Member Reviews

I received this ARC for an honest review. I love how Tara writes a character and you think "I know someone like that or this is me!" You can relate to her characters. She writes about tough changes in life, but she makes you smile and laugh through out the book. I liked Belle. She simply just wants an opportunity to grow and find out who she is while trying to save her beloved library. She wants to find her place in life and in her new business of the "Naughty Princess Club". You find yourself rooting for her and yelling at everyone to just give her a chance. Her "Beast" Vincent helps builds her confidence, but he has a BIG secret...You have to read the book to find out 😉

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Fun, sexy, and a touch of hilarity in this modern telling of the Beauty and the Beast. Belle has been living in her father's basement to save money but he finally kicks her out of the house and with nowhere to go she moves into her library. When Vincent finds out he offers to let her stay with him until she can find a place. This comes with lots of rules, of course, but with him being known as the "beast" you would expect nothing less. Did I mention fun and sexy and funny? I definitely recommend this one!

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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4.25 stars

In Bed with the Beast is book two in Tara Sivec’s hilarious Naughty Princess Club series. It is loosely based on Beauty and the Beast and I loved it!

”There’s nothing more rewarding than the risk of falling in love.”

Belle is a 25-year old book loving librarian trying to live on her own for the first time since being kicked out of her overbearing fathers house. She’s taken in by Vincent “Beast” and learns to live with his rules while trying to figure out how to become a stripper with her friends in their new business. She’s got a library to save, after all.

”You are the highest caliber of woman I have ever met in my life.”

Vincent has his own secrets and skeletons in his closet that he doesn’t want known. He knows Belle will be upset when she finds out so he plays along without telling her the whole truth.

I really enjoyed this book! Tara has a way with storytelling and as many laugh out loud moments there were, there were equally as many sweet and swoons times. This is a terrific slow burn that will keep you turning the page.

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This was a freaking delight! I am so happy. Talk about a story that had me giggling and smiling the entire time. This was it! I loved Belle and the Beast! This was a seriously entertaining read I couldn't get through fast enough.

I adored Belle and watching this sweet, shy girl with all her random facts come into her own, stand up for herself, and become a strong independent woman was awesome. I thought she had a great voice and internal dialogue. And the Beast? I'm totally in love with this guy. Every detail about him that unfolded had me loving him more and more, giving me butterflies. He was so much more than the gruff man he appeared to be. He was sweet, caring, and ridiculously swoon worthy. I was just excited while reading and filled with so much anticipation for what would come next.

Belle and the Beasts relationship was just outright fun, I loved their dynamic. His bossy ways and her standing up to him. This growing sexual tension between the two that had me on the edge of my seat. There was a wonderful build and I loved the flow and writing as everything developed. There are some ups and downs, a bit of drama, but it was a crazy awesome ride to a fantastic HEA.

Belle, Ariel, and Cindy together are a hoot, seriously. I loved their fun relationship with one another and how they're open and honest. They could be silly and loving, obnoxious and mouthy and it just made me laugh out loud at times. There were all these amazing details and fairy tale tie-ins that I thought were so clever. It helped to create some really fantastic characters.

Entertaining. Fun. Sweet. Sexy. Witty. Playful. Laugh out loud funny. I don't think I have enough adjectives to describe how wonderful this was. Honestly thought, the take away is it was pure fun. A light, entertaining read that made me laugh and had me cheering, with truly wonderful characters and a perfect HEA. It was awesome!

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I haven’t read the first book in this series but I enjoyed it and feel it can be read as a stand-alone!
The premise of the story was good and the characters were rather interesting indeed! I really liked Belle and her rather crazy friends. The antics, the mystery behind why Beast is the way he is intrigued me to no end! I just had to know who he was! He seemed rather closed off until Belle digs deeper do we come to understand things!
There were some heated moments and it was a good story, it just needed something more for me to give it more than 4 stars.

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This was a highly anticipated book for me after the magnificence of At the Stroke of Midnight. This series revolves around three women who find themselves down on their luck. They decide to become strippers in order to be able to financially support themselves, but the only problem is they have no clue how to even strip.

