Member Reviews

This book was incredibly well written and it was hot! Some of it was a little out there and the timeline is unrealistic but overall it was an easy read.

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I have been waiting for this book for a while. I had read Hunter and Emerson's book and it had broken my heart but I still enjoyed it. This book was Shawn's book with Emerson's best friend Sage. I found it a little on the "yeah right" side that these two have never met, I couldn't believe it since Sage was supposedly Emerson's best friend and Shawn was one of Hunter's best friends, but it is what it is. I got that Sage grew up in an settled upbringing but I found her to be a little unreasonable and so my dislike of her. Then we have Hunter, this guy was fighting his demons his lost was profound and I got that he made these crazy adreline jumps, I got that everybody was worried, and sure give him advice but in the long run it is us up to him.

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The title is apt! The author brings the hot and heavy from the very first moment that we meet Sage and Shawn in a bar. I was dying for all the naughty scenes, but romance authors love to tease their readers. And the best ones know how to keep us coming back for more. This is certainly the case with Tracy Wolff’s writing skills.

Sage and Shawn are obviously imperfect, damaged people. But what is interesting about these characters is how much I feel for both of them. A relationship between them is difficult, if not impossible, but I empathize with each of them (thanks to the dual POV). Their struggles feel real and not forced.

I seriously cannot wait until the third installment of this series! I love her characters and her writing style. I will be going back to read the first book in this series as soon as I have time. :)

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DNF at 15%

The first 6% of the book is just them ogling each other. How many times can you repeat that someone is hot? And then Sage, who apparently never has more than one drink and never hooks up with strangers does both of those things minutes after an internal dialogue about how she would never.

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This is the second book in this series about a group of football players. You can probably read this as a standalone. I prefer reading all books in the series in order though.
Shawn is emotionally damaged from the death of his mother and sister when he was younger. He feels he needs adrenaline rushes to feel close to his mother because of this. Sage is trying to be a stable person – opposite of how she was raised by her mother. These two meet in a bar and almost instantly have hot and heavy sex. Shawn wants more from Sage and can’t believe she turns him down to give him her number or to take his. Sage, however, cannot believe she just did that and flees immediately.
I greatly enjoyed this book until the very end. It felt like Ms. Wolff just gave up on the ending and ended it very quickly. I feel it needs a little more to round it out better. She doesn’t usually leave me feeling this way.

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I liked this one a lot - AMAZING chemistry between to the two MCs, and their instant attraction and consequential hook up is HOT. The ending felt a wee bit rushed, but other than that, a solid second book in the series.

4 stars.

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Shawn and Sage story is Hot & Heavy. The attraction between them is hot but both have a heavy past that make move forward difficult. You will love both characters and comprehensively understand why they act that way. Why they are so close to love. But Shawn and Sage are perfect partner's who will progress together.
I receive a ARC from Netgalley for a honest review.
I enjoy reading this story a lot.

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Life keeps handing Sage lemons. She's a part time yoga instructor even though it seems to represent a life she has longed to escape. Shawn is the best WR in the game, but because he's an adrenaline junkie, he's now in need of a little PT rehab. Both happen to be in the same place at the same time, and sparks ignite. Will they have more than chemistry to sustain them through the minefield that lies ahead? Sage needs to navigate her mom running off with all of the yoga studio's money and the issues she has from her gypsy upbringing, and Shawn needs to learn to overcome the past loss that haunts him. Are these two destined for a future together or is their chemistry just something that will burn out?

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This is my first book from Tracy Wolff , I enjoyed her story for the most part, I feel like the internal struggle with sage making a decision was a little drawn out, over all I felt the chemistry and the banter between Shawn and sage was perfect! I didn’t read the previous book but i do look forward to checking it out !

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Shawn and Sage are the main characters in Hot and Heavy. The author writes about their strong chemistry. Unfortunately, I never really felt it in the characters. A back story was provided for both characters that attempted to explain their emotional issues and actions, but it seemed very formulaic to me. I’ve enjoyed other books by this author, but this book just didn’t work for me.

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I received this book from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. This was my introduction to Tracy Wolff as an author. This book is a part of a series but it was not an issue to read as a standalone. Sage is a yoga instructor at her Mom's studio. She is tasked with keeping the studio open and running as her flaky Mom takes off to find herself yet again. Shawn is a famous NFL player, who happens to be an adreneline junkie. He is often fined by his team for breach of contract due to his daredevil stunts. Both of them happen to be at the same bar one night and after a hot and steamy hook up in the back hallway Sage runs away. That is so not her style. She wants stability and a boring life. That's why her real job is accounting. Shawn can't believe a woman passed up getting his number and he has no way of knowing she doesn't even know who he is. Due to a cliff diving shoulder injury his friend sends him to yoga to try to help it heal. Imagine their surprise when the instructor is Sage. The book is about these 2 very different characters trying to figure out if they have any chance at a relationship or just major chemistry.

