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Beautiful Bad

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I received a free e-copy of Beautiful Bad by Annie Ward from NetGalley for my honest review.

This book sucks you in from the very beginning. Someone has been murdered. You don't know who and you don't know why.

There are three main characters in this book. There is Maddie, Maddie's best friend Jo, and Ian, Maddie's love. Ian, was serving in the British Army and Maddie was a journalist who was visiting her best friend, Jo. When Maddie met Ian, it was love at first sight. Although, they both had their own lives and lived in different places, they were always in love and had very close connection to one another.

Decades later, Ian reconnects with Maddie. They finally get married and Maddie becomes pregnant. Maddie falls on a camping trip with her family and is left with a terribly scarred face. Maddie ends up going to therapy in hopes of uncovering the truth behind her terrible fall. She is determined to find the truth as she can't remember anything. During her therapy sessions, Maddie beings to open up about her husband’s PTSD. Maddie is concerned for the safety of her child as she begins to really discover the truth about her husband's past and even her best friend.

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The premise of this book was attractive: a specific type of victim that would seem like the last people to be murdered. The main detective is a woman who is between men- her ex, now badly hurt, her partner who she has ambivalent feelings toward.
As she tries to connect the dots about the murders and some earlier crimes, she must navigate between the two men and their issues.

This book is more about this love thing than the mystery. Its pretty clear that this was written by a woman, I simply don't believe men talk the way these two do. And while at first blush, it would be great if more men spoke this way, it got tiresome pretty quickly.

The story ends up a little too superficially for me. The explanation for why the crimes were committed seems a bit manufactured.
I was a little disappointed

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Where to begin.: Domestic Violence, PTSD, and an Escape Plan
Written as a psychological thriller

This book starts with a killing or the implied killing.. "The day of the killing". I was drawn in right away., wanting more, how why who. But for me, the build up to the end took a bit too long leaving me confused and bored at times, thinking back to what happened in those 1st 10 pages, did I miss it.

Primary characters are Maddie, the wife, Jo the friend (ex lover), Ian the husband, Diane the police, and other miscellaneous indviduals that float in and out, The story is primarily told from Maddie's perspective with a few snippets from Ian.. I wanted to connect with Maddieon a deeper level as character, but I fell short.

Once the pieces came together it was predictable but slightly unfinished for me with other elements unanswered or unexplained.

I did not love this book nor dislike this book, I think for me the build up was too long yet I wanted so much more
3 🌟

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Thank you for this ARC!

As wonderful as the description sounded, unfortunately I was unable to finish this book. While the international aspects were wonderful, I didn't really get the "point" of the plot and really didn't care for the back and forth storytelling.

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3.5-4stars. I can’t make up my mind how to rate this book. The books itself is exactly like its title, Beautiful Bad! It starts with a mystery, all you know is that someone is dead, you don’t know who and you most certainly don’t know why. The book goes back and forth in time and places between 3 characters - Jo, Maddie and Ian. Not one of them is simple and straightforward. They are all twisted and flawed. The book in itself is not an easy read. With all the characters, narrations and the flashbacks it needs attention and focus, which is not that difficult given how well it is written. It’s not possible to guess or figure out the truth, there are multiple twists and the ending is the most surprising. This is a dark twisty tale that can truly suck you in. The description of the various locations are detailed and enticing too. Great job by the author. If you are patient and not expecting a beach read you will enjoy this book. But if you want an easy read then this book is not it.

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Such a confusing and poorly edited book. I had to work way too hard to figure things out. The story jumps from character to character with no discernible transition and jumps from time period to another in a seemingly random way. Some of the worst plotting I’ve read in a while but for gods least hire an editor, proof reader or something. This is 2018. The quality of writing should be better. And yes....I worked as an editor for 37 years so I notice these things but a 12 year old would have spotted the errors. I would have a very hard time recommending this to anyone.

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This book was fabulous. I had a difficult time putting the book down, and kept wanting more. The description of the book is right, great psychological thriller. I'm shocked and sad about parts, but it stayed interesting.

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3.5 stars!

For the first half of this book I was a little lost. The book chapters are divided into alternate timelines and character point of views. I think it takes me awhile to get familiar with the different voices so having the alternate timelines was a bit confusing.

