life - as much as they can.

But boy, Ms Robert really has ratcheted up the evil that is the killer in The Surviving Girls. He is a sick f^*k , a complete psychopath.

Every turn of the page I had my heart in my throat. Who is this killer? Who can you trust? Is everyone who they say they are.

I won't lie, I had a couple of people I thought were the killer as I read, however nothing was revealed until Ms Robert really had me worked up.

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Twelve years ago Lei and Emma went through a night of hell. When their sorority sisters were murdered by Lei's boyfriend. The trauma has had long lasting effects on the women. Living together in a house they have made sure is safe. Lei now works as a cadaver handler. Emma works with computers . They think they are safe until the past comes calling. When a copycat killer strikes and leaves a calling card for Lei. FBI Agent Dante Young is assigned to the case, he isnt expecting to be attracted to Lei. In fact it makes the case a little harder for him.

The Surviving Girls is as fast paced romantic suspense. I especially enjoy when i dont see the plot twist coming . Which i didnt with this. In my opnion this book would make a great movie. Katee Robert keeps the reader glued to the very end. Highly recommend for fans of romantic suspense.

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Unfortunately I didn’t love this one as much as I was hoping to. I liked the idea behind it and the storyline, but it fell flat for me. I can see why some people love this one, but it just wasn’t for me.

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This my introduction to the Hidden Sins series by Katee Robert – but it is my assumption that all the books in the series are standalones.

I absolutely loved this one – the book is about two girls who survived a night of massacre in their sorority house; and now live together. Not that have faced the demons of that night – Emma has been unable to leave the house; but has actually honed her hacking skills; just to make herself useful. Lei on the other hand; is working as a cadaver dog specialist.

But soon their past comes knocking on their door – a similar massacre has again occurred; and slowly but surely both Emma and Lei figure out along with FBI Agents Dante Young and Clarke Rowan that this tragedy has a connection with Emma and Lei.

I have to say that this plot had me on the edge of the seat – it was brilliantly written and trust me had me actually surprised with the kind of killer in this book – and had me searching online quite a bit about facts about serial killers!

The friendship between Emma and Lei is quite amazing – they are each other’s support system but they are also each other’s crutches. But it was a relationship that I actually respected. On the other hand; Dante and Clarke’s partnership was adorable – they were opposites of each other in every way; yet they just sort of fit like a puzzle.

The romance was actually on the down low – the connection between them is actually tangible, but I actually respected the fact that they understood their professional boundaries and gave time to understand each other even under a high – pressure circumstances.

In this end; I enjoyed the heck out of this one – and I am gonna go back and read the first and second book in the series!

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Thank you so much for the opportunity to review this book and to be an early reader via NetGalley! However, I will not be writing a review for this title at this time, as my reading preferences have since changed somewhat. In the event that I decide to review the book in the future, I will make sure to purchase a copy for myself or borrow it from a library. Once again, thank you so much for providing me with early access to this title. I truly appreciate it. Please feel free to contact me with any follow-up questions or concerns.

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DNF. It was very boring. I stopped at 60%. Did not connect with the characters at all and the beginning was very slow so I could not get into it.

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Though there were some thrilling moments, I found a lot of this novel to be a little bit confusing. The change in the plot was a little sudden, and while I admit I did not read the other books in the series, I'm not sure if that was actually the issue. I am going to go back and read the other novels in the series and see if I can make a better judgement.

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I unfortunately did not get around to reading this book before it was archived, I will however keep an eye out for it in store.

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I saved this book to read on the beach, when I could read it all in one sitting while rotating in the sun. Reading such a dark themed novel really helps keep my mood light if I'm on vacation. I didn't realize that this is part of a book series. Throughout reading this novel I didn't feel the void of having not read the previous books - which is great!

The novel is very suspenseful and kept be on the edge of my sun lounger until the bitter end. An easy read that you will get through quickly. Not memorable but very entertaining.

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Lei and Emma survived a brutal killing spree twelve years ago that left their entire sorority dead. Now living together in a rural fortress of a home, Lei and her dog Saul search for cadavers and Emma researches Jane Doe’s. They know the killer, currently in prison, will be back for them some day. When a new series of murders seems designed to get the women’s attention, FBI agent Dante Young investigates and begins falling for Lei…. This book is labeled a “romantic suspense” novel and while there is romance and some sex, the thriller element is front and centre. There is some “damsel in distress” things that grated on me but mostly the main female characters were portrayed as strong and independent. An easy and satisfying read, this is a perfect summer beach read.

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This is the third book in the Hidden Sins series. Unfortunately I have not read the previous books, but I do think this reads nicely as a standalone novel.
This thrilling ride starts off with two young women surviving a horrific multiple murder at their sorority house. This sets the tone of the ride of your life! Is the killer found, or does he get away with it. Twelve years later these poor girls are targeted again, is it by a copy killer, or has the real deal returned..... Recommended!!

