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Romantic Suspense novel, The Surviving Girls, is the third book in Katee Robert’s Hidden Sins series.

Twelve years ago, Lei Zhang and her friend Emma Nilsson escaped the gruesome Sorority Row Murders. Now they devote their lives to helping other victims of violent crimes, and their families, find closure while still dealing with the trauma and guilt from that night.

When a copycat killer begins targeting the girls, FBI Agent Dante Young is sent in to catch him but the last thing he expects is the burning chemistry between Lei and himself.

The Surviving Girls was a great read which I enjoyed immensely. I loved that this book had diverse characters, and is possible the only book I’ve read with an interracial romance where neither of the love interests was white.

I did think that the ending – while it was a great ending – was a bit abrupt and anticlimactic. This could be due to the fact that it is quite a short novel with only 282 pages, as well as the fact that the rest of the books was packed with suspense and anticipation that it built up my expectations to a very high level.

Katee Robert has done an amazing job of bring to life a twisted and sociopathic killer that keeps you guessing as to who exactly is responsible for the murders.

The Surviving Girls can be read as a stand-alone novel and releases May 29th.

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I have not read any books by Katee Roberts before but felt this was a good introduction. The lei Zhang and Emma Nilsson survived the Sorority Row murders when they were at college. The killer was Lei’s boyfriend. Years later they are living together in a house with top of the range security. Lei works with a cadaver dog and Emma is a recluse who works in computers also helpi;g the police.
Then three girls from a sorority are killed and Lei relieves a package from the killer.
Enter FBI agent Dante Young and his partner. Lei and Dante work together to track the killer.
I enjoyed the book and the characters. You do have to suspend your disbelief about the romance aspect as it’s unlikely Lei will be falling in love whilst hunted by a serial killer.
The book is worth a read and the story has a few more twists than the average romance crime novel.
Thanks to Montlake romance and Net Galley for an ARC.
#TheSurvivingGirls #NetGalley

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First let me say that this book and the two previous novels are a true testament that Katee can write anything. Mystery and suspense to raw, sexy romance she just nails it every single time.
This book was so twisted and a little different than the two previous suspense books.

Lei and her friend Emma are the sole survivors of a mass murder in a sorority house backing California while they were in college. The killer who was a privileged, all around good guy and surely his families money would get him off, but not so in this case. As the evidence built, he was convicted and now sits in jail.

The two girls now live in seclusion, armed to the teeth and have the latest technology to keep their property safe, free from intruders and Emma who is a tech geek spends her time monitoring the cameras and all the safety devices in place and when I say safety devices, there are a multitude.
This all comes crashing down when 3 girls are murdered in Seattle, near where they now lives with a semi copy cat likeness. The Feds are brought in, Lei is still in contact with their BAU specialist. Two agents are sent, Dante who takes an immediate liking to Lei and Moore a sassy female agent. Working along side local law enforcement who are handicapped by multiple things frustrates the two BAU agents and they're having a hard time making headway. Meanwhile Lei who is now known for her ability with her cadaver dog is working. Emma has a dog as well who is more of a service dog, but smart nonetheless. Lei's dog is amazing and really adds to the story. After the first murders the girls get a package on their doorstep. First clue and scares Emma because someone bypassed her security.
The story unfolds from there and the mystery just keeps getting more and more twisted along with Dante's feelings for Lei. The twists and turns just kept coming and this one is a real page turner.
The end is well.... it's a must read. Absolutely a must read.

**arc from NetGalley and publisher for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**

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I have never read this author before, and thought that this was a great read! A lot of pulse pounding action and suspense as well as some romance. It’s the third book in the series, but I will definitely be going back to read the first two books.

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Another thriller by Katee Robert in her Hidden Sins series. Lei and Emma are survivors from a serial killer 12 years ago and now they are being hunted by a copy cat killer and have to figure out who is trying to hurt them. Dante is a FBI agent on the case and feels an instant attraction to Lei. The story keeps you guessing till the end. What a great read. It is more mystery than romance. Looking forward to the next release .

