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WOW!! Just completed Lies in record time! Such a contemporary thriller in the age of social media this story is! I highly recommend it to mystery lovers, especially those whose lives are imbued with Facebook.

Set in England, this is the story of Jim and Mel, Ben and Beth. Sometimes in that order, and sometimes otherwise. A situation arises, and issues are muddled by lies. I was spellbound by the events. and held captive until the ending.

This book makes for fast reading. The chapters are short and manageable - great for those of us who can't sit for hours on end. There are a limited number of characters, so I didn't have to go back and reread to reacquaint myself the people.

Lies is one of the best books I've read this year, and I'll recommend it to all my bibliophiles!

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Lies, St. Martin's Press grabs you at the start and keeps grabbing until the final page. Four year old Will is riding with his dad, Joe, as Will spots his mom's car driving the other way. Joe turns the car around so the two of Joes
them can surprise Mel ( Joe's wife/Will's mom). But what they do spot is Mel with her friends' husbands at a hotel bar. Joe and Will hightail out of there before they are seen. Joe sees Ben as they are in the parking lot. Spewing derogatory comments and some shoving, Ben is demonstrating anger towards Joe. Joe merely pushes Ben off the curb. Ben trips and subsequently becomes unconscious. Meanwhile, Will needs an inhaler for an asthma attack so Joe takes him home. The both of them return to the parking garage and Ben and his car are gone! Ben belatedly realizes he lost his anniversary bracelet. Now he is wondering if he will be implicated in assault and/or murder. Facebook postings continue to haunt Joe as Joe also finds out that Mel kissed Ben at a drunken wedding. Supposedly, Joe has photos on his phone dating to 2 years ago. Mel lets on to Joe that Ben is clearly (and has been) stalking her for the past two years and that he wants Joe out of the "picture". Online pictures of Joe results in his suspension from his teaching position. The police will exonerate Joe if proof-of-life of Ben can be demonstrated. After debacles with the law, Joe takes it upon himself to find Ben. But first, Joe is arrested for the murder of Ben. What happens next is the mind-blowing sequences of events that follow to the dramatic conclusion. Exciting, suspenseful and good character development. A must read. Thank you to NetGallery and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this book!

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Lies seem to stick to one another like tree sap enticing insects. Once you get near enough, there's no way out.

Four year old William spots his mother's familiar car entering into a below ground parking lot of a hotel in North London while riding in the back seat of his father's car. He begs his father, Joe Lynch, to follow her course and surprise her. Joe turns around and the two pursue Melissa into the hotel. From a distance Joe can spot his wife in a heated argument with Ben Delaney, a family friend. Something doesn't seem quite right. Joe swoops up William and they rush back to the parking lot.

Suddenly, Ben is behind Joe and an argument ensues. Joe backs off, but Ben punches him and in the midst of the encounter Ben falls backwards and hits his head. Just then William appears gasping for breath and in the middle of an asthma attack. There's no "puff puff" in the glove compartment so Joe rushes home leaving Ben on the ground. When they return to the parking lot later, there is no sign of Ben. He doesn't answer his cell phone. What exactly happened here?

T.M. Logan will take readers on quite the tension-filled ride through our present day dependency on the internet and the lock-in of technology. We never actually realize the intrusive nature of our lovely convenience held constantly in the palm of our hand. Joe Lynch will be brought to his sense as he finds himself on the receiving end of technology that outsmarts him at every step. And, of course, there's an app and software for every need, now isn't there? But it's the human element and its very input that lights the match.

I actually rated this one more at 3.5* but kicked it up to 4*. The beginning stages of the book were highly addictive. The second half seemed to drift off into building a contrived set with all the remaining Legos. Some pieces fit. Others did not. Still an entertaining read. Let's see what T.M. Logan has up his sleeve for the next one.

I received a copy of Lies through NetGalley for an honest review. My thanks to Bonnier Zaffre Books and to T.M. Logan for the opportunity.

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A thrilling, fast-paced experience from start to finish, I found Lies by T.M.Logan absolutely satisfied my yearnings for a great suspense novel. Our well-meaning protagonist, Joe Lynch, finds himself returning in his mind to that one moment when everything changed, when he could have just kept on his usual path home—home to his simple, but gratifying life. Yet in that moment he impulsively turns as he happens to see his wife’s car pull into a parking garage. He takes what appears to be an innocent enough detour at the bequest of his young son who wants to surprise his mum with that day’s proud moment of an earned award from school. And in that split second decision Joe’s life begins to slowly spiral out of control— he descends down the rabbit hole created by lies, deceptions, and a betrayal that he never could have foreseen.

