Member Reviews

A beautiful and emotional journey.
When I first saw this book cover I was so drawn to it, that I knew I wanted to read this story. I have previously only read one other book by this author and it was just as wonderful. After reading this story, I felt a deep emotion toward all these characters. Personally I have not had to face these situations, but reading this story makes one think... what would you do?
Maisey, Marley, Leah, and all the other characters were wonderful. The heartache, the emotional journey for each of them was just beautiful.

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Very gripping read about family, abuse and the choices we make in life... i thought this book was excellent and would definitely recommend... Thank you netgalley for letting me give an honest review of this book

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I loved this unputdownable page-turner. Family secrets, deep emotional choices and a wonderful Heroine in Maisey and her spunky daughter. Relatable, developed characters that you get to know. I was totally entranced and I didn't want it to end. The small piece of romance works well in this delicate, intimate story of family, a missing adult twin, a dying mother and a father whose memory is failing. It all comes together and I was literally lost in the book for 2 solid nights. I Highly recommend this for many genres of women's fiction. Drama, mystery, family secrets, life, and love. It is a favorite of 2018 for me. 5 stars.

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Kerry Anne King has written Maisey's story from her point of view as well as alternating with her mother, Leah's journal and sometimes from Tony's perspective. This story is a slow build and is more of a plain mystery that one that has additional suspense. Whisper Me This is piecing together Leah's past and provides some answers for Maisy about the stranger that was her mom. Leah, Maisey, and Tony's' story all connect in a fundamental way that shaped who they became and their journeys are ugly and dirty and beautiful. Thank you Lake Union Publishing for allowing this book to be written, read and for providing me an ARC so I can share my opinions.

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First and foremost, I would not identify this book as a mystery. It is a contemporary fiction about growth and redemption–yes, there are secrets and plot twists, but the descriptor of “mystery” is a bit misleading.

This is a slow-paced novel that begins with our main character, Maisey Addington, a single mother struggling to pay her rent and act with any sort of adult responsibility. For most of the book, I absolutely despised Maisey. She is spineless, immature, whiney, and childish. Her twelve-year-old daughter is the driving factor in her life–she is everything Maisey is not: put-together, self-aware, responsible. To me, these characterizations put me off of the story and made me resent the way the relationships were structured. One thing I absolutely despise in a book are weak female characters, although this was kind of the point of this novel, I suppose.

Through the narration, we learn about two stories (one of our main character Maisey, the other of her love interest) that center around domestic violence and the lasting pain and trauma that results from it. Unfortunately, I completely disagree with the way King wrote about it. Don’t get me wrong. I realize that victims blaming themselves and offering up excuses for their abusers is a tragic, albeit common coping mechanism, but I personally can’t relate to it and found it incredibly frustrating that there were very few strong characters who wanted to stand up for themselves. There were attempts at redemption, but for me, they came too little and too late. I think the point of the story was to expose readers to the emotional trauma suffered by the characters, but it was so poorly written that I ended up resenting them instead. I’m not going to discuss this further because I don’t feel like I’m in a position to criticize.

Other than the subject matter, the book was just alright. The prose was grammatically correct, but that’s about it…there was very little artistry or distinct style. I went in with expectations of intrigue and mystery, but what I got was a poorly-paced novel with a half-assed attempt at dual perspective. I was not a fan of this book and I wouldn’t recommend it, even as a potential source of abuse understanding or healing.

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Whisper Me This is a book full of feels. It tackles some very heavy real life issues, and not everything works out as a happily ever after.

The characters are very well written and so realistic. The story itself has lots of tragedies and tears, but there is a thread of hope that runs through the background of the entire story.

This is the first book I’ve read by Kerry Anne King, but it will not be my last.

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A haunting mystery about a woman's past has her daughter, Maisey, searching for clues. Maisey's mother has died under suspicious circumstances, and her father may have been negligent in not seeking care for his dying wife. The secrets of her mother's past unravel and enable Maisey to stand up for herself and her daughter's future. This book delicately deals with the issue of domestic violence and is a must read.

