Member Reviews

Great novel and really well written. It's fast paced and the plot is very interesting. I loved all the characters and the main character is extremely likeable and you want him to succeed.

Last July Darren O’Sullivan’s Our Little Secret saved me when I was feeling super low. Over doing it I completely bust my ankle it wasn’t broken it just made a number of daily tasks hard. I was signed off work and I didn’t want to feel sorry for myself so I threw myself into Netflix and books. I had seen Our Little Secret advertised via Twitter and I was hooked from the get go. As I have stated before I’m an avid tweeter when I’m reading and OMG did I spam Darren. If you haven’t read Our Little Secret I urge you to now. Our Little Secret Review
Close Your Eyes has a totally different feel once the story gets into swing it’s extremely fast paced I could easily see this as a film or a TV series. Darren gives Liam Neeson a fun for his money. Daniel is a character you feel for. Having been in a coma and lost a whole chunk of his life – sometimes even basic tasks are hard to fathom. When he receives the call asking to return what he took he’s completely dumbstruck and when his son and ex wife disappear he knows he needs to act fast.
Daniel was seeing a shrink to help him piece together the bad dreams and memories but he’s never needed to know in such a rush. Daniel’s story sure is a fast paced rollercoaster ride and sometimes not knowing really is best for your own piece of mind but when everything you hold dear is threatened you do things totally out of character on instinct.
The story is set over a few days with Friday being Daniel’s deadline to put the puzzle back together and save his loved ones. I really could see this as a Netflix mini series or a film. Once Daniel has a clue his gut instincts take over and we are taken on his journey. Where not only Daniel but us the reader are filled with a number of emotions.
The story has parts from Daniel, memories,dreams and letters. There are parts from Rachael and as the action hots up there are parts from Tom.
Knowing Darren is a father the love of a child is shown wholeheartedly and I honestly don’t know how he managed to write some of these truly gut wrenching scenes. I’m an auntie and I felt like my heart was in my mouth most of the time.
Rachael is the mother of his child who he still gets on with extremely well. It’s nice to see a story where this actually happens and co-parenting works seamlessly. The scenes where Rachael and Tom are taken are at times hard to read but heartwarming no matter what fear she was feeling she made sure her little boy used his imagination in the most beautiful of ways in a bad situation.
I can’t say too much else without giving spoilers and I’m not one for spoilers. What I will say is take some time away from real life and devour this action packed rollercoaster read. I did not see it coming although now I’m like were there clues. I’m not so sure. I truly loved Darren’s debut and it will always have a special place in my heart. The book that saved me, the book that brought this amazing author into my life. Ha we even had a coffee at the Kings Cross Pret which gets a mention in the book.
Darren you have lifted the bar whatever worries you had over book two forget them it’s a masterpiece and as I say could totally be a film or TV series. And now I can breathe…..now for the agonising wait of the next book. Which just means I have to go back to listening to Our Little Secret on Audible.

This was much better than the first book and while it was a little repetative at times the ending was a good surprise.

Close your eyes…and count to ten.
He doesn’t know his name. He doesn’t know his secret.
When Daniel woke up from a coma he had no recollection of the life he lived before. Now, fourteen years later, he’s being forced to remember.

This was the first book by this author I've read, and I didn't know what to expect. I did however get a good solid read, slow and steady with a gripping ending. Recommended.

This was a fast paced thriller and had me hooked from the start. Usually I can guess the endings of thrillers, however I definitely did not see this one coming!

A great psychological suspense story. A page turner. I couldn't predict what was gonna happen and I also couldn't put it down. Book some time for this. Highly recommend!

I really enjoyed reading this amazingly tense high paced thriller. I loved the concept of the book and the unexpected twists and turns throughout which were completely gripping.
A fast read for me because I couldn't put it down as I needed to know what was going to happen next.
Great characters and a plot which will keep you on the edge of your seat. Very skilfully written - I didn't see some of the twists coming. A fantastic ending which left me satisfied. What a rollercoaster.
I can't wait for Darren Sullivan's next book.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Great storyline with good strong characters. Very well written. I would recommend this book to anyone.

