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Hot & Heavy

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Sage and Shawn could not have more different philosophies on life if they tried.. Sage lives a very sheltered and mundane life. Shawn is an adrenaline junkie who can't get enough out of pushing the envelope with his life. Shawn is a professional football player. Sage is an accountant. They meet by chance at a bar where Sage is attending a bachelorette party for one of her employees at the Yoga Studio she owns with her mother. Sage has a one-night stand with Shawn that she willingly walks away from because she doesn't want to risk putting her heart out there for anyone. Shawn is pretty much the same underneath, he is scarred by the death of his mother and sister when he was younger and has acted out ever since. His demons and her demons, although different in their origins, are the same - neither one wants to have a true emotional, romantic connection with the opposite sex. Shawn needs rehab on his shoulder and is given Sage's name as a yoga instructor who can work magic on it. Sage is shocked to see Shawn and even more shocked at what he offers her to be his private yoga instructor. Sage did have quite a bit of misplaced anger and she had no inhibitions on letting Shawn know how she felt about his recklessness with his own life. I felt she was quite judgmental and never even asked him why he did it. She only gave her opinion. Shawn, to his credit, did try to get to know Sage, but she shut him down almost every time. I did like how they both pushed outside of their comfort zones for the other one. The book flowed well and I had no issue understanding where either one of them were coming from in their philosophies on life. Overall I really did like this book.
I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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I enjoyed this book. I liked the chemistry between the leads. I felt like the pacing if everything was so rushed though. I felt like her mom stealing money should have been a much bigger deal.

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This book is the 2nd book in the Lighting football team series and Shawn Wilson's story. Shawn lost his mom and baby sister 20 years ago and still is not dealing with the loss very well. Instead of just concentrating on his professional football career, Shawn is an adrenaline junkie trying to find his next fix. One night in a bar Shawn notices a sexy brunette and he can't take his eyes off of her. Normally the women will come over to him, but this one doesn't seem to be biting. After sending her table over a round of old-fashion drinks she looks at him and runs off to the bathroom. Shawn decides to follow her and finally gets the chance to talk to the sexy brunette, Sage Kauffman. One thing quickly leads to another and these two are getting it on in an alcove in the bar. What neither of them expected was how electric their chemistry was. After finishing their fun, Sage quickly leaves. She is not this type of girl who has sex with a stranger in a bar of all places. She likes her life in neat, perfect order. Too bad life has other plans for her and Shawn.

When Shawn was cliff jumping in Mexico, he hurt his back. The Drs say everything is healed, but he still has some pain. When Shawn's QB buddy, Hunter 's girlfriend, Emerson suggests that Shawn tries yoga with her good friend, Sage, Shawn can't believe his ears. With that name it can't be a coincidence.

Imagine Sage's surprise when the football player who shows up for private yoga is none other than Shawn! Sage immediately wants to shut Shawn out, but he convinces her that he wants private lessons and even agrees to her fee of $150,000!!!!

Of course the more private time these two spend together, the more things heat up. While both Shawn and Sage have demons from their past that they both must overcome first in order to get to their happy ending, they have a fun and flirty ride while getting there. Overall I really enjoyed these characters and the story they went on. It was a fun, enjoyable read.

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This book was probably two-fifths plot and three-fifths sex scenes. I’m not a prude, but I’d like a little more plot development than that. The Shawn and Sage look at each other across a bar and then they’re having hot sex in the back of the bar. Then it turns out that Shawn, a Super Bowl-winning running back needs work on his sore back and Sage runs a yoga studio so they meet again and she gives him private lessons so they have more sex. She keeps trying to pull away, but then they have more sex. He’s in love with her because the sex is so hot and he senses that she is different. It’s not clear how he can sense that much about her since there isn’t much time for them to actually talk to each other since they’re having all that hot sex. Soon they’re deeply in love with each other because, hey, almost a week has gone by.

These were interesting characters and I would have enjoyed their relationship but there just wasn’t much to it besides looking at each other and a little bit of conversation in between some smoking hot sex.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I liked this book. I have a full review on my channel.

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Hot and Heavy is the second book in the Lightning series by Tracy Wolff. Each book in the series follows a different football player on the Lightning football team out of San Diego.

I love that this series takes place in Southern California. It is close to where I live now and so it felt very close to home reading this series and Hot and Heavy.

Shawn and Sage have an instant attraction and sizzling chemistry. They are both flawed and vulnerable and suffered from childhood trauma. They are great together and I loved all their interactions.

Overall this was a good book and I would recommend it to our followers.

