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Confessions of a Red Herring

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Former crime reporter (and redhead) Alex Vlodnachek anticipated different experiences when she changed careers, but never imagined a scenario in which she'd be accused of murdering her new boss, Everett Coleman. Nevertheless, when the unscrupulous public relations firm partner is found stabbed to death, Alex's competitive co-workers launch a vigorous p.r. campaign to pin the murder on her--even though she is the least likeliest suspect. Yes, Alex had a very public disagreement with the victim shortly before his demise, but there are plenty of others with stronger motives for murder. The vengeful wife, the conniving mistress, the peculiar business partner, the unfulfilled twin adult children, and a number of disgruntled current and former employees--any one of them would benefit with Coleman out of the picture.

Unhappy in her role as the "red herring" of the murder investigation, Alex decides to put her reporter skills to work and conduct her own search for the killer. What ensues is a hilarious series of events beginning with Alex going undercover as a cleaning woman to gain access to her former office. Along the way, she is both helped and hindered by family members who arrive unexpectedly on her doorstep. Alex must press on, relying on her resourcefulness to restore her reputation, survive the overprotectiveness and well-meaning actions of her family, and safeguard herself and them from danger.

Confessions of a Red Herring is an engaging murder mystery made more enjoyable by snappy dialog, laugh-out-loud scenes, and a cast of quirky, lovable supporting characters. The close-knit and humorously dysfunctional Vlodnachek clan, headed by the intrepid Baba, family pup Lucy, and Alex's friends and neighbors in her Fordham, Virginia community add the vibrant ingredients readers expect to find in a successful cozy series. In this first installment, Dana Dratch introduces relatable characters with promising future storylines. I eagerly await the arrival of book two, Seeing Red, and Alex's next adventure.

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I am always excited for a new mystery series to read, and I am beyond excited to continue with Alex and her humorous ways of sleuthing. This book was a mixture of humor and corporate America that many might not see a mystery in but Dana Dratch created a compelling mystery out of this. I was hooked from the first knock on the door to the last suspect on Alex’s list.

Readers that enjoy Stephanie Plum will love Alex and her introduction to the mystery world!

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Where to begin. First I have to say for a new series this one is gonna be 'Killer'! From the first page I was drawn in and I could
not put this one down.
I was cheering Alex all the way! While she desperately tried to
figure out what the heck was going on I felt I was one step ahead of her yelling 'Go girl.'
Being a person of interest in a murder isn't a great way to start a week. And then as the week goes on things get worse as Alex becomes a prime suspect. And then the victim when the
wife of the deceased decides Alex is the murderer because she is 'the other woman'.
Things seem to go from bad to worse when her younger brother and his wife(?) and puppy appear on her doorstep. Followed shortly by their Russian grandmother when she hears all the drama on the news.
But there just might be a little light at the end of the tunnel and maybe a little glimmer off hope in the form of the hot new neighbor across the street. Who is turning his house into a B&B.
There are some great characters running around and helping Alex out.
There are also a bunch of suspects.
Dana did a great job of introducing everyone and the story just flowed.
Dana's family even the ones that aren't around are introduced and flow into the story. They'll be a big part I expect of future
There's another brother living in NYC who sends money to help Dana out. The super model sister who now owns a modeling agency and is in Paris with the mom. Thank goodness for that
mom home during a murder investigation would have driven everyone nuts.
Dana's brother went from being dead broke and out of a job to pastry chef for the new B&B.
The girlfriend was quite the # a waitress he met in Vegas. She turns out to be a good sleuth and very willing to help solve the crimes.
If I had to choose a favorite character it would really be hard.
I loved them all.
From the grandmother who was a bad cook but could take out the bad guys with an iron skillet.
To Alex's best friend Trip. He was a great guy and always ready to help except when asked to pretend to be Alex's fiance. As much as he loves Alex as his best friend it's not in the cards.
He already has a partner that I expect we will meet in future installments maybe. He was left completely out of the drama and only mentioned in passing. Hmm what might be up with that?
Ian the new neighbor is British and charming and is in the wings waiting to get to know Alex better.
I have to say the only thing I didn't like about the story/plot was
that in the end Gabby the Las Vegas girlfriend decided to return to her previous boyfriend in Vegas. She was a great part of the
story and I'll miss her. Maybe she won't find true love there after all. We can only hope.
Confessions of a Red Herring was filled with fun and funny
characters. A good 'ole mystery(s) and a great twisty turning plot that keeps you interested all the way to the end when Grandma
clobbers one of the villains with her skillet.

