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One Small Thing

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One Small Thing really tugged on my heartstrings, Erin Watt's books usually pull emotions out of me but not this particular one. I loved that, that it drew such an emotional response from me. It didn't make me cry but I was emotionally invested in the story especially the hero's pain. It didn't matter that I'd figured out where it was going and what would happen I was in, I was all in. That fact did not alter my overall enjoyment of it at all, I enjoyed it quite a lot. I love forbidden stories. I loved that this story had that element and that it was such an untenable situation yet it worked.

I definitely recommend this book to those who love forbidden stories that are heartfelt.

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4 Forbidden Stars!
Beth Jones should be having the time of her life. She is a 17 yr. old girl about to start her senior year at Darling High. Instead she feels like she can't breathe. She has no life since her sister Rachel passed away three years ago. Everything drastically changed in her household because her parents are obsessed with keeping the only child they have left safe. They are overprotective to the extreme, and everything is decided for her. They monitor her every move, and her life is all about rules, boundaries, and restrictions.

Desperate for a break from her reality, Beth accepts an invite to a party one town over with plans to sneak away. She just wants to have a good time for a few hours before school starts back. She's always been the good girl who does what she's told, but her helicopter parents have become too much to deal with. She feels like she's going to suffocate if she doesn't get away from her home that's become like her prison. She arrives at the party and is instantly intrigued by a gorgeous stranger named Chase. They share a night she'll never forget and then part ways. She later is stunned when he shows up in her everyday life. The one time she's a rebel and takes a walk on the wild side, she royally screws it up. Her one night of fun complicates her life even further, but she can't regret Chase or quit thinking about him. Being together would be impossible with so much already stacked against them, so they are forced to keep their connection a secret.

Chase is starting a new school and wants a fresh start. His life has been hard for a while now, and he just needs life to give him a break. He tries to avoid Beth as much as possible because he doesn't think he's good enough for her, but they keep finding themselves thrown together. The more time they spend together, the more intense their feelings become.

Beth feels a sense of peace when Chase is near. She knows he's supposed to be the bad boy she's to stay away from, but she's drawn to him. He's intense, beautiful, and soon the only thing she fears is being separated from him. As everyone around her tries to control her, Beth has a choice to make. Keep living her life for everyone else, or risk everything for the one her heart desires more than anything. Choose the lie or her new truth.

This was a great story about forgiveness and second chances. Two people hurting who need each other desperately. It deals with high school bullying and forbidden romance. Another fantastic story from this wonderful writing duo, Erin Watt!

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Couldn't put it down!

" I focused on one good thing instead of all the fucked-up stuff." One small thing...

I knew I would like this book. It's almost a given because of the ladies writing it. I wasn't expecting to be so captivated by it that I started it around 10pm and by the time I looked up at the end of the book it was 3am.

Beth was amazing. She was so mature for her age and even more mature than some of the adults around her. I'm usually annoyed at least a couple of times by the girls in these YA books. With Beth though, I wasn't even annoyed one time. I loved her. Yes, he made mistakes. Yes, he paid the price and did his time. I've never seen a more mature man (he is one despite his age) in a YA book. I think these two made each other better even though they were fine on their own.

I'm 100% sure they based this book off of where I live. Part of the fun reading this was seeing where they were and knowing it wasn't too far from me. The closes books ever get to me is Chicago. I love Chicago but it was neat having this take place in my area.

As much as I love this book, I'm only rating it a 4 because I figured out everything way before I was told. It kinda would have been nice to have some surprise to it. Don't get me wrong. I recommend this book and hope you read it. I just wanted more.

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***ARC received for an honest review***

<b>”I have to be thankful for what I have. One small thing each day, just like Chase taught me.”</b>

Hard to be aggravated with a YA book for the YA drama. And that was my only issue with this book - it felt like ahem high school.