It is a super funny, creative and sexy retelling involving Disney princesses. We have Cindy (Cinderella), Ariel (The Little Mermaid) and Belle (Beauty and the Beast). The first book revolved around Cindy and this book is about Belle.

I was ridiculously excited to find that this one was going to be released only a few months after the first book, because I have all the patience of a toddler.

Belle is a sweet, typically mild tempered, adorkable young woman who has been kicked out of the home that she shared with her father who disagrees with her new lifestyle and judges her friends. Feeling sick and tired of men ruling her life, she decides to take charge and start demanding that people see her as the true Belle and not the one they all assume she is.

Beast, aka Vincent, is an intimidating figure who everyone seems to fear. He is tall, muscular and imposing. In similar fashion, he is also judged for his appearance and the side he chooses to show most people. He doesn't talk much and his life is filled with mystery, but Belle can't help but feel an attraction towards him anyway.

This was a super cute romantic comedy! The banter, the slow burning romance, the comedic moments - everything was done to Tara Sivec perfection! These characters will warm your soul, make you pee your pants laughing and make you crave more swoon-worthy heroes.

Now, I desperately need Ariel's book, because that girl is probably my most favorite character of them all even though they are all endearing and lovable characters. For now, I will entertain myself with GIFs that remind me of them.

Special thanks to Tara Sivec and St. Martin's Press for approving my request to read this ARC through Netgalley!

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This book took me a bit to get into; I found the beginning to drag a bit. But the good news is that once it picked up, I found how much I loved Beast. That's when I realized it was a take on the take of Beauty and the Beast with lots of liberties.

Belle's story was not my favorite; I guess I wasn't a fan of Belle's new business. So I can easily say that Beast was the reason I enjoyed this story so much. He initially comes off as a dumb brute, but he is so much more. In fact, he's not a brute at all. Belle is pretty sheltered and looking to delve headfirst into her life and Beast is exactly the man to make that happen.

This story could be a Rom-Com to some, but Vincent's intensity, heat, and intelligence made this an easy sell once I got past the first few chapters.

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"...there's nothing more rewarding than the risk of falling in love. Sometimes you hit a few roadblocks along the way, but it's always worth it in the end."

Tara Sivec's unique blend of romance, humor, and lovable characters is one that I don't think I will ever get tired of reading. In Bed with the Beast was an adorably funny slow burn romance with a fairy tale twist. The kind of story that will blow your heart and make you pee your pants.

One of my favorite things about this book—this series, is the friendship between the girls. Their banter is full of wittiness and heart. Tara Sivec managed to bring humor to any love story, fighting or awkward situation.

In Bed with the Beast was a wonderful addition to the Naughty Princess Club, and as much as I enjoyed it, I have to say that I loved the first one more. I think it was because I was dying to read Vincent POV and I didn't get it.

If you haven't started reading this series, get on it ASAP! Ariel's up next and believe me when I say that you don't want to miss her story. Watch your back, Eric!

All the books are standalone so, while I would recommend to read them in order, to get the full fairy tale experience, you don't have to do it.

Full of girl power, salty dialogue, awkward scenes, and just downright funny. You can't go wrong with Tara! A total must-read for any rom-com lover.

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Disney princesses and strippers don’t seem like a natural combination unless you have some kind of fetish… or if you’re a rockstar romance writer like Tara Sivec.

I’m just going to put this out there – In Bed with the Beast is every quiet, romantic book nerd’s ideal romance novel. I absolutely adored the simmering compatibility between Beast, the monosyllabic bouncer, and Belle, the librarian/aspiring stripper/random fact master.

The best part of this book? It’s laugh out loud funny and witty. This book demands that you put aside the stress of everyday life and enjoy a hilarious and whimsical tale about a woman looking for the fairy tale and a man who doesn’t think he can give it to her.

Ms. Sivec sneaks so many excellent Easter eggs for both Disney princesses lovers and book lovers. In Bed with the Beast is satirical, fun, sexy, and as in all fairy tales… I’m sure Beast and Belle will live happily ever after.

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Belle Reading is the quiet, bookish member of the Naughty Princess Club. She doesn’t have a lot of world experience, but is a master at studying and learning. Working at the library for the last nine years has given her a place where she feels at home and access to all her favorite things: books.