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This book was a perfect “quickie” for a beach or vacation read. It moved along at a good pace, had interesting characters, and a plot that wasn’t overly complex. Each of the main characters, Sage and Shawn, carry around bags full of issues from their past. Sage's mother, s flighty and irresponsible yoga instructor, dragged her around all over the world and never allowed her to have a sense of security. Shawn blamed himself for the death of his mother and sister and compensated by engaging in adrenaline seeking, dangerous sports that were prohibited in his NFL contract. The conflict, of course, comes from Sage's need for security balanced against Shawn’s need for thrills.
While the plot is pretty straightforward and somewhat predictable, it is so well done you don’t care. The dialogue is authentic, especially the times when they are at odds. And when they aren’t- there's a lot of steaminess, so if that's your thing there's plenty.
Whether or not you like a book, or how much, can change from day to day based on so many things including the phase of the moon or what you had for breakfast. I think a lot of people will love this book. There were some parts that caused me to have, “Wait, what?” moments. The opening scene in which Sage and Shawn, who have never met previously and only spoken a handful of words have an assignation in the back of a bar, had a pretty high ick factor for me. Sage constantly says it wasn’t like her to do that, and I agree. And I’m not sure his awesome hotness, or what she could see of it across the bar, was enough to overcome that. Their physical attraction seems to be the underlying basis of their relationship, and while we do get to see them develop something deeper as time goes on it still all seems really shallow and a little too insta-love. But this is a romance novel, and for that we make allowances!

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This definitely is a book that you need to read. Parts of this story just took my breathe away. I loved the connection that was between Sage and Shawn, which started with the way they met, it set the tone of the whole book. I could not put this book down, it was that good. The story just flowed so perfectly and went in all the right directions. Highly recommend this Sweet story.

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The chemistry between Sage and Shawn certainly made for some hot and heavy scenes in the second installment of the Lightening series by Tracy Wolff. After both experienced childhood drama, Sage and Shawn took very different paths in their adult lives. Sage is a serious yogi accountant that has a plan for everything, and Shawn is constantly searching for his next death defying stunt. The two find each other and the sparks fly changing both their outlooks on life.

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So, lets start with the things I really liked about this book. I liked the characters and their backstory. I liked Sage, the by-the-book, rule following, stay in her comfort zone, accountant/yoga instructor. Her reasons for being the way she was were very sound and I really found myself irritated by her flaky, irresponsible mother. I also liked Shawn, his wild, risk taking personality was a perfect foil for Sage and HIS backstory also proved to be quite poignant, when we finally got to it.

However, this book, like the first one in the series, felt very instalove to me which isn't a favorite of mine. Secondly, I'm not sure when exactly Sage and Shawn had time to fall in love. It seemed like it was all about the sexual attraction for them. I didn't get any sense of a deeper connection that led me to believe that these two people are more going for them than just really hot sex.

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*Received an ARC of Hot & Heavy from the publisher via Netgalley. This is my honest review, no compensation was given.*
Hot & Heavy is the second book in the Lightning Series, although I didn't read the first book, Down & Dirty, I did really enjoyed this book, which I feel can be read as a standalone. But now I will definitely go back and read the first book.
The title of this book is pure perfection, Hot & Heavy is a smokin hot read. This is Sage and Shawn's story, and ohh my what an explosive one it is. These two are both broken souls. They meet in a bar and have a frenzied sexual encounter....In the back of the bar, in an alcove, against the wall. After this encounter Sage, always the good girl, that doesn't do even one week stands not alone a one night stand, literally runs out of the bar, leaving a very stunned Shawn. Shawn who is one of the best wide receivers in the NFL can't believe that this girl just ran out on him. Girls just don't do that, they chase him.
As chance would have it, or actually more like mutual friends would have it, these two are thrown together again. These two characters have very different personalities, Sage is spunky, but also a bit of a fuddy-duddy who likes to have everything in her life under control and leave nothing to chance. Shawn is a risk taker and an adrenaline junkie always looking for his next high. I did enjoy the ups and downs of their courtship, and did love the way Shawn had to do some serious chasing, but it did seemed a little rushed at times. I guess I just wanted more. I loved the intense chemistry between Sage and Shawn, and Ms Wolff has definitely perfected the wickedly naughty scenes. This is a very hot read and I totally recommend it.

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Sage is the Manager of a Yoga studio owned by her scatterbrained Mom who often leaves her to deal with the business while she is off finding herself. Shawn is a pro ball player. They meet in a bar and get hot and heavy in a back hallway. Sage is totally shocked by her behaviour as she is not a one night stand girl and certainly not a sex in the back hallway of a bar girl. She refuses to give Shawn her number and in a panic rushes out of the bar. The next thing she knows Shawn shows up at her Yoga Studio.
Not only is Shawn a well known football player but he is also an extreme sports junkie and he needs the yoga to help to heal a back injury from cliff jumping before the new season starts. Sage agrees to help him for an outrageous amount of money - enough to get the yoga studio out of debt.

Despite Sage trying to keep things professional they soon become personal and they quickly fall in love. Unfortunately they both have demons from their past which threaten their future together.
This is an amazing story of two outwardly confident but inwardly broken people who work to overcome their pain and find their happy ending.

