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Girls Resist!

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I think this a great guide to taking action for young women! Specific strategies are provided and important terms are explicitly defined. Offers a glossary and index in the back. Empowering resource.

Great illustrations and helpful charts. I especially liked the section on inclusivity and being an ally. It was also helpful to read about ways to confront microaggressions and constructive ways to deal within being called out.

I would recommend that this book be used as a reference guide as needed instead of reading each chapter back to back.

Highly recommended for all young feminists!

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This is an awesome book that introduces activism to young girls. Library patrons I've shared it with find it helpful that the book guides the reader in choosing an issue they care about, rather than feeling overwhelmed about all the possible issues to tackle in the world.

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I bought ended up buying a copy of this book because I have a handful of students who want to "make a difference" and I think this is the perfect tool to help them get organized. Honestly, one of my favorite things about the book is that it starts off by guiding girls into picking a cause. This may sound silly, but most of my kids want to tackle more than one cause at a time. This is a very useful guide for young activists.

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There wasn't much provided in this eARC but I loved what I read! I think it's a good book to read every now and then while you're trying to start reading again.

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I truly wish there had been a book like this given to me at a younger age. I felt the urge to rebel, to not do what I was told if there wasn't a great reason, but I didn't know why I felt that way, if it was right, or what to even do. In today's day and age, I feel like this book should be given to every pre-teen and teen girl looking to make a difference.

Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

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TITEL: Girls Resist!
AUTOR: KaeLyn Rich
VERLAG: Quirk Books
ERSCHIENEN am 7. August 2018
GENRE: Sachbuch
PREIS: 13, 83 € [D]
ISBN: 978-1683690597

An activism handbook for teen girls ready to fight for change, social justice, and equality.

Take on the world and make some serious change with this handbook to everything activism, social justice, and resistance. With in-depth guides to everything from picking a cause, planning a protest, and raising money to running dispute-free meetings, promoting awareness on social media, and being an effective ally, Girls Resist! will show you how to go from “mad as heck about the way the world is going” to “effective leader who gets stuff done.” Veteran feminist organizer KaeLyn Rich shares tons of expertise that’ll inspire you as much as it teaches you the ropes. Plus, quotes and tips from fellow teen girl activists show how they stood up for change in their communities. Grab this handbook to crush inequality, start a revolution, and resist!

»Girls' activism matters because girls are often told they don't matter.«
("Girls Resist!" (c) KaeLyn Rich/Quirk Books)

Ich habe dieses wundervolle Buch als E-Book von zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen und bin sehr, sehr dankbar dafür! Ich interessiere mich schon immer sehr für Aktivismus und Feminismus, weshalb ich dieses Buch unbedingt haben wollte. Ich war mir zwar zuerst nicht ganz sicher, was mich in "Girls Resist!" erwartet, aber KaeLyn Rich hat mich von der ersten Seite an begeistert.

Ich finde das Cover sehr süß und einladend. Außerdem passt es perfekt zu den Illustrationen im Buch. Schon allein wegen den kleinen Zeichnungen, die sich auf fast jeder Seite befinden, möchte ich mir das Buch unbedingt als Print-Ausgabe kaufen <3

Kurz und aussagekräftig - der Titel bringt die Message des Buchs perfekt rüber. Allerdings sollte man sich vom Titel auch nicht täuschen lassen, denn das Buch ist auf keinen Fall nur für Mädchen geeignet, sondern für alle Geschlechter.

KaeLyn Rich's Schreibstil ist unglaublich motivierend und aufmunternd. Sie macht ihren Leser*innen Mut und bringt einen dazu, über sich selbst und über aktuelle Probleme nachzudenken. Besonders mag ich, dass sie wichtige Begriffe klar und einfach definiert und viele Tipps gibt, wie man feministische Projekte kreativ umsetzen kann.

KaeLyn Rich begleitet ihre Leser*innen von der ersten Idee einer Aktion bis hin zum fertigen Projekt und erklärt dabei alle wichtigen Themen, die man als Feminist*in und Aktivist*in braucht. Egal ob es um Finanzierung, Mitstreiter*innen oder Werbung für die eigene Kampagne geht - "Girls Resist!" hat für alles Ideen und Hinweise parat. Besonders toll finde ich, dass das Buch sehr LGBTQ+ positiv ist und dabei nicht nur die bekannteren Labels wie lesbisch, schwul, bi, trans etc. anspricht, sondern auch weniger bekannte (z.B. nonbinary und das asexuelle und aromantische Spektrum). Außerdem gibt es ein komplettes Kapitel über marginalisierte Identitäten und Tipps, wie man Minderheiten am besten unterstützen kann. Dazu gibt es auch noch viele Ideen zum Thema Selbstliebe, da Aktivismus extrem anstrengend sein kann.

