Cover Image: International Guy: Paris, New York, Copenhagen

International Guy: Paris, New York, Copenhagen

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I really wanted to read this book since it was first announced as I am a big fan of the author.
I was especially thrilled about the fact, that the book was written from a male perspective, which isn't quite common in this genre and the first time Audrey Carlan did this.
Unfortunately this was the thing which made I quite hard to get into the story. But after a few chapters I grew to love the different perspective on such a story.
The writing style was as good as always, just easy to read and once I was invested in the story, I flew right through the whole book.

Part 1: Paris
A wealthy heiress, who needs to learn who to manage a company and who to behave like she's the boss - from head to toe and from her inner mindset to her appearance mets a good looking guy and from the very first moment there is this chemistry between the two of them.
Sounds kind of cliché, but I really liked es nonetheless.
I really loved Sophie as a person and I just loved who she developed over such a short period of time.
It is not only her whole appearance that changes, but she becomes this powerful, confident and badass business woman who knows what she wants and who knows how to stand up to man who don't respect her as the boss just because she is a woman.
A also liked the chemistry between her and Parker. It was not that kind of "love-at-first.sight"-thing, which I really appreciated. It was more like just plain sexual attraction which they lived out as long as their time together lasted and changed to a friendship after Parker left Paris.
For me this was way more believable than the to of them falling in love and starting a relationship as soon as possible.

Part 2: New York
Already in Part 2 Parker meets his all time star crush. The actress Skyler Paige, who lost herself and her muse to do what she loves to do and who looks herself in her flat.
And Parker is the knight in shinning armor who saves his princess.
Unfortunately this part had way to many clichés.
Attraction in a sexual and non-sexual way from the very first moment, they can barley stop themselves after just a few hours of knowing each other and Parker seems to save Skyler in just a few days in almost a magical way from the bad situation she is in.
Even though the clichés where this dominant in this part, I still liked it, but less than part one and three.

Part 3: Copenhagen
A princess, who does not want to be a queen and starts behaving badly. Parker should not only keep her away from shining a bad light on her family's name, but should also bring her to marry the prince she loves and becoming his queen.
I loved this part the most.
Mostly because there are no romantic or sexual feelings between Parker and the princess.
And even though Parker showed her the right way, it was princess Christina who decided on her fate and the way she wants to take in the future, without being persuaded to do so.
I kind of think that the princess and her love did not get enough time in this part, because the focus was on Parker and his feelings for Skyler.

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

All in all I really liked this book and felt really entertained, even though it had some flaws.
I laugh out loud more than once and during the last part I even shed some tears.
I am definitely curious what will happen in the other books and I am looking forward to reading them some time soon.

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I was excited to get my hands on this book, however it was not as I expected. I felt all three stories in the book were the same and the creativity was not flowing good for me. FOr the most part it did not keep my interest.

** I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review**

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Another perfect start to a series I cannot wait to continue.

Each individual story pulls you in and Keeps you engrossed and captivated until the end. Parker being a typical playboy, arrogant yet charming at the same time. Different city’s heroines that challenge Parker.

A lovely start to the series now looking forward to jetting off to the next city.

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This is the first book I have read by Audrey Carlan; now she is on my automatic one click-buy without reading the blurb. I read this one that way, going in blind and did not know what to expect and got a great beginning novellas to her new series!

Three young men who went to college together are the main characters -Parker Ellis, the one who came up with the idea and he is called the Dream maker! He owns and operates International Guy, with the help of his two friends Royce, the moneymaker, and Bo is the Lovemaker, the one that grooms and helps the women become the best they can be. In these first 3 novellas we get to see how these guys work their charm and change these women's lives!

These novellas are quick reads, and we get to see these guys work their magic in Paris, Copenhagen and New York. A great start to a new series, and I can't wait to read more! I gave this book 5 stars!

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This new series from Audrey Carlan is fun, sexy, and a real good time. This is told from the male POV, which I love!

You're gonna love, love, love Parker and his two business partners. They're interesting guys in the position to have whatever they want, when they want. What's it like to have the world at your feet? Parker knows. Well, he knows now. His life wasn't always a field of dreams, but it was real and full of love. Now he's making a name for himself and his two friends by running a top company called International Guy Inc.

Follow Parker on his journey and find out what it means to be The Dream Maker.

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Words cannot describe how much I love this book. Audrey Carlan is a new author to me. I will definitely read books from her again. She just drew me into the story right away and have been reading it all afternoon with a cold iced coffee. Such a fun read. Received this arc from netgalley free for an honest review. I’m so glad I was picked to read this.

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This is fabulous start to a new series that follows three friends . They are all powerful men that act as though they are more of a family than friends ! The first installment will take you to Paris, New York and then to Copenhagen . These men are very good at their job ! Parker, Royce and of course Bo will truly find what each one of their clients need from them and are there to help them make their way in the best way possible !! All of these tales where sexy, sweet and a fast read ! Loved the fabulous banter and oh so steamy in between the sheets scenes !!!!! Loved this !!
~~Michele McMullen ~~

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This is the first book I've read from Audrey Carlan.

