Member Reviews

Loved the book. There were so many secrets kept hidden from Maisey. Loved the story, writing style and characters. Although, most of the characters were horrible people. Thank goodness Maisey grew up with Howard as a dad, because her mom was awful. Leah reminded me of Joan Crawford. Between Leah and Greg, no wonder Maisey is the way she is. Sometimes I forgot Elle was only twelve, she seemed very grownup and more mature than some of the adults. I LOVED Howard, especially how he stood up to Greg and Boots.

Maisey returns home after getting a phone call that her mom is in a coma and her dad may be facing charges of for abuse and neglect. Maisey never felt she was good enough for her mom and was always a disappointment, not living up to her fullest potential. Her mom, Leah, would go crazy when Maisey mentioned an imaginary friend named Marley. Leah even went as far as to hit Maisey with a belt over Marley. Maisey and her daughter, Elle, arrive at her parents' house to find her dad burning documents in the fireplace. Maisey discovers her mom was hiding many secrets and the mystery of Marley might finally be solved. Throw in Greg, Elle's father, who is very controlling, demeaning and abusive. There's also Tony, the sexy EMT/firefighter who Maisey believes should be in a calendar holding a cat.

Loved the cover of the book. The story held my interest from beginning until end. I definitely recommend the book and can't wait to read more by the author.

Thanks to NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and the author, Kerry Anne King, for a free electronic ARC of this novel.

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I received an Advanced Readers Copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book was descriptive and well written. This as the story of lives lived with domestic violence and the terrible price one mother had to pay to rid herself and her daughter of their abuser.

This book was easy to read however I thought it a bit rushed at the end and it was a bit disappointing .I also felt there was a whole other story to be told and I was left with more questions than answers. On the whole a good story and I will recommend it as a good read.

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I have to agree with some of the previous reviews that I've read in regards to this novel. It's not a thriller in my opinion. It does deal with Domestic Violence both emotional and physical. I liked the way Ms. King wrote about how it affects children who have grown up in that type of environment, from completely different backgrounds and levels of abuse. It comes from a Male's perspective as well as the females, each person deals with it differently and she wove them together to make a great story.
I found this to be more about the main protagonist who is forced to go through a heck of a lot of issues that would have to be devasting to even begin to deal with.

I would like to thank the publisher as well as NetGalley for providing me with an e-galley in exchange for my honest opinion, the opinion expressed above are my own.

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This novel is a reflection of domestic violence, effects on the victim, children, how there is a cycle of domestic violence, and reclaiming your life.

I liked the topic and the concept and how it was to be impactful, what I liked in the notes at the end, Kerry Ann King states that she wanted to "show, tell" why some people just don't leave. That was impactful, that had me hooked.

I loved Marley's character the most, wanting to hug and squeeze at times, although I do not believe that this was meant to be the main, who I believe the main character was to be, , Maisey drove me crazy. However, the author does a wonderful job allowing the reader to "see it" from Maisey's perspective and allowing the reader to connect to secondary characters

I was super excited to be granted this book, I was excited to read it and wanted to devour it, but for me, I struggled to get through this. I do not think it was horrible, I believe that it is just one of those books for me, I think perhaps mentally I put so much into what I thought this book would be and wanting more,

I believe the concept is impactful and would recommend for a light read

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Whisper Me This is part mystery and part family drama. It centers upon domestic violence in families. I was a victim of domestic violence and this book really hit home with me. This book truly delves into the psychopathy of the person committing domestic violence as well as the psychopathy of the victim.

This book is not a bed of roses to read. If you are a victim of domestic violence it’s really hard because it brings back memories of what occurred in your relationship, at least that’s what it did for me.

I am no longer in a violent relationship so I had sympathy and empathy for the narrator.

If you are in a violent relationship I encourage you to read this book. It is almost a primer on how to get out of that relationship, how to confront your abuser and how free you will feel after the relationship ends.

Although this is a work of fiction, it truly felt like a memoir. The author hit all the right notes when talking about domestic violence especially how it affects children.

I would like to thank net galley Kerry Anne King and Lake Union publishing for allowing me to read this book and exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for a copy of this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a very quick read, but was fascinating. I liked the way the story went back and forth with the mother's diary. It was suspenseful and the family dynamic was great.

Would highly recommend.

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This was a good story, great characters. It does have some mystery and a few twists. The narrator, Maisey, seems to be a bit of a ditz but she is endearing as well. I loved the character of Elle, her daughter who is wise beyond her years. Tony’s sister, Mia, is also a fun character and together with Elle they were a force. The relationships and dialogue were so genuine and believable. There is a fair bit of sadness and the story is full of domestic violence so be warned. I was happy with the conclusion. I will be checking out other works by this author, highly recommend.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and Lake Union Publishing for a copy in exchange for a review.

