Member Reviews

I unfortunately forgot to download the e-book on my kindle before it was archived so I wasn’t able to read and review it (on time). Since I Must give a star rating, I’ve given it 3 stars to stay neutral/in the middle. Sorry to the publisher for not having gotten around to actually read it.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

This was a wonderful story and I enjoyed reading it.

Hayden Temple comes to Glacier Creek, Montana with her two young nephews. She is caring for the boys during the summer while her older sister and husband go through a contentious divorce. They have been on the road for 5 weeks while traveling across country from New Jersey. Unfortunately Hayden miscalculated a turn in her Jeep while towing an RV and gets into a sticky situation. Dylan McCafferty is in his office when he hears a commotion from the street below and sees that his vehicle is in danger of being hit. Dylan races downstairs and helps Hayden out of the tricky situation.

Hayden and Dylan instantly feel sparks between them. But they live states away from each other and Dylan isn’t ready to settle down. He co-owns an adventure company that requires him to do some traveling. Hayden decides to stay in the charming town and takes the boys on a hike. While hiking, they come across Dylan who leads them to a waterfall and swimming hole. When heading back, two women racing towards them yell about a wildfire on the path. It is a good thing Dylan is a former smoke jumper and a volunteer firefighter!

Getting out of danger along with others while discovering who may have caused the fire made for an intriguing story.

This is a sexy read. I would recommend this to anyone over the age of 18. It was also written in my favorite dual POV format. This helped to fully understand the characters.

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There is a lot to like about The Firefighter’s Slow Burn, the second book in the Glacier Creek series. Set in Montana in the small town of Glacier Creek, the story is a sexy contemporary romance with a strong flavour of community running through it. For the most part it’s easy to see that the people of this town genuinely care about each other, which is always a strong drawcard for me.
The people in this story are well developed. I identified with Dylan as soon as he looked out the window and saw his car in danger of being hit. I could just imagine his panic and of course I immediately cared that he would successfully resolve the situation. Hayden was also easy to care about. Just the fact that she was prepared to put her life on hold to help out while her sister was going through a divorce was enough to get me cheering for her
With much of the story set in national park where the threat of fire was ever present there was plenty going on to keep me hooked. Really I loved the story until close to the end where things started to get tied up a little too neatly. I couldn’t quite come to terms with the rapid about face in emotions and behaviour either from Hayden’s sister or from the people of Glacier Creek.
Despite the tidy ending there was more than enough to like about this story and plenty to keep me looking forward to any possible additions to the series.

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A riveting story with intense, breath holding action. The characters and scenes are realistic and attention grabbing, the heartbreak and emotional suffering is deeply felt. An entertaining continuation of the Glacier Creek series.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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Hayden and her two nephews are on an adventure that leads them to Glacier Creek. She has never felt at home anywhere, but Glacier Creek makes her want to stay. Well, that and a sexy risk taker named Dylan. Dylan has no plans to settle down. That is until he meets Hayden and she changes everything. When Hayden gets blamed for a wildfire Dylan has to pick sides.,.. Hayden or the rest of the town. Will the truth set her free and give her a chance with Dylan or will the town be unforgiving to a stranger innocent or not? Good read.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thanks to the author for providing a copy of this book via Netgalley.
I liked this story a lot! If you like enjoy wildlife and go for hiking... This story is for you!
MC’s were very good, our H is quite a man-ho, but we dont get scenes with his OP o any other women. He was only with our girl through the story.
Poor girl thought she made very bad decision in her teens, but that was not her error, but some others.
She was strong, independent. She cared a lot for her nephews.
I dont like instant lust and falling in love in 3 days, but this book worked just fine.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this. I thought Haydn was a very likeable character and Dylan was that loveable rogue that your mother warns you about but your helpless to resist. The plot line was excellent and a great ending.

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Well I guess the name says it all a slow burn, because I found it too slow for me, and I was bored I couldn't really get into it. We have the small town dilemma's that they just know your business and can be small minded. Hayley is trying to start over, but that can be difficult where she is at. Then there is Dylan an adreline junkie, yes they are interested but can they? Twist and turns, it not a bad book and I am sure many will enjoy but I like it a little quicker.