The story is a fun, easy read. I enjoyed the characters and will be going back to check out the previous book for more background info. I liked the authors writing style and recommend this book. I will be looking for more by Tracy Wolff.

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It's true what they say. Communication is key to every relationship. It's very clear that Shawn and Sage lack the communication skill. So no surprise when everything falls apart With that being said, I did enjoy Hot & Heavy.

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3 1/2 stars I did enjoy this, just not as much as the previous in the series. I was a bit skeptical that Shawn and Sage hadn't met yet. They were "best friends" with Hunter and Emerson and their paths hadn't crossed? Especially at what happened at the end of that book? Strange. Based on that hallway scene in the bar, Shawn and Sage clearly had AMAZING chemistry. I just wished for more communication and a bit less physical action. Also, I felt like the ending was abrupt. I was sad there was no epilogue. Overall an enjoyable swift read.

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Tracy never disappoints. This book brings you to so many levels. We are carry demons and without conversations they distroy relationships.

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ARC received for review

Book two of the Lightning football players.

I don't remember much of Sage or Shawn from the first book. They were hot and heavy together plus throw in some emotional angst and issues from childhood, and it's a great romance. I sure hope Tanner gets the next book.

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Thanks Netgalley for an ARC copy to read and share my honest opinion.

Loved it! Shawn is a baller but his adrenaline junky behavior gets him in trouble. With training only a few weeks away he is suffering from an injury from cliff diving. He meets Sage who is bored to tears at a bachelorette party for a coworker and friend. The attraction seems mutual as the pair commit sexual behavior in the back of a bar. The chemistry between the two was nuclear as fate keeps throwing the pair together.
So why four stars? Chemistry was amazing between the two but the book seemed to go fast. I hadn't read the first in the series so I'm not sure that would give me better clarity on the secondary characters. I hated how Sage downed herself, I mean it's not every day you meet an interested handsome guy. The amount of sexy stuff they did in the hallway had me cringing, lol. Still it was a fun read, and as always I love the themes this author comes up with.
The blurb was what really caught my eye. The story stays close to the blurb which I really like. The cover for the book was ok, it didn't really catch my eye. This was a quick read and entertainment is four stars. Thanks for allowing me a copy I enjoyed it.

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I didn't think Ms Wolff could top Emerson and Hunter's story in the first book of this series, but she has definitely out done herself in the creation of two characters who'll simply take your breath away. The chemistry between Shawn and Sage is tense...given it nearly combusts off the page...yet that is not what actually struck me about their story, it was their vulnerabilities that truly touched my emotional center.

Sage and Shawn's attraction for each other doesn’t completely drive the story, it's their discoveries of the demons derived from their childhood that their self awareness develops, so does their need for each other. The author's depiction of the driving forces that led this couple to each other makes itself known in several forms: laugh out loud inner monologues, exceptionally wry banter, and an intelligent dialog that maintains the momentum of the story.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

I loved this story between Sage and Shawn. Here is this big tough football player who is an adrenaline junkie, always pushing his boundaries, but has been told he needs to calm down. He is then told he needs to try yoga and ends up in Sage's yoga studio, the one woman he can't get off his mind... Also, the one woman who won't give him a chance. This book has sensual energy, is wonderfully compelling and is beautifully written. I highly recommend you pick up this book to read!

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Wow!! Great read!! I'm immediately going back and reading the first book when I'm done writing this review!! I really enjoyed reading this book!! It's sage and Shawn book! They make a crazy sacked out pair! Lol Shawn is a Hotshot football star and a big time daredevil! He takes crazy risks with his life because of his childhood. Sage is a yoga instructor and accountant, she takes absolutely no risks in life because of her background! So these two together take you on a crazy ride!! I loved it!!! Thank you NetGalley and random house publishing group, loveswept, for sharing this book with me! It was an amazing read!! I highly recommend this book and series!

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Shawn is a quite an adrenaline junkie taking it to an extreme. Sage just wants some normal in her life especially after her mother decides to give their life savings to some wacko guru while seeking enlightenment. Shawn and Sage’s first meeting is steamy hot. Their instant attraction was electric like it shocked them to life. After an intense encounter after they first meet, Sage runs out afraid of their chemistry, however, her friend sends Shawn to her for one on one Yoga to help Shawn with some pain after a cliff diving incident.

I did not like Sage’s mother at the beginning, but she redeemed after giving Sage some very good advice. Overall I really liked Sage and Shawn together. They complimented each other, Sage was more relaxed and open with Shawn and Shawn was grounded with Sage. I can’t wait to read more.

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