Stimmung beim Lesen:
Das Buch hat mich mit jeder Seite mehr dazu motiviert, über Dinge nachzudenken, die mir wichtig sind, und meine eigenen Projekte zu starten. Es hat es mir Mut und Kraft gegeben und mich daran erinnert, warum mir Feminismus und Aktivismus so viel bedeuten. Jetzt habe ich richtig Lust, endlich mein eigenes Projekt zu starten!

"Girls Resist!" ist eines der wichtigsten Bücher, die ich im Jahr 2018 gelesen habe und ich werde es sicherlich noch oft zur Hand nehmen, damit ich mich für die Dinge einsetzen kann, die mir wichtig sind. Ein Muss für alle Feminist*innen und Aktivist*innen!
5 von 5 Sternen!

Danke an Quirk Books und NetGalley für das Vorabexemplar, dass ich im Austausch gegen eine ehrliche Rezension erhalten habe.

*Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um ein Rezensionsexemplar. Aus diesem Grund kennzeichne ich diesen Beitrag mit [Werbung]. Für meine Beiträge werde ich grundsätzlich nicht bezahlt.

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Unfortunately, I was unable to read and review this because as I didn't realize my file was corrupted before the archive date.

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Girls Resist! is an activism handbook for girls who want to try and make some change in the world. One of the ways to fight back mentioned in the book was to see what kind of unconscious bias you have. I took the Career & Family test and was told "Your data suggests a moderate automatic association for Male with Career and Female with Family." Some of the others I took did not give me the answers I "expected" to get. You can see your biases for yourself at!

At the end of each chapter where it discusses an issue that girls might face, there is always a way to "fight back!" listed and ways to do it and be involved within your community to help fix some of these issues.

I think this book is a great read for young girls who might feel like they don't matter and their voice is not being heard. It gives a lot of ways to help get them to realize that they do matter and they can be heard as well as some ways to get out there and resist!

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated. This book was released on August 7, 2018 from Quirk Books.

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Thoughtful, well written and truly inspirational! It really is a handbook to all things needed to help empower today's young women.

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This book was an incredible work of artistry. Rich eloquently weaves together the practices of social justice issues and self care into this richly educational and interesting book. The way she describes the youth justice system and her easily followed explanations on gender norms and politics are just what the younger generation needs. This book is not just for girls but should be used in classrooms across the world.

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Woah, this book is POWERFUL! This is the kind of non-fiction we should be showing and reading to/with girls of any age. This book is overflowing with girl power.

Even at my age (25) I wouldn't know the first thing about being an activist, I've seen protests and signed petitions. This book is full of interesting as well as educational information about all sorts of ways to make a difference. I found it fascinating to read about how to plan a protest and the different kinds of protests and petitions. Inundating someone with one hundred post cards with varying messages about a cause?! What a brilliant yet simple idea.

I would recommend this book to any one who wants to make a change. It's a detailed plan of action with helpful tips and inspiring ideas. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

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Girls Resist!: A Guide to Activism, Leadership, and Starting a Revolution by KaeLyn Rich is your go-to-guide to go from person on the sidelines of everything that’s happening in your life, neighborhood, city, or country to writer, activist, and speaker who makes lasting or new change. With the tools in this book you’ll feel capable and connected to the people you have admired and aspired to be like in our fight to be heard as girls & women.

Because no matter what haters have told us or tried to make us believe, girls have the power. They always have. And with this book, you’ll be able to connect with that spark inside of us all and stoke it into a flame that no one can extinguish!

You will and can be your own Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games, ready to start a revolution to fight injustice, poverty, and the multitude of rights being stolen from girls, women, etc. You will be your own Tris from Divergent, with the knowledge to point out where we can improve in our world and how we come together as one. Hell, you can become your own Hermione Granger, and start the organization you’ve always dreamed about as a means to help those you care about.

Considering the monumental changes we have seen in our world the last year or so (I’m looking at you: the #MeToo movement, the disgrace of the Trump administration, and teens fighting for gun control) tips, books, and collections like Girls Resist! are more than wanted, they’re necessary. The future, and whatever comes next, rests on the shoulders of the young, who many have no problem putting down for being Millennials or Gen-X’ers.

