Member Reviews

"In Bed with the Beast" by Tara Sivec (Naughty Princess Club #2)

***a special thank you to Netgalley and Tara Sivec for providing an ARC for review.

Comedy | Contemporary | Romance

I am a sucker for classic fairytale retellings, and this adorably endearing little read was by far one of the favorites. While it isn't an exact follow of the beauty and the beast storyline, it was the characters that brought the famous love story to life on the pages. I loved the uniqueness of the tale, it wasn't familiar but it also wasn't so far fetched I had to wonder where it considered itself a retelling aside from the two characters' nick names. Also, did I mention it wasn't a fantasy? That's right, it wasn't a castle-dressup-ballroom-danceoff genre and to be honest - I liked the story so much more because of it. Like, don't get me wrong - Im all about dragons and unicorns (who isn't) but sometimes its the simple real world outlook that makes romance so much more . . . romantic.

CHARACTERS ----------------------//

Belle - sexy librarian? nope. But, hey, adorkable is still pretty hot. This was seriously the most akwardly created fact-knowing character, I couldn't stop wanting to squeeze her theoretical cheeks in my fingers. Wrap her up, Ill take two. Aside from her even more admired best friends (whom of which I kinda want as my own friend group) she was the comedic star throughout the whole book. I couldn't stop smiling every time she hit the page, and THE WHOLE BOOK IS HER POV! So in theory, I was happy the whole time reading it! The dive into her head was a rollercoaster of "OMG she did not just say that out loud" and "holly crap, would it work if I said that out loud?" two enthusiastic thumbs up to this character - and maybe a glass of wine because I can't get over the fact she gets the kick ass library.

Vincent AKA "Beast" - be still my beating heart! yikes, guys . . . what a lovely edition to an already overused character type. I loved every moment he entered the page - like, sir, I could use that library and I'm single (just saying), but what was even more lovely about him was the fact he was so accepting of Belle's quirky ramblings and even better . . . he's a bouncer. I don't know if its my dirty fantasies but hell yes! Sexy bouncer for a strip club? You can keep Belle, I'll take forty of him. Other than the fact he's not only a babe - but I loved how the author took "the beast" into more of the "temperamental" side of a human. This is obviously a contemporary and not a fantasy, so shapeshifting animal man wasn't going to make sense unless I've been watching the wrong news station, and in that case someone has to fire the world reporters because that is what id tune in to see.

everyone else ... the supporting cast for this book was a rich group of hilariously funny members of a society I kinda want to join. Nothing makes me laugh harder than a dirty mouthed swearing remake of Ariel. It was so far out of my classic "sweetheart" mermaid trope, I can't wait for her own story to take the formation on yet another book by this author I'm going to bindge read in one sitting.

THE STORY ----------------------//

I really enjoyed the story, it was so remarkably paced I didn't feel overwhelmed by the obviously impending romance between the two characters. There was a beautifully laid out plot that was wonderfully executed. The two main characters had enough interaction to make the relationship reasonable while avoiding diving into "oh wait . . . their having sex now?" comment I reaccuringly find myself muttering when reading romance sometimes. Don't misread my meaning, I love the dirty scenes as much as the next girl but I love it even more when the author dangles their impending romp between the sheets throughout the first half of the book. Lets build their sexual tension yes? It makes the wait worth wild (wink wink)

overall, a lovely read I'm highly recommending to any fairytale retelling fanatic, it was beautifully executed while sharing a unique twist to a beloved story.

Expected publication: June 5th 2018 (ebook)

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Tara Sivec did it again readers! She wrote a hilarious and sexy retelling, this time Beauty and the Beast.

Isabella Reader is a book nerd to the core. She loves books, works at a library, and spouts out random facts when she's nervous. After getting kicked out of her dads house and at risk off the library closing for good she realizes something has to change. With the help of her best friends Cindy and Ariel, and a little one on one education from Beast, Belle learns to break out of her shell and embrace all her weird.

Vincent "Beast" Adams is moody, mysterious and way more than what meets the eye. He's smart, sexy and an unexpected gentleman. Vincent has been burned by a woman in his past and it ruined everything. He lets down his walls around Belle but when his secret comes out will he be able to hold on to what they have built.

“Boys in books do it better,”Vincent reads aloud.
“True story.”
He takes a step towards me and leans forward, placing his hands on either side of the counter, caging me in.
“That’s because they’re boys. Maybe you should try a man.”