Beth’s parents are insane overprotective because her sister was accidentally killed. She goes to a party one night in an act of rebellion and falls for the one guy she absolutely can’t be with. Cue months of anguish, bullying, an abusive relationship, parents that prolly need a chat with child services, and friends that are awful people. Basically all of the best things about high school.

That said - I never thought “I can’t finish this.” I never wanted to give up. You gotta dance with them what brung ya - and when i sign up for a YA ARC I gotta embrace the YA crazy.

<a href=""><img src=""width="400"></a>

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This book....I don't even know where to start. It hit me in so many ways. Yes, it has romance in it. But the heart of the story is two fold - things are not always what the seem, and forgiveness. I wish I could give more than five stars. I could not put this book down, staying up as last as I could to read as much as I could. This book comes out the day after my birthday, and I cannot wait to buy a paperback copy.

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This book is unlike anything Erin Watt has put out before. It's a tale of redemption, finding life after a horrible accident, of forgiveness and heartache. Chase, and Beth shouldn't make sense, but they do. The authors that make up Erin Watt, really hit you right in the gut with this book. It was amazing from start to finish. I was captivated by this book and stayed up all night to finish it, because it was that good. This book would be okay for older teens and up, just because sex, and language, but the sex is not graphic, it's just eluded to, and talked about. Wonderful, and magnificent, this book with keep you wanting more. Told entirely in Beth's POV.

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One Small Thing by Erin Watt caught my eye with the cover, but kept my attention with the intense subject matter, intriguing characters, and twists that kept me guessing.

One Small Thing follows the story of Beth as she enters her final year of high school. Most people would be looking forward to the final memories with friends and going off to college to start the next chapter. However, Beth is being smothered by overprotective parents who are still getting over the loss of their other daughter and think they are keeping her safe. Their safety causes her to act out, which brings her in contact with Chase. After a few interactions, Chase's true identity comes to light and Beth finds herself torn between wanting to hate him and her inability to. Like magnets, we constantly see life tug these two together, much to the disagreement of friends and family, and Beth is trying to juggle her feelings.

Beth is every teenager. She wants to enjoy her teenage years leading up to college, enjoys her job and volunteering, wants to spend time with friends and go to a few parties, but her parents are draining the fun out of her life. A few touchy decisions bring down the wrath of her dad and mom and seclude her, causing her to act out more. It's the story we've all seen in our own lives playing out on the pages. Watt gave us a character that we could relate to. I love how the story has intense emotions ranging from romantic moments to anger to sadness. The whole emotions spectrum is found in One Small Thing and I found myself feeling those emotions right along with Beth.

One Small Thing also takes on the taboo topic of sexual assault, which I found refreshing. This novel approached the subject in a respectful manner where as not to assume what others may feel about it, but show a scenario where it may play out and show the after effects of that situation. I love books that touch on topics that a lot of other books do not, as well as ones that need to be spotlighted. It also tied in a positive lesson every reader can implement into their own lives. I won't spoil it though!

Erin Watt wrote a gripping novel I couldn't put down. It is the perfect read for a long day on the beach or a quiet evening at home this summer. I am looking forward to more novels by Watt and will be picking up her previous novels soon. A must read!

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Beth's sister has been killed three years ago. A car ran her over - the driver didn't see her.
Charlie Donnelly. 16 years old at the time, he was sent to juvie for three years. And now, in Beth's last year of school, he's back.

And he's going to her school.

Which she didn't know when she had a rebelling-against-her-mega-overstrict-parents one-night stand with him at a party last weekend!

Everyone at school and in town hates him. Especially her parents. She should too, right?

But she doesn't - she feels like she has to defend him and befriend him....

But her parents would never allow that.

They don't allow anything. Not even driving, working, going away to college!

What will happen to Beth & Chase?
Will there be a HEA?





I started reading and expected a cute little teenie romance. But ugh. No. That was so not what I was getting! This was so much more. Such an amazing dramance!

You start reading and you like Beth immediately. She just wants to enjoy her last year in highschool and then leave for the big world - aka go to college.

