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Thank you Net Galley for the ARC.
I am not familiar with T.M Logan's work and that is a huge negative thing for me.
While reading this book, I found myself telling my husband on a number of occasions to stop talking because I was so immersed in it.
great book with Twists and Turns on almost every page.

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I definitely enjoyed this book- although Joe drove me nuts- sometimes in a good way, sometimes not. definitely a page turner and I really enjoyed the author's voice. i will definitely read this author again in the future!!

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Thank you Netgalley, the publisher and T.M. Logan
This a quick paced story with lots of twist and turns. Couldn’t put this book down, stayed up at night wanting to know what happened.
What an ending, did not see that coming, wow 😲.
Thank you again for a great read.

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One day you are the luckiest man you know...good job, beautiful wife, a young son who means everything to you. And then that bubble bursts. In wanting to surprise your wife...instead you are surprised by seeing her with another man. An altercation happens and things go quickly out of control from there. You try to be the good guy... you know you haven’t done anything wrong...but before you know are charged with murder. it your friend or your foe....especially if it is being used against you by someone who wants you to be blamed for a death. But wait - there is no body. And so Joe Lynch finds that he is the prime suspect in the murder of Ben who was seen together with his wife, Mel. Is there anyone who can help him prove his innocence...anyone he can trust? This story takes you around and around what is, what might be, and what no one knows! Definitely a good page-turning, thrilling mystery that keeps you in limbo until the end. Just the type of book you want to read if you love this genre. I recommend this book for sure. Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for allowing me to receive an ARC of this book in return for my honest review, which this has been.

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Was not for me. I had a hard time getting into this one. I couldn’t connect with any characters. I wish Joe had more of a backstory.

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All the lies begin to unravel at once, and Joe is blindsided by what he thought was a good life and good marriage. I really enjoyed the way this story turned one corner after another with yet another surprise. Intense and at times very frustrating. This is a well written thriller I believe people will love to read.

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Book Description
What if you have the perfect life, the perfect wife and the perfect child—then, in one shattering moment, you discover nothing is as it seems? Now you are in the sights of a ruthless killer determined to destroy everything you treasure.
My Thoughts
Whenever my partner walks into the room and I am talking to no one but my Kindle, an author's words have succeeded in pulling me into his/her story. Not surprisingly, I may have said out loud 10 or 100 times “ oh no, she didn't just say that” or “ oh no he isn't going to fall for that” which in my book-loving world means I am loving or hating the characters and need to know what happens next. Those were the kind of reactions I had to Lies and if you have read and enjoyed a book with any lying, manipulative or unreliable characters, T.M. Logan's words will take you to a whole new level of furious page flipping.
Joe is just a really nice guy. Husband to Mel and father to Will, his entire world is turned upside down( more than once) when he sees his wife with someone and someplace that she just shouldn't be. Like any good whodunit, I had my theories regarding who was lying and what was really going on and I have to say I didn't even come close to figuring out the ending. This was a great psychological thriller and the fact that it is the author's debut novel was impressive. All I can say to the author is “ more please”. I can't wait to see what comes next.
Thank you, T.M. Logan, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the complimentary digital ARC. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Lies.

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Joe sees his wife, Mel, having a heated, clandestine meeting with her friend's husband, Ben. Afterward, Joe confronts Ben, and their altercation leaves Ben unconscious and bleeding on the ground. Upon witnessing that sight, Joe's son, William, suffers an asthma attack, and Joe rushes away for William's inhaler. When Joe returns to the scene, Ben is gone.

A thrilling opening! Gripping to the nth, but then the suspense wanes and the writing becomes uneven as Joe becomes the prime suspect in Ben's disappearance. The repetition, the inconsistencies, the technological errors... "Too many questions," as the narrative states.

When I learned the reveal, I thought it inconceivable that anyone would go to such an extent. (Not to mention: this is the THIRD British thriller I've read in less than as many months to have the same denouement. To be fair, this novel was released in the U.K. before the other two.)

I recommend the book to indiscriminate readers who like David Bell's writing style.

My thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for the ARC.

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This really deserves a 4.5 stars! Loved it. Mr. Logan knows how to keep the pages flying. I feel sorry for Joe, and yet I keep wanting to scream at him when he puts himself in Ben's traps. Very cleverly done and certainly one of my favorite reads this year.

I thank the author, St. Martin's Press and for the opportunity to read this hit of a novel.

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Joe Lynch is Mr. Guy next door. He spends much of his time caring for his young son Wills, when he's not teaching high school English. On an ordinary day driving home, Wills spots his Mum's vehicle turning into a local hotel. The events that follow will leave you on the edge of your seat and unable to put this masterpiece down! LIES by T.M. Logan has a major stand apart from the typical psychological thriller... the main character is MALE. I haven't rooted for a main character this deeply since Gone Girl. Logan did a superb job developing Joe Lynch and turning him into someone readers would love and want to see succeed.

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The author gives the characters in this book such strong descriptive personalities, I found myself detesting the hideously lazy, sleazebag wife Mel, and I want to yell at husband Joe to open his eyes, quit being such a pushover and grow a set. This kind of reaction to words written about a fictitious event tells me that’s some pretty good character development going on by T.M. Logan.
While I was a bit bored during some of the “running back and forth’s” Joe describes between himself, Mel, the police, his attorney and of course the ever-elusive jerk-man (we can all put a face on this character!) Ben, the plot kept me onboard and eagerly waiting for him to either: (1) admit to murder, (2) commit murder, namely his wife, or (3) decide to play cars on the floor with his son and overlook everyone’s indiscretions.
The ending did surprise me; I really liked that. I finished this book with a good feeling so it was all worth it!
(I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review. Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for making it available.)