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This was the first book I have read of Kerry Anne's and I absolutely loved it!! It had just enough suspense in it to keep me turning the pages. I loved finding our who Marley was and then how she wove her into the story. I loved Maisey - the main character - and how she juggled with everything that was thrown on her plate. It is listed as romance, but there is not a lot of romance going on. I feel like it is more a generational fiction.

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A good domestic drama about abuse and family secrets. In the search to find her mother's end of life wishes, Maisey discovers her mother's big secret...she has a twin sister, Marley. What would make a mother abandon her child? Maisey tries to find answers through a new connection with her sister and her father's failing memory.
I really didn't like Maisey's character in the beginning. She seems flighty and indecisive and puts way too much responsibility on her teenage daughter. I like how she finds her strength in the end to protect her daughter from abuse. I like the character Tony and I wish more of the book focused on their relationship. I really liked this book and will recommend it to my friends. Thank you to Kerry Anne King and NetGalley for the chance to review this book.

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Thank you Lake Union Publishing for this fantastic book! I totally enjoyed it. It is totally dense, dark, and gripping till the last page. I've always loved Amazon's pick of publishing new thrillers, and this one didn't seem to disappoint.

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This is a beautifully written, compelling mystery about family and loyalty, and what lengths we go to in order to protect our loved ones. Because I also come from a family with a history of domestic violence and secrets, as well as mental illness, this story resonated with me on many levels.

Maisey receives a phone call out of the blue, learning that her mother is in a coma, and her elderly father, who appears disoriented and confused, is facing charges of abuse. Maisey returns to her family home, with her confident, outspoken 12 year old daughter in tow. While searching through her parents' home office and documents, trying to make sense of all that has happened, Maisey discovers a hidden birth certificate revealing she has a twin sister she never knew about.

As Masiey faces this shock, she is also dealing with her unwell parents, and trying to determine what's best for her entire family. It's a powerful story with a big mystery, and while it is generally a story of sadness and grief, there are overtones of courage, resilience, and hope. I highly recommend this for most fiction readers.

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“Whisper Me This” is a mysterious and heartbreaking story of Maisey, a woman who suddenly returns home with her daughter to find her mother in a coma, and her father confused and facing charges. With every second chapter being Leah’s journal, it shows a haunting glance into her dangerous past. If anything, this book teaches you how strong you need to be in the face of death. I loved every bit of it.

In a world every bit the same as our own, there’s a lot of things that you don’t want to talk about, but you have to. Leah kept secrets all her life, and continued to until the very end. Her life was destroyed but she was able to rebuild. Maisey didn’t think anything other than her mother was tough on her. Although this book is only half told through Leah’s point of view, I feel like it was equally important to the other half, in the present day. The description doesn’t really explain as much as you’d think it does, and I was surprised to find this book as exciting as it was. I took my time reading it, stretching it out as long as I could, because I didn’t want it to end.

The characters are so realistic, that you’d think that this was a true story. Not only did they learn from each other, but they learned for themselves, and changed a lot through the book. Maisey, the main viewpoint, was quiet and always drifting off into her imagination. Throughout the book, she got her footing back, and really became the confident person we wanted her to be. Not only do you need to be strong, but you need to stick up for yourself throughout your life. It doesn’t matter when you start, but you need to eventually and I think that’s an important thing to have in a story.

I was lost in the story from the moment I started the book, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you’re looking for a page turning, stomach twisting mysterious story, you’re looking in the right place. This book had turns I never expected, and i don’t think you’ll expect either. If you like strong female characters, this book is for you. Not only does it have a cool looking cover, but the insides are just amazing and I definitely recommend you check it out.
Thanks for reading!

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Five stars for Whisper Me This by Kerry Anne King. This story was a great read that was interesting and kept me guessing until the view end. Thank you for the opportunity to review.

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This was an emotional and sometimes heart-breaking book to read. The subject matter that supports the main plot is one that some people may have difficulty with, but that wasn’t the part that got to me. The book opens with a tragedy in the family of the protagonist, Maisey. The author writes in such a realistic style that the descriptions of Maisey’s mother and father in the first part of the book brought memories of my father’s fatal illness into sharp relief. I actually had to stop reading for a bit, because it was so eerily familiar. Once I was able to start reading again, I got drawn into the over-arching plot. The secrets that have been hidden for decades are revealed as Maisey and her family cope with grief and try to understand all of the changes, both immediate and long-term, that occur. The author is expressive and has created characters that are all unique, even though they are ultimately connected by a thread of something that has affected each individually. The stark and unflinching portrayals are real; I would be surprised if readers didn’t find at least two characters who they could relate to, as well as another two who are similar to other people they know. For me, it was a combination of Maisey and Elle (Maisey’s 12 year old daughter) – I instantly related to both of them. While the subject matter is heavy, the author addresses it in such a realistic manner that it doesn’t seem maudlin or fatalistic. The epilogue, in particular, speaks volumes to the strength people carry inside of them in spite of outside influences. I would highly recommend this book. Thank you to NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing, and the author for a digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I received this book "Whisper Me This" from NetGalley and all opinions expressed are my own.
I liked this book which was filled with secrets and deception. You just wanted to keep reading to find out the heart of the story. This book does deal with domestic violence, abusive relationships but it also deals with love, hope and strength. I loved Leah's Journal! I wish that there was one chapter on Marley - her story needed to be expanded. Just one chapter on her feelings growing up would have bumped this review to 5 stars.

