Member Reviews

3.5 rounded up
Nice collection of stories that jntersect. Refreshing read. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Taking place in the Texas town of Acorn, this collection of short stories focuses in on various citizens from different walks of life and their experiences and interactions within the town. Its definitely a good read for anyone who likes "slice of life" type stories. The writing is engaging and you can get through most of the stories fairly quickly. My only complaint is that many of the stories didn't really have a plot - they were more like snapshots of a particular character's life rather than a self contained story with a beginning, middle, and end.

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The Acorn Stories is a collection of short stories revolving around life in small town, Acorn, Texas. The book is full of quirky characters - Some likable and some, not so much. The stories cover a bit of everything that small town life entails, from the don't know what you've got til it's gone romance to the dedicated teacher to nosy neighbors, etc. The point is these people could be anywhere in any small town, including your own. Some stories grabbed my attention quicker than others and naturally, I enjoyed some more than others, but the book is certainly worth a read and each tale is a good length for taking your time through the book or binge reading the whole thing. The author has a unique writing style. It's rather succinct, without all the fluff and frills, and it did take me a bit to get comfortable with it, but once I did, I did enjoy the read.

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Another book of short stories to enjoy over time! I haven't read them all, but will revisit this review when I do! I am enjoying reading them as I travel between by bus between work and home. Perfect little gems to occupy me during my ride. Duane Simolke is a very engaging writer-well written, thoughtful stories, easy and quick to read and leaves the reader wanting more! I do hope he has more like this one in the works!

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The synopsis sounded promising... I tried really hard to like this book but it really didn't speak to me. A collection of short stories that intermix about everyday people just trying to get through life. It took a lot of effort to make it through to the end. Some people may find this book entertaining or enlightening but I just found it a little sad and depressing when it made me feel anything at all.

The Acorn Stories was recently reissued from the author's self-published work 20 years ago.

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Welcome to Acorn, Texas, a small town probably like ANY town, but instead of driving past it, Duane Simolke is going to let us in on what goes on behind closed doors. It may take a village to raise a child, but that same village could also drive the poor kid crazy!

THE ACORN STORIES are short, yet fascinating glimpses into the lives of some of the people who make up Acorn. Get ready for a Peeping Tom’s Eye View of the likable, the not-so-likable and just plain unique citizens of Acorn. People who were never on your radar come alive with Duane Simolke’s relaxed tone and you feel as if you are part of their world. Now, whether that’s good or bad depends on each story, because these people are as flawed as we are, and just as quirky as your neighbor may see you!

You will find heroes, like the deaf and gay teacher who cares about his students and their potential. Then there is the political vendetta the mayor champions against and art store. Let’s not forget the gossips, the kindhearted and the innocents who are the perfect targets to be used. You will rage, laugh, and shake your heads at some of what goes on in Acorn, then before you know it, you feel you belong, that you know these people, warts and all.

Duane Simolke has a folksy way of storytelling, making readers want to pull up a chair and sit a spell, lost in his words and the voices of his characters! When all is said and done, one realizes that people like those in Acorn could be a neighbor, could be part of your town and everyone has a story to tell because that’s life and sometimes it shakes your foundations and sometimes it makes you laugh! It’s the differences in people that make the world go round.

I received a complimentary copy from BooksGoSocial!

Publication Date: December 13, 2007 Original Publication, April, 1998
Publisher: BooksGoSocial
Genre: Adult LGBT | Humor/Satire
Print Length: 172 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
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I am not actually sure how I downloaded these short stories! I think I clicked on a "read more" button and it ended up on my shelf. I did try to read some of them. The description is right up my alley - small town characters, lives intertwined, etc. But, I'm sorry to say, they were just not that interesting. Not badly written, but the characters weren't really likable to me, and the editing of the digital version was not well done. Confusing separations in the narrative, etc. Sorry I couldn't give a better review! I saw that the book was written in the 1990s, which makes me curious why it's on NetGalley....

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