I had high expectations for this book but was sadly disappointed. I didn’t connect with the characters and thought that the plot repeated too much.
The ending was well written and unexpected.

Darren O’Sullivan has delivered another action-packed thriller, complete with twists and turns around every corner.
Daniel is an ordinary divorced dad, with the exception that he was in a car accident 15 years ago that wiped his prior memories from his mind. One day, he gets a phone call from an unnamed source, claiming Daniel stole something and that if it’s not returned within a week, Daniel’s family will be murdered. A photo of his kidnapped ex-wife and son seal the deal. Can Daniel figure out who he was prior to the accident and what is so important to the caller before it’s too late?
The book alternated between Daniel’s POV and his ex-wife’s, which adds great dimension to the story because it gives a glimpse of what’s going on behind-the-scenes. And it can be pretty brutal at times, though nothing was over-the-top, IMO.
As stated, there were some good twists, which keep the reader guessing. I didn’t figure out the big surprise before it was revealed. And there was one more thing that I also thought was pretty shocking - O’Sullivan doesn’t hold back and doesn’t take it easy on the reader. But that’s what I love about his work - you never know what’s going to happen next.
This book is full of thrills and action, perfect for adrenaline junkies and mystery fans alike. I look forward to more from this author!

I've really tried to give this book a fair go, seeing how I loved the author's previous novel Our Little Secret - however, I am really struggling with it, so have decided to abandon it just shy of the half-way mark. Whilst I like the author's writing style, I am not a fan of the whole "amnesia" theme. Basically, seeing that the MC cannot remember anything from his past, and any other memories could be "confabulations", means that you cannot take anything he says for face value. I do love an unreliable narrator, but in this context I am finding it frustrating, and so far I have not really connected with any of the characters. I know I am definitely a minority and that a lot of people have loved this book, so perhaps it's just a matter of "wrong place, wrong time" for me. I look forward to reading more from this author in future, but this one sadly just wasn't for me.