BUT HER PARENTS!!! UGH! Those people!

I can understand where they're coming from. Of course they want to make sure that their only living child will not be hurt or harmed. But they just go way too far. I wanted to call child protective services while reading! You see sparks of the old amazing, funny parents here and there, but they just exaggerated with everything!

And Beth and Chase! Ugh, those two. How can they ever be together after what happened???

I was crying so much while reading. I was constantly afraid of what might happen next. What cruel things the kids at school would do to get rid of Chase. Or what new thing her parents would come up with.

Beth and Chase are so perfect for each other.

He's so sorry for what he did. He feels so guilty.

And Beth feels guilty too - for liking him. For falling for him. But he's just so sweet and nice and kind and ... He listens to her. He gets her. She gets him. Under different circumstances they would be the IT couple at school.


But what happened happened.

And the reader can only hope that Beth's parents and the town will one day forgive Chase.

I sooo want them to end up happily together at the college of their dreams.

But it doesn't look too promising through most of the book ....


... but there's still hope!

Also - I so wouldn't mind seeing this on Netflix someday soon!

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Le duo Erin Watt est de retour avec un romance Young Adult que j'ai adoré du début à la fin. Les thématiques abordées sont fortes et l'histoire de Beth et Chase a ce côté Roméo et Juliette qu'on adore. One small thing nous rappelle qu'il faut savoir profiter des petites choses de la vie car on ne sait pas ce que l'avenir nous réserve.

Elizabeth Jones est une jeune femme de 17 ans qui n'a qu'une seule hâte : terminer sa dernière année de lycée pour enfin jouir de la liberté de faire ses études dans la fac qu'elle aura choisi. Mais cela est la théorie car elle vit dans une prison dorée dont les gardiens sont ses parents. Dave et Marnie Jones n'ont toujours pas fait le deuil de leur fille Rachel et de ce fait ils surprotègent Beth afin qu'il ne lui arrive rien. On sent donc que Beth étouffe et qu'elle n'en peut plus de vivre avec le fantôme de sa soeur car ses affaires sont encore là et les souvenirs à chaque coin de la maison. Dans un certain sens , nous comprenons le désarroi et la peur panique que peuvent ressentir ses parents mais les règles qu'ils vont instaurer feraient péter les plombs à n'importe quelle adolescente. Elle est surveillée 24 heures sur 24 et son moindre écart est connu immédiatement d'eux. C'est pour cela que Beth va braver les interdits et partir en secret et seule à une fête qui va changer définitivement le cours de sa vie. Là bas, elle va y connaître le bonheur car personne ne sait qu'elle est la soeur de Rachel. Cette nuit sera magique mais le retour à la réalité pourrait être douloureux.

Au lycée, Beth est amie avec Scarlett Holmes et contrairement à ce que pourrait sous entendre son patronyme, elle ne sera pas très forte pour démêler le vrai du faux. Scarlett est une adolescente comme les autres qui risque bien de s'embrouiller avec sa meilleure amie quand elle ne va plus reconnaître cette dernière. Elles font partie d'un groupe de jeunes qui sera continuellement dans le jugement et dans le harcèlement car ils ne conçoivent pas que le meurtrier de leur amie puisse étudier à Darling School. Cet acharnement va chambouler encore plus Beth qui ne comprend pas comment elle peut ressentir de tels sentiments à l'égard de celui qu'elle devrait haïr , à qui elle ne devrait même pas adresser la parole. N'a t-il pas assez payé son crime en passant trois années de sa jeunesse en prison? C'est en tout cas l'avis général mais Beth devra naviguer entre ses eaux troubles et tenter de trouver un juste milieu. Elle croit en la justice et le pardon mais elle sera confronter à des adolescents bornés et entêtés. Qui devra t-elle écouter? Pourra t-elle mener sa vie comme elle l'entend?