Vincent, aka Beast, wasn’t always the bouncer at a strip club, but he finds it suits his mood and he is good at it. When he learns Belle is sleeping at the library, he insists she stay with him rather than continue to sleep on the floor.

There is a chemistry between them that simmered before they starting living under the same roof. After moving in together, it increases despite Vincent’s insistence that nothing happen. Between their natural chemistry and Belle’s increasing interest in gaining more experience with men so she can host her own Naughty Princess Parties rather than just doing the bookkeeping, these two are playing with fire.

This book was just plain fun. Belle is a little quirky in her innocence (though she is adamant that she is not a virgin every time Cindy and Ariel bring it up). And it turns out Beast isn’t such a beast after all, though he is keeping some pretty big secrets behind his locked door. I enjoyed returning to this world, with Cindy and Ariel coming up with hilarious schemes to help Belle get the experience she is looking for. This series as a whole is humorous and entertaining as these three women learn to stand on their own, play into their quirks, and rediscover themselves (while meeting the men of their dreams along the way). I am looking forward to learning more about Ariel in Kiss the Girl.

I received a copy via Netgalley.

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In Bed with the Beast may be the second book in The Naughty Princess Club series, but it’s also my first book by Tara Sivec. When I received this novel I hadn’t idea about what to expect, except for the obvious: a retelling of one of my favorite stories ever, The Beauty and The Beast.

Isabelle Reading, or Belle, is a librarian but she’s also the youngest member of the Naughty Princess Club. Belle has been sheltered by her father her whole life. She has limited experience when it comes to 'human interaction'. She hasn't lots of friends... and she’s also like a walking encyclopedia that usually vomits random facts about any subject when she's stressed or nervous. Like the other members of this particular club, Belle has a strong reason to become a stripper, and it is to save the library where she works.

Before diving deeper into this book, I read At the Stroke of Midnight (first book in the series) where the author introduced her 3 heroines: Cindy, Belle and Ariel, and also introduced the heroes: PJ, Beast and Eric. The funny and lighthearted narration is a constant in this series so far, besides witty dialogues and moments of sexual tension charged with lots of humor.

While in the first book these girls made their first attempt as business women founding The Naughty Princess Club, and Cindy became an actual stripper, it's in this book where things starts to get interesting. With a growing audience, the girls need to up their game and get Belle and Ariel to book their own shows, but they aren't ready yet.

But not being ready doesn't change the fact that Belle is desperate for making her own money. The library has a countdown to being shut, and her relationship with her father is tense because of those 'riffraff hookers' she's friends with.

Belle is pretty much innocent. She has a good heart and a good head over her shoulders, but when her father threw her to the streets she couldn't burden her friends with her problems and started to live in the library. The reasons to save that place were bigger. She wasn't just saving her place of work or the place where she's been happiest, but her home.

And then the bouncer at Charming's, Vincent "Beast" Adams, offers her a place to stay and things starts to get hot.

I loved evolution of this story as we get to see each step of Belle’s adventure, not just becoming a Naughty Princess but gaining confidence and finding her own voice. She has the opportunity to experience life in a way she hadn't before, stepping out of her comfort zone and taking risks. This journey wasn't just about Belle (or the other girls) becoming a stripper, it's about being empowered and owning her own femininity in the way she wants to. And part of that process is also fall in love, being hurt, and found forgiveness in her heart when the time comes.

Belle has dreamed her whole life with living a fairy tale, while Beast thinks he's nobody's hero. But he isn't all he thinks about himself. He can be broody, grouchy and volatile but, just as in the fairy tale, he has his reasons. Underneath it all, he has a big heart. I loved him, madly! Even though Belle and Vincent seemed like they didn't belong together, they were a perfect!

I don’t know if I have the right words to express how much I love this series so far. The author balanced the perfect amount of humor, romance and sexiness in this wonderful twist of the traditional fairy tale. This book isn't just about a innocent librarian open her eyes and finding love, it was about women taking care of themselves and taking actions to make their dreams come true, and I can't wait for the next installment to be published. If you're considering give this book a chance, then you're in for a treat.

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Belle is tired of living with her overprotective, bossy father. She is an adult and is ready to live her own life. Unfortunately, standing up to her father doesn't quite work out like she planned. Belle finds herself homeless and basically living in her place of work, the local library. Belle will solve her living situation another time, but for now she's most worried about saving her beloved library from shutting down.