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Creepy, surreal kind of novel. Kept me guessing right up until the last few pages. A wicked lover's triangle with a murder and a wicked clever villain who I thought might actually get away with it. First book by this author but it won't be my last.

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So may lies, twists and turns I couldn't put this one down!

Joe Lynch loves his life, his wife Melissa (Mel) & their son William. Beth Delaney is Mels' oldest friend and her husband Ben is part of the package. When Joe suddenly finds himself spinning out of control over the disappearance of Ben, it is a series of unraveling lies that prove the case against Joe.

This book kept me in such suspense that I cheated and skipped ahead a dozen chapters to the end so I could catch some sleep before finishing the book! I never do that!!

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Thank you to Netgalley & St. Martins Press for an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. Lies is a psychological thriller, a genre which I love to read. While the book held my attention and I wanted to get through it, I found myself really disliking the main character Joe for his naiveté and actually all of the other characters in the book too. Unfortunately I found the ending to be disappointing too. The information regarding the use of technology through the book however was both interesting and scary!

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Copy furnished by Net Galley for the price of a review.

Joe and Mel, happily married for 12 years.  They don't lie to each other.  Period.  Oh, wait. . . . yes, they do.  Lots o' lies, untruths by the score.  Social media and tech savviness play a big part in this tale of misdirection. 
This was a real page-swiper for me.  Good tight writing, nicely paced.

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It’s not often that I get surprised by huge plot twists but I am happy to admit that this one blindsided me. I know that a book has sucked me in when throughout the day I’m guessing different possible outcomes for the ending. I was doing that with this book, and he best part was that I never guessed correctly. Not even a little bit close. My only complaint was that Joe was just so naive and clueless about everything that I was annoyed with him the entire book. Everyone was right about him he really was just a good guy, Good Old Joe.

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This was my first read from this author, T.M. Logan, and the book description definitely had me interested from the start. The story was interesting in the fact that I kind of knew how it was going to end... by was very surprised by the ending. "Lies" had a great deal of mystery and I think that's what captivated me the most.
The plot of being set up for a crime you didn't commit is always a great read because I enjoy going through the ride of a detective trying to figure it out. This was a quick read in the fact that I really needed to know after each chapter how we were going to get to the conclusion. The demise of the main character Joe was a bit painful to read and sad how fast someone's life and go downhill in such a short time span...but it's also what kept it really interesting. I would read another book by the author in the future.
Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC.

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SUPER INTENSE START leads to LIES on top of LIES and major betrayals....for eight terrible days.

"I often wonder what would have happened if I hadn't seen her car that day."

So.........Meet Joseph Lynch. He's super tall, has a beautiful wife, an inquisitive young son he adores, a comfortable profession as a part time schoolteacher AND is happy and content with life. He's also meek, mild mannered, considerate of others and unbelievably too forgiving, but a likable guy nonetheless who always, always plays by the rules.....until he doesn' you will see.

The world of technology and social media can be a dangerous place and is a great setting for the biggest LIES of all in T. M. Logan's work of mysterious domestic unrest. REALLY thought I had it all figured out early on, but NOPE....there's more here than meets the eye!

Good mystery-thriller debut, and this quote!

"Cats don't need anyone . They live in the moment and trust their eyes and ears, what they can see in front of them---I think we can all learn something from that."

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press via NetGalley for the complimentary ebook in exchange for review.

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This is a debut psychological thriller written from the protagonist’s point of view. From the outset Joe is manipulated by an external force, in this case his four year old son, William who he is driving home after school. Spying ‘Mummy’s car’, William persuades Joe to follow Mummy and give her a surprise. From such happenstance follows a rollercoaster of lies and deceit because Joe sees his wife Melissa meet (and argue) with Ben, their friend in a hotel. Joe challenges Ben and an altercation breaks out leaving Ben prostrate and bleeding on the car park floor. Meanwhile, William has a severe asthma attack and Joe drives home quickly to get his inhaler. On returning to the car park, Ben has disappeared.

The background is set. On the one hand there is Joe, a nice enough man in love with his wife and devoted to his son. He is the dependable one, not particularly ambitious, doing the bulk of the childcare while Melissa is a bit of a high flyer. Their friend Ben has a different social standing because Ben is the millionaire, hard-headed, bullish businessman; all in all, a bit flash. Whilst Beth, his wife is the happy, contented, stay at home wife, controlled somewhat by her husband.

Step by step, the unravelling of Joe’s life evolves but there is another culprit associated with this and it is technology. Obviously someone is out to ruin Joe’s life and they do so through manipulation of his phones, google and Facebook.

So, what did I make of all this? I was totally immersed in the plot and the characters. In all honesty, sometimes I was exasperated by Joe (particularly in the first half of the book) and all due to his devotion to his wife – wake up and smell the coffee! Didn’t see how it would all turn out, not a clue! Absolutely loved it. If only there were another phrase to say ‘couldn’t put it down, a real page turner’. Read this, you will not be disappointed.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing an ARC via my Kindle in return for an honest review.

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