Cover Image: Dying Truth (Det Kim Stone Crime Thriller Series Book 8)

Dying Truth (Det Kim Stone Crime Thriller Series Book 8)

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Member Reviews

I'm not sure I like you very much right now Ms. Angela Marsons! I shed a few tears reading this book and that's not what I expect from my mystery/thrillers. I will forgive you though because this was a great book!
I loved the plot, the elitist attitudes of the wealthy and how that is passed on to their children. The atmosphere of a private school that teaches these wealthy children. The way the school staff handle the fact that children are being murdered, all so interesting. I liked the characters- Kim Stone and her team of detectives. I really liked Kim's assessments of her team, she knows them so well.
This series is amazing, 8 books in and EVERY one of them is so good. I've read a lot of series and there's always one or two books that just don't measure up. Not this series. Angela Marsons is a seriously talented writer!
I feel like I'm gushing, but honestly this is a novel that deserves it!
I can't wait for book 9 and I have a feeling we'll be seeing a different Kim Stone to the last few books...

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This bank holiday weekend, I spent getting #KimStoned - a trio of the last three in the series to catch up with DI Kim Stone and her amazing team. A full review will be posted on my blog after publication day...but HOLY SH*TBALLS - what a book!

Angela Marsons ripped my heart out, ground it up and chucked it out with the latest in the series! I need to be sedated now! DAMN ...that prologue had me reeling, mind was racing and I was thinking WTAF is happening here! The master of OMFG moments, Angela Marsons just killed me...blew me away...and messed with my head.

I abso-friggin-lutely recommend this book and this series as this author just nails it every-single-time! I can't wait to share my full review on my blog!

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When Detective Inspector Kim Stone and her partner DS Bryant were called to the apparent suicide of thirteen-year-old Sadie Winter, the elite school of Heathcrest was one they had only heard of; never visited. But that would change over the next days and weeks as the second death in a matter of days followed. The shock to Kim and Bryant was that these deaths weren’t accidents at all – someone was murdering children in the school.

Dark secrets; restricted, invitation only clubs; brutal initiation rituals; students both past and present who were terrified – what on earth was happening at this school? When more deaths followed, Kim and her team knew they were in a race against the clock. But would the killer level anger towards Kim's hard-working team if they came too close?

Dying Truth is the 8th in the DI Kim Stone series by author Angela Marsons, and another brilliant psychological thriller! Twists you wouldn’t believe; a pace which is electric and a result that is breath taking! Outstanding, intense, gripping, heartbreaking - so glad I found this author’s work – bring on #9! Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for my digital ARC to read and review.

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What an author is Angela Marsons! I find her style of writing compulsive, exciting and fast moving.
I'm always amazed at how she makes the plots and storylines so original. I read this in two days. I couldn't put it down. These books just keep getting better and better. Thank you Angela Marsons. Brilliant !!

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Wow, wow wow, I absolutely loved this, but I am also left devastated because of the ending. Dying truth is the 8th in the DI Kim Stone series and I have been lucky have read all eight. This was her best one yet. Angela’s level of writing seems to get higher and higher.
When DI Kim Stone and her team have been called to a suspected suicide at prestigious Heathcrest Academy. Where the elite bring their children. They find troubled teenager Sadie Winters already dead. But, things don’t add up due to the way Sadie is situated on the ground, the post-mortem and that there were no witnesses to the incident and when another body of a school boy turns up, Kim knows that she has a serial killer on her hands. Whilst investigating they find out many secrets at the school that have been covered up over the years so, the reputation of the school won’t be tarnished including a secret club where kids join not only when in school but, for the rest of their lives.
I really don’t know what to say about this book to give it the justice it deserves. I loved every minute of this book, the story, the characters. It gripped me from page one until the very end. Usually in a series the story is not good as the first in the series. But, every book in this series has been superb and this has been the best. A big fat 5 stars from me.
Thank you Bookouture and Netgalley for a copy of this book

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I would like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Dying Truth’, the eighth book in the Detective Kim Stone series written by Angela Marsons, in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Detective Inspector Kim Stone and her sergeant Bryant receive a call for them to go to Heathcrest Academy where a thirteen-year-old student has jumped from the school roof. During their investigation, a boy is found with peanuts in his throat, dead from an anaphylactic allergy before he could get to his epi-pen. A teacher at the school has some evidence to give to Kim but she is killed in a hit-and-run before they can meet. Kim realises that they need to discover the killer, whether it be a pupil at Heathcrest or teacher, before the death count rises even further.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed meeting Kim and her team, Bryant, Dawson and Stacey, yet again. Every new novel in the series surpasses the previous one and ‘Dying Truth’ is no exception. I was completely gripped from page one, through each twist and turn, trying to guess the killer but unable to, until the climax which was shocking, totally unexpected, and left me in tears. Angela Marsons is an exceptionally talented writer who brings excitement and suspense into each novel. Thank you for yet another fantastic thriller, and I look forward to number nine.

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I always get massively excited at the prospect of a new Kim Stone book, and this one certainly lived up to expectations. The story is set in a private school, and begins with the murder of a 13 year old girl. Could another child possibly be the killer? Secret societies, rich parents, bullying, entitlement - these all make for a great story which I couldn't put down, and which kept me guessing until the end. Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
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I've been a big fan of the Kim Stone books by Angela Marsons since they started coming out. Now on book number 8, I don't think it is necessary to have read all the previous ones but it probably would make some of the background storylines a little clearer. Kim is investigating a murder a suspicious death at a posh boarding school and the bodies soon start to pile up. The book is well written and a little unbelievable but thats what makes it so enjoyable. The stories are still fresh and exciting after eight books.