By the second half of the book I really got into the characters and what was going on. And by the last 25% I could not stop reading! Similar to reading Gone Girl or Girl On the Train it feels like once you get to the end, so many things happen!!

Once I finished I wasn’t sure how I felt. It was almost as if too many things happened! Phew!

Overall it was a fun and gripping read!

Thank you to NetGalley and HARLEQUIN – Trade Publishing for an advance copy of this book.

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I don’t enough have enough words to describe this book!! It was exceptional! It was so twisted, and full of suspense!! It kept me on the edge of my seat! I would definitely recommend it!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Another poorly written and poorly edited book. I don't know what is going on in the book industry nowadays, but it seems that only one book in 10 deserves to be published. Maybe someone has a good idea, good plot line, but if they don't know how to write, they need to revamp the whole book (if their writing skills are up to it) and/or the editor has to take book in hand (so to speak) and thoroughly revise it. Most of the time these books are not worth my time to read them.

And, I don't mid a fast paced mystery if it is written well and I do not expect every book to be a wonderful literary creation, a la Alice Hoffman or Paula McClain, but I do expect minimum writing skills .

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This story nearly made me as crazy as the characters., my head was spinning. I enjoyed the travel and scenery parts, but it jumps forward and back, not only that, it jumps time sequences even in present day, six weeks before, two weeks before, etc. We know from the beginning that there is a murder “who is the victim ?” is truly the only real question. The ending is inconclusive. I found this story disturbing on many levels with no real ending.

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Well I devoured this physcoligical thriller in one sitting.
I barely read the blurb and though yes I need this.
I don't want to give away any spoilers but that ending........

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Where do I even begin?!? I have frequently stated that authors in the UK do a better job with psychological thrillers than authors in the US. Well Annie Ward just showed me that US authors can BRING IT.
I had to remind myself numerous times that this book was FICTION, because it felt very much like a memoir at times. Okay...On to my "review"
What I loved: The story.
What I liked: The story.
What I hated: The story.
Seriously, massive love/hate with this book (in the best way possible). I can't say I particularly "liked" any of the characters, but they drew me in to the story. I'm not sure what it says about me, but Ian was the character that I liked the best.
If I had to describe this book in one word it would me: Unreliable. No..maybe...twisty. No, maybe...bat-crap-crazy. YES. Bat-crap-crazy. With a side of: Unputdownable.
actual stars: 4.75

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Extremely well plotted psychological thriller. The three main characters - Maddie, her best friend Jo, and the love of her life Ian - are all expertly developed and engage the reader right from the start. The reader becomes the voyeur of their exciting and daring lives in some of the most unsafe countries in the world. Even when Maddie returns to the States, she chooses to live a darker personal life, preferring places where “the ragged people go”. Both Ian and Jo have other people in their lives, but the complex intensity of their individual relationships with Maddie - and the triad they form - dictates their fates. Only one of them is both irrevocably damaged and sociopathically dangerous, but which one? Excellent foreshadowing, but only for the most discerning fan of the genre!

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Beautiful Bad sounded like just my thing: psychological thriller, plucky heroine, remote locations, etc. So I was happy to provide an honest review in return for a copy from Harlequin/Park Row and NetGalley.

This one has several of the things I like (listed above), and a few that maybe I have just gotten tired of, having read so many in this vein: alternating points of view, plot jumping back and forth in time, etc. But the cover blurb ("The perfect marriage leads to the perfect crime") kind of hooked me.

The story opens with a chapter entitled “Maddie: Twelve Weeks Before,” told from Maddie’s point of view, followed by a chapter “Day of the Killing,” switching to third person. Fortunately, I read the whole thing in a couple of days so I was able to keep track of what led up to the killing, and that the center of the story is the story of travel writer Maddie’s romance and eventual marriage to Ian, a British soldier. The story includes Maddie’s best friend Joanna, who Maddie is visiting when she first meets Ian. After nearly 20 years, Maddie and Ian are settled down in the quiet Kansas town Maddie was so eager to escape when she began her travels in the Balkans. They have a son, Charlie, and seem to be living a perfect suburban life in Middle America.

Maddie suffer an accident (or was it?) on a camping trip and begins writing therapy to help her deal with things, including her scarred face and deteriorating relationship and disappointment with Ian. She tells her therapist in her writing assignments about Ian’s PTS, which have led her to be worried about Charlie’s safety (and her own). The story takes Maddie and Ian to various locales, including the Balkans, Iraq, New York City, and Kansas.