Charles Donnelly a payé très cher le prix de son inconséquence quand il n'avait que 16 ans. Il était un peu comme Troy ou Jeffrey Corsen en se pensant au dessus de tout et même des lois. En volant cette voiture ce soir là , il a pris son destin entre ses mains et en pleine figure. Le pardon n'est pas quelque chose qu'il va demander car il conçoit parfaitement qu'il n'a pas assez payé pour ses erreurs. La culpabilité le ronge et il va encaisser en serrant les dents toutes les manigances mises en place pour le faire partir , pour le pousser à la faute. Il ne peut compter sur personne et surtout pas son beau père , la maire de la ville, pour le sauver de ce piège. Il devra donc ne compter que sur lui même et ne pas laisser Beth entrer dans sa vie. Ils ont connu un moment de bonheur à deux mais il s'agissait une fois de plus d'une erreur.

J'ai adoré ce personnage car même si nous n'avons jamais son point de vue nous savons qu'il en a bavé assez. Erin Watt aborde avec brio les sentiments de culpabilité , de réinsertion et d'acceptation ou de pardon. Chase , comme il aime se faire appeler, ne cesse de s'auto punir pour ce qu'il a fait. En acceptant de revenir au lycée où Rachel était étudiante, il ne pouvait qu'aller au devant de gros ennuis. Ce que j'ai apprécié chez lui est sa résilience à accepter les remarques odieuses qu'il va prendre en pleine face. Il a une certaine maturité du fait de son séjour en prison et il sait que son destin ne tient qu'à un fil. A t-il droit au bonheur? Non mais face à la tornade Beth, il aura du mal à résister. Il ne pourra pas échapper à cette jeune fille qui à l'habitude de prendre soin des chiens errants et qui a une tonne d'empathie à revendre.

Bref, j'ai passé un excellent moment de lecture car Erin Watt ont su aborder avec brio des thématiques fortes en nous plongeant dans une romance Young Adult très addictive. Les thèmes ne sont pas abordés à la légère et nous ne pouvons que nous attacher à ses héros à la destinée tragique. Parviendront ils à trouver ce petit truc qui pourra les sauver. Si vous lisez en VO, je ne peux que vous recommander de lire ce roman des talentueuses Erin Watt.

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First of all, thank you very much for letting me read the ARC of this novel, I really appreciate it !!

As always, Erin Watt does not disappoint.
I really, really loved this novel. It got me hooked from the beginning and it made me cry early on already ! It just has everything I need in a YA contemporary.. Lots of hurt, drama, love, betrayal... It was amazing and I flew through the pages. Like with every other Erin Watt novel, I finished it in a day and felt bad it was done already haha.
Even though the MC can be a bit childish, she learns a lot during this story and makes a lot of steps in becoming more adult. I really felt along with her ! The love interest is also very interesting and he felt also very real to me.

Great novel about family, grieve, love and forgiveness... READ IT !!!

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This was a great summer read! I have always enjoyed books by this author, and she did not disappoint. This was a wonderful story of forbidden romance! I enjoyed every minute of it.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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I am a huge fan of Erin Watt, but this book was not one of my favorites. I didn't connect with any of the characters and felt that it was just overly dramatic and predictable. I did like Chase though. He definitely made up for a lot of the things I didn't like about the book.

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I received One Small Thing from Netgalley. I voluntarily read and reviewed it. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

I did not expect to get this book, but I was very happy that One Small Thing was my first Erin Watt book I read. I liked her style and definitely want to check out more of her stuff now.

One Small Thing deals with a family who is trying to pick up the pieces after their loved one died. Beth's parents deal with her sister's death by being extremely protective of her; almost to the point that they try to control her entire life. Beth spends most of the book trying to do her own thing anyway. And then she accidentally meets Charles.

Her friendship with Charles is basically like a screwed up Romeo and Juliet relationship, or a Spencer/Toby relationship from Pretty Little Liars. (I kept picturing those two during the whole book. I basically shipped them throughout the whole book.