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When I opened this book and read the epigraph, I knew I was already pulled in and was going to be captive. I was stepping into a story that would be one to make me feel. It touched me in so many ways. From deep and heart wrenching anguish to anger and absolute horror at what another human could do to someone. I felt compassion and love for the characters who dealt with abuse from the people who should have loved them unconditionally.
This book took me on an emotional journey with the main character, Maisey. I was pulling for her to find the answers she was searching for. To uncover the secrets her mother had kept and never wanted anyone to learn about. I wanted her to find the peace she had been missing all her life and to also be free of the burdens she had been carrying.
I love Kerry Anne Kings style of writing. She writes passages with word pictures that are so descriptive and accurate. I like the touches of sarcasm that actually pull the thought and ideas of the story together. I could envision so much by these word example for me was this passage:
"My heart does a sideways lurch one direction and then the other. A flock of butterflies that has apparently been roosting in my belly bursts up in a flight pattern that would be the envy of the Blue Angels." I could actually feel that feeling from those words!
This story dealt with the serious issue of domestic violence. It was at times very difficult to read but one that I couldn't NOT read. I lost track of time turning page after page. This is a book that I will think about and remember for a long time. I want to thank Lake Union, Netgalley and Kerry Anne King for the honor of reading this book. I totally give it 5 stars!

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First I’d like to thank Kerry Ann King for a signed copy of this most cherished book! My blog partner and I read and review hundreds of books a year. Our list of “OMG must reads” to recommend to others is growing a mile long because of books like this! Before our full review we will start by giving it 5 big fat stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Kerry Anne King does a masterful job at painting a picture of what domestic violence, heartache, loss, and resilience looks and feels like. As the description states, Maisey is a single mom of 12 year old Elle. She lives in what she feels is constant scrutiny from her successful yet controlling ex, Greg. Her entire life comes crashing down the moment she finds out that her mom has collapsed in her home and hit her head while her father supposedly followed her directions not to get her medical attention. So for three days she lay in bed deteriorating. Along with her downward spiraling health, Leah (Maisey’s once vibrant, confident, full of life mother), also takes with her, her deepest darkest secrets about her life. Until… The journal she began writing is discovered and Maisey begins to learn the truth. Then there’s Tony; fire fighter who appeared at Maisey’s house to investigate her mother’s accident. He seems to harbor many secrets but you won’t know what his connection is to this whole story right away!
What secrets did her mother have? Why were they so devastating to Maisey, her father, and the trajectory of her life? Will Greg push her to do something she doesn’t want to do giving up control of her mother’s wishes? Maisey’s last words to her mother before she died are chilling and can’t be taken back.
I highly recommend that you read Kerry Ann Kings book to see how this thrilling edge-of-your-seat story takes you on a ride of plot twists that will lead you to a shocking ending!

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I had several different feelings about this book. It's about a dysfunctional family and the abuse that is endured. It was very emotionally charged and hard to read in certain places. I would recommend It to others, but also to be aware of its contents.
Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for allowing me to read his book.

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First I'd like to thank Kerry Ann King for a signed copy of this most cherished book! My blog partner and I read and review hundreds of books a year. Our list of "OMG must reads" to recommend to others is growing a mile long because of books like this! Before our full review we will start by giving it 5 big fat stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Kerry Ann King does a masterful job at painting a picture of what domestic violence, heartache, loss, and resilience looks and feels like. As the description states, Maisey is a single mom of 12 year old Elle. She lives in what she feels is constant scrutiny from her successful yet controlling ex, Greg. Her entire life comes crashing down the moment she finds out that her mom has collapsed in her home and hit her head while her father supposedly followed her directions not to get her medical attention. So for three days she lay in bed deteriorating. Along with her downward spiraling health, Leah (Maisey's once vibrant, confident, full of life mother), also takes with her, her deepest darkest secrets about her life. Until... The journal she began writing is discovered and Maisey begins to learn the truth. Then there's Tony; fire fighter who appeared at Maisey's house to investigate her mother's accident. He seems to harbor many secrets but you won't know what his connection is to this whole story right away!
What secrets did her mother have? Why were they so devastating to Maisey, her father, and the trajectory of her life? Will Greg push her to do something she doesn't want to do giving up control of her mother's wishes? Maisey's last words to her mother before she died are chilling and can't be taken back. 
I highly recommend that you read Kerry Ann Kings book to see how this thrilling edge-of-your-seat story takes you on a ride of plot twists that will lead you to a shocking ending!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union for the honor of reading this book.