It was a great read. I can't wait for the next one! The author included a preview of Seeing Red. How long do we have to wait?

A great start to a new series. 5+ Stars

I received a complimentary copy.

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Confessions of a Red Herring by Dana Dratch is the first book in A Red Herring Mystery series. Alex Vlodnachek is a former reporter now working at the D.C. public relations firm of Coleman and Walters. After an incident with managing partner, Everett P. Coleman on Friday, Alex decided to call in sick on Monday. She is surprised when two detectives come knocking on her door to question her about Everett’s murder and Alex is their prime suspect in his death. When Alex goes into work, she is promptly fired. As if her week could not get worse, her younger brother, Nick shows up looking for a place to stay with Gabrielle, his new lady friend from Vegas, as well as a puppy named Lucy. Then Baba, her Russian grandmother, arrives which means inedible cooking (they will have to sneak in snacks). To escape the chaos in her tiny home and clear her name, Alex puts her investigative reporting talents to work. Coleman and Walters is working overtime to throw Alex under the bus in the court of public opinion. Who inside the agency wanted Everett dead? The wife, the business partner, and the mistress are all viable suspects. Someone, though, is attempting to thwart Alex with unscrupulous tactics (stealing her mail, turning off her electricity). Can Alex expose the killer before her death is the next media sensation?

Confessions of a Red Herring is full of off-beat characters. Alex is spunky go-getter. She is not going to let the PR firm set her up for murder. Nick, the younger brother, goes from one job to another. He does not know what he wishes to do with his life. His last venture (an emu farm) was sabotaged by his pot smoking partner. Gabriele is Vegas waitress that Nick picked up on his way to Alex’s house. She is a pickpocket with a questionable online business. We have Lucy the puppy who is destructive with Alex’s belongings. Baba, the Russian grandmother, who cooks grey, slimy food (the descriptions will put you off your next meal). I wish the author had taken the time to establish her main character and provide a thorough backstory. The book consisted of one madcap incident after another. The murder occurred in the first chapter and solving it was a snap. There was a great deal of speculation and repetition of details (not needed). My favorite scene in the book was the showdown at the unemployment office. I found it entertaining. The description of a banks fee system was spot on. My rating for Confessions of a Red Herring 3 out of 5 stars. I do want to mention that there is foul language in the book along with the mention of intimate scenes, drugs and copious amounts of alcohol. Those readers who prefer their cozy mysteries to be light and humorous, then Confessions of a Red Herring is for you.

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Alex Vlodnachek’s Monday morning could not get any worse. She calls in sick from her job in a P.R. Firm, Coleman & Walters, after a disastrous Friday business dinner where her boss, Everett Coleman, offers her up as desert to sweeten a deal with a new client. After a heated public argument at the dinner, taking off Monday is a relief. That relief is short lived though when police officers show up knocking on her door giving her the news that Everett Coleman has been killed and she is wanted for questioning into the murder. The police, co-workers, and her neighbors thinks she did it. So, the best way of getting out of a murder investigation is finding the murderer yourself. With twelve years as a reporter under her belt prior to taking on the job with Coleman & Walters, she sets out to clear her name and get her life back. But, with so many suspects in question, finding the real killer is starting to look daunting. Will Alex manage to stay out of jail long enough to find the real person responsible?

Confessions of a Red Herring by Dana Dratch is the first book in the Red Herring Mystery series and it does not disappoint. The story start off strong and keeps on running. Alex is such a great character given her circumstances. She does not take the cloud of suspicion surrounding her laying down. Instead, she becomes proactive as her life is spiraling down the toilet. With help from a colorful cast of characters, better known as her friends and family, they set out to clear her good name. With a lot of laughs and some sleuthing, the team get themselves in situations that have you flipping the pages wondering how they never get caught. The problem they are finding though is that there are a lot of suspects in the pool to choose from and most of them are happy enough to pin the blame on Alex with their fabricated lies.

I love a plot that takes off right from the first page and Confessions of a Red Herring never faltered from its strong beginning. I found myself invested in Alex and really liking her spunkiness and stubbornness. She is a great heroine that will do anything it takes from disguising herself as the cleaning crew to gain entrance into the Coleman and Walter’s building to working the funeral dinner of her murdered boss in order to gather information. Each scene felt like a slow build up which kept me glued to the pages trying to find out the mystery behind the murder.