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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The Firefighter's Slow Burn by Karen Foley, book three in the Glacier Creek Series. Another great addition to the series. I've enjoyed past books in the Glacier Creek series and this one hadn't disappointed me. Loved the characters, the romance and suspense of the storyline kept me going back for more. I hope there are more books to come in this series. A sure win series in my opinion.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this one. It's a slow moving story that shows us the best and worst of small town life. When a wild fire threatens the life of a group of hikers, Dylan McCafferty steps up to keep them safe and guide them back down the mountain to safety. Hayden Temple and her two young nephews are part of that group. Dylan and Hayden know that when the truth of how the fire was started comes how their will be backlash from the town but Dylan stands by Hayden's side. Stuck in Glacier Creek until the investigation is complete Hayden and Dylan really get to know each other and before long their is an intense fire burning between them.

Great read that I definitely recommend.

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While there were many things that I liked about The Firefighter’s Slow Burn, there were also parts that kept this one, for me, at that just a touch more than a good book rating. Here, on my own blog, it gets a 3.5 star rating, but I will round that up to 4 stars when I cross-post on other sites. The story itself is intriguing as Hayden’s past or perceived past seems to follow her to the new start she’s making with her nephews. Yet, I never really felt that emotional connection between Dylan and Hayden. I don’t really know why, I simply didn’t find them believable enough to overcome that lack of connecting to them personally. The other part was that downside to a small town. Usually I love the tight knit communities, but this time the finger pointing, the know it alls who easily make accusations without facts simply rubbed me the wrong way.

So, I’m going to leave this review at this point simply saying that you really need to make up your own mind on this (or any) story. Just because I couldn’t connect with the main characters well doesn’t mean that you won’t love them completely. Let me be clear, The Firefighter’s Slow Burn is a good story, I certainly didn’t hate it but I couldn’t love it either. It fell somewhere in-between so it’s a good book that many readers will enjoy. It’s my loss that I couldn’t connect to it.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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Dylan and Hayden"s story. Really enjoyed this one, and found it hard to put down. While taking her nephews across country, they stop in small town Montana, and meet up with Dylan, who they end up being rescued from a fire with. While one of her nephews was responsible for the fire, she gets blamed. Fast paced but felt complete. Would highly recommend this book and series and author.

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The Firefighter's Slow Burn by Karen Foley is a small-town romance that has shows both the good and the bad of this community life. It can be freeing for a newcomer who wants to start over such as Hayden, but it can also be a place of finger pointing too.

Glacier Creek’s firefighter, Dylan McCafferty has the perfect job. He is an adrenaline junkie who just may be using his adventures in place of emotional connections. Newcomer Hayden Temple and her nephews bring his choices into light. I liked these characters even though none of them is perfect. This realistic story found me rooting for Hayden and Dylan too as they worked through the problems from her past and now are found in the present.

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The Firefighter's Slow Burn definitely lived up to the title, as the story smouldered, but never really burned. While I liked the characters, I didn’t feel there was any real chemistry between them, and the expected spark was missing.

The overall story plot was good, but there definitely needed to be more passion and a deeper connection between Dylan and Hayden.

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It is not often that I find a book that I just cannot get into at all. This is one of those books. It is not that it is not a good book, I am sure it is, but I found myself a tad bored with the story and just not feeling the attraction between the main characters. The idea of the book: a former fire fighter finding himself attracted to a woman whose nephew caused a wild fire and the dilemma that would result is a good one. I am sure other readers will love the book but just not me.

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Enjoyed it

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Glacier Creek

I look forward to reading the other books in this series.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC from NetGalley.

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Loved this short book.

Dylan McCafferty runs an adventure company and is a part time fire fighter. He meets Hayden Temple when she is on holiday with her nephews - he is attracted to her but thinks she is out of bounds. He helps them out when there is a forest fire, which Hayden gets the blame for starting, and accetps the blame regardless of whether it is her fault. Dylan stands up for them when the rest of the town is against them and doesn't want her to leave town when her holiday is over.

Looking forward to the next books in the series.

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