Member Reviews

It’s taken me too long to read this book! Was a cute quick chick lit read. It didn’t seem as long as other books but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I had a feeling early on Anders wasn’t a journalist and it look Sam too long to cotton on, but I enjoyed the story. I’d look out for Zoe’s next book. Thank you for accepting my request

Samantha is a thirty-something journalist who doesn't believe in love. Not after she was left at the altar by her almost husband.
She is completely focused on her work at a London newspaper. The newspaper where her boss ask to cover the royal wedding of the Norwegian prince Isaac with a British woman. At first she is hestitant because she is not the kind of reporter who knows about royalty and gossip. But her boss stands on it, and so she finds herself soon enough in a lot of glittery wedding merchandise. The same week she starts crashing constantly into the handsome new journalist, Anders, of the newspaper rival that is located in the same building. She sees him everywhere, especially in the locations that are previewing things for the wedding (as in cake, shoes) for the press. As the wedding day comes nearer, she finds herself in some exciting locations, and even more awkward sitiuations with Anders, including a kissing booth at a wedding fair, but then someone recognizes Anders, and she finds herself at the front page of her own newspaper, as she was not kissing journalist Anders, but Prince Anders...!!
How Not To Date A Prince is a fun and very entertaining romantic comedy! I love books wherein you just don't know what's going to happen next and this is certainly one of those! I loved the way it was written in, very high speed and entertaining. It certainly felt original and not like any other book of the same kind (altough it did remind me at many points at the movie The Prince and Me, but not in a copycat kind of way ) the romance that put Sam on the wrong foot about Anders' job is so cute, ofcourse everyone sees he's royal, except for her, which was just so much fun and made it a true page turner.
So overall, I truly enjoyed this romantic comedy a lot and recommend it if you are in for a not too serious book escape!!

If you want a pick me up, have a laugh and enjoy some nice rom-com, this book will be for you. It is just a perfect read for the beach. I can imagine myself sitting with my e-reader and just reading. Maybe it is this rainy weather in Germany that makes me wish for the sun even more. Please, pick this book up if you are ready to get be swept away by a prince.

am a huge romantic who loves a Disney happy ever after, so I was very excited to read the blurb for this book.
I did think when I started to read, I had guessed what would happen but actually I was surprised and I always like a surprise in a book.
I liked Sam she was ballsy and driven and she is horrified when her boss Phil moves her from the politics side of the newspaper where she works to cover the Royal Wedding of a reality star from Britain and a Norwegian prince.
This funny and easy read takes Sam to journalist areas never experienced before and the floristry workshop made me laugh out loud.
I also liked that she stays true to herself without giving away any spoilers.
A perfect book to read on the beach or snuggled on the sofa with a big bar of chocolate or a glass of something fizzy.
Pure escapism with the great shoes, friendship and fun.
Fellow romantics will love it.

This novel is tremendous fun. We have a super heroine in Sam, who’s an ambitious, strong and very likeable young lady, still recovering from a traumatic wedding day that wasn’t. It has thus become The Day That Shall Not Be Named. She has built up a deserved reputation for her political journalism, so when called on to cover the royal wedding in Norway between Prince Isaac and the glamorous Holly, since the usual journalist is indisposed, she’s rightfully indignant. However, once she’s calmed down she accepts the job and determines, as usual, to do her best on it.
Once she arrives in Norway, events take on breakneck speed as she goes from misunderstanding to mishap to mayhem. It turns into quite the Scandal-avian break and Sam eventually finds herself behind the wrong kind of bars.
But this is a romcom and we know we’ll have our happy ending. Zoe May enjoys teasing us along the way with the will-they, won’t-they actions that keep us hanging on every word!
There’s lots of humour, snappy one-liners, a cast of convincing and, in some cases, slightly eccentric characters who interact delightfully and engage in some brilliantly enjoyable escapades.

Isn't it every little girls' dream to become a Princess? Disney generally seals this deal at a young age so this book definitely played right into the hands of my younger self who had big dreams of moving into a palace...glass slipper included.
I loved everything about this book. The dreamy whimsical feel to the narrative complete with the most charmingly naïve character I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Sam was an absolute joy from the opening lines and I proceeded to fall further in love with her cookie characteristics with the turn of each page. How could you not love her.....she truly made this book something special.
The plot was everything fairytales are made of and I thoroughly enjoyed the step away from general real life stories into a world of exceptionally rare but not unheard of narratives....move over Meghan Markle because there's a new Princess in town.
How (Not) To Date A Prince is a story that is full of fun and will leave you smiling in the knowledge that Prince Charming is out there - even if you have to scale barriers to get to him. If you don't have this book on your TBR pile yet then waste no time rectifying this error as it is one story guaranteed to bring the sparkle and magic to any dull day.