I started this book and it just blew me away. From the very first it pulled me in and took a hold of my heart. This is a wonderful book but be warned, you will need Kleenex. It’s a very emotional ride and one that will stay with you for a while for sure. A story of women and abuse. I’ll never understand why people want to hurt each other and claim that it’s love. I’ll never understand how they can raise their hands in pain to someone they are suppose to love and honor. I have a wonderful husband who would never have thought about hurting me. But I grew up in a very abusive house. I never called it home because a home should be filled with love and happiness, not pain and tears.
This book was so well written and said it like it was. Even emotional abuse is wrong. Playing mind games in lots of ways is worse than hitting. Mind games stay and beat you down so bad. The characters in this book are so well developed and so likable. Except the ones that love to hurt others. Those are the ones you want to see punished and punished bad.
To lose a sister is sad beyond words but if it’s a twin it has to be so much worse. Like a deep part of you is missing. Losing a child is even worse. This story will take you places that you won’t forget. At least I won’t. It’s told in such a realistic way that you feel every pain. Ever slap. Every put down. Even every laugh. Every hug.
I felt so bad for Walter. When he says he wants to go home and Maisey thinks she has to tell him his home will be sold and she does not have room for him, I lost it. I felt like “HOW COULD YOU.” How could she even go there after this man gave her a good life. Loved her unconditionally. Completely. How could she and does she. Does she let them put him in a home? This is a book you have to read. You will not be able to put it down. It’s one that will keep you reading when you should be cleaning house or sleeping. I laid awake last night thinking I had to get up and finish this book. But I did make myself wait and finished it today. It was one wonderful story. So sad and also so happy. I loved it from page one to the very end. I loved the journal from Maisey’s mother too. I finally liked her after thinking she was such a mean woman. Unless you walk in someone’s shoes you should not judge them. Give them the benefit of the doubt if possible.
This book gets a big 5 stars from me and more if I could. Thank you Kerry Anne King for writing this book. It sure gets to the heart of abuse and why some people make the choices they make.

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More an emotional read than a thriller, the characters and the story line kept me moving through the story to see what secret would be revealed and how it would be dealt with. I thought the author handled the domestic abuse part of the story well and compassionately. I enjoyed the characters and their interactions, and felt Maisey finally came into her own by the end. For me, this was a good story to curl up with and lose myself in, content to go where the story took me.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 / 5 rounded up.

When I first started Whisper Me This by Kerry Anne King I was speeding through it and expected to really like it, unfortunately it ended up falling a little short of the mark for me.

In Whisper Me This Maisey has never quite lived up to her mother's expectations. She has held a series of dead-end jobs, and has never gotten married - two things that her mom desperately wanted for her to change. When Maisey finds out her mom is in a coma and her dad might be charged with abuse and neglect, she goes back to her childhood home with her daughter Elle and must come to terms with her confused father, what to do about her mom, and what she feels are her own shortcomings and failures.

There is a mystery theme in this book that kept me reading and turning pages. The book switched between Leah's journal (Maisey's mom), Maisey, and a love interest for Maisey - Tony. Tony is holding onto his own guilt and secrets, as well as Maisey finding out she has a sister that her mom made her believe was a figment of her imagination. Slowly the story unravels, both the story of Maisey's mom and Tony's story, and it was definitely a slow burner of a story overall.

The biggest thing for me was that I wasn't a huge fan of Maisey and didn't really find myself rooting for her, at least not at first. She seemed incredibly flighty and childlike - even though she has a 12 year old daughter she is supposed to be raising - but we find out there is a reason for the way she acts. I did think she redeems herself towards the end, even though I wanted to smack her over the head a few times to stand up for herself. I think this was a pretty realistic description though so you can't really be mad at her too much. She is dealing with some pretty tough sh*t in this book.

Which brings me to the next thing, so many trigger warnings for this book and they all deal with abuse. Verbal abuse, physical abuse, etc. all directed at females or children. I have to admit it was a pretty tough book to read even though the author tries to infuse hope into it. The end is more uplifting than the majority of the book, and I found myself in tears more than once. Just know it is a very tough read despite the hopeful bits.

Final Thought: There was just something about this book that didn't sit quite right with me, but hell if I can articulate what it is. The mysteries that unravel just produce even more pain, and although I felt slightly better at the ending, the overall feel of this novel was pretty melancholy to me. Well written, but read at your own risk! I think I just found it too sad and frustrating, but that's just me and other people will probably really like this book and the message it delivers.