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Katee Robert’s loosely-connected Hidden Sins romantic thriller series has been a bit hit-or-miss for me (loved the first book, second one felt flat), but I’m firmly back on the bandwagon after the third entry. Ms. Robert really steps up her game with THE SURVIVING GIRLS, crafting an unputdownable, perfectly-paced thriller with realistic, emotionally-compelling characters and a villain so depraved you’ll feel compelled to check under the bed and in the closet and sleep with your lights on for a few days. Ms. Robert does an excellent job building and guiding the reader through the twists and turns of the plot, such that when the final twist comes you won’t even care that/if you saw it coming because you’re anxious to know how it all turns out. The romance between Sorority Row Murders survivor Lei Zhang and FBI Behavioural Analysis Unit Special Agent Dante Young is an undercurrent so light that even calling this a ‘romantic thriller’ is a bit of a misnomer, but it’s a nice, human touch that enhances the storyline without detracting from the heinous crimes.

Looking forward to more from the Hidden Sins universe!

**ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of The Surviving Girls by Kate Robert that I read and reviewed.
This book was pretty good. However, it did not have that one thing that totally grabbed me and held my attention. I felt it sort of dragged on and the romance for me felt a bit forced.
I did like some of the twist and that is what saved the story for me and that is why I am giving it four out of five stars.

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Lei and Emma were the only survivors of the Sorority Girl Massacre. Lei’s boyfriend killed twenty one women and was sentenced to life in jail. Twelve years later Lei and Emma run a search and rescue company. Lei’s dog is trained to find dead bodies. When three sorority girls are found murdered and Lei and Emma start getting messages from the killer, they think they’re safe because their house is like a fortress. The FBI is called in and Dante and Clarke are on the hunt for a serial killer. The killer is killing his victims just like Travis, Lei’s ex, did. But he’s still in prison, so it’s either a copycat or he had a partner.
Lei is strong and tries to keep Emma grounded. Emma is a mess and has t left the house since they moved in. They have safe rooms and panic rooms, security cameras up everywhere, and Emma has become a excellent hacker. Dante is handsome, strong, and feels an instant connection to Lei.
Plenty of suspense, edge of your seat action, a killer who seems to know their every move, and an ending that will leave you speechless. No sex but some kissing. Would highly recommend this book if you want one that’ll give you chills.

* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for Netgalley *

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This was such a great book! A lot of pulse pounding action. The killer loved playing mind games. It’s the third book in the series but can be read as a stand-alone. I haven’t read the first book and I followed along easily. I definitely plan to read the first two books. This is a must read book! I received an advance review copy in exchange for an honest review by NetGalley.

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First, I'm a fan of Katee Roberts and I wanted to check out this series as I enjoy reading suspense. This book takes suspense to the next level and honestly listing it as romance is a total misclassification. Yes there is a subtext going on, but first it would be really inappropriate to flush that out everything else is going on.
Lei Zhang and her best friend Emma Nilsson are survivors, the only ones to make it out of a massacre at their Sorority twelve years ago. They are both broken and trying to deal with it their own ways. Emma has closed herself off from everyone and focuses on technology. Lei works to find the hidden. Their safe haven is breached when a murder scene eerily similar to the one they escaped occurs.
Dante Young, FBI agent BAU specialist sole focus is solving murders by creating profiles of the unsub. Even he is unprepared for the twists this investigation takes them. But he's determined to protect Lei and Emma and anyone else brought into harms way.

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I always love a good thriller and it is even better if there is a serial killer involved. In general I do not really care for any sort of romance in my crime books but it felt organic and realistic in this story so I did not mind it as much.