It certainly won't be the last!!!

I seriously loved this book. I didnt even read the blurb. Just went in blind. It didnt disappoint either.

I loved the characters and the story too xx

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Parker Ellis is the Dream Maker running International Guy, Inc with his two best friends Royce and Bogart, the Money Maker and Love Maker. Together they help clients solve unorthodox problems in unorthodox ways. Sometimes working closely with these high-end clients meaning getting very, very... hands on. The premise behind this series seems very reminiscent of Mia in the Calendar Girl series as each book had her traveling to a new exotic location and forming connections along the way. I adored her adventures and find myself falling in love that same way all over again. We see Parker country-hopping and meeting some sexy women along the way. It's only natural that things get hot and heavy from time to time, but is it possible to find real love in the midst of all the chaos too? I can't wait to find out and see where his next adventure leads!

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This was a hard one for me to review. A few chapters into the first section of this three part book, I was so turned off by the main characters thoughts & behavior I was ready to call it a dnf and quit reading. I didn’t find their methods sexy or sensual, just unprofessional & creepy. These men who are hired to coach the elite woman of the world, come across as too touchy & crude for a business relationship. I only continued reading because I respect this author and enjoy her previous work. Towards the end of Book one & into Book two, the tone seemed to flow better, the balance in relationship power equaling out. The women were depicted stronger and the men slightly less man-whorish & cringeworthy in their approach. The books seemed to take on a familiar Calendar Girl style but with a mostly male point of view. By the end of Book three I was enjoying the story & hooked into wanting to find out how the books progress. So, despite an unfavorable beginning, I did end up liking the books and will continue reading the series.

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I desperately wanted to love this book! I liked the characters and the premise, but I didn't like the idea that it follows the same structure as another series from this author(Calendar Girl).
The fist book was a little bit short - I would have loved more character development. It's obvious that the heroine in this book will make many appearances in future books.
The second book was better(my favorite) - I think this would have been a great book on it's own. Maybe even an trilogy dedicated to just their relationship.
The third was good too - I think this would have been a great story within a story.
Over all, I liked International Guy but I didn't love it. However, I still adore Audrey Carlan and will continue to read her work.

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I love Audrey Carlan! She has such a creative mind and creates these unique stories. This series is another great work of hers. I love how the International Guys treat the women. And I love the women and their transformations. Can’t wait to continue reading about Parker, Bo, and Royce in Milan: International Guy Book 4!

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What a fantastic start for this new book series! I love the male point of view, the dynamic characters, and the amazing locations... it's like getting to travel with Audrey Carlan as a tour guide! Parker, Bo, and Royce bring it all! They are so completely charismatic and all their unique talents for helping their clients become the best they can be! I just adore how they tease out the crux of their issues and get to the heart of the matter so they can solve their problems.

I'll be honest, Parker was my favorite! He grew so much on his trip to Copenhagen. However, they all are great! I feel that even though Parker first meets with every client to figure out whether the rest of the team is needed, there was not quite enough of Bo and Royce. Since this is a series, I am sure they will be making more appearances... it isn't like Ms. Carlan to tease us too much so I'm sure we'll be getting more!

I cannot wait to see what transpires in Milan, San Francisco, and Montreal! Hopefully, we will see a bit more from the magnetic guys Royce and Bogart!! Take me around the world baby!

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this is my first book by this author and i was super excited. unfortunately, it just did not work for me at all. i don't know if it was the writing or the style of these particular books - as in, 3 in 1 - or the characters. i really did not like the guys very much, especially parker, which sucks. clearly i am in the minority though. perhaps it was a wrong book at the wrong time, or maybe it's just me.

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One of the best books I’ve ever read. I love how the story line goes. Now I’m going to read the rest of the books in this series. Don’t want to spoil it for others so I’m not going to give any details

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These three books make up Volume 1 of Audrey Carlan's new series, International Guy. International Guy is a consulting company owned by three best friends who are really more like brothers. They consult in life skills like style, finance, life-coaching and more. These books revolve around one of the friends as they find love in Paris, New York and Copenhagen. These guys are funny, charming, passionate and sexy. Their stories are moving, heartwarming and very steamy. They totally seduced me and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.

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This is such an AMAZING Series so far...
Here is the review for the first part of their book starting in Paris... It is too hard to summarize them all into one.. They just get better and better! It is so much fun watching Parker grow and learn more about himself and his team through the process.. I also have to say Wendy, their Assistant, is AMAZING!!!

What a great start to this Series. Just when you do not think Audrey Carlan can do it again.... SHE DOES...

In Paris we are being introduced to what I would say is the DREAM TEAM... We have 3 very smooth and swoon worthy men who are International Guy, Inc... Can I please hire them? How could you turn away these glorious men who will turn your life around in all of the best ways possible.. Need confidence, style, love or just overall guidance... DONE..