5☆ A Light hearted Rom Com, I couldn't put down!
How (Not) To Date A Prince is a Light hearted, Fun Rom Com about restoring faith in romance, second chances, Friendship and unexpected Romance.
Sam is a Political journalist who has been tasked with reporting all aspects of the Prestigious Royal Wedding.
But Sam is far from being thrilled.
She has given up on Romance and believing in happy ever afters, since her fiancé dumped her by text on their wedding day!
So it's no wonder she can't share in everyone's excitement.
But after some persuasion she eventually agrees to report the whole wedding with as much light hearted as she can muster.
But things might just be looking up when she meets the handsome and very charming Anders.
But can he restore Sam's faith in Romance and Men? Or is this mysterious Man to good to be true?
I loved Sam it was brilliant to see her changing and warming to the wedding shenanigans, as the story progresses.
She's not had it easy, I can't imagine what it must feel like to be jilted by text at the altar. So I was willing her and Anders, she deserves a happy ever after too!
I also loved reading all about all the preparation and wedding planning I felt like I was privileged to be getting an insider's view, it was brilliant!
How (Not) To Date A Prince has come at the perfect time when we have just had the arrival of the Royal baby it seems very fitting.
It's a Light hearted, enchanting and hilarious romp, with mishaps, Drama and the odd mayhem, fabulous fun relatable Characters and a heart warming romance what's not to love!
So if you adore Weddings, The Royal Family and second chances at romance, that's
Charming, Endearing, Plenty of laugh out loud moments and is lots of Fun then you will adore How (Not) To Date A Prince.
I love Zoe May's books and yet again she has written another Gem I couldn't put down!
Thank you to Rachel Random Resources for this copy which I reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

This is a fairly straight forward romcom for me, with the heroine wrong footed from the start and put firmly outside her comfort zone. Sam never loses her eye for a story and her observations on the royal wedding add to the humour. This is a book you can read fairly quickly and have a fairly good idea where it is going to end up. Not that that spoils the story however. It has amusing moments and the tantalising prospect of romance is there from the start.
Will Sam will be able to put the past behind her and take a chance? You have to read the story to find out. It has some likeable characters and there is plenty of humour to be found in Sam's position as she gets interested in all the wedding details, despite herself. There is a fairy tale element to the story, it is true but it if you are looking for an escapist read, this is the one for you!
In short: Will Sam see what is before her eyes?
Thanks to the author for a copy of the book.

A fun, flirty and quick read, for readers who love enjoy escapism and dream of meeting their own prince.
Samantha Fischer is a journalist for the Daily Post, covering hot off the press political stories from Westminster. So not surprisingly, she voices her objections when she's assigned to act as the temporary royal editor to cover the upcoming royal wedding between a British reality TV darling and Norwegian Prince Isaac. Despite her protests, she has no choice but to switch to writing about all things royal and wedding preparation. It's a situation she finds isn't as bad as she expects as she comes into contact with a Norwegian journalist who always seems to be one step ahead with the latest titbits of news about the soon-to-be-married couple. How does he do that and why are her negative feelings towards weddings taking a turn towards the positive?
Samantha (Sam) is an independent woman who wants to fulfil her dream of owning her own home after her fiancé jilted her. However, faced with a task she doesn't want to do, it's heart-warming how bumping into a gorgeous man in the lift alters her opinion. Only, with too much presumption, things aren't always as they seem and I enjoyed how Sam changes her attitude towards weddings and commitments without compromising her personal dreams.
Anders is a foreign journalist and an enigma! He always happens to be in the right place at the right time. Therefore it isn't surprising Sam jumps to the wrong conclusions and thinks he is covering the latest royal romance for The Chronicle. Unbeknown to her, he has an altogether different agenda, although it ends up goes above and beyond the initial task, he'd been assigned.
A feel-good modern fairy-tale with a happy ending. Whilst the setting is contemporary, the road to a happy ending stretches the imagination, and I wouldn't have it any other way. In an always expect the unexpected scenario, the narrative unfolds with tons of humour along with some romantic encounters and of course lashings of wedding preparations. I was slightly concerned about the initial London backdrop to the drama and wedding preparations, so had a little sigh of relief, when the story came together as I expected it would, but there's much more and the author keeps the narrative following until the conclusion.
I read this comfortably in one sitting so grab a drink and meet a prince charming.
***review copy received courtesy of HQ Digital via NetGalley***

