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In Bed with the Beast

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Easily as good or better than the previous Naughty Princess book.

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In Bed with the Beast is the second book in the 'Naughty Princess Club' series, and as much as I enjoyed the first book, I loved this one even more. This book features Isabelle Reading, and her very own Beast, Vincent.

Belle is the youngest and most innocent of the Naughty Princess Club. She's using the club to save her library and move out of her father's basement. One of those things happens before planned, though. When Belle's dad kicks her out of the house, she doesn't know what she'll do or where she'll go. That is, until the bouncer at Charming's, Vincent "Beast" Adams offers her a place to stay. At first, Belle is hesitant about this arrangement. She doesn't know Beast that well. But her options are slim, so she goes for it.

I loved Belle and Vincent together. Belle may be sweet and a little naive about some things, but she has a lot of growth in this book, and I loved seeing that. I also loved all the information she randomly spouted out all the time. I absolutely adored Vincent. He can be broody, grouchy, and mercurial, but he has his reasons. Underneath it all, he has a big heart. It was great finding out more about his past, and seeing his secrets come to light. Even though Belle and Vincent seemed like they didn't belong together, they were a perfect match!

Tara Sivec has really outdone herself with this series. I haven't had so much fun reading in the longest time. In Bed with the Beast is hilarious, heartwarming, sexy, and entertaining as all get out! I recommend these books to anyone looking for a good time. I can't wait for Ariel's book! She makes me laugh more than anyone in these books!

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Of course this book is the bees knees. And if I’ve learned anything, it’s that I need to start stripping. KIDDING! No one wants to see that. Haha

This book is a lot of fun, I’m totally Belle in far too many ways- including my only friends being found in books.

Theres a little more angst in this book, than At The Stroke of Midnight, and In Bed With The Beast is my favorite of the two.

I laughed so hard, more than once! What makes those scenes so funny, is how unexpected they were. I always wonder what goes on in Tara’s head that she’s able to come up with this shit.

I highly recommend these two books, and will be less than patiently waiting for book 3, Kiss the Girl due out later this year.

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Belle and Vincent are the latest couple depicted in the latest Naughty Princess Club story. Belle is a librarian (of course) and Vincent is a bouncer at Charm's, which is a strip club. Belle is very sheltered and still lives at home with her dad in his basement, even though she is 25. She sneaks out with the girls every night and is aching to find freedom from her overbearing father. The library that she runs is out of funding and stripping is her solution to their money problems. She and Vincent could not be more different if they tried. Belle is verbose and Vincent barely grunts his responses. Belle lacks self-confidence and Vincent oozes confidence in everything he does. Belle misses obvious clues that Vincent is into her and disregards all attempts to tell her otherwise. When Belle finds herself homeless and about to be out of a job, Vincent steps in to help her.

Their living arrangement was interesting. While Belle is finding out who she truly is, Vincent is trying to protect her even when she insists he doesn't need to. She feels her father was overbearing enough and does not want anyone telling her what to do ever again. I did feel Belle needed to act more grown up and less like a toddler at points (slamming doors and stomping her feet). They do clash quite a bit. It was interesting how many times Belle would quote random facts when she got flustered and Vincent would just roll with it. Although quite introverted, Vincent had a lot of depth to him. His past was not all roses and sunshine and his present demeanor reflected that. His secret was not what I was expecting and that's all I'm going to say about that.

If you enjoyed the first book in this series, this one will be right up your alley. Belle relies upon her friends to help her fulfill her dreams. Their antics were funny, interesting and in true keeping with the first book in this series. I am intrigued to see what happens in the next book.

I was honored to receive an ARC from St. Martin's Press for my honest review.

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I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first, but it was still fun, and Beast was yummy. The library things were a bit hard to swallow (letting a non-librarian catalog? Come on!) and took me out of the book a little. I'm looking forward to Ariel's story!

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If your not familiar with this series, The Naughty Princess Club is based on three women who strongly resemble famous fairy tale princesses. This particular book is based off of Belle from Beauty and the Beast. There are many common themes such as Belle loving to read, wearing a lot of yellow, and falling in love with a beast (of a man). There are lots of nods to the original story that fans of Beauty and the Beast will appreciate. For example, Belle goes on a blind date with gentleman with a similar name as Cogsworth. The author deserves bonus points for creatively interweaving the stories together.

