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Good supsense and pacing in the storyline. Good twist at the end, it was surprising and I didn't see it coming.

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Joe is driving home with his son and his son recognizes his Moms car. Joe follows the wife to a hotel where he witnesses a pretty intense conversation with a male friend of theirs. Joe sees his wife leaving and tries to call out to her but she ignores him. He then sees the male friend and a scuffle ensues. The male friend appears to be seriously hurt, Joe leaves goes home and calls the hotel stating someone is hurt in the parking garage. He then decides to go back and the friend is gone. I started reading this at my daughters piano lesson and couldn't put it down, great read. Wow.

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I finished this book at 2 am, and it was soooooo good. I read it over the weekend and seriously couldn’t put it down. It was fast-paced with lots of twists and turns. I was seriously out of breath at times from how much my heart was racing. I read it from cover to cover without stopping as if I was in some kind of race. Seriously, I didn’t want to be social or binge-watch anything on Netflix the whole time I read it. This is MY kind of book.

I liked Joe a lot. He’s a true family man – great dad, loyal husband very forgiving. Sometimes TOO trusting… It’s always interesting to read a book from a man’s point of view – most books I read are from a woman’s point of view (I’m a chick-lit addict, what can I say), so at first I wasn’t sure if I would relate to Joe but I totally did. He fought to keep his family together and take care of his child.

Okay, so, he’s gullible. But clearly so am I!! I was totally blind-sighted by everything that happened in the story. I didn’t predict anything – not a single thing. When I thought I had something figured out, something else happened entirely. It was amazing. I highly recommend this book – I really enjoyed it!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a copy of this book for an honest review.

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I must say this was one of the better thrillers I read lately. It was tense, intriguing and a real pleasure to read. It is really hard to expect of some thriller to delight me, but this was really an interesting reading. The story is well thought out and the plot is quite unpredictable, same as the end. Well done!

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WOW... This book pulled me in from the first and never let go. It was one of the best I’ve read. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a thriller. Anyone who likes being pulled into a book and not let out until the very last word.

A huge 5 stars from me.
Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for this ARC. It has everything I love in a book.

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The story starts out with Joe catching his wife turning into a hotel. So, he does what any curious person would do and follows her. That decision to stop instead of going on with his day would change his life forever. This book was packed with twists and turns and you will not be able to put down. I could not stop reading until I found out what happened.

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A thrill-a-minute couldn't put it down read! This story had so many twist and turns and just when you thought you knew how it was going to go, something would change.

Joe has a happy life - working part time teaching, taking care of his son, wonderful loving wife. But being in the wrong place at the wrong time puts that all at risk. Suddenly, everything he believed to be true is questionable and he's not sure which way to turn. In trying to prove his innocence, is he making it more easy to prove that he is guilty? Is he the only one who knows that he didn't really do anything?

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Lies by T. M. Logan immediately grips you, compelling you to read it to understand how one man’s normal, happy family life is suddenly ripped to shreds in front him. While driving his young son home, they happen to glimpse his wife’s car and on impulse follow it. What happens next turns his entire world upside down, causing him to wonder if his entire married life was built upon lies. With more twists and turns than seems possible, this story keeps you riveted right up to the thrilling conclusion.

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This book grabs you and pulls you in. Short chapter to another short chapter, just a couple of pages more, oh just a few more, and then you realize it is 4 a.m. and who can sleep after that! Wow. That was a good one! (And this is no LIE!)

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This book is the kind of thriller that I love! Full of twists and turns and definitely kept me on the edge of my seat, I did not want to put this one down! The only minus for me was how fast they wrapped up the end, I needed more, but other than that I loved it!

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Thank you netgalley for early release of this book. Loved it. Great read. Read it in a few days which is not normal for me. Looking forward to this authors next book.

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Having read a lot of books in this genre recently, I was expecting more of the same, but I was pleasantly surprised with Logan’s novel! A unique take on the thriller genre with a protagonist that you root for and find yourself relating to. Was not expecting the twist either! I am looking forward to reading more of Logan’s books in the future!

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Lies is a fabulous, fast paced thriller that will keep you guessing with every turn.

I liked that the male character was the one being wronged. It has been so common place for the female character to be the one wronged.

