Member Reviews

Omg! What a fun, sweet romcom!
I know I’ve read books by Tara Sivec before so when I saw this new one coming out, I definitely knew I had to check it out.

With a nod towards the classic story of Beauty and the Beast, this book was very humorous. Almost written with the tongue in cheek type of humor, you can’t help but fall for both of the characters in this book.

On one hand you have Beauty, who is a nerdy, weird, almost virgin who has been completely sheltered by her father. Plus, she has two completely wacky friends that push her to do better. Which is a good thing.

On the other hand you have the Beast. A big hunk of a man, who is quiet yet has that mysterious air and sexiness about him. Definitely not what you expect.

And when the two combine, there is a load of sexual tension, uncomfortable situations, humorous connections, and then downright steaming sex.

This book is a riot to read. Lighthearted and funny, weird - almost painfully weird at times. It almost makes you almost feel sorry for her. But when they finally get it all figured out, so worth it!

Tara has written a book that you are going to love! A funny romcom that will leave you smiling for a long time to come.

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If I lose my job it’s totally @authortarasivec and @netgalley fault for providing me with the #advancereadcopy of the hilarious #InBedWithTheBeast.
This book is the second installment in the #NaughtyPrincessClub trilogy.
Twenty five year old Isabelle Reading is tired. Tired of being treated like a child by her father. Tired of just reading about exciting things instead of actually living them. Tired of being shy. On top of that, her beloved library is on the verge of being closed for good. After deciding to take life by the horns, Belle finds herself kicked out of her dad’s house and living with sexy Vincent “Beast” Adams. Despite his warning, Belle is convinced he can be her real life fairy tale prince.
This book was hilarious. I was trying to read on the sly at my desk at work and I don’t know how successful I was because I kept bursting into laughter. I also won’t be surprised if I have a hand shaped mark on my forehead because Belle’s antics had me smacking myself in my forehead out on embarrassment so many times lol. I haven’t read the first book #AtTheStrokeOfMidnight yet but i am definitely moving it to the top of my #TBR pile.
@authortarasivec is always good for a laugh. If you are in the mood for some hilarity check out this book on its publication date June 5, 2018.

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This is a light hearted and comical twist on the fairytale Beauty and the Beast. It is book 2 in a series but you could read it as a standalone (although book 1 was great and you really should read it too).

This is the tale of an awkward young "Belle" coming into her own and becoming a strong and down to earth woman who can take care of herself. It is also the tale of a "Beast" of a man who is a lot more than you see at first glance. Both Belle and Beast have issues to overcome. Together this couple who seem very unlikely just work perfectly together.

The characters are engaging, the storyline flows well, and the plot is clearly thought out. I loved the hilarious antics in this one. Tara Sivec has proven once again that she is a master of romantic comedy.

Now bring on Ariel's story!

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Absolutely love Tara Sivec.
This book is brilliant.
Could not put it down
Would definitely recommend to a friend!

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I enjoyed this contemporary spin on the classic Beauty and the Beast fairytale. To be honest I don't love the idea of the business these princesses have started, but I liked everything else about the story. As the story went on, I loved being introduced to all the different characters from B&TB that have been reinvented in new roles. From Mrs Potts, Cogsworth, Lumiere, Gaston, etc, to other classic fairytale characters like Cindy (Cinderella), Ariel, Anastasia, etc. Ariel is a real spitfire, I laughed out loud during a lot of scenes she was in. The next book after this one is about her, so that will be fun to read too I think.
Thank you so much to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advanced copy!

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I loved one of these authors book. But I think I need to move on now. Besides series are not my thing either. I have to wait for the rest to get a epilogue for the first couple.

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In Bed with the Beast is book two in the Naughty Princess Club series by Tara Sivec. Each one of these adorable, sexy, sweet tales is based loosely on a fairy tale, the first being Cinderella, and this one if you haven’t guessed it is Beauty and the Beast. While each book in this series features a separate couple and could be understood as a standalone I’d highly suggest picking them up from the beginning to get the full story and all of the laughs.

Overall, In Bed with the Beast was a funny book and we don't think readers will be disappointed.

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Excellent contemporary unique romance. Isabelle is a shy, quiet librarian who until recently lived at home with her father. After sleeping in her library for a few nights Beast takes it upon himself to take her to the spare room in his home. Beast is a bouncer at a fancy strip club. Belle has a few quirky friends that encourage her to find her sexual woman. She has no idea how to do that so she asks Vincent, aka Beast to help her. He definitely helps her. This is an entertaining story that is a standalone with a HEA. I received a complementary copy via Net Galley and chose to write a review. I look forward to reading future books by this author.

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Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin press for the ARC!! My day was made when I got the approval!!

When I read At The Stroke of Midnight, I fell absolutely in love with every single character that was introduced. I could not wait to read Belle and Beast book. I was beyond ecstatic when I got the chance to get my hands on an early copy. So much so, I read it in one sitting and completely ignored all the "adulting" I was supposed to be doing! I absolutely loved it and could not put it down!! I laughed so much while reading it but that's no surprised....Tara Sivec wrote it!! I love a good fairy tale but this is my kind of happy ending!!