This book is a funny ride. Its more in vein with the Chocolate Lovers series as far as hilariousness and over the top antics. Its a quick and easy read as I read it in less than a day. I liked Belle quite a bit as she wasn't quite as crazy as Cindy and Ariel. And I enjoyed Vincent (the beast) who is strong, silent and somewhat moody. Some of the craziness of the secondary characters distracted slightly from the over all story.

All in all this was a fun and light story that kept me smiling from beginning to end.

***Copy obtained from St. Martin's Press/Swerve via Netgalley***

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In Bed with the Beast by Tara Sivec is the second book in the Naughty Princess Club romantic comedy series. While each book in this series features a separate couple and could be understood as a standalone I’d highly suggest picking them up from the beginning to get the full story and all of the laughs.

The first book of this series, At the Stroke of Midnight, introduced all three of the female leads in the series as they came together and became friends. The trio couldn’t be more opposite of one another with Cindy being an uptight recent divorcee, Belle the nerdy and shy librarian and Ariel the wild, crazy and outspoken one. The ladies had shown up at a function all wearing princess costumes and were offered a job working a party. Thinking children’s party they hastily agreed since all were in need of money but little did they know it was definitely adult and they were expected to strip. After running like crazy they rethought their retreat and came up with the idea to form their new business the Naughty Princess Club.

The fun part of this series is that these ladies are loosely based on the fairy tale princesses and now in this second installment it is Belle’s turn to find her happiness and learn to shake her booty. Belle is finding her voice and standing up for herself now after forming her friendship with the other ladies but that gets her tossed out of her father’s home when she stands up to him. With nowhere to go she sets up camp in the library until the brooding bouncer Vincent “Beast” Adams comes to her rescue and offers her a place to stay.

I honestly don’t know if I have the words to express how much I love this series. Tara Sivec has written the perfect combination of humor, sexiness and added a dash of creativity with the fairy tale twist. But not only do I laugh all throughout and my Kindle may get a little steamy but she’s given an underlying message of female empowerment showing her characters growing and maturing to be able to take care of themselves before beginning their relationships. And it didn’t hurt in the least little bit that this installment reminded me of Jay Ryan playing the beast on the television series based on Beauty and the Beast… yum.

When I found my early copy of In Bed with the Beast waiting for me in my mail I was beyond excited and hoped it would be as much fun as the first book. When finished now I can honestly say it certainly was if not even more so. I am definitely anxiously awaiting to read Ariel’s story in the next installment of this series now and recommend these to any romantic comedy fans out there.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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4,5 stars!

I LOVED this amazingly funny story by Tara Sivec! Another hilarious book about in the Naughty Princess Club series! So far, this one might my favorite, but then again, so is Belle.

So Belle is a book nerd who works in a library that is going to close. She wants to strip to get money to save her library. Beast is a bouncer at the night club and also her knight ins winning armor, something that he doesn't want to admit.

Their love story is crazy and funny and sweet all rolled into one ! I love Tara's books! Their are some of my all time favorite!

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Definitely as good as the first! The second in a trilogy of books with heroines named after Disney princesses - Belle is at the centre of this tale, and of course our hero is "Beast" (admittedly a nickname, but well who else was Belle going to end up with??)

I love how Sivec wrote the characters (and the development we have already seen in the series so far) but what I enjoyed most was the elements of comedy (from Belle in particular) and it made me eager to see what happens next

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Can I say goodness gracious, Tara Sivec knows how to put it down with humor and seduction and makes me feel warm and fuzzy in all the right places.

I connected so much with Belle she has an overbearing over protective father who wants to keep her innocent forever. Belle she wants what every other woman wants to live a fairy tale in real life rather then just in the books she reads.

Vincent "Beast" take in Belle when she needs it the most not only because he thinks she is gorgeous but because deep down he knows she is not like the others.

The secrets drove me insane but the lust that you could feel burning up each and every page drove me even crazier! I ate up every word wanting more and more to know what was behind the secret door Beast kept closed. The sexual tension was at an all time high with this book and it made getting to the naughtiness worth the wait!