The writing was well done and I even forgot the fact that I was reading an ARC book because I was enjoying it so much. I just liked all of the plots and turns and one particular scene at the very end. I'm trying not to spoil much here because I don't want to spoil the plot. I also read this book in a day, which is hard for me to do these days. I stayed up late reading it also when I shouldn't have.

Basically, you will want to read One Small Thing because it will tug at your heart because of all the emotions and characters. It was a five star read for me. I really didn't have anything bad to say about this. Thank you Netgalley and publishers for letting me read this!

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“Stop focusing on all the stuff you can’t do and start focusing on what you can do. Start thinking about something other than partying and having fun or whatever it is you’re thinking about. [...] Because that’s not what being an adult is about.”

I received an ARC copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This has no impact on my review/thoughts.

Rating: 4 stars

To be 100% honest, Erin Watt, aka Elle Kennedy and Jen Frederick, is definitely my favourite contemporary author and is an auto-buy author for me! I love every single one of their books (When It’s Real and the Royals series excluding book 4 and 5 which I didn’t enjoy it at all but this is a total different discussion for another time). This duo honestly feel like only one author is writing, their writing style just blends so well together. It’s easy and always amazing to read.

I’m very happy that I went into this book without knowing anything about it and without reading the synopsis because it gives away way too much of info. One thing I knew while requesting this book is how amazing Erin Watt’s books are!

The story was very predictable even when I went into it blind (I was able to predict most of the things after reading the first three chapters). One Small Thing might seems like your typical romance contemporary but it actually touches upon important topics such as how to deal with loss, forgiveness, possessiveness, and so on. At times, the story can feel a bit repetitive and redundant but I think it was necessary for both Beth and Chase’s character growth. I love the ending and how mature Beth and Chase made their decisions.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me this ARC! It was an amazing read!

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Beth lost her sister three years ago. Her parents have been overprotective ever since. She feels like she is living in a prison.
Chase just got out of prison. He is responsible for Beth’s sisters death.
At a party Beth doesn’t realize who Chase actually is. She was kind of numb when her sister died and did not even pay attention to the face of her sisters killer. Things happen at this end of the summer party.
At the first day of school, Beth sees that this beautiful stranger has enrolled, but everyone else seems disgusted. That’s when she finds out his true identity.
The story battles with dealing with death and how to move on. At first I thought I would be annoyed with how some parts seemed a little repetitive. I wasn’t. A lot of characters in this story were in a tough spot. How do you deal with losing a child or a sister? Even though it was an accident how do you deal with the guilt?
I like the name of the title. Sometimes all it takes is one small thing to help get you through. One small thing to brighten up your day. I like this thinking because it can apply to so many different situations.
Very good and powerful read.

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I'm not sure if it was the cute cover or the fact that this was categorized as a YA novel, but I really wasn't expecting this to be such an emotional book. It isn't a light and fluffy read, but rather one that will have you questioning and thinking about it long after you finish. I'm glad I went into this book blind and I actually wish the blurb didn't give away the main conflict of the story. It made the revelation so much more devastating. The weight and impact of it more profound. One Small Thing isn't just a contemporary romance. It's a story of forgiveness, acceptance, grief, and love. It shows how people handle tragedy, for better or for worse, and the lasting ripples these events cause.

I think what captivated me most about the book was that I truly had no idea how a story like this would end. Chase and Beth undergo a huge transformation from the people they once were, the people we meet, and the people they (hopefully) become. Yes, there were times I was frustrated with each of them as well as the people in their lives, but more often than not, I felt their pain, confusion, and anguish over these seemingly impossible obstacles. The secondary characters, though predictable, were perfectly over the top and succeeded in earning my anger and disgust. Mr. Jones and Jeff were quite the pair throughout the book. I honestly only really liked Chase and Beth (though Beth's mom grew on me). Things did wrap up quickly at the end, but I felt satisfied with the outcome and the maturity our characters displayed. I especially loved how the title tied into the book so wonderfully and that the ending left the reader with a sense of hope and maybe feeling just a little bit lighter.