Their job in Paris is with Sophie Rolland who needs help running her own successful company. She is definitely beautiful, but lacks confidence and really initially the drive she needs to succeed.. Can these guys turn it around for her? It was so amazing to watch Sophie flourish and gain what she needed.. She and Parker also share a special bond that neither are overly familiar with, however, it appears to be just what the other needed.. Through trials and tribulations they complete their job and are ready to move on.

Do not miss this fun and sexy story. You can expect a few laugh out loud moments which is always nice. I cannot wait to read further and get to know more about Parker, Bo and Royce....

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International Guy is a series of 12 novellas featuring Parker Ellis, Bogart Montgomery (Bo), and Royce Sterling (Roy). Volume One features Paris, New York and Copenhagen. I was curious as to whether or not International Guy would be the male version of Audrey Carlan’s Calendar Girl. At first glance, this series is very different from that series. The stories also go in many directions. Just when I think I know where the story is headed, it takes a sharp left turn…

Told from Parker’s POV the story took me places I wasn’t expecting. The concept of International Guy is advising and ‘coaching’ wealthy and or famous people who need a little guidance. ‘Paris’ is fast paced. As the series kicks off we meet Parker Ellis, CEO of International Guy Inc. which he runs with his friends Roy and Bo. Parker advises on life & love, also known as the Dreammaker, Bo on fashion is the Lovemaker and Roy on finance and business is the Moneymaker.  They each have a particular quality that they bring to the table for their clients.

At International Guy, we cater to the client’s needs. No request is too demanding or too strange. As long as it’s not illegal…we’re in.

International Guy: Paris:
Their current job is to assist perfume heiress Sophie Rolland as she steps into the role of CEO. I did not connect the way I had hoped that I would. There is some chemistry between Parker and Sophie but things go in several other directions. I was surprised. The writing is good, I just didn’t like a few situations. ‘Paris’ surprises Parker with the outcome….

“Friendships are like a bank account. We both make equal deposits and withdrawals to keep the account from going under or over.”

It seems that the blurb indicates that Parker will be the main attraction with a side of Bo & Roy…..

"This International Guy knows that there’s a whole world waiting for him. But as he goes from city to city—and from woman to woman—it’s possible that he just might find his own love along the way…"

International Guy: New York:
Parker now finds himself in New York City. His assignment – helping a famous Hollywood starlet Skylar to get her ‘muse’ back. This one is tricky for Parker as the starlet has been his all-time celebrity crush. Their chemistry together is wild. And once again, Parker incorporates a gigolo vibe while helping Skylar get her muse back. He does get to know Skylar and helps her find enjoyment in what she does and who she is. Skylar changes but so does Parker…..

"I’d like to admit, being here, sitting next to this woman, feels so completely natural. Peaceful even….."

As they part, Parker and Skylar make certain promises to each other. Parker is in deeper than he realizes.

International Guy: Copenhagen:
Parker’s next assignment: ‘taming’ Princess Christina Kaarsberg for the Danish throne as she has been spiraling out-of-control. He swoops in and does what he does best – observe, analyze, and figure out what is really going on. At least his gigolo tendencies took a break this time…. We get a second peek at Skylar and a surprise appearance from Sophie Rolland (Paris). Revelations are revealed…..

“You better be careful. You are easy to fall for. I should know.”

For such a smart guy Parker totally misses the clue. Next up Milan……

“Part of life is taking the hits and learning how to live with the scars left behind.”

I am a huge fan of Audrey Carlan! I loved the Calendar Girl series and there are more similarities with International Guy’s Parker and Calendar Girl’s Mia, but they are not obvious. I hope that as International Guy moves forward it will develop deeper connections for Parker in his international journeys. It was a slow journey for me so far to get to love Parker. Looking forward the next chapter and hoping for a bit more depth as Parker finds himself in Milan…

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I really enjoyed the part of Calendar Girl that I read and was excited when I received this arc to read. This time we are following a group of men who help out women who need assistance with their businesses, getting their groove back, with their reputations or whatever else they might be lacking. OF course the men are gorgeous and smart and go getters. And the women are stunners. Although some of them cross into sexual relationships, they are there to work at whatever task the woman needs, get their money and move on. Instead of a new story for each month, this series takes you to a new place each case. This installment is (of course) Paris, New York, and Copenhagen.
The men are honest, hot, and determined to make their business a success. You mostly get to watch Parker at work in this set but BO and Roy do make appearances along with their spunky "collared" assistant.
I love Audrey Carlan's writing style. The stories are quick but well done with enough steam to keep you reading. There is some drama but nothing that makes you cringe. Since these are relatively short stories, if you don't like stories where the characters jump into the sack pretty quickly, these books might not be for you. I also appreciated the way that one story looked at building a relationship that alters over time. Lovers can decide to remain friends without either being heartbroken.

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This was a great start to a new series I know I am going to love by Audrey Carlan. I loved the layout of the stories. I loved each of the men in the volume. I swooned so much and the story was sweet and sexy and fun at times. I really enjoyed reading it and I can't wait to read more!

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