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Ever since I finished At The Stroke of Midnight, I have been impatiently waiting to get my hands on the next book in the Naughty Princess Club Series, and let me tell you, it was so worth the wait. In Bed With The Beast was everything I had wanted and had been waiting for.

From the moment I started reading this book, I was totally sucked into Belle and Vincent's story. Their chemistry and banter made it impossible for me to put this book down. I was addicted and had to see how their story would play out. Tara Sivec has knocked it out of the park with her witty banter and entertaining story-line. These characters are just so much fun and so easy to relate to; you just can't get enough. I mean, you think you know their stories, but what this author brings to their stories will knock you off of your feet. She breathes fresh life and sexiness into our favorite fairy-tales and will keep you begging for more.

In Bed With The Beast captivated me from page one. I couldn't get enough of Belle and Vincent together. They were the perfect match, but neither one of them was ready to realize it. I loved how raw and intense Vincent was. He was a total jerk with a heart of gold. And Belle...she was so sweet. So innocent. She wanted it all: the romance, the swoon, the happy ending. She couldn't be more opposite of Vincent, but it just worked. These together had some amazing chemistry. Their push and pull had me begging for more. And even though I am very familiar with the tale of Beauty and The Beast, Tara Sivec gave me a sexy and sweet story with some terrific twists that just left me breathless.....

In Bed With The Beast is a terrific addition to The Naughty Princess Club Series. This book was sexy, smart and just a whole lot of fun. It is the absolute perfect book to spend your afternoon getting lost in. I loved the banter. I loved the chemistry. I loved the angst and drama. I loved all the little moments with Belle and Vincent. I loved seeing their relationship grow and how they changed one another. I loved getting to spend time with Cindy and Ariel again. They had me laughing so much and I just love seeing what trouble these ladies are going to get themselves into. I am telling you now, I just know that Ariel is going to be a force to be reckoned with when we finally get our hands on her story and I can not wait!!  

Simply put, I just loved this story. It is a fantastic fairy-tale re-telling and The Naughty Princess Club is quickly becoming one of my favorite series'. It's one that I can easily see myself reading over and over again. This series just keeps getting better and better. I don't know about you guys, but I will be sitting here waiting very impatiently to get my hands on Kiss The Girl, later this year!!! I can't wait for more and I hope you'll give this fun and sexy series a try.

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After really enjoying the first book in this series, I was excited to get my hands on this one. And I loved every second of it! Vincent and Belle are my absolute favorite types of characters. He's the broody, bossy, overprotective alpha male who falls hard when he first sees the heroine, and she's the adorkable librarian nerd who can't even fathom that the smokin' hot beast would notice her. Not only are these characters well developed to the point that you feel like you know them, the story itself is fast-paced with several laugh-out-loud, tears-running-down-your-cheeks moments. This girl is just so dang awkward! I wanted her as a friend. Heck, I wanted to BE her! I am beyond glad that I took a chance on this series; it is an absolute delight. This second book is definitely my personal favorite so far, but I can't wait for Ariel's story next.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing an ARC for review. Without NetGalley, I never would have found this wonderful author!

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I only meant to make a start on this book last night because it was quite late when I got started, but I'd clearly forgotten the unputdownable power of Tara Sivec because once I'd started I could not stop.

So, bear with me because I have a massive book hangover after the few hours I spent devouring this story last night into the early hours of this morning.

This book is the second story in the Naughty Princess Club series, and whilst I would highly recommend the first book in the series, At The Stroke of Midnight, this book can be read as a standalone.

So, I'm listening to the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack whilst writing this review, because this is my favourite fairytale of all time and I cannot ever get enough!

But be warned, this isn't your typical Beauty and the Beast re-telling. Be prepared for a 21st century, smart-mouthed, sassy firecracker who isn't afraid to fight for what she wants, even if that means strutting her sexy stuff and showing that stripper pole, and the Beast, who's boss.

Beast emulates his nickname perfectly. He's big, brutish, and a man of few words, or at least that's what Belle thinks before she finds herself kicked out of her dad's basement, crashing at the library where she works only to be 'rescued' by none other than the Beast himself. Maybe he isn't such a brute after all?

"Sweet mother of pearl, he's got the V."

In true Tara Sivec style, this book is an absolute riot. Filled with plenty of laugh out loud moments (warning: reading one of Tara's rom-coms is almost impossible in the middle of the night when other people are trying to sleep - I may have laughed a little too loudly a few times).