We’ve all had moments, haven’t we? Times in which forks in the road change our lives forever, where there’s no going back. And Joe’s moment may bring many to mind for the reader. But Joe’s moment is as extreme in the end as it starts out ordinary in the beginning. It pulls his life and his now vulnerable future into a world of chaos and intrigue that threatens to destroy everything dear to him. It is frighteningly paced saga in which all eyes begin to look accusingly at Joe— he is deserted by his friends, his colleagues, his lawyer, the police, and is suspicious of his wife, leaving him isolated and alone. His ability to unravel this mystery is his only hope to save his fate. It is the moment we all fear.

LIes is a well-written plot with plenty of twists and unpredictable turns, with characters developed to fully engross the reader in the story, flipping page after page to the very end. Enjoy!

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me to read this wonderful debut novel through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My review will be posted on Goodreads, Amazon, and my book review website (

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Loved this twisty-turny thriller that went in unexpected directions and kept me guessing until the end.
The story opens with Joe, a devoted husband and father, driving with his toddler son in the back seat. The son notices his mother's car going in an unexpected direction, and on a whim, Joe decides to follow her to see where she's going. This opens up a highly readable Pandora's Box. Many times I felt like slapping Joe for his poor decisions but I was rooting for him all the way. Highly readable novel.

Thank you, Netgalley, for the e-review edition.

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A novel that tells the story of marriage infidelity from the husband's side. It begins rapidly with Joe Lynch, the husband of his beloved Melissa (Mel) driving home from work via a route he has taken countless times after picking up his son. By chance he spots Mel meeting another man and entering a hotel with him. Melissa has been his love interest starting when they were in their mid teens in high school. He eventually married her and considers himself the luckiest of men. And after eleven happy years and the arrival of a beautiful child he still looks upon himself as very fortunate. Joe makes the decision to confront the man Melissa met and does so. They quickly disintegrate into a physical match with Joe knocking the other man down. The man is actually an acquaintance of theirs with his own wife friendly with Mel.

Worried that he has hurt Ben, the other man, Joe turns back and decides to help him when his son experiences an asthma attack and must be attended to quickly. When he later returns to the hotel Ben is gone. In confronting Melissa about the meeting she finally admits that she has been having an affair for the past few months with Ben but swears up and down that it is now over and never to be repeated.

The problem is that Ben makes no appearance and the police enter the scene to make sure that Ben has not suffered foul play. A very well handled plot ensues with Joe trying to determine if he can bring himself to again be with Mel at the same time that the police appear to be more and more centered on Ben being killed. The fact that Joe caught him with Melissa is credible evidence that he did something to Ben.
The unfolding story is told in a very sure manner and the reader is caught up with what is seeming to transpire with Joe. Is he going to somehow come out of the predicament together with his beloved wife, or is he going to finally be arrested for murder? The mitigating factor in preventing an early arrest is that there is no body to be found. An all night hold - certainly and also one that is guaranteed to assure that the next novel by Mr Logan will find it's way into the reader's hands as soon as published.

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I received a copy of LIES on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the publisher and author.

Five stars and here's why:

Serious book hanger. The author does a great job of sucking you right into the story and soon you’re glued to the pages. Hindsight’s twenty-twenty. Joe Lynch is just an ordinary guy until he’s suddenly not. When he accidently sees his wife with their friend in a parking garage, his curiosity gets the better of him. Soon his life unravels by a frayed thread. This book is a roller coaster ride, so hold onto your seat. TM Logan does a fantastic job with twists and turns and I honestly did not see the ending coming. I am eager to read more of this author’s work.

Prepare to start this story and not put it down until the very end. Highly recommend.

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Meh. I definitely did not see the end coming. And I hated it. I'm sorry but I just didn't care for this storyline.

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I want to thank St Martin’s Publishing (one of my favorite publishers) and Netgalley for letting me read this for my honest review.

Lies is a story about Joe who is driving home with his young son. On their way home, the son spots his wife’s car. Joe is surprised by this and their son Will of course wants to go see his mom. They follow his wife to soon find her in a hotel having what seems to be an arguement with a gentleman friend (Ben) of theirs. Joe tries to get his wife’s attention after they leave, but has no such luck. He runs into Ben and has a confrontation with him that changes his life forever. It just gets so crazy from there!

I shouldn’t have started this book when I did because WOW. It had me along for the ride right away. I got sucked into it so quickly, I forgot to breathe. I didn’t put it down until I finished it. These are my kind of novels! I was afraid I was reading it too quickly because I wasn’t sure I wanted the story to end. I devoured this. The character developement was wonderful. I felt for Joe, I truly did! I was as nervous as he was, if not more! Sometimes it would get annoying to see Joe being so trusting. I wanted to hit him in the head some times and say, “ugh, can’t you see what’s happening here?!” I guessed a few of the incidents that came up which were typical for a story like this. It is a super quick read. The chapters are short and leave you with cliff hangers so you keep going for more. It’s also written extremely conversational at times so I could almost read it like a play in my opinion. I really enjoyed the social media aspect to it because it’s something I totally could relate to. It’s creepy, but totally believable. The ending though, oh mannnn. What an ending! I predict this is going to be a top seller. I would love to read another novel by Logan!