This book reminded me a lot of when I first started reading what I call "chick lit", back in the late 90s, early 2000s. In a good way. It was funny, sweet, and a real page turner. A lot of the books I was reading back then were actually set in England, so it was fun to read all the different English phrases and terms that are not what I usually hear in my day to day life. It was a lot of fun thinking about the whole Royal Wedding that just recently took place, obviously, especially now that the new Royal baby has been born as well! It reminded me that even though I may never get married myself, the reason I still kind of want a wedding is all the cake tasting and food choosing, etc. I can see getting swept up in all the madness if I had been over in England during the Royal Weddings of the past, but I also totally get Sam's pessimistic take on all things to do with love. And I haven't even been left at the altar! If you enjoy a sweet romance with some royalty thrown in along with lots of fun British mannerisms, this is the book for you!
Oh yeah, there was one perfect line that fits my philosophy on makeup:
"I used to wear proper make-up, but one day I overslept and didn't have time for it, and after realizing that the quality of my day was in no way diminished by not slathering on the slap, I just stopped bothering."
Except for the part about wearing proper make-up all the time, the last part is my main philosophy.

I'm not a massive fan of weddings (especially Royal ones) but May did plenty in How (Not) To Date A Prince to (almost) change my mind. As Sam begins her research for her articles on Holly and Isaac’s wedding, she tries on dresses, samples wedding cake and looks at flower arrangements The descriptions are so clear that I found myself completely swept up in wedding fever, able to see, taste and smell all the delights that the occasion had in store.
The central character Sam, is incredibly easy to relate to, in fact, she could be me. She’s a little nerdy, not entirely comfortable with glitz and glamour, and even hails from the same area in which I grew up. This made it impossible for me not to hope for the best for Sam, and hope that she would eventually be happy. She does get herself in some interesting situations, which give the book its humour, often in the form of laugh out loud moments.
Whilst How (Not) To Date A Prince is full of humour there are also some serious moments that May uses to address some important issues. Sam’s work with tbe Phoenix Centre highlights the difficulties faced by those experiencing poverty, homelessness and issues with drug and alcohol abuse. These are important issues in today’s world and I am glad that May uses this opportunity to explore them in more detail.

Favorite Quotes:
Trust me, I am not normally a head-turner. At least not for the right reasons. There was one time at work when I noticed that people’s eyes were following me across the office and then I realised I was trailing a six-foot long piece of loo roll from my shoe. I was a head-turner that day. And then there was another time when people kept glancing at me on the tube. I thought maybe they were checking me out. It was only when I got off that I realised I had bird s*&# in my hair. I was definitely turning heads that day.
There are five images of my butt in total, bulging in white lace. My bum looks so big that I’m beginning to wonder if the photos have been edited or taken with a fish-eye lens or something… ‘Someone has described me as a “cheeky mare”,’ I say, reading one of the comments aloud… I look down to find another comment, with hundreds of up-ratings. ‘That’s ANUStonishing view!’
My Review:
I enjoy the engaging manner in which Zoe May spins a tale while generously weaving in clever levity, endearingly quirky and awkward characters, insightful observations, and wryly-comical descriptions and inner musings. I enjoyed the storylines as well as all the creative extra touches tossed in as added treats, such as the witty puns used in the creation of greeting cards by Samantha’s friend and roommate.
Samantha was a political reporter who was well acclimated to covering Westminster with no interest in the royals but when a co-worker went on maternity leave, Samantha’s boss reassigned her to cover all the hoopla and madness leading up to and following the upcoming nuptials of a British reality star and a Norwegian prince. Samantha was greatly annoyed by the switch to fluffy news as well as the extravagance and ridiculousness of how her fellow associates in the press rapturously swooned over each minuscule detail of the event. However, she kept running into one particularly appealing and charismatic reporter who always seemed to have an inside scoop as well as familiarity with all the wedding vendors. And then she really ran into him, with her car.

This is a hilarious romcom that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. Sam is a politics journalist who has struggled after being jilted at the author. The last thing she wants is to be covering the story of the Royal Wedding, especially as she no longer believes in love or fairy tales. As she endeavours to put aside her personal feelings, she has so many things to investigate in preparation for the big day - who knew there was so much to learn about flower arranging, or so many different cake options, for example? As Sam struggles to complete some of the tasks, the handsome Anders keeps coming to her rescue. Just who is he? Can she really let him sweep her off her feet? What's his secret?
This is such a funny story, I giggled my way through it. You really won't anticipate some of the situations Sam gets herself into! It is a light-hearted, somewhat irreverent look at the journalists who cover the pomp and ceremony of a Royal Wedding and a modern day, fairy tale, royal romance. If you're looking for a right royal fun read that'll put a smile on your face grab yourself a copy!
I requested and was gifted a copy of this book and this is my honest review after choosing to read it.