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Kim Stone is a likeable character. You can read this as a standalone book although it does have links to some of the previous books. Some shocks/surprises along the way. Overall, continues to keep the pace and intrigue of previous books and an enjoyable easy read.

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I find it hard to believe that this is the eighth in the D I Kim Stone series, or that author, Angela Marsons, just keeps up the very high standard she has set herself. In fact, if anything, this book in the series is the best so far, which starts out with an exciting opening and then just doesn’t let up until the final page.

We are used to Stone, and her team, dealing with much of the seedy side of life, but this novel sees them investigating a suspected suicide at Heathcrest Academy; a prestigious, imposing, private boarding school. The lush grounds, excellent facilities and expensive fees, make some of the team initially a little less sympathetic to the issues of what they see as poor little rich kids. However, Kim is quick to stamp out such thoughts and, before long, the team are united in trying to solve their new case.

It is hard to say too much about this latest Stone novel, without giving away too much. Certainly, I enjoyed both the setting, plot and the characters. We get to hear some more of Kevin Dawson’s back story, Stone has to do her teams appraisals, which causes some humour in a very tense storyline, plus there is Heathcrest itself. While Stone is concerned about what is going on at the school, the staff are more concerned about their reputation and covering up any scandal. With both staff, and parents, linked to the school, it is hard to unravel the secrets of the exclusive academy, and links that last a lifetime.

I have no hesitation in recommending either this novel, or the entire series. If you enjoy well written, contemporary crime fiction, you will enjoy meeting Stone. I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, for review.

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I have loved this series but this one not so much. As usual, it was a good story and the characters engaging but it felt overly long and too many times, the ‘suspects’ said little or nothing so the build up to that ‘interview’ felt a little like padding. I like the writing style and the stories but they begin to feel a little formulaic. Will I read the next? Yes, but maybe not the one after if it follows the same path. Maybe I need to explore other work by this author...

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I loved this and all the previous Kim Stone novels. DI Kim Stone and partner are called To Hillcrest, a private boarding school, for an apparent suicide of a young girl but is all as it seems?
More accidents then start happening so Kim Stone and her team work to break the secrecies surrounding Hillcrest.
If you haven’t already discovered Angela Marsons then catch up and you’re missing something fantastic.
Thanks to Net Galley and Bookouture for an ARC
#DyingTruth(detKimStoneCrimeThrillerSeriesBook8) #NetGalley

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Dying Truth is the 8th instalment in the fabulous DI Kim Stone series, and what can I say they keep getting better and better!

The body of a teenage girl is found at a prestigious private school, suspected suicide. Another student death and near death escalates the case further. Teenage angst and secret societies thrown into the mix and the team are really up against.

Great book and very emotional!! 5 stars!

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Receiving an ARC from Angela Marsons is fast becoming as good as Christmas in my house. This is one of my favourite series and number eight does not disappoint. Mysterious deaths at a prestigious private school bring Kim and Bryant into a closed world with secret societies and everything to hide. It's fast paced, clever and gripping so why the missing star you may ask? Two reasons: One I figured out the murderer very early and two I work in a prestigious private school and have heard all the cliches and jokes a million times so the idea of secret societies etc wears a bit thin with me sometimes. That aside it was another excellent book and I will not hesitate to read the next.

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These books are simply gems - each one better than the last, each one begging to be read at breakneck pace, in one sitting (which is then bitterly regretted when you get to the end... I wish I had savoured it a bit more)!

I have waxed lyrical before about Angela Marsons' skill at turning and unfolding these crime plots, and also the depth and warmth of the supporting cast; the latter is here in spades (pun intended, if you have read the book, snerk) in this installment, as - alongside trying to get to the bottom of the murder of a 13 year old that was staged to look like a suicide - Kim is also managing the yearly appraisals for her team.

As ever, I can't say too much about the meat of the book for fear of spoiling it, so I will repeat what I always seem to be saying when I finish these books... If you are looking for a new series to get stuck into, LET IT BE THIS ONE. Near perfect crime writing.

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This series just gets better and better! Read it in one day, couldn’t wait to find out what happened!

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How on earth does the author come up with these amazing ideas and twists? I loved this book so much it cant be normal but that still didnt stop me throwing a massive child like tantrum at the end. Why Angela? Why did you do that? Whhhhhhy?

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I really enjoy Kim Stone books. In fact Angela Marsons hasn't written a book that I haven't enjoyed.

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Kim Stone is back in book 8 of Angela Marsons superb detective series.She is called to Heathcrest a private school to what is first thought to be a suicide but it soon becomes clear to Stone and her team that it is in fact murder.Bryant,Dawson and Stacey are all back to assist in what soon becomes a multiple murder case and a school which is trying it's best to cover up the secrets and lies that lurks within it's walls.With Stone's nemesis Dr Alex Thorne also making a surprise and welcome return for me this is the best book yet in the series.Yet again a gripping page turner from Angela Marsons and without giving the end away it was rather a sad end which i didn't see coming but i am very much looking forward to book 9 in this superb series,A 5 star read yet again !

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This book is shocking and in the best possible way. I'm still reeling over the twists days later. Schools have always been good settings for mysteries but there's many elements that are weaved throughout so well that when it all came together i was amazed. I love this series so much and each book gets better and better.

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