If you want a book that will having you laughing until your stomach hurts while making your heart swoon, In Bed with the Beast is the book!!

The only this I don't like is the fact that I have to wait to read Ariel's story in Kiss the Girl! These books are a MUST HAVE on my bookshelves!!

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Isabelle Reading is twenty-five years old, practically a virgin, lives in her father’s basement (finished basement) well actually….she was just kicked out of that basement, works in a library that’s two seconds from being closed down, is a romance fanatic, in the midst of starting a stripper business with a two friends and now has, of all things, a beast in her life. That’s right Belle has her very own Beast.
This is the second book in the Naughty Princess Club Series and just like book one, it’s full entertainment and humor. This time up is Belle, who has just recently found herself homeless and sleeping in the library when her father learns of her new business and puts her out. When “Beast” the bodyguard from the strip club Charming’s discovers this he extends his spare room to her. Belle soon learns that “Beast” is really such a “Beast” at all. As a matter of fact, he’s just plain ole Vincent who’s had his heart shattered in the past and who loves to read and actually wasn’t always a bouncer.
As usual, Tara Sivec has you crying laughing while at the same time delivering romance. Neither Belle nor Beast is anything like you might think. Belle might be inexperienced and a bit shy, quiet, and reserved but she toss out some cuss words like nobody’s business and she can give the business to Beast, verbally that is, without hesitation and when it comes time put up or shut up, Belle takes it all off with no hesitation. Vincent comes off as rough and sorely but underneath it all he’s a pussycat. I loved all of the characters in this book and I laughed from beginning to end. The way Tara has strung together the fairytale world names with her characters is pure genius. I can’t wait for the next book which I’m assuming will be Ariel and Eric’s story (get it, Ariel and Eric…?).
Quick, easy read that was loads of fun.

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A somewhat ridiculous story of Belle, a buttoned-up librarian who we're to believe can suddenly become an exotic dancer after spending time living with Beast, a good looking guy who teaches her how to be aware of her own sexuality. The play on the princesses is cute. A good beach read, but not much more.

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In Bed With The Beast is the second book in the Naughty Princess Club series by Tara Sivec and is filled with just as much ridiculous fun as the first. I have to say I think this might be my favorite int he series, though I'll wait for Kiss The Girl to call it. But then again I have always been a big fan of Belle!

A shy librarian stripper and a brute of a strip club bouncer make for quite the pair. When these two opposites become roommates they couldn't be more different. Their attraction is obvious but something is keeping them from acting on it. I loved how he brought out the spunk in her and she found the softness in him. They really were a perfect pair. 

The series as a whole has to be taken with a sense of humor and fun. You can't take it too seriously or it'll end up losing some of its whimsy. While a tad silly it is full of a ton of heart, some amazing female friendships, and heroes who are more than they appear. A great escape from reality! 

4.5 Smooches

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Incredibly unrealistic, but simultaneously so dang cute. Meet Belle and her "Beast" in this contemporary romance inspired by Beauty & the Beast. Will this naughty princess get her happily ever after? Complete with shocking plot twist, you'll be laughing and fanning yourself throughout the whole book.

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Can be read as a standalone, I enjoyed the first one in the series, And with this as well. Characters were fantastic, I liked Belle, her friends as always are hilarious. Beast is a broody bearded male, Vincent is a security guard at Charming. and he is so fun to read about. I liked him a lot. Even though you can read this as a standalone, but I would still recommend you reading the one before it as well. Belle is so shy and awkward you cant not love her. Slow burn at its best, with the best humour you can read, I cant wait for Ariel's book.

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Belle is a book nerd. She works in a library and that’s her dream job. She lives in her dad’s basement and though she’s an adult, he is extremely overprotective of her. When she met her two best friends, Cindy and Ariel, she never imagined she’d be starting a stripping business with them, but it happened. She’s a bit anxious to actually do that stripping but she’s working on her confidence. When she gets kicked out of her house by her dad she doesn’t want to bother her friends and ends up sleeping in the library. She’s saved from that by an unlikely source – a man named Beast who works at the local strip club as a bouncer.

Beast, whose real name is Vincent, is completely besotted with Belle. He takes her home and sets her up in his spare bedroom. Despite his form of communication aka grunting, Belle finds him charming. He shows her with deeds what a good guy he is. They manage to have some hot interactions but Belle’s not sure if he’s just trying to help her with her confidence or not. Belle is soon falling in love but when a secret that Beast is hiding comes out her belief in happily ever after is put to the test.

This was another great story in the Naughty Princess Club series. I really loved Belle and her awkwardness. She spouts statistics and little tidbits of knowledge when she gets nervous and I found it charming.

