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I received a free copy of Lies by T. M. Logan from NetGalley for my unbiased review. I am not sure I would have
picked up this book on my own, but once I started reading the book, I could not put it down.
Joe Lynch is a part-time English teacher and full-time dad. He and his son, William, were going home one evening when William spotted his mother's car in traffic. What happens next is a start of a cat-and-mouse game, murder-without-a-body game showing how easily it is to be followed and stalked on today's social media and electronic devices. The author's choice of writing the novel in Joe's first-person .narrative was spot-on and even had me beginning to wonder if he was losing his grip on reality. My only criticism of the book was that it ended too abruptly; I would have liked to have had a little more information about what happened at the end of the reveal scene. Still I am giving this book 5 stars and will be looking for other novels by this author.

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In T.M. Logan's Lies, due for publication in September 2018, Joe Lynch is driving his young son Will home from school one afternoon when he sees his wife Mel's car pull into an underground hotel parking garage. At his son's urging, he follows her. From this relatively simple beginning, the story takes off like a rocket, with twists and turns building suspense and confusion almost faster than the reader -- or the main character -- can keep up. Special mention for the way in which modern technology and social media propel the plot forward to its chilling and shocking conclusion. Five very well deserved stars for this compelling debut that kept me turning the pages as fast as I could right to the very end.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I was bowled over by this novel and stayed up until 2 AM reading because it had grabbed me by the throat and wouldn't let go. Joe Lynch's son William likes playing with toy cars and pointing out different models when they are driving. On the way back from school pickup one afternoon William is describing the cars he says. Look, Mommy's car, he says. Joe checks and sure enough it is Mommy's car so he follows it. She turns into an underground hotel parking lot. Joe follows her into the hotel and sees her in a heated altercation with a family friend, Ben. Joe returns to his car and waits. His wife Mel returns and drives away. Shortly after Ben turns up. Joe gets out and confronts him, asking him why he was meeting with Mel. Ben tells Joe he is a no-nothing underachiever and assaults him. Joe, who is taller and bigger, pushes Ben who falls to the concrete and passes out with blood flowing from his ear. Just as Joe is going to call for assistance his son William has an asthma attack and Joe searches desperately for his inhaler. Unable to find it he drives home frantically to get an inhaler and save William.

When he returns to the hotel parking lot to check on Ben, Ben is nowhere to be found. He and his car are gone. A couple of days later Ben is still missing. Then Joe starts to receive emails from Ben telling him that Ben has been having an affair with Mel and Joe discovers evidence on Mel's phones which indicates that this is true. He confronts Mel who admit to the infidelity.

Joe sets up a meeting with Ben. "Ben" appears in the distance carrying a shotgun but disappears before Joe can speak with him. Ben's wife Beth reports to the police that Ben is missing. The police start investigating and begin to suspect that Joe has murdered Ben in a jealous rage. More evidence begins to appear supporting this suspicion. Joe and the reader are convinced that Ben who runs a tech company is framing Joe and doing an excellent job of it.

Joe keeps digging to find Ben. But what he discovers ultimately is far more disturbing. There is indeed a frame up underway but Wow Joe and we are hit with a bang as we learn what has really been going on.

I look forward to reading the author's second novel.

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A fabulous book that will keep you on the edge of your seat every step of the way! Couldn't put this one down! Joe is a good man, loving father, and devoted husband. After being the wrong place at the right time, everything he thought he knew begins to fall apart. An incredible story, filled with lies and betrayal, persistence and some incredible twists! My first book by this author and I'll surely be back for more!

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WOW! It’s not often that a book leaves me speechless, but "Lies" certainly did. By the time the big reveal occurred (as it always does in psych thrillers) my jaw was hanging open and I couldn’t read fast enough! I really cannot say enough good things about this book. I loved that it was told from a male point of view, which is very different from many other psychological thrillers these days. I thought the plot was tightly written and there were no questions left unanswered; everything was “resolved” in the end. I especially liked the way the author wove a commentary about technology into the story, without preaching to the reader. Through Joe, the main character, we see how reliant we have become on the tech around us, and how that reliance can enable both good and bad events. A stand-out among psychological thrillers, and I can’t wait to read more from this author!