Belle has quite the transformation in this book, which becomes more evident if you also read At the Stroke of Midnight in which she starts off very shy, nervous and demure. As time goes on, and as the Beast continues to push her buttons, Belle discovers her feisty 'anti-pushover' side and really comes into her own.

There are a couple of hilarious scenes (and new characters) that help to make this book truly hysterical. I won't give too much away, but look out for the scene where Belle gets a flirting lesson. Her fact-spouting quirk really ramps up when she's nervous and provides plenty of comedy.

In addition to this, we meet the wonderful Mrs. Potter who works with Belle at the library. This little old lady is seriously funny and has absolutely no filter. Look out for her in a particularly amazing "surprise" lap-dance scene.

"YOLO, bitches! If I had a wad of singles I'd be making it rain!"

Belle's two friends Ariel and Cindy are the cause of much trouble and fun for Belle and wherever they appear in the book, hilarity ensues.

This is the second book in the Naughty Princess Club series by Tara Sivec and I cannot wait for Ariel's story later this year!

If you're looking for a hilarious, modern, tongue-in-cheek, fairytale with an unconventional happy ever after, this series is 100% for you!

5 glittering gold stars!

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This series is too much fun! And it seems to get better with each book.

Middle books are always the toughest. After the first, they typically are the sludge, setting up for the whopping, awesome finale. I admit I was a tad worried here. Even though this series could potentially be read as standalones, they are connected. And since Beauty and the Beast is my favorite tale, I didn’t know how much I’d like it reworked.

Have no fear, Tara Sivec is here!

Her creativity has blown me away. I thought the take on Cinderella was genius, but this time around: even better. She has found ways to spin these classic tales in a way that fits the modern world. And they don’t lose any of their magic. The pieces are all there, but the setting has changed. It’s absolutely genius.

I loved that Belle was able to grow from the reserved, shy woman in the first book to an independent, take charge bad ass here. And even though the focus isn’t so much on the stripping aspect, I did love how that was woven into the fairy tale story we know so well. Again, this is just further proof of Sivec’s ingenuity.

Beast was...much like the character he’s written or. Gruff, grumpy, standoffish. But underneath is a soft side he’s been hiding. Once that’s uncovered, though...all bets are off.

The growth of their relationship was believable. No insta-love, really. It gradually grew over time. As they spent more days together, opening up.

I appreciated the twist, the play on their separation. Smart. But even better was the reunion. Of course!

And the chapter titles, Ariel’s mouth...still hilarious. This series wouldn’t be nearly as enjoyable had it been written by any other author. And that’s a fact Belle could tell you.

Anyway, yet another outstanding piece of work by Tara Sivec. I cannot wait for Ariel’s book. I have a feeling that one is going to be the best yet. Eric and her have a long road ahead of them, but from the pieces that have been included in the previous books, Tara has already begun the setup of an epic finale. I’ll be sad when this series is over.

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**4.5 Stars**

OMG I absolutely adored Belle and Beast/Vincent. How perfect for each other are they? Belle is a brainy librarian down on her luck in life, and Beast is a broody hottie bouncer with a secret.

I loved the interactions between Belle and Beast and how they both complimented and challenged each other. She fell for his softer side, and he loved her quirkiness.

This book, was engaging and funny and a terrific way to spend an evening. I absolutely loved the first two of these books and cannot wait for the third.

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I remember the first time I read a Tara Sivec book. It was 2012. I had just re-discovered my love of reading, and Seduction and Snacks had me laughing until I cried and my stomach muscles were sore. That’s not even an exaggeration. My husband kept looking at me like I was crazy. I’ve read a few since then, but it’s been a pretty long time since I picked one up. I don’t know why, but for some reason they stopped appealing to me. I’m basically fluent in sarcasm and her type of humor, but for some reason they just didn’t call to me. Until In Bed with the Beast.

Let’s not even talk about the fact that the cover is freakin’ adorable. The real reason I was intrigued by this book is because it’s a retelling of my favorite Disney movie of all-time, Beauty and the Beast. I’m a sucker for it. So when I got a special email in my inbox inviting me to read an advance copy, the combination of the cover, the story, and the author sold me. And I’m so glad I decided to read it!