As usual with Tara Sivec I recommend In Bed with the Beast to any reader who enjoys romantic comedies. I can't wait for the final book in the Naughty Princess Club❗


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In Bed with The Beast is the second book in the series Naughty Princess Club and tells the story of Belle and Vincent. The nerd and the beast. And while I liked the first book of this story, I just loved this book.I could give a summary of the history of these two, but hey I think the blurb of the book makes it just by itself then I will dwell here on what I thought of the book and the characters instead.

I loved this book has that footprint of "beauty and the beast" at the same time you have your own history not losing originality. Belle is a character that I liked a lot.She's fun, shy, romantic, in love with books and once that comes out of the House of your father see she flourish and become a woman, strong and confident.What to talk about Vincent, he is one of those mysterious types and quiet but inside has a heart of gold and was very sweet to see interactions with Belle doing Vicent soften and show your other hand.

Of course, here we have the interactions between the three friends who never cease to be entertaining and make me give a good laugh.What got me here was developing between Belle and Vicent and see how these two characters who apparently have nothing in common, are perfect for each other.

This book is perfect for those looking for a sexy, fun and romantic story that will leave you with a smile on her face.

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Thanks Netgalley for this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

Ok. This book was so good. I Loved Belle and Vic (Beast) They were just perfect together. I loved how protective Beast was of Belle. I loved Belle's odd Facts she speaks when she gets nervous. I liked this book so much more than the 1st book. I was LOL- ing and Swooning throughout the whole book. The big Drama With Beast wasn't too bad so I didn't mind it. I loved the whole Beauty and Beast theme.

I am so impatiently waiting for Ariel and Eric's book. Ariel is so crazy and says the craziest things I hope that her book is even better than Belle's (I don't know if it's possible)

5 Big Stars!!

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4.5 Stars!
Isabelle Marie Reading is a beautiful, sweet, innocent 25 yr. old woman still living at home with her overprotective father. She’s always been a shy, quiet bookworm. She’s a librarian who runs the local library that’s on the verge of shutting down. The library is like home to her, and is her safe haven. It’s going to soon close if she doesn’t come up with a way to raise money.

Until recently all Belle’s friends were fictional. Then she met Ariel & Cindy, and they started a business called The Naughty Princess Club. She’s been in charge of the administrative side, but soon wants to spread her wings and have some fun and adventure in her life. She wants excitement, and experience with the opposite sex. She also wants the fairy tale. She’s ready to take control of her life and stop living only through the characters in her books.

Belle’s father isn’t on board with the changes she’s making in her life. He doesn’t approve of her new girl squad, and they get in a huge fight. She’s suddenly homeless and on her own. She’s shown kindness from the most unlikely person, Vincent “Beast” Adams. Beast is a bouncer at a friends club, and reminds her of Thor and the Hulk wrapped up in one. He’s one of the hottest most annoying men she’s ever met, and the only person she’s ever clashed with. He offers her his spare room when he learns she has nowhere to go. Since she’s in desperate need of somewhere to stay she accepts. She’s finally free to make her own decisions, and live her life to the fullest.

Vincent is intrigued by this sexy, nerdy librarian who constantly rambles and spouts useless facts. She’s a bit odd, but extremely genuine and real. He finds her stunning inside & out, and wants to know her better. As he grows closer with Belle, will secrets destroy their new relationship?

I loved book two in The Naughty Princess Club. It was as laugh out loud funny as the first book, and full of girl power. The three friends share a special bond, and are all strong, confident women. I adored the Beast, and thought this story was absolutely fabulous! A sizzling hot, flirty, fun read! Can’t wait for Ariel’s HEA up next!

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This is a fun read that's light on angst but heavy with strong female friendships, self-discovery, and a quirky fairy tale theme. After reading At the Stroke of Midnight, I was worried about Belle's story, because she seemed so introverted and a bit weak. That's not the heroine this book delivers at all, though. In this story, Belle is ready to break out of her shell and take what she wants--a full life. Beast was a great hero, although I wish we got to know him a little bit better, but I suppose that's the downside of any first-person POV. Either way, he was sweet, overprotective without being overbearing, and patient with Belle. If you're looking for a modern twist on Beauty and the Beast with some tongue-in-cheek homages (Lumiere the Liar), a stronger than expected heroine, and a kind, sweet Beast, this is a wonderful read.