Confessions of a Red Herring is a five star read full of humor, characters you wish were part of your own family, and a heroine you are rooting to win right from the start. I really can’t wait to see where this series takes us. I, for one, will certainly be following up with Alex in the next installment to the series.

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When I started this book I wasn't too sure if I was going to like the story or seemed to drag (but could have been my mood).  But once I was better acquainted with the characters and the story picked up steam, I fell in love with it all.  The term "red herring" takes on a whole new meaning with this book.  This book has it all - crazy family members, insane former employers, humorous situations, and a wild mystery all rolled into one.  I don't know if I can choose a favorite character, but Baba (Alex's Russian grandmother) and Trip top the list.

This mystery confirmed that if you royally piss off an employer it could be dangerous to your health and life.  One of my favorite scenes is where Alex is at the unemployment office because her former employer is contesting her unemployment pay.  Let's just say, don't piss off government workers.  That's all I'm going to say but trust me when I say you'll want to pick up this book to read this scene!  There are other scenes that left me dumbfounded at the actions of others, but it takes all types in this world.

I think this is going to be one of my new favorite series and I cannot wait for the next book to come out.

We give this 5 paws up.

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Confessions of a Red Herring by Dana Dratch is the 1st book in A Red Herring Mystery series, and my first book by this author. Alex Vlodnachek was a reporter for 12 years, but left that job to become a P. R. rep. After 3 months at her new job, her boss made an inappropriate request, causing an argument. When the boss turns up dead, she becomes the main suspect. Confessions of a Red Herring is a perfect blend of mystery and humor. Not only is this book really funny, I often found myself laughing out loud, the mystery kept me guessing. I found this book to be a quick read, I read it in one day, with a well developed plot and characters. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. If you love humorous cozy mysteries, I recommend this book and series.

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Loved it! An entertaining mystery. Some eccentric characters and a dog. A little coarse language, which takes this from the typical cozy mystery almost to the likes of the Stephanie Plum series. This does have that same type of humor. I look forward to reading the next one in this delightful new series.

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This is the first in a new series featuring Alex Vlodnachek. Alex was a reporter until about 3 months ago she decided to leave her paper and join a PR firm to make more money. She really got more than she bargained for. On a Friday night client dinner, her boss tries to “pimp” her out to a client. She calls in sick on Monday only to find the police on her door because her boss ends up dead with her red hair on his jacket. There was a lot going on in this first story. She comes home from the police station to have her brother Nick and his girlfriend Gabby show up on her doorstep. I love that Alex gets support from her entire family especially her Grandmother Baba who shows up on her doorstep after a newspaper runs a byline that calls her “Vlad the Impaler”. Clever. I also like that she is actively using her reporting skills to try and get her life back. The cleaning job sounded painful. The story is set in the Washington DC area so believable that there would need to be a high power PR firm as well as lots of potential for future stories. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next installment.

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Interesting premise for the plot of the first book in a new series, the female protagonist is an ex-reporter and now ex-PR Coleman and Walters rep. Heaven knows there is a good reason for the current ex-position. Unfortunately, the manner in which she departed that position ultimately leads to suspicion she offed the offensive ex-boss. With brother Nick, bride Gabby, and pup moving in and grandma Baba coming to save the day with her goulash and cleaning bucket, she'll have plenty of time to sleuth her way to the truth.

While a red-headed Vlodnachek might not be the full attraction here, Alexandra's family and close-knit support group provide a lively and fun romp through the storyline. What I enjoyed of the Alex character was the oft-proffered bits of humor, clever insights into her world, and the introduction to a dog I fell in love with--Lucy, mixed rescue, non-descript female with tons of personality.

This is a character-driven plot that sees the protagonist's peripheral support fully fleshed. Newspaper buddy "Trip" proves to be an excellent source of investigation suggestions. Small sub-plots with Nick and Victorian B & B neighbor Ian will prove a source for further development in the future. But that is where it gets tricky. Even with a lot going on and Alex undercover cleaning toilets to retrieve crucial "evidence" and the relatives and old buddies working behind the scenes, the mid-storyline sags a little. It's not like the culprits aren't obvious. It's how the pieces fit that remains to be seen.