Vincent “Beast” Adams, a bouncer at her friend's new man's club, finds out Belle is living at the library. He offers up his guest bedroom until she can get back on her feet. Belle is suspicious at first, but Beast treats her with the utmost respect. Although he is a little surly, Belle realizes there is a lot more to Beast than first meets the eye. Can Belle tame Beast?

IN BED WITH THE BEAST, the second book in the Naughty Princesses Club by author Tara Sivec. I give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars. Although IN BED WITH THE BEAST is part of a series, I felt it could be read as a standalone. Throughout the novel, Ms. Sivec gives readers a recap of what happened previously to keep us in-the-know. ****SPOILER**** My absolute favorite part of the book is when Ariel tells Belle that Belle's dad is a "silver fox" like Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin from Live PD. I watch Live PD and I have thought that same thing before so I love that someone else out there had a similar thought as me! Aside from that IN BED WITH THE BEAST is a highly entertaining read. I love how Belle comes into her own. Beast is the perfect guy for her. She just has to have patience in order to find her HEA.

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This was an entertaining story and easy to read. This was my first book by Tara Sivec and she has a unique way of writing that is very funny. I look forward to reading the other books in the series.

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After several really angsty books in the past months, I kind of needed some fun and laughs, some light, funny and sexy RomCom, so of course, Tara Sivec was an excellent option!

I so knew I’d love The Beast … I have a thing for broody men with a big heart (and big hands, and a big body, and big…)

Isabelle’s weirdness and Vincent’s withdrawn personality were the perfect mix. I already loved their interaction in Book 1, and this book didn’t disappoint.

l liked sweet Cindy, but I loved weird Isabelle, and I can’t wait for Ariel’s filthy mouth!
So, if you want to enjoy a funny and sexy, modern version of The Beauty and The Beast fairytale, with Tara Sivec’s talent, this book is for you!!

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This is the second book in the series. While it can be read as a standalone, I feel as though I missed a little of the back story and the introduction to the characters by not reading At the Stroke of Midnight first. The three books in the series follow three friends and they all play a big part in this book. So, while this book reads find as a standalone, I would probably recommend reading At the Stroke of Midnight first in order to really get to know the characters.

I really liked Belle. She was funny, even though she didn’t always mean to be. She was also shy, awkward, and relatable (except for that whole stripping thing). She works at the library which may close due to lack of funding. She wants to earn money to keep the library afloat, and the way she sets out to make more money is by stripping. Unfortunately, the shy librarian feels she needs to gain some experience with men before she can step into the role as stripper, which leads her to go on some disastrous dates and adding even more humor to the story.

Beast wasn’t a beast at all. He may have been a little alpha male, but in a protective way, not an overbearing way. He was actually kind of sweet. Once we get to know ‘Vincent’ a little bit better, we learn that Belle and Beast are actually very well suited for one another.

Overall, I really liked this one. Tara Sivec put a unique twist on an old classic by adding some humor and heat to the story.

ARC kindly provided by publisher via NetGalley.

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In a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, with Belle as a nerdy stripper and the Beast as a gruff, growly bouncer, Tara Sivec closely follows the fairy tale story line to create a sweet, fun and totally ridiculous story. The characters are crazy, the situations ludicrous, and the result is adorable.

Belle is just about the geekiest heroine I’ve read so far. She relentlessly spouts useless facts, and gets herself into ridiculous situations. Luckily she has two over the top best friends to get her out of these situations. And into others. I found her to be fun and annoying (in a good way) and a perfect match for her prince. Whether on disasterous dates, preventing her father from storming Beast’s house with pitchforks, or breaking and entering into the forbidden part of the house, she was always a riot.

I am totally loving this series. The characters are so over the top as to be unbelievable, and yet, I don’t care. It is a fun escape that does not take itself too seriously, and I had a blast seeing how every element of the old fairy tale would work its way in. An unmistakable Desperate Housewives meets Disney vibe permeates the book, and I adored escaping into this world of happily ever afters.