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I LOVE Katee Robert!

Surviving Girls is the 3rd book in Hidden Sins Series. You do not have to read them in order to really understand what is going on in this series.

Two girls survived being held by a murderer. The hardest part about getting away and dealing with the "lime light" is the murderer was one of the girls boyfriend. After dealing with all the guilt and pain the girls start advocating for victims but will they be able to move on themselves?

This book had me hooked from the first page. I can't wait to read the first two and all the books after.

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This is the third book in a series with these characters, and you could jump in here. But to understand them better, I'd highly recommend starting from the beginning and understanding Lei and Emma.

Lei & Emma are a target once again as college girls are getting murdered and they are finding their own secutiry threatened.

A fast paced thriller with a horrifying twist.

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The Surviving Girls is an incredible story of two women who overcame a horrible experience, only to have it all come back to haunt them. Lei and Emma have to face their worse enemy - again. Thinking for years they were safe, then learning that it was just an illusion.

I loved this story! I am a fan of dark stories, and this book has just that. As well as a bit of romance thrown in. Perfect combination.

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Intriguing romantic suspense, I was turning the pages faster and faster.
This one will have you looking back, don't read it at night.
Great plot and characters, I enjoyed it.

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The Surviving Girls is the third outstanding book in the Hidden Sins series written by author Katee Robert. Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance for the advance copy. Excellent series, hope there will be more.

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Thankyou to NetGalley, Montlake Romance and Katee Robert for the opportunity to read a copy of The Surviving Girls in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
It took me awhile to finish this book.. I would pick it up, read a few pages and the put it aside for a few days. I found it to be an ok read but not something I would have to finish in one sitting.
Unfortunately, not a book for me.

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This is the scariest book ever and if you're reading this at four in the morning - I'd suggest that you didn't. I scared myself to death reading this...that's not to say that this wasn't a good was AWESOME!!! I love this series! It was just the creepiest book I've ever read and that's saying a lot. I wouldn't let that deter me from reading it though. It's so worth it.

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This book is a great thriller which shows the “other side” of so many of the books we read - what happens when you escape a madman? When you’re the two in 23 to walk away from a crazed killer? Often, the novels end after the killer is caught. But this one picks up the thread 12 years later, when the two survivors of a massacre are still trying to get over the pain. It’s really an interesting premise.

Lei and Emma are those two girls, who survived an infamous massacre in their sorority house, when Lei’s ex-boyfriend slaughtered 21 of their sisters, one-by-one. Now, 12 years later, three girls from another chapter turn up murdered with eerie similarities to those original murders. As Lei and Emma try to keep calm, tensions escalate as it becomes clear that the nightmare isn’t over for them. Will it ever be?

This book really starts the action in the beginning and continues to keep it pumping throughout the entire book. I mean, when your background information contains 21 murders, it’s hard to start out slow. It also elevates the killer to an intensely creepy psycho - he’s really a completely disgusting and scary guy. The author does a great job creating a book that is the stuff our worst nightmares are made of.

This book also has a romantic storyline and this is where I think the book stumbled. I did not feel the chemistry between Dante and Lei - it seemed really forced and awkward, especially given the circumstances: Lei struggles with trying to trust anyone after her past (she dated the killer and was the one who actually let him into the sorority house that night) and all of a sudden she just falls head-over-heels for a random dude? Eh, not buying it. I just didn’t feel the actual passion there.

But other than the romantic storyline stumble, I think this really is a solid book. It’s got that something special that really draws you in and makes you curious about the outcome. I’m excited to see where things go from here (I dont’ want to give anything away, but there is potential for a sequel and I would read it).


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Bone-chillingly diabolical! The third book in Katee Robert's Hidden Sins series brings us an electrifying mystery from start to finish! We're kept guessing time and time again about who could be working with this criminal mastermind to torment the victims he already scarred for life. It's definitely an unputdownable read! Loved it!

Lei Zhang and her friend Emma Nilsson survived the unthinkable a dozen years ago when they were the only two to walk away from a sorority house massacre. They leaned on each other in order to be able to pick themselves up and put themselves back together in whatever hobbled fashion they could. They will never be the innocent young ladies they were before this nightmare happened, but the strength they found deep within themselves allowed them to become the superstars they are today!

FBI agent Dante Young is handed a case that mimics the Sorority Row Murders in a scary way. He has no choice but to hunt Lei and Emma down and pay them a visit to see what type of light they might be able to shed on the case. He admires the women he finds and the good work they put themselves into doing for victims and their families. Will his visit bring trouble to their doorstep, or will it turn out it was already there?

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