This book was in first person POV so of course we didn’t get any info from Beast, which was disappointing. Beast had a hidden past that comes out (a good one!) and I would have loved to have known his thoughts on a lot of things that happened in the book. Alas, it was not to be. Despite that I thought he was a great guy who had serious communication issues. He came through in the end, however so that was a plus.

This is definitely a romance between Beast and Belle, but it’s also sort of a coming-of-age story involving a 24-year-old. That seems a bit odd, I know, but Belle had never really come out of her shell. She’d been protected by her dad all her life and her friends were the ones she read about in books. She did go to college and get her master’s degree, but I got the impression that she lived at home that whole time. Meeting and befriending Cindy and Ariel were the first steps in getting her to be her own person. I loved reading about how she was taking things step by step to change her life and lead it the way she wanted to lead it and doing it in her own way.

Overall I really liked this story – just as much as I liked the first book in this series, At the Stroke of Midnight. If you’d like to read a couple of fun, contemporary romances then these are two I recommend picking up.

Rating: 4 out of 5

This will post as a guest review on Book Binge.

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What a fun story, a reimagined story of Beauty and the Beast with Belle/Isabelle and Beast/Vincent. Isabelle’s best friends are Cindy and Ariel and they form a stripping business to make money. Which causes Isabelle’s overprotective Dad to kick her out. For reasons unknown to Isabelle, Vincent offers to let her stay with him and she reluctantly agrees. Innocent Isabelle convinces her friends and Vincent to help her be sexy and flirty so she can do more than just paperwork for their business. Along the way they fall in love. Vincent’s lies of omission come back to bite him in the butt when they are revealed. After Isabelle moves out she finds out she might need to save him from her overprotective Dad and her friends. When she arrives all is well (sneaky family and friends) and Vincent makes his grand gesture to prove his love.

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Thanks Netgalley for a copy to read and review.

I have to say the title is what caught my eye, cover is cute and the blurb just looks so enchanting. I mean this is a fairy tale rendition....right. Naughty princesses.... oh my.

Second in a series and sadly I did not read the first. I'm guessing Cinderella....Beauty and the Beast...and lastly the little mermaid. Cindy, Belle, and Arielle make up the trio of dirty princesses. This is considered in my book... as simple humor. I'm not a big fan of this type of humor because it feels like reality tv and not something I can get lost in. Even still.. the author made it clever and witty. It reminds me of those humorous Janet Evanovich books. It's just a humor I don't get. Belle confronts the beast in this one and it's a similar to the fairy tale. Add in a strip club, a wayward father, a huge sexy beast, crazy bestie's , and a fairytale ending. You get the point. Just be ready for some crazy satirical humor, and some nerdy fun. She also has a googles worth of facts to present you with when she gets nervous....which is a bunch.

Thanks Netgalley for a crazy read. Four stars of entertainment!

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Not a stand alone!

I had no idea what was happening even just 10 pages into - too many names too quickly, too many moving pieces. I could not connect with anyone and therefore could not connect with the work.

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This was light and fluffy and I completely enjoyed it. If you’re looking for something that makes you smile and is slightly on the ridiculous side (though this isn’t a bad thing in my opinion!) then definitely check out this book.

This is the first novel by Tara Sivec that I have read, and I will definitely check out more of her stuff. I am a big fan of the Beauty and the Beast theme, and this was a cute twist that had strippers, crazy friends and a hot hero to boot.

4 stars for a fun little romp.

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I really liked this book, it was a fun, enjoyable and humorous read. One of the things that I liked about the story was how the characterizations evolved throughout the book. At the beginning of the book Belle was a shy librarian who as her story progressed became more confident. On the other hand, the character of Beast learned to be more open as opposed to closed off. I liked the relationship dynamic between Beast and Belle! I am glad I was able to read an advance copy of this book, I enjoyed it!

I really didn't know what to expect with one. I also didn't know this was apart of a series when I requested it on NetGalley. It sounded like it was going to be a cute retelling of Beauty and the Beast (which is one of my favorite Disney movies). While it was cute, nobody prepared me for Disney princesses as strippers!

Did that shock you? Because it sure did shock the hell out of me! Once the shock wore off, it was good! Belle was adorable and was a walking encyclopedia and Vincent (Beast was his nickname) was so broody and I liked him. I was laughing most of the time I was reading this book, it was hilarious!

"Um, I know him. Kind of. What is he doing here? I whisper to Mrs. Potter as we both continue staring at Beast.
"I believe what he's doing is called reading. I've heard it's all the rage in this building we call a library," she whispers back.

I enjoyed the relationship between Belle and Vincent. They both caused each other to grow and to want more in life. Belle ended up stand up for herself and getting some confidence. Vincent learned to open up because he was very closed off. As much as he didn't want to be labeled a hero, he sure was dreamy like one.

"I'm nobody's hero, princess. And this isn't a fairytale."

While it's not going to be a favorite of mine, it was hilarious and was a good book to kick back with. If you can get past the stripper part, I would give this a read!

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