There are a number of witticisms that keep the reader engaged and working through to conclusion. I felt the conclusion, however, missed a couple points that I'd waited to discover.

I was given this download by the publisher and NetGalley through Great Escapes for the blog tour and greatly enjoyed the opportunity to read and review. Recommended for cozy mystery fans who like their mystery with a side of humor and a peek into a slightly unusual cozy heritage background. I'm looking forward to reading #2 of the series.

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Alex Vlodnachek is having a rough day. She lost her job, was thought to be having an affair with her boss and is now a murder suspect.
That is just the tip of the iceberg in Confessions of a Red Herring.
A jealous wife, a mistress and an angry partner are the least of Alex's worries at first.
Her brother shows up at her door with a wife, who seems to have a questionable way of making money. Then her grandmother shows up and that's when things start to heat up in this 5 star winner.

The story was well written and the words flowed smoothly from the pages. I was soon caught up in the story and was rooting for Alex the whole time.

I am looking forward to reading more in this series.
I volunteered to read and review this book offered by the publisher and NetGalley.

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Confessions of a Red Herring by Dana Dratch is the first book in Red Herring Mystery series with I hope many more to come.
I love this book,it's one of the most entertaining books I have read in a long time. I especially like the humor, a bit of romance and crazy family histrionics that go along with it.
The characters including Alex are fun, over the top and hilarious. I like Alex's positive attitude and her unfailing will to keep on highting and discover the truth and all crazy situations she finds herself in.
I also enjoyed peeking behind the scenes of P.R. world and seeing what a cut throat business it is.
I highy recommend this book to all those who enjoy good mystery with lots of laugher. Fabulous!

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I received this book for the publisher a honest review i really like the stat it look promising but then became so many things happening that the book was too long for that end. I really like Lucy the dog

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

After a lengthy career as a newspaper reporter, Alex Vlodnachek decides to switch occupations and become a public relations rep for one of the largest and most respected firms in the greater D.C. area. It only takes about three months for Alex to realize that she made a huge mistake by going to work for Coleman and Walters. After the CEO, Mr. Coleman, tries to essentially pimp Alex out to a client, she understandably causes a scene in front of numerous coworkers. Two days later, Coleman is dead and Alex is at the top of the suspect list. Alex knows that she is innocent, and the police prove that she is innocent. But it seems like everyone at Coleman and Walters has made up their minds about her guilt, as had an old nemesis in the newspaper world. What doesn’t help is that not only is Alex being framed for the murder, someone is impersonating her and trying to ruin her life. If Alex wants to prove that she truly is innocent, she’s going to have to find the killer.

What I really enjoyed about Alex and her amateur investigation is that she wasn’t afraid to go undercover to get information. Not only does Alex get a job working as a waitress at the deceased man’s catered funeral reception, she also joins the cleaning service that cleans up the offices at Coleman and Walters. Between the two undercover jobs, Alex is able to eavesdrop on multiple interesting conversations and dig up some incriminating paperwork. Alex also seeks out other people who have been wronged by Coleman and Walters. And she involves her old friends from the newspaper world in her investigation – they provide her with information and she turns over incriminating documents to them. I also enjoyed some of the secondary characters in this novel – Alex’s family is quirky, and her best friend, Trip, is such a fun character.

While I found CONFESSIONS OF A RED HERRING to be a compelling mystery, there were times that I felt myself losing interest because the story seemed to drag out. It’s not like there are sections of the novel where nothing is happening – trust me, something is always happening – but maybe there was just too much going. Too many plots and subplots. Another thing that bothered me is that the novel opens with Alex getting picked up by the police to be questioned about her boss’s homicide but there is no scene of her actually getting questioned. To me, this seems like a fairly crucial scene to include – especially since there is very little interaction with the police after this.

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Confessions of a Red Herring by Dana Dratch is the first book in the new cozy A Red Herring Mystery series. In this series Alex Vlodnachek had spent years as a reporter but left that industry to work in a PR firm but never expected that move would land her straight into a murder investigation.

The CEO at Alex’s new agency turned up dead and all eyes landed on Alex as the one who had done the deed but when that also gets her fired from her job and broke Alex knows she needs to clear her name. The stories begin to fly on just who Alex was aiming the attention at her so she does a little undercover investigating to find the truth but that just may put her and her family in danger.

When picking up a book and it makes me chuckle on the opening page I know that I should be in for a good read. Starting this one off that was just what happened when I read the opening….