4.5 stars

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for sending me an early copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I fell in love with this story very fast. Beth and Chase's relationship was very well written, and the tragedy behind it was just heartbreaking. I think I knew from the beginning that Jeff played a key role in the situation that happened 3 years ago with Beth's sister, but I wasn't expecting him to go crazy at the end and it was a good twist. I will say through that there is a little bit of sexual assault triggers, so be warned. I really thought this was a great book, and a nice quick summer read and would definitely recommend it to others.

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IMO, it ultimately gives away spoilers and the whole premise of the book. I like to go into the books I am reading bling (and read the blurbs afterwards) so if you are anything like me, head my advice.

Every time Erin Watt puts out a new book it's like instant jolt of excitement that courses through me. Although the conclusion of the Royal series was not my favorite, I was ready to see what they came up with next. And I was highly impressed with One Small Thing. Guys, this story line has been done before, and I have either liked it or I haven't but Erin Watt slayed. I didn't realize they could write such a compelling YA novel but I am SO here for it.

These two girls have a way of writing that captivates me in the sense of story line. I get so lost in the story that I feel like I am there. I was with Beth and her parents, at the parties, at school, in Beth's backyard. I was there for the whole book I couldn't even put it down. I was too afraid I would miss something, I HAD to keep going. That kind of writing, the kind that gets you hooked from the get go and doesn't let you go until you are done and you have goosebumps on your skin from reading the last sentence, yeah. THAT is my favorite kind of writing.

The best part of the entire book is the character growth of both Chase and Beth. Yes, BOTH. They both dug through their lives and worked out what needed to be worked out and worked on themselves before they focused on each other. Not only that but they were both exciting and interesting characters to read about. The only thing that could have made this book even an ounce better, was multiple POV's. One for Beth and one for Chase. Regardless- I was satisfied with the way their story played out.

And y'all know I am all about that high school angst and drama.

One Small Thing is a great story about forgiveness, loss, and finding that hope you're searching for when it's so dark in your life you don't ever think you will find it. This book isn't just another YA book, this book shows how people can put differences aside, stop being selfish, and accept others for who they truly are, regardless of their past. At the end of the book, the way the title fits into the story lit up my face with the biggest smile. Because it's true- at the end of the day, we just need that one small thing

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4.5/5 stars

I have read every Erin Watt book. I was completely obsessed with the Royals and love everything that Elle Kennedy and Jen Frederick write together. So I was very excited to read their new standalone Young Adult Contemporary romance.

I really enjoyed this book. And I'm very happy that I went into this book blind. I dislike spoilers and IMO the book blurb gives away too much of the story. I like to be surprised. And I'm actually not sure if I would have liked this book as much if I had known exactly where this story was headed.

The narrator is 17 year old high school senior, Beth (formerly known as Lizzie). Something happened to her sister a few years before and since then her parents have been super strict.

I thought that Beth was extremely interesting to read about. I liked how much she loved animals. And I really enjoyed seeing how she dealt with everything that happened to her during the book.

The romance was intriguing. At first I thought that it might be a rich girl/poor boy trope. And I was actually not looking forward to that at all. But what it ended up being was not that at all. But it had so many dimensions. It was not what I was expecting at all. But I really liked it.

One of my favorite things was when the authors explained the meaning of the title. It was extremely meaningful to the story and made me love the title.

I also loved that I had no idea how this story was going to end. There were so many issues unresolved very late in the book. But even though the ending/last part of the book was not really what I was expecting ... somehow everything I wanted answers to was dealt with.

I really liked this book. It tackled some serious issues. I was fascinated by her parents over-protectiveness and the bullying that happened at the high school. I liked reading about the possibility of forgiveness. And how some people might be capable of changing. Overall, this was not a light fluffy romance. It was definitely more substantial than I was expecting. But that is what made it special.

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One Small Thing was a great book and it blew me away. How can you not fall in love with Beth and root for her till the end. Great Book and a Must Read

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