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There are times in life when it just seems like the bad guys always get away with everything! That is clearly how I began to feel early on while reading “Lies.” Joe had what he thought was a great, if somewhat boring life with his wife and young son, that is, until he accidentally saw her arguing with the husband of her best friend in a hotel lobby. It wasn’t long before Joe’s life was anything but bland as he was finds himself being perfectly framed for murder. Logan had me wondering if Joe’s ex-lover was truly that devious or if his wife was an exquisite liar. However, I never saw that ending coming.

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"I often wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t seen her car that day…" (Prologue in Lies)

This was a super fast paced, heart pumping, adrenaline rush of a book. I loved it! Twists, traps, bumps, 100 mile an hour turns...I started to feel like I was going crazy right along with Joe as I was reading this because I couldn't believe any character in this book!

I give it 5 stars!
Thank you #Netgalley, the publisher and the author for my free ARC in exchange for my honest review. I have posted my review on goodreads and will share it on Amazon when the book is released on Sept 11.

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I absolutely loved this book, stayed up all night. It had non-stop something going on. Right from the beginning and it didn't let up.

The main character Joe is so lovable. His love for his wife and son, just his whole demeanor. His wife on the other hand is a mess. This book isn't what you're thinking, at least it wasn't no where what I was thinking. You think you know what is going on and nope wrong. Some twists added and the end nope I was wrong again. This book is almost 500 pages but it is non-stop and keeps your attention not to mention interested. One of those books where you have to find out what happens. When you think you know who is "guilty" wrong....

This book flows very easily and I love the writing. I would love to read more by T.M. Logan.

Thank you Net Gallery and St. Martins Press for this awesome read.


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Thank you to St. Martins Press and Netgalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was hooked from the beginning, a little less in the middle but totally shocked at the end. It was a well written story with a lot of today's technology used which made for an interesting read.
It all begins when Mel's husband Joe is driving home with their four year old son Will, who spots mommy's car in traffic. It seems a little odd that she is going to a hotel, but Joe figures it is for a meeting with a client. So at the urging of his son, he decides to surprise Mel by popping in and saying hi. He is a little confused when he sees her arguing with their friend Ben. From this point it is a fast downhill slide for Joe, discovering lie after lie, with nothing adding up or making sense. As he rushes from one clue to another, his whole life begins to fall apart. He starts to wonder if anything he ever knew was true, or has everything been a lie....then, in a flash, it all comes together. Very good story, you will enjoy the ride!

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Thanks to NetGalley and publishers for the opportunity to read this publication in return for an unbiased review.
I had this book for several weeks as there were others ahead of it in my reading queue. Once I got started, I very quickly realised exactly what I'd been missing.
Absolutely loved this book and would honestly have given it six stars if it were an option.
Strong characters, loads of twists, including one really big one that I certainly didn't see coming
Will be looking out for other books by T M Logan

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Lies by T. M. Logan, this is the 1st book from this author that I have read and I will be reading more!
Lies is about a woman Mel, who has an affair, her husband Ben finds out, the boyfriend disappears and it's made to look as if Ben is responsible for it and he is busy trying to prove the boyfriend is alive and just trying to set him up for his murder.....see where it takes you in the end. I did not see it coming!! :0 Thank you Netgalley and the Publishers for allowing me to read this ARC book and give my own personal opinion!

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Lies by T. M. Logan. St. Martin's Press. Mystery & Thrillers. Publication Date 11 Sep 2018.

4 Stars. Grabs you right from the start. An entertaining, twisty debut page-turner on adrenaline. What happens when a nice guy’s world turns upside down and sideways, one question at a time? Misunderstanding, dishonesty, lies. A gripping story told at breakneck speed with a thrust to an ending that was a bit predictable for me. A fun read, all in all.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing this ebook for review.

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There's a lot to like about this book. The premise: One innocent, impulsive act can release a flood tide of unstoppable disaster in an ordinary person's life. The pace: Just as we've absorbed one catastrophic body blow along with the main character, here comes another, even more crippling. The puzzle: Just who is the bad guy? The spotlight shifts suddenly.

One thing the reader might not find to like is a character among the cast. Everyone seems shallow, selfish and disloyal, except for Joe Lynch, the narrator, who is too good, too passive, too nurturing, too clueless, to be true.

But it's well done -- I didn't twig to what was going on until the very final chapters.
Received an ARC of this book from the publishers and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first story I’ve read by this author and I’m glad I found this author. This story made it hard for me to set down. The author kept the flow moving and the misdirection extremely believable. I thought the story had enough twists and turns so I was anxious to find the answers. I will read more by this author.

. I love this story. I was given a free copy by Net Galley and this is a voluntary review.

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Logan crafts a great thriller with a superb ending twist! Totally engrossing and will keep you up until the finish

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This book kept my attention right to the very end. Engrossing, twisted story. The characters were well developed and engaging..