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The story starts with Lei and her cadaver dog helping the police find a victim. You than find out Leo is a survivor ali g with her friend Emma of a horrible massacre by a killer several years earlier. You than meet Dante and his partner who are investigating what looks like a copycat serial killer.
Dante and his partner meet up with Emma and Lei who have been contacted by this new killer. The mystery of who the killer is will keep you guessing until the end. Seeing Lei and Emma fighting their past in order to conquer the future is impressive. The romance between Dante and Lei is fast but seems organic and appropriate. I could not put this book down. Be prepared to load track of time while reading.

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The beginning was good ... the middle a little long ... the twist at the end was unexpected. I was actually thinking something different so I was glad to see I was wrong. I feel like there were a lot of extraneous things going on that weren't necessary and that left some loose ends (which I can't write about as it would spoil the book for others). Overall, it was a decent read and the ending left open for another in the series.

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Boy, the author stepped up her game with the killer in this one. I thought the last one was depraved but killing 21 in one night – you sir win the sick and twisted killer of year..

Could you image – your whole sorority, except for your best friend who had a front row seat to the massacre, all raped and killed while you were trapped in a room able to hear them all dying.. And if that wasn't enough to send you over the edge to loonyville – they were all murdered by your boyfriend at the time.

Book picks up 12 years later. The killer was convicted and has been serving many life sentences in jail. Lei and her best friend Emma moved from California to Washington to get away from the horrors of their pasts. Problem is its left Emma unable to leave the house and on an emotional tightrope and Lei now a must stronger woman but yet she suffers from guilt and her own form of PTSD. They live in a heavily guarded house far from any big cities and Lei now runs a cadaver search team with her dog Saul and Emma is her researcher who has also grown proficient in hacking. Their past along with all the emotional baggage that brings comes back with a vengeance when a group of college girls are murder in the same fashion as the ones 12 years ago. The killer is even leaving clues at the scenes that only the original killer could have known.. But how can this be when that killer is locked up???????

FBI BAU boss Britton Washington assigns Dante Yong and Clarke Rowan to the case after realizing the similarities between the two cases. These two couldn't be more opposite of each other but sure made for some amusing conversations. Dante is immediately taken with Lei when he meets her but knows with the unpredictability of the killer they are chasing and now trying to protect Lei and Emma from him needs to lock that down so he can keep everyone alive.

This was a fast paced thriller that kept you on your toes wondering what was going on and also kept you on the edge of your seat wondering what the killer was going to do next. Really enjoyed this one..

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I received a copy of this book for my honest review.
I loved this book. It was fast paced, thrill ride that kept this reader on the edge of her seat till the very end. Great characters, that drew the reader in and it was like you were there with them. I hope that there are more books with Lei and Dante and Saul in them.

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The mystery plot in this book had the potential to but good, but a couple things really kept me from enjoying it. The biggest issue for me was the romance aspect of the book. Jamming a "love at first site" romance into a book that is focused around a really gruesome killer is jarring and detracted from the book's scare-factor. The author also could have cut down on repetition - I don't need to be told the same facts over and over again. Finally, the conclusion of the book was rushed and anti-climactic (and I wish Lei had saved herself instead of being saved by a man.)

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This is a must read summer read!!

Katee Robert has the ability to bring readers to their knees with the action back thriller The Surviving Girls. I couldn't put this book down the story is perfectly placed so that readers will not be able to put the book down. The twist and turns are easy enough to figure out but the adventure is and story telling will keep reads from putting down the story.

The author Katee Roberts is able to have readers sympathize with the women as the try hard to more on from the past creating a future they thought wasn't possible.

Lei is strong character who readers will be able to latch on to as she tries to figure out what happened to her and Emma's life.

The author gives every characters purpose in the story and no one is wasted. The story lines move quickly as they beginning to figure out who the killer or killers are.

I love this story. I found myself reading it in the car while waiting in the school pick up line, making dinner and waiting for dance to end. I couldn't put this book down.

If you haven't head the other Hidden Sin series do not worry they are all stand alone novels. Each one better than the last.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher Montlake Romance for the advance copy Katee Roberts The Surviving Girls.

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