I really do love Sivec’s humor. It can be a little over the top at times, but hey, so can I. It’s dirty potty humor that 12-year-old boys would find funny, but I’m damn near 30 and I thought it was hilarious.

And let’s not forget that she can actually write. Beyond the fact that the premise is a little ridiculous (at one point on Goodreads I described it as a cute kind of ridiculous – it’s said with love), and you take out the humor, what you’re left with is still a really sweet and solid story. It was an inventive, modern take on what I consider to be a loveable classic and she made it fun and hilarious!

I’m actually very intrigued by the whole series now and I’m interested in going back to read the first one, though I think the next book is going to be really great. The first book is a Cinderella retelling, and the third looks to be The Little Mermaid.

I think this universe and the storyline that Sivec has invented with this series is really cute. It’s still got heart while being sexy and ultimately a ton of fun to read. It was exactly what I needed after my last read that was quite heavy. It’s also the first book I’ve read in like a year in one sitting. It’s been taking me at least a week to finish a book. I read this one in a day. In Bed with the Beast: for a good time read.

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Once again, actual laughing out loud moments have caused those around me to look at me funny. No worries though, if they were reading this book, they'd totally understand!

Beast and Belle, aka Vincent and Isabelle, have a slow burn through most of this book. It is delicious and sexy, as he tries to ignore her, and she tries to be sexy with him. We also get the treat of a series of bad, blind dates, and some parental love shenanigans, eww! There are the fun times, but this story is all about the sweet, the emotions, and really, really, wanting the fairy tale

Both of our characters are taking back control of their lives, with, the sometimes unknowingly, support of the other. They become the person they want to be, and then share that with the other. The inevitable discord only solidifies this, and Beast and Belle get to be the perfect couple they were always meant to be, and that happily ever after they deserve!

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This book is funny, heartwarming and filled with love. Have you read a book that captures everything? Love, laughter, ridiculous notions of friends you want. Belle is INCREDIBLE. She’s a shy woman who breaks out of her comfort zone and BOOM!! She loves books, I mean really who doesn’t, she loves random facts and has an AMAZING combustion with Beast!

I kept thinking about Beast from Disney’s cartoon! And it made me love him even more. He’s smart, broody, alpha and sexy

Tara Sivec’s series is UNPUTDOWNABLE. She has gift of transforming characters you think you know into something so much more

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This series is a winner! I only wish there were more characters so it could be extended! It has laugh-out-loud humor, sweet romance, and hot sexiness....the perfect combination!

In this book, quiet and bookish Belle and brooding Vincent (aka Beast) build on the attraction from the first book. Their chemistry was off the charts and the banter between them was extremely entertaining. I loved how secrets and bits of information were revealed throughout the story to keep it interesting. With each reveal, the reader could see the change in the characters and the deepening of their relationship. Their happily ever after was very sweet.

Once again, I loved the friendship and interaction among the women (and the men of Charmings) as much as I enjoyed the romance. I can not wait to devour Ariel's story, too!

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A Laugh out loud, think I may have peed a little, snorting drinks out the nose read. Yes guilty to all. In fact I think I scared my cat just a little. This is why I love all Tara Sivec books. Not only does she give you major laughs but she also gives you amazing real characters with the edge of total hotness. In Bed with the Beast (in case you haven't figured it out yet) you get Belle the librarian filled with all sorts of facts, Beast aka Vincent who is more then what you think. Vincent is gruff and total Alpha make your lady bits tingle all man. Belle may be a little quirky but she is finally ready to take her place in the Naughty Princess Club. And boy does she use Beast to her advantage. Mrs. Potter is one of my favorite side characters. You can't help but love the loveable old lady with no filter who works with Belle. You have everyone back in this with Cindy and Ariel trying to help Belle gain more male experience. Not only will you be laughing your booty off with every dating misstep but you will fall in love with Vincent's protectiveness. But just wait for'll see.........In Bed with the Beast is one of my favorite reads from Tara. This series keeps getting better and better. I can't wait for Ariel's story and I'm kind of hoping that Tara can come up with a few more princesses to through in the mix for even more books. Honestly I don't want this one to end. I mean come on it's funny, sexy and full of surprises as you flip through the pages. A MUST READ!!!!

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