I loved reading this book, it’s mainly light and breezy and was perfectly timed for me. There are serious parts and serious issues dealt with sensitively but the rest is so much fun. I am a total skeptic when I see books advertised as laugh out loud funny because for me they never are, however this one was and it’s one of the few books I’ve ever laughed at.
It was refreshing to see Sam, certainly to start with, as a person who recognised that marriage and children are not essential parts of life. Usually that’s what so many books aim for so it was nice to see a main character wanting something else from life.
It was also nice to see her develop through the book. It was a lot of fun seeing all the wedding preparations, I’m never going that overboard if I get married! But it was fun to be involved and see how Sam reacted to everything going on around her.
This is a lovely, light book that is like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day so if that’s what you’re looking for then this is possibly the perfect read for you.

A riveting Royal romp that will have you giggling out loud, How (Not) To Date a Prince is a fabulous romantic comedy that is simply terrific! Uproariously funny, wonderfully witty and heartwarming, How (Not) To Date a Prince is the perfect book to curl up with on a cold afternoon!
Poor Sam has not been having much luck in the romance department. She had thought that she was about to spend the rest of her life with the man of her dreams, but her Prince Charming turned out to be a prize rat who jilted her at the altar in front of all her family and friends! The high-flying journalist is absolutely mortified and vows to put her heart firmly under lock and key and to build an impenetrable wall around herself where feelings and emotions of a romantic nature simply do not penetrate. It’s all going spectacularly well – until her latest assignment plunges her deep into romance central: she is asked to cover the Royal wedding and cynical Sam has to muster up as much enthusiasm as she can for the event of the year. Will Sam end up getting swept up by the fairy tale magic of it all? Or will she end up becoming even more jaded?
Covering a wedding is the last thing she wants to do, but being surrounded by all this romance does have its advantages – as Sam discovers when she crashes into a handsome stranger. Anders is brooding, good-looking, charismatic and mysterious and the more time she spends with him, the more she finds herself falling for him. As the Royal wedding begins to approach, Sam begins to get swept up by all the magic – and by Anders, whom she simply cannot stop thinking about. However, Anders hasn’t been completely straight with her because he has a powerful secret that could end up jeopardizing his fledgling relationship with Sam.
Will Sam and Anders manage to find their way to a future together? Or will wedding bells only ring for the Royal couple and not for these two lost souls who are destined to be together forever?
A cracking good read that I struggled to put down, How (Not) to Date A Prince is a fantastic rom-com that is simply delightful. Zoe May knows how to write a rib-chuckling, heart-pounding and uplifting romantic comedy and with How (Not) to Date a Prince she has penned an absolute winner that you will read in a single sitting!
A first class read that I highly recommend, How (Not) to Date a Prince is a must-read for fans of sparkling, sassy and scintillating contemporary romance!

A light and easy read, HOW (NOT) TO DATE A PRINCE by Zoe May is sure to entertain you on these bright evenings.
Sam isn't really a fan of love and marriage ever since she was dumped at the altar by her ex a few years ago. Since that day she has thrown herself into her career as a political journalist and spent time with her friends who have always been there for her. But when her boss gives her a new assignment, Sam is not happy. Covering the royal wedding may be a dream come true for some people but not for Sam. But when she runs into a handsome reporter, Anders, also covering the wedding, things may be just looking up for Sam as she contemplates opening up her heart one more time. But is Anders everything he claims to be?
Fun and flirty, HOW (NOT) TO DATE A PRINCE by Zoe May is sure to please romance readers everywhere, especially anyone who loves a little royalty thrown in for good measure. Zoe and her friends are amusing and there are plenty of misunderstandings to keep the pace of the story moving. An undemanding and pleasing read all round.

Sam's talents as a journalist are put to the test, when she is forced to cover a royal wedding. Things take an interesting twist when she meets Norwegian journalist Anders.
I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.
This was such a fun little story about a workaholic Yorkshirewoman, who is skeptical about love - no wonder I was able to connect!
After being jilted at the altar, Sam has been totally focused on work. She is a political reporter, and is proud of the place she has earnt. In the last few years, she just hasn't been interesting in dating.
Until she keeps bumping into Anders, a handsome Norwegian, working on the same story.
For a romcom, the romance side is light, which is a good thing for me.
There's so much ore to Sam's life, there's her job, her boss/father figure, and all of her friends. They all have so much to give.
Some of the cute bits are definitely on the cheesy side, and struck awkward more than funny; but overall it was an entertaining story.
I enjoyed this, and I'd definitely read more by May.