I loved this book it was funny in parts and heart rending in others. Beautifully written with very sexy but tasteful love scenes. This is the second book I have read from this author and she is definitely one to watch.

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This book is definitely HOT! Sage and Shawn have incredible chemistry from the very beginning and their love story develops very organically as they learn from each other. This is a great beach read as it is fast paced and sexy with a sweet ending. This gets five chilli
peppers of hotness! Thank you Loveswept and NetGalley for the ARC.
#Hot&heavy #NetGalley

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Steamy romance novel with the straight-laced conservative girl meets womanizing football player!! While the story line seemed a little rushed, I enjoyed the characters and the way they were brought together after their initial meeting! It was a good quick read with some hot love scenes if you’re into those!

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I enjoyed reading this captivating story. It is the second book in the Lightning series and each book follows a different football player on the San Diego Lightning football team. Since I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in the series, I was excited to read this book chronicling Shawn and Sage’s story. It is witty with a lot of sexual tension and great dynamics between the characters. In fact, the characters were a big factor in what makes this story so good.

From the moment Shawn sees Sage he is taken in by everything about her. She is like a breath of fresh air and different from the usual girls he meets. She is low maintenance and easy to be with and she keeps Shawn on his toes. For the first time, Shawn has to work to get a woman to go out with him. I loved these two together and fell in love with Shawn. He has been in the NFL for eight years as a wide receiver. He is charming, kind and genuine. However, he also has demons that make him reckless and emotionally closed off.

When Sage first meets Shawn she has no idea who he is, but the intense feelings he brings out in her make her uncomfortable. Sage is feisty and vulnerable but she lacks confidence. When she discovers who Shawn is, she doesn’t understand how he could possibly be interested in her. Sage is the opposite of Shawn. She is an accountant and is cautious and doesn’t like to take a risk. She tries to keep her defenses up around Shawn but finds it hard to ignore him. Shawn is not the type of man Sage wants to be attracted to.

Shawn and Sage have an instant attraction and sizzling chemistry. They are both flawed and vulnerable and suffered from childhood trauma. They are great together and I loved all their interactions. This enthralling story is fun and incredibly hot.

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I gave this 3.5 stars. It was predictable but still enjoyable. Lots of spelling and syntax errors, but this was an ARC so hopefully those are fixed before it’s published. This is a light, fluffy read, perfect for reading while at the beach/pool. Loved the main character Sage, maybe because of the yoga...Shawn was your basic jock. I have read other books by this author that were so much more likable.

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Tracy Wolff has wrote another hot love story, who doesn't love great friendships, sexy football players and hot steamy sex!

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Loved it loved it loved it. Fantastic characters, great writing, all around amazing book. While book 2 in the series, I suspect it would work perfectly well as a standalone, and if you haven't read book 1 already, as soon as you finish this one you'll be out finding it.

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With great apologies to Tracy Wolff, I must admit I couldn't stand this book. Clicking on it was a no-brainer because I have enjoyed her work in the past, but this one left me so cold, I can't even finish it.

The book begins by introducing two not particularly charming or interesting people. Being attractive is not enough for me to care about them. And before the two of them had said three sentences to each other, they are having sex in a public hallway in a bar. Yuck. And why am I supposed to care? I could go read a short porn story for all this was worth. I was not at all invested in them, so the sex just seemed raunchy and TERRIBLY dull.

The next big problem I had was that the author tells us it was the best sex of either of their lives, but she used the same stupid phrases that SO many writers use to describe it. It was like cut and paste. Two of my pet peeves are when 1.) the guy announces, "I've got you!" and 2.) one of them says "I can't tell where I end and you begin. SERIOUSLY? Why do these phrases keep showing up in books? They don't mean anything!

So after reading this part (that left me cold), I soldiered on, only to discover there are lots more VERY unappealing characters in the book we need to read about. I need to be able to root for someone. I don't mind characters with quirks and foibles and even big problems, but this cast of characters was more than I can handle.

There is a long passage of inner dialogue that Shawn holds with himself, and it's so repetitive, I have to wonder if the author even knew where she wanted to go with it. It never came to anything, so I doubt she was doing anything other than filling up pages.

I can't waste any more time on this one. I will look more closely at her work in the future before choosing to read it. I know she has it in her to write a great story, but this one wasn't it.

Thank you to NetGalleyfor the ARC given in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved reading this book!

Sage and Shawn have this amazing chemistry that they can't seem to keep it under control.

Sage is an accountant that helps her mom run her yoga business. She's known to be very cautious about life. She's not one to make hasty decisions until of course she meets Shawn.

Shawn a professional football player is also known to be an adrenaline junkie. However during one of his adventures he got hurt. Being referred to do yoga he never thought he would see her again after their first encounter. Will he be able to control himself?

I voluntarily received an ARC for a honest review

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