If we are to change things for the better, we have to show the young of our nation, particularly girls & women, how they can power up and be confident & fearless leaders. That’s where this book by KaeLyn Rich comes in. Girls Resist! covers things like creating (and crushing) your first campaign plan, the in’s and out’s of protests, and how media can be a defining and helpful force in getting your word out.

What makes this book stand out in comparison to other books out on the market today is that it encourages taking care of the self as a means of caring for your community. You can’t just drop it all to fundraise, rally, and speak up. It’s essential to take care of yourself and listen to your own needs. Because if you aren’t in tip top shape, or decent shape, how can you expect to have the energy or the mental capability of crushing your first campaign or making that petition soar, or even just start?

At the end of the day, this is a book for girls.

This is a book for girls who have the fire and determination to start (or continue, because we girls have been rocking it throughout history) a revolution, no matter how small or big it may be.

This is a book for girls who are awkward, sporty, nerdy, fun, loud, and all the other amazing things that girls can be and are.

This is a book for girls who don’t understand where to start and are willing to listen, learn, and fight at each other’s side.

This is a book for girls who are ready to say “no” to those that fear them, what to take them down, or steal their rights.

This is a book for girls who have been ignored, made to think they aren’t strong enough, worth enough, or talented enough to make change real and sustainable.

This is a book for a girl, a woman, like you.

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Perfect. Pertinent. Powerful. This is exactly what I want to get in the hands of my students today. Feeling seen and heard especially when you are not at voting age can be difficult. This book accomplished both things. It’s already in my library!

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I really wanted to enjoy this book because I support the message wholeheartedly. The text just didn't pull me in like I was hoping. This is a great book for younger readers who are just learning how to speak out against injustice, but older readers may have a hard time making a connection.

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Girls Resist!
5 out of 5 stars

I received this eARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to both the author and NetGalley for this opportunity!

If you ever need a place to start learning about protesting, why girls are angry and striving for change, or even just the plain and simple facts ranging from wage gaps to debunking gender norms, look no further.

This handbook accesses the cold hard facts while providing a relatable and clear guideline on how to speak up about being a woman and taking action. KaeLyn Rich utilizes her voice to speak about her struggles growing up as a bi, Korean woman living in a mostly white town to bring to light the millions of other girls around the world who are going through something similar in their own way. Not only do I think this book is imperative for young girls growing into themselves and learning about how to be their most powerful beings, but this book is necessary for absolutely everyone, regardless of who you are. We can all learn. We can all grow. We can all become better and make a change, and Rich provides “Girl’s Resist!” so that we can map out our next move to conquer the world.

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*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own*
Absolutely 100% will be recommending this book to everyone.

This is the perfect resource for someone looking to become an ally, help out with issues, or build their own campaigns. Anyone looking to advocate or help with advocating should totally read this.

The information is told is an easy to read format and organized in a way that makes sense. The beginning has some little activities or thinking devices which will help people think about privilege and how to pick an issue to fight for. I love how at the end of a section there is a Takeaway which summarizes key information-- for those who need a refresher or are flipping through for the right section.

This book does a good job of not alienating anyone, addressing all types of people and mentioning accessibility when setting up meetings or finding the best location for other things. I really think it reaches everyone. AND then talks about self-care and how people need to make time for themselves so they don't breakdown.

An amazing resource, which mentions even more resources, and one I feel will empower readers instead of overwhelm them.

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I have not fully finished this book, because I am slowly making my way through and skimming through the pages, but I am in love. It is so amazing and so informative. Even at 18 years old, I feel as though I am learning so much through it. I would like to say that I am an activist for human rights and equality, but this book really helped me push forward with this. It is written in a simple way that will help girls of almost any age understand it, but it is also very educational and well written. The tips it gives are incredible, and I would have never thought of some of them myself. I would highly recommend it.

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Excellent for the young person in your life. Essentially a YA-level primer on activism and progressive political action, topical social issues, and grassroots organizing. Has workbook elements that work best in print format (versus ebook/audio formats). Would recommend for summer camps, 6-8/Highschool grade groups, chapters of GSAs and similar orgs, etc. Will be gifting to my goddaughters and to parents of young people who want to get a jump on taking over the world.

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This book is lovely. Essential reading for the upcoming generation of voters, activists, and leaders of the country. Could not recommend enough.

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A little basic and juvenile for me, but I would have adored having this book around when I was younger. It honestly would have shaped and changed my life. I can’t wait to see how this helps so so many.

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