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Belle is trying to break away from her loving but over protective father but after a particularly bad fall out she packs her bag and leaves. Unfortunately she has nowhere to crash so ends up sleeping at her place of work. Her saviour comes in the unlikely form of hulking club bouncer know as the beast. Can she she underneath his gruff exterior or has he just got ulterior motives?
Enjoyable fairytale do-over.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is my first book by Tara Sivec and I’m in love. I need a Beast in my life. I started reading and just couldn’t put it down.

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I loved this story! I'm a sucker for revamped fairy tales and Belle and Beast were just amazing sexy and off the charts Awesome! If you read the story before you already know Belle as the shy beautiful quiet librian who doesn't make waves and true to please everyone. I'm this book you finally see Belle spread her wings or grab the stripper pole and go! I love Beast he's the perfect alpha with a heart of gold and the chemistry! Whew!! As always you get the humor you love from Tara but you get a adorable story as well! I can't wait for the next story as always bravo Tara!

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Loved the play on Beauty and the Beast. Very creative. Belle was exactly how I would incision a modern day Belle and Vincent was a modern day Beast. Their relationship warmed my heart and I loved the book until the end. The end came on so fast with the conflict being introduced at the 85% mark and within a blink of an eye, the book ended. I re-read the end a few times because I thought I missed Vincent saying “I love you,” but I didn’t. He used other words but I kept feeling like belle needed to hear the words. I would recommend this but I can’t give it a 5 because of th ending.

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4 Stars!!

This book was so much fun to read!! I loved Belle - her weirdness and her Beast!!

Isabella Reading is the innocent one of the three women in the Naughty Princess Club.. She lives with her father and works in the town library.. She joins the club in order to save the library from closing down and get out of her fathers place to live on her own..
So, when she gets kicked out by her dad, she is so clueless that she resides in the library!! However, when Vincent Adams, the Beast offers her a place at his house, she has no other choice other than accepting it..
And that is the start to their fairy tale!!
I loved Belle.. I liked the growth of her character as a strong, independent woman in this book.. And Vincent was totally amazing!! I loved their chemistry, the weird banters and everything!!
This book was so hilarious and heart warming at the same time!!

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I loved this book! I have to admit that Tara Sivec is one of my favorite authors. This book is LOL funny, sweet and sexy. I loved reading the story of Isabelle and Vincent, the twists and turns, and their HEA. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

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Oh beast. *heart eyes emoji*

Man do I love me those broody bearded types. And it just doesn't get any broodier than beast aka Vincent. The silent and grumpy security guard at Charming. If you've already read At the Stroke of Midnight, then you've already seen the awkwardly hilarious first encounter between him and Belle. And if you haven't, no worries, because you won't have any trouble reading this as a standalone. However, I still highly recommend book one simply because it's freaking AWESOME! But I digress.

Belle is the shy and awkward one of the three girlfriends. She has a tendency to sprout random weird facts when she feels awkward, and that's quite common. I also couldn't get enough of her adorably quirky personality. After living in her father's basement for far too long, this shy librarian is finally ready to take life by the horns. First thing? Book her first stripper event so she can help save her financially struggling beloved library in which she works. Too bad her experience with men of the non fictional variety is entirely too limited. So what's a girl to do? Enlist the help of the silent, broody one that seems to be hounding her every step lately.

One of my favorite things about this series is most definitely the banter and the friendship that Belle shares with Ariel and Cindy. I don't think I'll ever get enough of Cindy's loud mouth and balls to the wall personality. That girl brings each page she appears on to life. She's truly my spirit animal.

I usually pair this dress with a colorful cardigan sweater and a pair of ballet flats in the same color as the sweater,” I complain, shifting from foot to foot in the heels she made me put on.
“If you ever put a cardigan on again I will punch you in the throat. Also, if you ever use a safety pin to close the neckline of one of your dresses again, I’ll stab you in the eye with it.”

Vincent was deliciously broody. With a painful history, he's withdrawn completely into himself. But little does he know that a quirky librarian will help him see the light of things.

In Bed With The Beast was a delicious slow burn full of heart and humor. I absolutely adored Belle and Beast together. Watching his heart slowly melt and as he unwillingly falls harder and harder for Belle was entirely satisfying. I'm seriously hooked on this series, but I'm pretty sure I'd part with an ovary to get my hands on Ariel's book. That set up screams awesome and I absolutely cannot wait to read her book!