I have to admit it. I am a big sucker for weddings and the whole entourage. I am not particulary a fan of royals, but a royal wedding is something I liked to watch on tv. Do I need to say more when I saw this book was about a royal wedding?? No, I did not think so. ;)
I think a lot of (little) girls dream about a fairy tale wedding and why not. When you meet the right person, he IS your prince even if he does not wear a crown and he will make you feel like a real princess.
This is a lovely story about not believing in love anymore, but being shot by one of Cupid's arrows and falling head over heels. Whilst writing this book, the author also opened boxes marked 'humour' and 'Cinderella' and added a royal (pun intended :) ) spinkling of both.
If you like all these things in a book, you will thoroughly enjoy it, just like I did
Was it predictable? Yes, but who cares when the story is fun? I most certainly don't. 5 stars.
Thank you, Zoe May and Rachel's Random Resouces.

This was a light, cute story... Sam is jilted at the alter and throws herself into work. She's then assigned to cover the wedding of the century and keeps running into this other guy (Anders) who seems to be assigned to the wedding too. Which for her is a perk since she's sworn off men and marriage and love. Of course the path to HEA is never smooth, what with Anders' secret and well, other stuff and misunderstanding.
Sam was a little hard to take, as she tries too hard to be off men etc etc. Huh. At times, I was rolling my eyes at her thought processes. Sigh. And really, can she be that clueless as to who Anders is, given that she's suppose to be covering the wedding and hello?!?! Anders should have a pic there in her research somewhere. But ok, it's not her beat but still!!
Anders is a sweet guy. Can't blame him for what he assumed, given the circumstance as even he though she could not know who he was. Though he did seem to good to be true at times.
So ok,, you read this book to pleasantly while away the afternoon. It's not that long, there's a prince (so you got to suspend reality a bit) and it's a cute idea.
Thanks NetGalley and publisher for the copy of this book

Sam’s boss was Phil and she thrust a new agenda on his desk asks what was that? A news agenda is an agenda which assigns reporters to the key news items of the day. Than Sam says the royal wedding . Sam was to do the coverage of the latest royal engagement Phil said yes and was that an issue? Sa is trying to figure out what Phil is playing at. Ir it wasn’t for the fact Phil had been her boss for ten years sometimes she would think Phil hates her. Than Sam asked since when does she cover royals? Sam was a political reporter for The Daily Post. Sam writes about politics that shape the country. Phil said he needs Sam to do the piece Ella’s was on maternity leave and she was The Daily Posts royalty editor. Prince Isaac of Norway was engaged to tv reality star Holly Greene. Ella had been super excited but had left work last week at six months pregnant. It was a rags to riches take of a sweet girl next door type from leeds -Holly- who rose to fame. She fronted the Morning People. She’d been coy about her love life to the press. Than she was swept off her feet by a Norwegian Prince- first in line to the throne who she’d interviewed on t v when he’d been visiting the U K to promote his charity work. Her engagement gave hope to every normal girl in the country that she too could have nothing and have a happily ever after. Phil asked Sam if she realized how many reporters would kill for the chance to cover the royal wedding for a national newspaper? This was the biggest story of the year. Phil told sam to go write a real heart warmer. It had been five years since her fiance and boyfriend of five years-Ajay. It had been five years since Ajay had ditched her on their wedding day with Candy Moore. It had been three years since her car crash of a wedding day. Sam wanted to be independent, successful, and do it on her own. Sam said she wasn’t afraid of the professional challenge she was afraid of the wedding aspect. Phil told Sam she can’t spend her whole life pretending relationships Sam meets Anders in an elevator and she thinks he is just a competing Norwegian reporter but he is really a prince Isaac’s brother out running errands for the wedding. Sam keeps running into Anders Anders interests Sam And she is finally ready to spend some time with a man. But she seems to make a mess of every meeting with they have. But Anders does make Sam smile. He also awakens her romantic side and feelings especially of love.
I liked this book, it was a quick, light hearted, funny read. This made me chuckle at times while reading it. Sam and Anders had hot chemistry. I read this in one setting. I liked how the author described Sam’s job and make it understandable also showing the steps of a royal wedding. I enjoyed the drama in this book. I liked the plot and pace. I would think since Sam had to report a royal wedding she would d research especially on the royal family and find out Anders was Prince Isaac’ brother. This was predictable but I still enjoyed it. I liked how Sam’s friends supported her. I liked the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I recommend it.