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Mel, Joe, Beth and Ben take us on a great ride here. Great due to the craft of the author who leaves enough clues to figure out the PART and give us confidence but twists us up with the WHOLE. Put the one down you are slogging through and pick this one up

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Lies suffers from what has been plaguing the suspense genre ever since Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl was published - the assumption that there is an absolute need for a crazy, unexpected twist ending. Here's the thing, if your book is well written, suspenseful, engaging and exciting, you don't need a twist. The work will speak for itself.

This book, like so many other recent works of suspense, relies entirely on having a BIG TWIST. The problem with this is that in order for the reader to not see it coming, the twist turns out to be ludicrous - so beyond imagining that it reeks of the fact that the author had no idea how to end things so he just decided to randomly throw in something implausible. You know that a twist is bad when after it is revealed, the next several chapters hurry to try to explain WHY it's possible - endless paragraphs that try to point out clues that were not there and long exposition from the characters explaining all of their actions. It just simply doesn't work.

It starts out with a promising premise: Joe and his son unexpectedly run into his wife, Mel, one night while she is out with a family friend, Ben. From here, hijinks ensue, lies are revealed and Ben goes missing. Suddenly, someone is trying to make it seem as though Ben has been murdered and that Joe is the one who is responsible. Mysterious messages are posted on Joe's social media accounts, his home is broken into, the evidence is planted and all signs point to Ben being very much alive and out to send Joe to prison.

Every character is unbelievable, however, and the police/law enforcement, in general, are made out to be bumbling idiots. Joe regularly has very clear and obvious facts pointed out to him and then spends his time convincing himself that what is true is not. Rinse & repeat every chapter. There is no real character development or growth for anyone here, everyone is very one dimensional.

By the time the twist is revealed, I was left not caring, I was just glad to be done with this book.

I'm surprised that there are so many high ratings of this one, the only thing I can imagine is that this might be one of the first forays that other reviewers have had into this genre. If you've read a lot of suspense or thrillers, then Lies will disappoint; I recommend giving it a pass.

I received this book as a courtesy from NetGalley & the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow. What can I say other than I lost sleep reading this book. This book is so good.
What you think you know, you don't. This story is so well written it keeps you on your toes, and never knowing which way is up.

If you want a bit of intrigue, you must read this book.

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Holy mother of psych thrillers! T.M. Logan is my hero! He’s one to watch, readers. You won’t be disappointed!

Lies - What a wonderfully crafted novel, filled with suspense, tragedy, heartbreak, deceit, hope, confusion, fear, despair and so many other feelings. Told in the first person POV, Joe’s voice will resonate with each and every reader.

I was captivated from the very first sentence. The journey you will take with Joe will make you love him, fear for him, be angry on his behalf, and your heart will break for him. The injustice of it all! My mouth was hanging wide at the surprise ending!

Bellisimo! Bravo! - Mr. Logan! Superlative writing! *throwing roses*

I am so honored to have received an advance ARC of Lies from T.M. Logan, St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Joe is driving home with his son, when he sees his wife pulling into a hotel parking garage. He decides to follow her, and that's when everything changes. When he sees his wife arguing with Ben, a family friend, he is unsure how to approach them. After his wife leaves, Joe does confront Ben, and Ben is knocked unconscious. Joe has to leave suddenly, but returns to check on Ben and finds Ben and his car are gone. At first it seems to be a relief, but Joe soon realizes his perfect life is about to be destroyed.

Exciting and fast-paced. This psychological thriller is twisty and keeps the reader guessing. This could definitely be a one-sitting read. I started it late at night, so it stretched to a two-sitting read for me. Great for fans of twisty domestic thrillers.

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LIES…. This title did not lie (pun 100% intended). The entire book, I didn’t know who to believe or what was true. From the very first chapters, someone was lying. I even started questioning whether the narrator is telling the truth. (I’ll leave that question unanswered and you can read to find out!) I’ve read a lot of thrillers, and I always test myself to see if I can predict the ending. With Lies, the ending was not entirely predictable and not entirely unpredictable… I had a suspicion that turned out to be partially correct. I also am not used to reading books from a male’s perspective – I tend to gravitate towards perspectives I can relate to more, i.e. female. However, I was happy to find that it was still very much entertained! I was dying to know how it ended – who was telling the truth??

Thanks to T.M. Logan, the publisher, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5-4 stars! The book was pretty suspenseful - action throughout. But The ending wasn’t great for me. It just seemed a little out there after everything else in the story.

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I found this book really slow and boring, I had a hard time getting into it. And the ending wasn’t worth it.

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This book! I was trying to piece things together the whole time. That twist! I never saw it coming! I give this book 5 stars and a strong recommendation.

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