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I honestly didn't think this would be my kind of novel, but I was pulled into it immediately. It's smart, tough, and really beautifully written, a novel to remind us that popular fiction can still occasionally be more than just popular. Absolutely superb.

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LIES by T M Logan.
The tension starts at the beginning, a four year old boy who knows his cars. Seeing one that is his Mommy’s car, Lee decides to follow and surprise her. The surprise was shattering, the situation was wrong, a man they knew why was he angry. Disaster in the parking lot, now what to do. My son needed me, and my wife not answering her cell, and now I lost my cell phone. Ten years and now she is lying to me.
What follows will grip you to the end, of a lie that was never suspected, or the people involved. Would there be a life after for any of them, and what was behind it all, or was he a pawn in their game. A new author and without a doubt will look for more more. The plot didn’t drag, the characters were vivid in detailed. Given ARC by Net Galley and St Martens Press for my voluntary review and my honest opinion.

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I lost interest 50% through. The book was moving too slowly and the story held little mystery. It became stagnant and just didn't work for me. I also hated how quickly he forgave his wife for cheating on him, believing she had been the victim. She was disgusting and he was weak.

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This story started a bit slow for me and At one point I almost gave up because the main character was, well for lack of a better word, annoying. But I stuck with it and I’m glad I did, I did not see that twist coming! Wow! Overall a really good read!

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WOW - WOW - WOW!!! What a Psychological Thriller this book is!!! It just goes to show, do we really ever know someone well? Such was the case with Joe Lynch. He and his young son William were on their way home, when William happened to see Mummy’s car. Joe thought he was mistaken. What would his wife be doing pulling into a garage of a hotel? Then he realized that it was definitely her car. So he followed it. He even tried to call her, but the call went to voicemail. He took William inside looking for her and finally saw her with a friend of theirs, Ben Delaney. They both seemed very much into the conversation, and Ben was very animated and looked pretty upset. Joe didn’t interrupt them, because he needed to get William back to the car. He waited for his wife, in the garage, but before he could get her attention, by calling “Mel,” she was already in the car and had left the garage. An altercation ensued with Ben, that was totally unnecessary on Ben’s part. Joe pushed him away, Ben fell and cracked his head. Joe saw blood, and then he sees William standing there staring, fighting for breath. Does he see if Ben is okay, or does he rush off and get William’s asthma under control? He does what any Father would do. He races off to a pharmacy to get an inhaler for his sons asthma. Then he races back to the hotel, and finds that Ben and his Porsche are no where to be found. Later when Mel arrives home, he asks her if she was at the hotel, and he was surprised at her response. She said, No, she was at tennis. He had never known her to lie to him. Why would she lie? Was she having an affair with Ben? Then the Facebook posts start showing up, as if he is posting on FB. Someone had hacked his account. Joe decided to change his password to take care of that. He starts getting taunting text messages from Ben. Things really start to spiral out of control. Bens wife contacts the police and reports Ben missing. The Police start their investigation by interviewing anyone associated with Ben. Joe and Mel are among those interviewed. He and Mel had gone over what they were going to tell the police. The school where he teaches, had decided to protect the reputation of the school, and suspends him until everything has been settled. Things are definitely not what they seem. The police start to build a case against Joe. All of his technological equipment had been confiscated, and Joe is forced to hire an attorney. Where is Ben? Is Mel having an affair with him? Why does he keep getting messages from Ben? This book was by far one of the best psychological thriller mysteries I have read. I did not want to put this book down!!! The plot was definitely genius. The character development was magnificent!! The police procedures were definitely on point!! The ending definitely surprised me!! I certainly did not see it coming!! I cannot wait for the next book by this author. What a GREAT book this was - I read it into the early morning hours!!!

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The book started out very exciting. It didn't take very far into story to figure out what was going on.

Thanks for granting me access to this book. I will not leave any reviews on any site.

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I could not put this book down! So many plot twists and turns and I did not see the ending coming. If I hadn't been so tired, I think I would have finished this in one sitting. Clearly an author that needs to be noticed and watched.

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***Thanks to NetGalley for providing me a complimentary copy of LIES by TM Logan in exchange for my honest review.***
It’s crazy to think where a few lies could take our lives. This book was full of lies and deceit and twists. It had me guessing til the end. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it.