I did think Joe needed to be shook a few times. Wake up dude!

Thank you @netgalley for the free review copy.

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I so enjoyed this book, the suspense was great and I did not see the ending at all. This fast paced book was so good, I highly recommend it.

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Started strong. I was engaged and interested at first, but it took a turn toward boring in the middle. It ended up just being a mediocre thriller for me, but I'm optimistic that this author is heading in right direction.

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Joe Lynch adores his wife and loves spending time with his child. As an English teacher he was able to step back in his career to be the family man he always wanted while his wife Mel pursued her career. As a surprise one day he follows Mel, his life falls apart around him from that moment on.

The story was engaging and kept you hooked. While Joe was sometimes over the top naive it was still compelling page turner. It was amazing watching how quickly his innocent life could deteriorate. A good suspenseful psychological thriller I was happy to be able to get a copy of it!

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Cannot for the life of me remember the last time I breezed through a book in two days! I did not want to put this one down!! YOU HAVE TO GO GET THIS!!!!! Thank you to @stmartinspress and netgalley for the arc - it was amazing!!! Definitely in my Top Ten for the year!

#whodunnit #thriller #lies #tmlogan #holydrama #stmartinspress #arc #mwladiesrecommend #mustread

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So I started reading this book a long time ago and put it down. At the time it was just another book about a spouse who was cheating on their better half. I did finally pick the book back up and finished it. It does get better, if you can through the first 30% of the book, continue reading it. This book is about the cheating but it so much more. I liked that it follows the husband and not the wife. The books did end up being a good mystery.

*I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.*

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When Joe Lynch and his young son, William, spot his wife's car while out driving, they decide to surprise her. Instead they see his wife, Melissa, fighting with a friend, Ben. Joe knows he should help Melissa, but when he goes to confront Ben, it goes horribly wrong. The two fight and after Ben hits him, Joe pushes him back and Ben falls and hits his head. At the same time, his son has an asthma attack--and realizing he doesn't have William's inhaler--Joe has to make a choice: race home for the inhaler or stay and make sure Ben is okay. He chooses his son, setting off a chain of crazy events that will forever alter the course of his life.

"I put the car in gear. Made a spur-of-the-moment decision that would change my life. 'Let's go and surprise Mummy.'"

This was an odd book that messes with your head as much as all the insane events seem to do to Joe's. It got off to a slow start for me, and I almost didn't keep reading, but I have a terrible time putting any book in a "DNF" pile, and of course, this one picked up and got pretty exciting about halfway through. (This only adds to my inability to ever not finish a book.)

The main shtick with this one is sort of an unreliable narrator/unreliable plot, as you really don't know who or what to believe as you read. Hence the title, obviously. As it all happens we have Joe, who sort of bumbles along, our hapless narrator, who seems to think he's in control, but really, just no. Poor guy, he's certainly not the brightest--just this clueless guy whom I had a tough time rooting for, hence my inability to really get into the book.

Yes, most of the cast of characters around him are lying to him in some fashion, but still. After Joe leaves Ben in the parking garage to save William, he finds some weird and cryptic posts on his Facebook page, because (of course) he lost his (unlocked) cell phone during his altercation with (obviously tech-savvy) Ben who runs (wait for it) a technology firm. Then Melissa reveals to him that the wealthy Ben has been pining after her for ages, despite that fact that Ben's wife, Beth, is Melissa's best friend. Things unravel from there. I'll admit that they don't necessarily happen predictably, but they do happen in a crazy fashion, so be prepared to suspend a lot of your disbelief.

The book is kind of wild, a little creepy, and there's a good twist at the end, which bumped my rating up a half star. This wasn't a particularly fun read for me--it sort of stressed me out--and I didn't really like any of the characters, but once it picked it up, it was at least interesting. 3.5 stars.

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DNF-with so many books to read and so little time I've made a new rule. If I walk away from the book, read other books in between the next time I pick it back up, and don't come back to it for weeks then I'm calling it quits and moving on. Unfortunately, Lies is one of those books for me.

I honestly don't think it was the author. More I'm just in the mood for something different, unique and this just wasn't giving me those vibes.

Thank you for the opportunity, sorry I couldn't give you better feedback.

Star rating does not reflect my opinion.

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