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Maisey had a difficult childhood with her mother Leah always pushing her for more and making her feel that she was never good enough so when her own daughter Elle comes along she is determined to make a different life for her although she refuses to marry Greg the father. Greg however is very controlling and as an attorney always hangs the vague threat over her that he could go for custody of Elle if she doesn't toe the line. So when Leah has a fall and goes into a coma and her father is under suspicion of neglect and abuse she is distraught and rushes home. When she finds her father burning paperwork she is suspicious and eventually find out a massive secret....... she had a twin sister Marley!

A lovely book with great characters, Maisey at first seems a weak character always being pushed around but she grows as the story evolves and were hear of the abuse that had gone on, be it physical or mental, and it is a story that stays work you long after you have finished reading it.

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This book brought to life living with abuse and finding a way to escape it. Also making excuses for when you're being abused, and minimizing what's happening to make it ok. I felt the main character Maisey was someone you could relate too, she had her moments, she was ditzy at times like we all are sometimes and yet strong in others. However her daughter Elle who was 12 was more mature and wise then almost all the characters, this I had a hard time with. I have a 12 year old and there is no way he would act like he has had all the wisdom of the world. I've met a lot 12 years girls and boys, and even the most mature ones don't speak like Elle diodes. That was the one part of the book I could not wrap my mind around. I'm sure it must happen to those that have to grow up faster than others because of life circumstances but she seems to live a normal life. It was a bit of a pet peeve because I liked her character but couldn't wrap my mind around the 12 year old. Other than that I didn't mind this book, it had a good message.

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This book “… stirs the emotions in your belly like a spoon stirring cream into a coffee cup…”

Maisey grew up in a home that was ruled by her iron-willed mother. It is no wonder she moved away, placing several States between herself and her childhood home. She loves her parents, she just knows that raising her daughter in Kansas City has been the best decision she has ever made.

Maisey and her daughter, Elle get along famously. In fact, despite what her mother sees as wasted potential, Maisey knows she has done something right – she has raised Elle with all the love anyone could ever wish for.

A single, life-altering phone call brings back all Maisey’s feelings of inadequacy. She has to fly home. Her mother is gravely ill and her father is confused and evasive. The police mention the possibility of domestic abuse or at the very least, neglect.

Back in her childhood home, Maisey unearths a life-changing secret; she has a sister. One that neither her mother or father ever spoke of.

Just as she is coming to terms with the fact that her mother had lied to her for her entire life, Maisey discovers more secrets and lies.

This book is one of the most realistic descriptions of spousal abuse I have ever come across. Author Kerry Anne King has a background in Mental Health Counseling and also as a nurse. She has obviously come into close contact with survivors of abusive relationships, because she does a brilliant job of describing the insidious way that abusers can get inside the head of their victims.

This book is an emotional roller coaster and readers will be taken along for the ride of their lives.

Maisey may initially come across as a weak character, but as readers learn more about her, perceptions change. Whether those perceptions are hers or the readers remains to be seen.

I could not help but be swept up in the drama of Maisey’s story. The plot moves along at the perfect pace and there is rarely a dull moment. The characters are so realistic that they could easily be your neighbors in reality.

With topics such as single parenthood, divorce, custody issues, alcoholism, drug abuse, child abuse, elder care, domestic violence, secrets, lies and more, there is barely a person on the planet that will not be able to find something or someone to relate to within the pages of “Whisper Me This.”

Written with some of the best character building I have read in a very long time, this book is an absolute MUST READ.

I will be thinking about this book for a long, long time and I rate it as 5 out of 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

** Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book. **

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Whisper Me This is such a good book. Great plot and characters. Lots of family drama and secrets. I highly recommend this book. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this arc. This is my unbiased review.

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A well written domestic drama of family secrets. Be warned that there is a theme of abuse but it's handled appropriately. Maisey always wondered why her mother got so upset when she talked about her friend Marley- and now, many years later, she finds out. Maisey's sympathetic, her daughter Elle realistic, and the plot hangs together nicely. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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