“I felt zero guilt for calling in sick Monday. “Sick of Work” would have been more accurate.”

Ok, now really who out there can’t relate to that one?? Pretty sure it would be a pretty low percentage that had not had that thought at least once in their lives so Alex immediately became somewhat relatable already. There were a few times I think the humor fell a little short of the mark to me but plenty of times that it had me laughing too. I do think there were a few slower moments along the way in the story, perhaps when the humor wasn’t drawing me in but overall this one was a fun start to this series that will bring me back for more.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Confessions of a Red Herring
By Dana Dratch
June 2018

Review by Cynthia Chow

Alex Vlodnachek loved being a reporter. After twelve years of struggling to cover the news stories she wanted and battling editors though, the offer of an actual sustainable salary lured her to the dark side of Public Relations. The grass is always greener on the other side, and it only took three months, along with the CEO attempting to pimp her out to a client, for Alex to storm out and plan on sending out new résumés. Before she has the chance to even consider quitting or filing a lawsuit, detectives arrive on her doorstep wanting to question her about the murder of said CEO; Everett Coleman, who was literally stabbed in the back.

The police may be holding off on making an arrest, but the rest of Coleman & Waters don’t hesitate before declaring Alex the murderess non grata. Being thrown out of the office is small potatoes compared to the steps Benjamin Waters takes to amputate her from the company; denying her medical benefits, sabotaging her credit ratings, cutting her off from her bank accounts, blackballing her form all future employments, and threatening dire lawsuits. While Alex’s best friend and reporter Trip Cabot leads the attack in proving her innocence, her family provide emotional support and not a little distraction. Alex and Nick Vlodnachek share having grown up with an uber-successful businessman older brother and supermodel sister, so Alex welcomes Nick’s unexpected arrival on her doorstep. It was the Las Vegas grifter new bride Gabby accompanying him who may prove questionable, especially as she seems to be running an illegal business out of Alex’s bathroom. Fordham, Virginia is a small town with D.C. media power, so it doesn’t take long for Alex’s Baba to hear the news and land on her granddaughter’s doorstep. With a lot of investigative journalism savvy, some undercover work cleaning toilets, and a lot Gabby’s questionably legal know-how, Alex must discover who is framing her into “Vlod the Impaler,” before she is arrested for committing yet another crime.

Every so often a novel seems to pop out of nowhere and deliver an astoundingly entertaining and hilariously fun new read. Alex is a delight, with a sharp wit and intelligence that makes her a joy to follow. Few would have the canniness to avoid the pitfalls planned to destroy her life and land her in jail, and the pleasure comes in seeing her marshal her forces and fight back against all of the turmoil. Villains are true villains here, but Alex and her family are more than enough to evade their plans and prevail. The humor and dialogue is refreshingly original, and the novel pulls no punches when poking fun at public relations, big corporations, or the state of journalism. The handsome new owner of a bed-and-breakfast lends the promise of romance in the future, even if he can’t cook and she’s not the safest neighbor to have. I can’t wait for the next appearance by Alex and her exhilarating family, as their future only looks as though it will becoming more chaotic and even more fun.

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I really enjoyed this! There’s a lovely cast of characters, lots of intrigue and hilarious family hijinks.

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Confessions of a Red Herring by Dana Dratch is a lively and twisted mystery that I hope is only the beginning of a new series.

Alex Vlodnachek is a ex-reporter that thought she was making the right move into P.R. but it turned out to be a bad choice almost from the start. I really liked Alex. She is smart, spunky, stubborn and determined. She's been set up for a murder and she will find out who is behind it all. Her friend, Trip, is an absolute doll; and I want him for a best friend, too. Her brother, Nick, her grandmother, Baba come to visit which only adds to the chaos. The plot moved smoothly with plenty of suspects who have motives for wanting the man dead. I was on track with Alex as to who the real culprit(s) were but the reveal was still enlightening. Beware of grandmothers with cast iron frying pans. There were often humorous moments and a few sad ones, too; but I found that be realistic. I look forward to meeting Alex's sister and mother and getting to know them better - hopefully in the next book.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, atmosphere, and characters. I would recommend the book to friends and family for their reading pleasure.

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Didn't know quite to expect with this one, but found myself laughing throughout. A clever and refreshing mystery that has me wish for plenty more where this one came from.

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