5/5 Stars

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Lies by T. M. Logan is a thrilling mystery novel about a murder that may or may not have taken place. Its about a loving husband and father who may or may not be a killer and an unfaithful wife who may or may not be the biggest lier of all the them. The intriguing novel keeps the reader guessing right until the shocklng conclusion..

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Lies started out slowly for me, but I loved it by the end. I read a lot of psychological thrillers, some great, some painful, and this stood out to me among the others because the story was told from the husband's point of view throughout, and he was the victim. Would definitely recommend it to others!

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This book was a struggle for me to read. I just honestly found it boring.
One man is accused of murdering another, but he claims his innocence. Man one (Joe) is annoying, honestly, and his pursuit to prove his innocence seems far fetched.

The ending was pretty well done, but again seems far fetched. How does a teen spend 60 pounds on tech stuff (UK based novel) without a parent noticing? (Trying not to give spoilers).

This book lacked the typical misdirection suspense novels often have. I wasn’t nervous, or excited. I wasn’t shaking in my cowgirl boots. I was simply reading the words, ready for the entire thing to be over.

It’s not very often I struggle like this, and I always feel guilty leaving a poor review, but this book just doesn’t fit the bill.

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Lies grabbed me on the first page and never let go! Just when you think you know where things are headed, there is another lie and you are right back to square one wondering who, if anyone, can be trusted. This book will keep you guessing until the very end. It will also make you evaluate what your social media use.

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What a fantastic thriller! Lies is chock-full with twists and turns that will have your head spinning! I went in expecting the unexpected, but seriously never saw any of twists coming- loved that! I enjoyed the way T.M. Logan unfolded the mystery throughout the novel— had me on the hook the entire book. I thought a couple of times that I had everything figured out, but I wasn’t even close! Lies is a 5 star gem that will blow your mind until the very end!

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3.5 action packed stars
I could NOT stop reading this book once I started...seriously....I was addicted. The writing is phenomenal. It literally pulls the reader into the story and hijacks their attention.

As the title suggests, this thriller is about LIES. Joe Lynch and his wife Mel have the perfect marriage until Joe accidentally witnesses Mel in a heated argument with family friend Ben at a hotel when she is supposed to be playing tennis with a friend. As Ben flees the situation, Joe confronts him and a fight ensues between them. Ben is knocked unconscious at the same time as Joe's 4 year old son has an asthma attack. In a split second decision, Joe opts to leave Ben lying there to rush his son home for his inhaler. When Joe returns later, Ben is gone and so starts a series of cat and mouse like events that uncovers more and more lies.

It was quite refreshing to read a domestic thriller from the perspective of a male. Typically it is through a female POV so such a nice change having Joe tell the story. The character development was impeccable. Even Joe's 4 year old son had a strong voice and the dynamic of being a parent was well portrayed. The tension got the better of me in this one. I found myself burning the candle at both ends to find out what was going to happen next.

This book is all about the build up and burn. I wouldn't necessarily describe it as a slow burn because the plot gallops along at a fast pace. There is one significant twist but overall it's not THAT kind of thriller. It's strength lies in its writing and characterization. A fast and compelling read that most people will have a hard time putting down.

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LIES by T. M. Logan, makes you think extremely hard about what lies you're possibly living in your own marriage.
When one husband thinks his wife is having an affair with another man...well, how could he have gotten it so terribly wrong and be accused of his murder?
Shocking, heartbreaking and definitely thought provoking!
Solid Five Stars

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In a split second every part of your life that you have known for 10 years is changed because of a single choice that you made and you are plunged full force into a nightmare that you cannot wake up from. This is how Joe; a happily married man feels in T.M. Logan’s latest novel “Lies”. Joe’s decision to surprise his wife leaves him feeling as if nothing in his world could ever be right again, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Each day his life unravels a little more in this fantastic psychological thriller that is so filled with intrigue that the reader is guessing until the very end. I was given an advanced copy of this book, and all of the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Lies was provided to me as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Honestly, this book was excellent. It was fast paced. The characters were well written. I don’t want to give any spoilers so it is hard to go into detail. Just know this book kept me guessing throughout the story. Highly recommended.

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This was a solid book with some interesting twists and turns. I can say that I was not expecting the ending. The main character, however, was so frustrating! He was obviously making all the wrong moves in his search for the truth. You could see all the traps he was falling into. I wanted to like him since he seemed to be a wholesome guy - great dad, loving husband - but he was not very smart!

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This book was a little slow for me mostly due to the writing style however I have friends who I know would like it that I will recommend it to!

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