Member Reviews

This lovely story begins with Abi, heartbroken and looking/hoping for a fresh start. She takes on a summer job in rural France in an old Chateau.

She hears old stories from amongst the Chateau, and is drawn to one woman's story from the past.

In 1938, Eliane is in charge of tending to the beehives in the garden of the Chateau. She meets Mathieu and fall head over heels in love for the first time in her life.
France’s eastern border is under war, and the country at war has other plans for Eliane… She is separated from Mathieu in the chaos of the war and occupation of the Germans
With her heart and love on the line, Eliane makes the decision to join the Resistance and fight for France’s liberty.

This is a lovely and moving story of two women, generations apart, but seemingly going through the same with their love, having their hearts broken and torn. Will they both have their love and happiness or will the forces around them tear them apart from where they really wish to belong.

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I absolutely loved!!! this book! I could not put it down...stayed up until 2 am one night and 1 am the next one to finish it. The characters were wonderful. They were well developed and the story was one that flowed easily. Sometimes books that go back and forth from the present to the past are hard to follow or keep up with which time you're in. But the author did a fabulous job of making the transition easy. And the connection between the main characters in the two time periods was amazing.

Stories of the Nazi invasion are so moving and this one did a great job of taking you back to that time period and helping you experience the horror, fear, strength, compassion, and need of the people who endured such horrific events. You get a glimpse into how simple people made a difference in the defeat of the Nazis. Very inspirational and encouraging.

I would definitely recommend this book! It is a journey through time and how the characters learn that they are strong and resilient...despite their trials.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh my days I LOVED this one, what a stunning read!
Moving between the stories of Abi in Modern day France and Eliane during the Occupation of WW2 this is a beautifully written novel, superbly crafted to bring both women's stories of hardship, courage and resilience to life.

The descriptions are vivid, both of the beautiful surroundings and of the everyday life around the chateaux, the fear and tension of the occupation is palpable and the gentle care of the bee colonies is woven wonderfully into the story. Abi's modern day story is harrowing and gripping but it was the historical story of Eliane and the people close to her that had me gripped - the lengths that these brave people went to to resist their occupiers and the dangers they encountered totally absorbed me - Suspensful, inspirational, heartbreaking and uplifting!!

Huge thanks to Lake Union and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this wonderful novel. Unreserved 5 stars - I will be looking out for more of this authors work.

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Totally loved this book. Beautifully written and both characters stories interwoven incredibly well. I loved them both. Did not realise until I had finished that Sara’s story is part of another book which I am looking forward to reading

With thanks to Netgalley and Amazon for ARC in return for an honest review

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I did not intend to read two books set during the same era of WW1 and II but it just happened like that. As I said before each story is so different and so unique, it shows another aspect to these wars so each story is fresh and you do not get bored at all.

Set in two separate time lines, the story of Abi is of the present times and then we go back in time to the period of Eliane Martin and her family in rural France. Abi is slowly recovering from a breakdown of a disastrous marriage. She has the mental and physical scars of the marriage and she is trying to gain control of her life after many years. An offer to work at the Chateau Bellevue is just what she needs and she throws herself wholeheartedly into this new venture. The story of the Martin family, the Resistance in France, the inevitable involvement of the whole family in myriad ways under the very eye of the Gestapo in occupied France is a marvel to read

Fascinating was the daily domestic trivia of trying to survive, of finding food and being permanently hungry. Getting the better of the Germans who occupied their country, whilst at the same time being unable to rebel but having to bow down before them was hard but secretly each one did what they could to help out their fellow countrymen in this dire time.

The story of Eliane, her sister Mirielle, her parents and the life of the entire village as well as the Comte whose Chateau was occupied by the Germans and everyone of these people who had to work for and with Germans was galling. They did so, only with the idea of having access to some kind of information which would be of use to their fellow men.

The story of loyalty is tested over and over again. You never knew who was the traitor within your midst so it was better not to know too much. A story of love which was tested over time in this story and a family which stays united through thick and thin. Abi's survival is also well portrayed in this book.

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A beautiful book, running 2 story lines: the story of modern-day Abi, trying to recover from a broken marriage, and Eliane, who joins the Resistance during WWII. Both women find strength and the will to go on, all revolving around the Chateau Bellevue. Sensitive and poignant writing.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for this partnership.

The story takes place during the Second World War and nowadays. We find Abi who works for the summer at Bellevue Castle in France. She will be drawn to the story of an occupant of the castle during the Second World War. In 1938, Eliane works in Bellevue when she meets Mathieu and fall in love but with the war that runs ... She will take the path of the Resistance and fight for France.

A book based on historical facts as I adore them with endearing characters, a captivating story. I recommend this book.

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I always love when my historical fiction is actually historically accurate. This one just hit the spot. France during
WW2 and the romance in this book just had me giddy. The writing style flowed so nicely and I felt as if I couldn't put this book down. I will say that I am giving it four stars since I felt as if some parts of the story were slower than others. But other than that, this was such an enjoyable read!