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“Be Small. Be Quiet. Just Go Along.” seems to be the theme of Whisper Me This until Maisey decides to no longer be small, be quiet or go along.

“It’s just that tone he was using, making you feel stupid. You don’t deserve that.” Maisey had her mom and the father of her child telling her she was flighty, unable to make decisions, and maybe she was but she was an excellent mother to her daughter.

Whisper Me This is the story of how the cycle of abuse is finally ended, and how a family can heal. I really enjoyed this page-turner of a story and felt so many emotions from anger to fear to hope and happiness.

“Whisper me truth, whisper me lies. You whisper two things, one truth, one lie-and I decide which is which.”

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing for the advanced review copy; all opinions are my own.

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Whisper Me This is a page turner filled with family secrets! Maisey is a single mother trying to raise her daughter. Maisey's mother is found sick and neglected and her father is a suspect. While dealing with the aftermath, she finds a long buried secret from her mother's past. Kerry Anne King is a new author for me and I will be looking at her other books!

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Once again this is a new author for me and I need to go back and read her earlier books because I found this one so well done. This is an intense novel about the result of domestic abuse through the generations and the ability of women to rise up and take back their power from those who try to abuse them - either physically or emotionally.

Maisey is a single mother with a 12 year old daughter Elle. At the beginning of the novel, Maisy is adrift in her life and not living to her potential. She gets a phone call that her mother has just been taken to the hospital and her father may be arrested for neglect. She rushes to her childhood home and finds her father totally confused and finds out that her mother is in a coma that she will probably not come out of. She hasn't been home in years but was still shocked at the situation she found her parents in. After she goes through some of the paperwork, she finds out that she had a twin sister she had dreamed about but had no idea really existed. As Maisey tries to get to the bottom of this startling revelation, she finds even more secrets about her parents that make her wonder if her whole life was a lie. When her daughter's father tries to get custody of Elle, Maisey learns that she has to learn to stand up for herself and her family and stop the cycle of secrets in their lives.

This wonderful intense novel kept me intrigued throughout. It's a wonderful story about a woman who has to learn to find her own voice to protect her daughter and her family.

Thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book to read and review. All opinions are my own.

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“Whisper Me This” by Kerry Anne King, is a thought-provoking, intriguing, intense and emotional read. The Genres for this novel are Fiction, Women’s Fiction, and Mystery. Kudos to Kerry Anne King for discussing issues of physical and emotional abuse and how it affects others.In this novel, the author not only describes a woman’s point of view, but shows the men’s reaction as well. The author writes about the importance of family, mother-daughter relationships, emotional support, honesty, love and hope. This is also a novel where the characters have many dark secrets. The timeline is in the present and goes back to the past when it pertains to the characters or events in the stories.

The author describes her characters as complex and complicated. As deep, dark secrets start to unravel, single mom. Maisey Addington finds that her world as she knows it will change forever. Maisey has a strong connection to her young daughter Elle, and would do anything to protect her. A phone call brings Maisey and Elle back to her hometown where her mother is in a coma, and it looks like her frail Dad might be responsible for it. Someone is responsible for older fractures and broken bones that Maisey’s Mom has.

When Maisey was a child, she would have an imaginary friend named Marley. Whenever Maisey would mention Marley’s name, her mother would go into quite a fury. Now it seems, that there really is a Marley, Maisey’s twin sister. Maisey becomes obsessed in finding her sister, and could be in danger. I would recommend this captivating story to readers that enjoy a thought-provoking, and suspenseful novel. I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest review.

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Full of richly woven characters, this book is an emotional read. This is a story of domestic violence and how it affects us throughout our lives. It is a story of love and loss, of strength and resilience. This book flows effortlessly from the very beginning to the triumphant end. It is rich in emotions and the dialogue is true to life. The characters are well developed and believable. This is a must read for all. It made me laugh and it made me cry. I loved this book. The author truly knows how to weave a tale that draws you in.

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When Maisey returns to her hometown after an incident that leaves both of her aging parents in the hospital, she’s not sure what she is going to find. Running away from her problems and drifting through life seems to be her way of dealing with things, but now she’s stuck back in small-town Washington trying to figure out what secrets her parents have been keeping from her all these years. Throw in her controlling ex and a hot local firefighter, and you have some drama! The real core of this book is about abuse though, including the many forms it can take and what people do to get away from it. I shed many a tear, but was also uplifted by the hope and love along the way.

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