On the “Day of the Killing,” a frantic 911 call summons the police to the scene of a murder.I did NOT see the ending coming until very near the end…not unusual for me, but still a nice twist. As I said, I may be up to my eyeballs in the whole plucky-heroine-in-danger-thriller genre, but I didn’t LOVE this one. Might also be somewhat due to the lack of characters about whom I cared if anything bad happened to them. Three stars, probably would be four if I weren’t cranky today...

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I have mixed feelings regarding Beautiful Bad. While the plot did intrigue me, I have to be honest that the title probably would have potentially turned me off from purchasing. It might seem silly, but I definitely base my purchasing decision at least partially on the cover art and title.

This story is told in a variety of ways and from multiple viewpoints. I mostly enjoyed how it was told through the multiple time periods, viewpoints, and the writing therapy (though I didn’t love the handwriting font used for the writing assignments). The story immediately drew me in starting with the day of the murder, and I definitely thought I knew where the story was headed. There were a few decent twists, some expected, some not, though I felt that the end reveal/resolution came a little too fast. One thing about this book that was tricky for me is that none of the characters really end up being likeable, which is usually something I struggle to identify with. Overall I would say that I don’t feel like this book is in the same league as some similar thriller heavy hitters, but it was enjoyable.

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I just finished a crazy, complicated mystery/thriller, Beautiful Bad by Annie Ward, and it was a good one! I'd say this book fits nicely in the Gone Girl literary lane. This book was full of twists and surprises and cringe-worthy moments, and I appreciated the background of the characters. The book begins as a police officer is called to the scene of a potential domestic incident. Deciding not to waste time waiting for backup, she enters the house and witnesses the aftermath of an obviously brutal crime. To make matters worse, a child was heard in the background of the 911 call, but she doesn't see the child okay? THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE.

Then we're transported almost two decades earlier, where Maddie and Ian meet in 2001 in the Balkans while she is working as a writer and he is a member of the British Army on a dangerous tour mission. Times are tough, the entire area is on the brink of war, yet they are immediately attracted to each other. Ian's keeping secrets, however, and is clearly troubled by his dangerous job and past experiences. 

Masterfully weaving past and present, I thought the lead up to what actually happened in the house was great. In addition to the captivating mystery in the story, I appreciated the descriptive background of the Balkans, as well as the lives of humanitarians and the military who work in the most dangerous parts of the world. War affects people differently, and the PTSD and paranoia that the characters deal with was difficult to face and read about but also felt very authentic.

I had NO CLUE what actually happened until the very end of the book, and my guesses kept changing at every chapter. I loved that! The ending was tough for me, but also satisfying. I finished the book thinking "Is anyone really who we think they are??"

Sooo good.

4 out of 5 stars for Beautiful Bad by Annie Ward, which comes out March 2019.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin- Park Row for the wonderful opportunity to read and review this book.

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Words that could describe this novel inclde: Brilliant, real, shocking, and unforgettable. I absolutely adored it and couldn't put it.down for two days until.I was finished.

Maddie is living the life she was meant to have... Writing a travel book on the remote war-torn region of Bulgaria where she has escaped to live far from the dull.plains of.Kansas where she grew up. Her best friend, Jo, is only a bus ride away in Macedonia, and it is on a trip there that she meets Ian for the first time.. He is beautoful, yet foreboding with his oversized muscles and mysterious title.of "bodyguard" .

They continue to run into each other throughout the years and Maddie's feelings continue to grow. After many years Ian finally asks Maddie to marry him and they begin their life together....but Ian's past is not easily forgotten and his ..the happily ever after Maddie longed for may be a fairytale. after all.

Can't recommend this too highly! Five stars!!

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I really tried with this novel but those opening chapters were difficult to get through. The writing is pretty bad and I ultimately shelved it.

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Woah! I did not see that ending coming! I loved the way Beautiful Bad is put together, moving back and forth in time. The characters are extremely well crafted. I feel I would recognise them on the street. Now that I am finished I have more questions than I did as I read it, and I am wondering if I missed something. This would make an incredible movie and a great book discussion selection.

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