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4.25-4.5 STARS

When it comes to this humorous take on the classic Beauty and the Beast fairytale, Tara Sivec knocks it out of the park. With her natural flare for injecting levity into any story, this second installment to her Naughty Princess series doesn't disappoint. Witty, romantic and sexy, “In Bed With the Beast” is even more enjoyable than this series’ preceding book.

Meet Belle Reading… the shy librarian who resides in her father’s basement, living vicariously through the numerous books that she reads. When Belle is unexpectedly forced to look for other living arrangements, she finds herself a reluctant houseguest of the surly bouncer at Charming’s. And despite his house rules and penchant for growling, getting “up close and personal” with the object of her desire, proves to be a challenging arrangement for them both.

Enter Vincent Adams (aka, “the beast”)… all gruff on the outside, with a gentle soul underneath. From the very moment Belle walked into Charming’s, Vincent couldn’t help but be enamored by this beautiful and sweetly innocent young woman. Her naiveté around men makes her even more appealing, as Vincent helps in her endeavor to become sexually confident. But a well-hidden secret holds Vincent at a distance, despite his desire to close the gap.

Despite her sheltered upbringing, Belle is simply a spirited young woman who strives for independence while yearning to find her one true love. And despite his brusque, mercurial attitude, Vincent is simply the wounded man who can’t help but fall for this beguiling woman who has permeated both his home and heart.

Looking for a fun and sexy summer read? Then, look no further, because “In Bed With the Beast” easily checks those boxes and more.

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In Bed with the Beast is book two in The Naughty Princess Club series. It can be read as a standalone but if you read the first one you'll already know some of the characters.

Belle is the quiet one. She loves book and runs a library. She has an over protective dad, who actually turns out the be a fun guy. Belle has a business called The Naughty Princess Club with her friends, Ariel and Cindy. She doesn't have much experience with guys. She's really a down to earth character that you can't help but love.

Beast is a bouncer at a gentleman's club. He's a big guy. He's stubborn and a little scary at time but he's really a nice guy. He gives Belle a place to stay when she needs it. He's a little mysterious too because he has a locked room that is off limits. We know he's keeping secrets and my mind went all over the place on what his secret was and what was behind the locked door. I was really surprised when everything came to light.

This one was another great read. I am totally in love with this series and can't wait for Ariel's story.

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The hilarity of the Naughty Princess Club is back in full swing with this second book of the series. While this can be read standalone, I really think you will enjoy it more if you've read the first book in the series. This story has a Beauty and the Beast feel. The beauty is the nerdy librarian Belle. She's still living in her father's basement and holding on to her V card. When her father gives her an ultimatum of loose the new friends or else, Belle takes the or else road and moves out. Problem is she has no where to go. That's how she ends up sleeping in the library. That's were Vincent Adams finds her. Nicknamed the Beast he's gruff and surly and may just be what Belle needs to get a little life experience. These two work well together. He educates her on the ways of the world and she seems to smooth his rough edges. Could these two really make a go of things or has this all been one big joke?

Don't miss this fun enjoyable read. I recommend it.

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4.5 <b> Use the A-B shelf </b> Stars

Ahh I love the Naughty Princess Club. I love the fairy tale riffs. <b>
“I’m nobody’s hero, princess. And this isn’t a fairy tale.”</b>
<img src="" width="400" height="300" alt="description"/>
This is a hilarious story of Belle being kicked out of her fathers basement and trying to keep herself and her library from going under. Belle sure knows quotes and facts but what she doesn’t know is dating, relationships and sex. What takes part is a hilarious string of bad dates that keep getting worse as the book goes on.
I think this book is actually deep once you get past the hilarious aspect and it shows just how sad a life living in books can be. Belle learns to stand up for herself and develops some amazing self esteem.. but she didn’t do it alone.
Beast is a man who is going thru the motions of everyday and living a lie with an impending doom of a secret. He is hard to love.. and hard not to love. Beast decides to rescue Belle from the library and teach her about men, seduction and stripping (oh my!)
What starts of as good intentions heats up the sheets in a hilarious mess.
“I want the stripper with the fun facts!”
With all the naughty princess there for emotional support.. and beast there for physical support can Belle overcome her own issues and blossom? ..

<img src="" width="400" height="300" alt="description"/>

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