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Fantastic could not put it down, this is a new author for me, so am looking forward to reading her other books. Always good to discover a new author that captures your imagination. with vivid descriptions.

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A beautiful story set in 2017 and WWII. This is a sad story but one filled with light as well. I lived the writing in this book.

I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a review copy in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion of it.

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What an amazing book. Loved this from the very first page and didn’t want to put it down.
The author has a great style of writing which captivated me with each page.

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I absolutely loved this book, it's an emotional but beautifully written story and it's a book that I will read again and again in the future.

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Unforgettable and strikingly beautiful story of two women fighting their own wars.

Abi takes an unexpected job offer in hope to fill her time and to forget her past, but instead starts uncovering a story of another woman that lived in the same place during World War 2 and times of France occupated by Nazis. While fascinated by the story she is also working through her own fight in her mind, dealing with past, scars on her soul as well as her body.

How much can two women in different times have in common? How can someone from the past, nearly 100 years ago, make us realise that maybe our own little problems are really nothing in the grand scheme of things?

I find it incredibly difficult to explain what has this book given me. It's one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read, even if it's touching such a scary and terrible topic as World War 2.

Is it a writing style? Maybe it's all the characters I cared for so much? I really don't know and can't tell what made this book so special for me. I hope if you read it, you will love it as much as I did. It will forever stay in my heart!

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Do not miss reading this novel, alternating between the two main characters, Abi in 2017 and Eliane starting in 1938. This sentence defines the spirit of these characters, “the strength of human resistance in the face of fear and abuse”. Abi faces her own demons, and as her story unfolds, the reader begins to understand her. Eliane faces the most challenging of times, as the German occupation in the Bordeaux region of France will have her fighting to protect her family, while facing down the enemy. “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain. I highly recommend this book, and thank Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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First, you should know I love historical fictions, and I also like reading those taking place during WWII, therefore it is no surprise I liked reading this one very much.

Eliane's storyline during the war is captivating and sad and yet, so full of courage and determination, and also sparked by gentle scenes of nature and calm. I particularly loved those atmospheric descriptions of the countryside, the sun and nature bringing out the best of it, and following the cycle of nature (and the bees) through the seasons.

Abi's storyline is less interesting, much less focused upon anyway, but draws an interesting parallel with Eliane's story.

All in all, a simple and yet very evocative and forceful book about strong women, resilience and love. A lovely book!

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When I started The Beekeeper's Promise, I thought I was really going to love it. The descriptions of 1938 France were very vivid, and the description of the novel sounded like something I'd really like. A couple of things hampered my enthusiasm. At first, I enjoyed the Abi's story, but after awhile, the present-day part of the novel pulled me out of the historic part of the story without adding much to it. Also, I felt like I never really got to know Mathieu; he, and a few other characters, seemed a bit flat to me. Despite all this, the writing remained vivid, and I found the story to be unique, even though I've read quite a few other novels set in WWII France.

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WWII historical fiction is my favorite genre. This book did not disappoint. It was fascinating reading from an enemy occupied territory point of view as opposed to the concentration camps. Eliane’s character was very endearing and developed quite well. I did wish for more character development for some of her family members as well as Jacques (Jack) and Mathieu. The link between the past and present traumatic experience was well done. I would love to have gotten a little more of Abi’s story though, it fell a bit flat for me. Overall very enjoyable.

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This is a beautiful thought provoking story. Elaine's and Abis stories are told together. Chapters alternate going backwards and forwards in time. All the descriptions are wonderfully written. I could imagine myself there. I was totally immersed in this story from the start. Bravery and love shine throughout this book. There are some strong and exceptionally brave characters. This is a book that I will be talking about for sometime and I would love to read more books by this author.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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What a wonderful story!!! Set in both WWII and the 21st century, I loved it. I have never read this author before, but I will most definitely read her again! Many thanks to NetGalley for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.

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“In the midst of winter, I found that there was within me an invincible summer.”

Thank you NetGalley, Fiona Valpy, and Amazon Publishing UK/Lake Union Publishing for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review!

The Beekeeper’s Promise is about two different women from two different lifetimes whose paths cross because they each spent time at Château Bellevue in France at some point in their lives. Abi, whose story is told from the present which is 2017, finds herself in France on a yoga retreat to escape a dark past in hopes of turning over a new leaf. Eliane’s story is told from the past, beginning in 1938. While Abi is in France, she ends up staying at the Château Bellevue and learns of Eliane’s story who stayed in the same room as her all those years ago. You see.. Eliane was the beekeeper at Château Bellevue in 1938 spending her days tending to the bees, collecting honey and spending time with her love, Mathieu, until WW2 and German occupation erupted chaos into her life and those around her. Eliane quickly learns that she cannot just sit back and do nothing, so she joins the Resistance to fight for France’s freedom. But Eliane will learn that liberty does not come without loss.

The Beekeeper’s Promise will stick(y) to your memory, make your heart buzz and leave you with sweet, golden memories.. check it out!

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