This was a fabulous edge of your seat read that I can't really say too much about without giving away the whole plotline so I'm going to try to keep it as vaguish as possible.
So this was my second book by this particular author and "Close Your Eyes" had the slight edge for me in terms of enjoyment.
It was a fast-paced race against the clock as Father and family man Daniel attempts to unravel the Mystery that is his past.
If he fails; well the cost will be the ultimate punishment; his family.
Daniel suffering from amnesia from an accident fifteen years previous is sent on an action-filled journey of self-discovery where everything he thought he knew and more might just be the biggest lie of them all.
This is told from dual POV alternating Daniel then Ex-wife Rachel and later we also get a brief glimpse into the head of Daniels Son Thomas.
The main characters here are few with "Close Your Eyes" keeping the main focus on Daniel, Rachel and Thomas.
These three are also joined initially by the supporting cast of Rachels husband Sean and Daniels girlfriend Katie as they have formed for the sake of Thomas's happiness an almost unconventional family setup that seems to work for them.
everyone else involved is then just thrown right into the mix also stirring and muddying the already churned waters causing a sense of confusion and even doubt especially for Daniel himself.
This was ramped throughout and as each new lead and corner was turned my heart was totally in my throat; I felt almost like I was undertaking this path with poor Daniel the helplessness he must have felt alongside his own fear and panic.
The emotions experienced by Daniel as well as Rachel and Thomas, well I felt like I was there in the moment with them, so fantastically did this portray the rawness and brutality of feeling here.
This went to places I wasn't expecting shocking me completely.
Dipping me so low at times with where this dared to venture I couldn't help but think the worst.
This truly sank to depths of darkness that I wasn't quite expecting leaving me bereft in my feelings of despair.
I did have kinda an inkling where things seemed to be heading, but this didn't take away from my overall enjoyment.
I also really liked the eventual conclusion here it gave me a much-needed sense of satisfaction; Much more so than using some clever gimic to devastate and shock the reader.
The ending here gave me an overall sense of justice which was ultimately want I wanted most.
Why then a rating of four over five you may ask if I liked this so much?
Well, two things really and I will try to explain without letting any cats out the bag; the first one here is relatively easy The Son Thomas; I thought he seemed much younger than what his actual age was.
I'm a mother of Five myself so hardly a novice when it comes to kids and in my opinion, Thomas didn't seem like any six-year-old that I have ever met.
If I had to pinpoint his actual age from his behaviour and actions it seemed to me more like four; just an opinion though.
The second thing and this is more tricky to explain without disclosing too much but I'll try; I never quite understood the timeline here; why this particular moment over any other logically it didn't really make sense why this is happening now rather than another moment past or even future.
Especially with Daniel starting to recall moments from his past.
This really bugged me like a lot and I couldn't stop myself overanalyzing the whys.
And while I'm on a roll the reasons behind all this for me were frankly lacklustre in nature and I wanted a more satisfying overall explanation for the completely unnecessary reactions and actions here.
But I suppose there wouldnt be much of a story if it was actually done my way with some bloody logic.
You will get more of what I'm trying to convey here when you've read this for yourself.
Over than the above I really did enjoy this it was a really engaging piece of fiction that kept me on my toes throughout; happy to recommend this.
So I was provided with an ARC of "Close Your Eyes" By Netgalley of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Wow, what a page turner, I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next as the story unfolded and twisted and turned. You are following Daniel, who's ex wife and child are kidnapped and to save them he has to find something he took in his past. I loved that the protagonist had amnesia, so the reader finds out about his past as he does. Also, as a parent, Daniel's desperation at someone having taken his child really hit me emotionally and I could empathise with his feelings of panic and frustration. This book is a highly charged, read in one sitting novel that I would highly recommend.

Wow. What an amazing read. I could not put this one down and the ending was truly unexpected and unpredictable.
Ideal for a summer holiday read if you enjoy a good psychological thriller.

Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Great psychological thriller! I was enthralled by this story from the beginning. Then the last 15% had an ending I never saw coming. Outstanding!!

I found this book impossible to put down! I had to read the book in one day to know what happened. A fast moving story that keeps you gripped throughout the book.
The main character, Daniel, a recovering amnesia patient had the perfect life until his son and his ex were taken captive. The story follows his plight in attempt to get them back. Lots of twists and turns to keep you hooked! A definite 5 star

I loved Close Your Eyes, a great book that will hook you from the first few pages.
We meet Daniel who after an accident has been left with amnesia and is fighting against the clock to remember his past to save his family.
Great twists and turns.

This is the first book I've read by Darren and I had heard great things. I wasn't disappointed. I really liked the whole concept of the entire plot and there were some cracking twists which I did not expect. Realisation of who the perpetrator was happened just as it was unveiled in the story which was great as quite often this can be quite predictable which this wasn't.
Darren has a fantastic writing style, I love an author who isn't afraid to get a little graphic and go against what is usually expected of them.
Needless to say I will certainly picking up Darren's debut novel Our Little Secret. A very well deserved 5 stars from me.

I had heard so many great things about this book that I went into it with very high expectations, expecting to love it. Unfortunately, it did not entirely live up to these expectations, although that is not to say that I didn't enjoy it, because I did, just not as much as I had hoped to. Perhaps this is as much my fault as the book's. It is well written, and the characters are well developed and relatable. I loved the concept of a hero with no memory of a massive chunk of his life, and the possibility that in his younger years he was something other than heroic. The way the book was written from multiple viewpoints works well, and I particularly enjoyed the chapters told by little Thomas. My major issue I think is that the big plot twist that I had heard came as a massive shock to most readers, I had actually worked out just a few pages in, so I lost a lot of the tension that normally builds up in books of this nature. That said, it was still an enjoyable read, with the characters' journeys being as interesting as the climax.