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4.5 stars
**Thank you to Net Galley and St Martin’s Press for the Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an unbiased review.**

This is a wonderfully written book. It’s tense and completely unputdownable. It gets you interested right from the start. Mel, Joe, Beth and Ben as all intriguing characters. While you do guess a part of the mystery there is no way you will guess the real twist in the tale. It’s a fantastic read and I had to read it during every free minute I had. I don’t want to talk about the plot too much because I do not want to include any spoilers in my review. Looking back I think the only editing required is to reduce the prose between Joe and his lawyer. It’s not developed enough to make you suspect something and seems to add very little of value to the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good thriller!

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Lies was a thrilling ride from start to finish! A wonderfully complex and exciting debut novel!
Joe thought he had a perfect life: perfect wife, perfect son...but it all turned out to be lies on top of lies! One day Joe discovered accidentally that the perfect life he thought he had wasn't quite as perfect as he had imagined.
A psychological thriller with a surprise ending, Lies keeps the reader guessing right up until the very end...who exactly is telling the truth and who isn't!? Personally, I couldn't set this book down until I reached the last page and discovered the answer to this question for myself!!
**Thank you NetGalley and author T.M. Logan for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. I chose to read this book and all opinions expressed in my review are my own.**

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***Thanks to NetGalley for providing me a complimentary copy of LIES by TM Logan in exchange for my honest review.***

What if you found out your perfect life was built on a mountain out of carefully constructed lies?

Joe Lynch loves his life, centered around his four-year-old son and loving wife Mel. When he sees her arguing with a family friend Ben, she tearfully confesses to kissing him while drunk at a wedding. Devastated, Joe forgives her. Then Ben goes missing, but not really, he keeps in contact on social media, taunting Joe. Mel finally confesses to more than a kiss, a four month affair with Ben. The police see Joe as a suspect, he can’t trust his wife. Somebody is gaslighting Joe and he’ll do whatever he can to prove Ben is alive and well and making his life miserable.

TM Logan crafted a sympathetic, but naive character in Joe. I would have been quicker to withhold trust for Mel the moment she came clean about the affair after promising the kiss was the whole story. Mel though he was boring, I saw him as steady and reliable, the perfect parenting partner.

LIES had me wondering who was lying to whom. Could I trust the reliability of Joe’s narration? Did he have more of a role in creating the gaslighting than he let on, the less than innocent victim?

Logan held my interest from chapter one with a steady pace of drama and action building to revelations, villains and heroes I didn’t fully expect.

Mystery and thriller lovers should add LIES to their reading lists right away.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the Publisher for a free ARC novel in exchange for an honest review.

What happens when you tell one little lie and everyone else around you is also telling lies. Of course, no one realizes this until it's too late. What happens when you discover that a whole chunk of your life has been a total lie.

This happens to Joe. He's a teacher, a husband, a father, a friend - he lives an everyday life until one little lie blossoms into something that will ruin his life. Someone is setting him up for one massive fall and he doesn't know who. He has an idea and he follows through on this until almost too late - when he realizes that things are not quite as he figured them out.

As a reader, I was invested in Joe's life. The further I got into the book the more I liked him. The suspense in this book is as tight as a tightly strung wire. I had the same thoughts as Joe did about who was setting him up but as Joe was wrong, so was I. The book reaches a smashing climax and unlike some books, there is follow-up as to what happens to each character in the book. If I could give more than 5 stars to Mr. Logan, I certainly would.

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While this book started out strong, it eventually began to lose my interest and I eventually had to make myself finish it. When I did, I was disappointed in the ending. There was little to portend what was really happening, which makes it less fun to read. Although I was curious as to what was going on, I was never gripped with a need to keep reading in order to find out. The lack of tension and somewhat unlikeable main characters made it less than a compelling read.

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I received a free e-copy of Lies by T.M. Logan from NetGalley for my honest review.

This was a crazy, exciting, psychological thriller of a book. The title is very appropriate for the book as there are lies on top of lies. My head was on a constant swivel. As soon as I thought I worked my way around a lie and had it figured out there were 5 more and they just kept coming. The outcome of the book I just never saw coming. A very intense read with very intense lies. Can you sort out the lies from the truth or is there really any truth?

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The book had all my attention for the first quarter then it became repetitive and dragged on unfortunately. The storyline was a great plot but somehow became slow and plodding. I give high marks to the author for creativity though.

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