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3.75 stars.
Strangely enough this is my first book by Tara Sivec, though her name appears to pop up quite often in my goodreads book feed.
This is book two in the "Naughty Princess Club" series and for some reason I just adore any story that is based on the "Beauty and the Beast" fairytale no matter how loose the adaptation is. This one is certainly no exception.
This author writes somewhat quirky characters and overall I really thought "In Bed with the Beast" was pretty hilarious as well as a sexy and satisfying read. It was a very entertaining book.
I enjoyed how Belle and Vincent interacted with each other.
Belle was sweet, more than a little naive and a total bookworm. I also loved all the random facts that she would spew out at times.
Vincent was broody and grouchy, a perfect beast in fact but underneath it all there is a softness and a big heart that he keeps hidden too.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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After reading the first in the series A Stroke Of Midnight I was sooooo looking forward to In Bed with The Beast, I mean I’ve loved the Beauty and Beast story since I was a kid so of course excited!!!

I really loved Belle she is smart and interesting and the little spouts of trivia is hilarious. Beast is sexy and sweet what more could you want.

I found that I enjoyed this story more than the first one there just seemed to be more laughs, more character development, more everything.

All up an incredibly fun and hilarious story and I really look forward to reading Ariel’s story next.

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I really enjoyed this second installment of the Naughty Princesses. Tara Sivec knows how to do Rom-Com, that is for certain! Seeing Belle come out of her shell for her "Beast" was a delightful. And the twists on the old fairy tales are once again so clever. The only negative I have is that there was certain things that were exact repeats from the first book. If you don't read them one after the other you might not even notice. But I read them consecutively and I did have "deja vu" moments. Still a highly entertaining read though!

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A clever, witty, sexy spin on this classic fairy tale.
It was laugh-out-loud funny, with great bantering and amazing chemistry between the characters.

Loved this story!

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In Bed with the Beast is a cute modern day retelling of one of my favorites Beauty and the Beast.
The author did a good job being the sweet, charming Belle to a surly gruff Beast.
I'm still not sure on the stripping premise but but the book was laugh out loud funny. Her friends Cindy and Ariel, were great comic relief.
Belle and Vincent had chemistry but ii found it to be a bit slow moving at times.
Overall it was an enjoyable book that had me laughing.

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Humorous, sexy and witty. Great fresh take with elements from classic fairy tales but with a sweet and naughty flourish.

Friends Belle, Cindy and Ariel are three strong, independent, take-charge women that quickly bonded over similar financial stress that inadvertently resulted in their new business venture - the Naughty Princess Club, a home stripping business - after a hilarious mix-up with a princess party and a bachelor party . . . I definitely want to read that story and will be going back to read book one, At the Stroke of Midnight, while looking forward to book three, Kiss the Girl.

In Bed with the Beast features Isabelle Marie Reading (Belle) and Vincent Adams (Beast). Nerdy bookworm Belle is desperately trying to save her library. But she needs to gain confidence and experience if she's going to work up the courage to dance at Charming's and take part in the Naughty Princess Club. When Vincent learns that Belle is living in her library after a fight with her overprotective father, he opens his home to her. Belle sees it as the perfect learning opportunity; what better way to learn how men think and what men want then by learning from a man?

Easy, fun and fast-paced read that's as naughty as it is heartwarmingly, fairy tale sweet!

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Since I'm a big fan of Disney stories, I was really curious about this version of Beauty and the Beast by Tara Sivec. And it was not at all what I expected! But I loved it! Belle is living in the basement of her overprotective father. As a nerdy girl, she tries to save the local library from closing. Together with her friends Ariel and Cindy (do the names ring a bell???) she has started the Naughty Princess Club to earn money. However: the service they provide is stripping at parties. Hilariously, Belly is not experienced enough to perform, or so Ariel and Cindy believe. Therefore, they urge her to get into the dating scene. When she is kicked out of her father's house and grumpy Victor (nickname The Beast) offers her a place to stay, can she combine her staying with some experience in the seduction field? But what is the Beast hiding in the closed off room? And will he be perceptible of her charms, or is he only able to growl at everyone? Find out for yourself at this hilarious read. Five out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc. And keep an eye out for Kiss the Girl, the third part of this series.

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