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"Snow" drop"Snow" is more than just the first book in a trilogy; it's a journey into a world where every snowflake might hide a secret and every character has a depth waiting to be explored. Mikayla Elliot sets the stage for an epic tale, full of intrigue, magic, and the complexities of the human (and not-so-human) heart.s us into a world where winter isn't just a season – it's a realm of magic, mystery, and intrigue.

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DNF (Did Not Finish) Review

I usually love fairytale retellings but this one did not work for me. I found it very disorienting at times and I couldn't connect to the main character. This book was not for me, however, I did enjoy some of the story elements and the writing.

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While I enjoyed Snow it was basically a recycled YA novel that didn't really do anything new, so it felt like I was reading a million other books I have read before.

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I love the mix of this book. Taking the Snow White element (love a fairy tale remake) with the vampire world was so creative and drew me in. The story kept me engaged and made me want to continue on. Overall, a great book!

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I was really excited going in, but eventually I didn't love it as much as I hoped I would. It was really slow paced and there were just a lot of characters. Just not my cup of tea unfortunately..

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The book starts off fast with visceral description and beautiful language. The author paints a vivid picture and helps you really connect and feel the frustration, fear, uncertainty and also anger of the main character. The story line continues in that way. The intimacy and connection that the author creates it amazing and I couldn’t help but dive into the story and Neva’s world.

The author does a terrific job of not falling into typical stereotypes of the vampire books while still keeping your interest and the book dark and edgy. A must read for every vampire enthusiast who is in the mood for something different and a main character who is not fully in love with the world she finds herself seeing both the beauty and the ugliness in both worlds.

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This is a very unique story, which was a pleasure to read, as I've never came across with a vampire novel of this kind. It was new and refreshing. Thank you for the copy!

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More than just a page turner, more than just another YA vampire story, more than girl power. Nesa is a complex character living with memories that are not hers yet they are hers. Her story is not about being a vampire but rather about being a savior, a fighter, a moral person who looks to help others. This is a story about the fight between good and evil, between love and hate, between the selfishness and selflessness. The plot development and character development is spot on and I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. A bit of a romantic, I was hoping for a happy ending but as this is a trilogy my happy ending will have to wait and endure some more angst before the culmination of the forces of good overtake the forces of darkness.

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Interesting take on vampires and their lineage. I found this a little painful to read in parts but stuck to it to see where it would go. I feel this book raises a lot of questions and leaves them unresolved.

Neva Is thrust into the world of vampires when she is turned to save her life but turns out she is a reincarnated Vampire being with lol this power that is never fully explained. There are then different factions within the vampire world who want to sue her for various reasons some of which go to very strange lengths to drive a war. The characters weren’t as fully fleshed out a story I would hope so I’m not as invested in them. I’m not sure where Neva and Thedryk are going and I’m not sure I care.

The dynamic between Zacariah and Amelia is very twisted and weird and again we don’t get enough backstory to understand why. Throw in time jumps and other world dimensions and we have a very long convuluted story. Giving this 3 stars because I actually finished it and caught myself about to start Blizzard but it is definitely more 2.5 stars.

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I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review and opinion.
I, unfortunately, did not like this book. I found the writing to be juvenile and often conflicting. It very much felt like an author's first attempt at writing a novel. Too often the author would get lost in describing every last minute detail of a room, and then forget to, or rush over, the more important details of the plot. I almost didn't finish it, but I looked up other reviews that said the book gets better toward the end. I do agree with this, however, I will not be reading the next in the series.

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This is book one in the Black Ice Trilogy. It's a good beginning and I'm thinking readers from teens to adults will enjoy this story.Neva is abducted and turned into a vampire. There are several factions readying for war and Neva thinks she's on the correct side. She is destined to be a great vampire according to legends. Lots of vampire folklore with some new twists. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This looked like it would be a good book, but I had such a difficult time reading it. The sentences didn't flow. I couldn't even finish it. I was disappointed.

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It is breathtaking to be able to follow a character in a transformation from the second it starts. We are allowed to feel exactly what Neva feels from the second she is being turned and then forward. There are very little stories that do that for us. We can actually get a feel of every painstaking moment. Even though I could not place my self into any of the characters, it was an interesting read.

For what is a quick read it was kind of slow. However, with that said, I would definitely go on to read the second book of the series. I believe now that the groundwork has been laid out, and characters introduced, the second book should have a better rhythm and be more enjoyable.

I was given this eBook by Netgalley for an honest review.

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Snow Is The Beginning Of A New Series √
Good Descriptions And World Building √
Parallel Dimensions And Time Travel √
Very Detailed And Graphic √
4 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Would Recommend √

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A mostly okay story. I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. However, this is the start of the series so I can excuse the issues I had with it. I think some people might enjoy it. I do hope that the next book in the series is better.

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I really loved this book! It wasn't all cut and fluffy like I thought it was going to be. It was a little darker than that and I really appreciated it as it was a game changer in the book industry. Thedryk and Neva were both really well written characters! You really see Neva come into her own while under the care of Thedryk.

Zachariah was interesting. he had his own motives for everything. I was hesitant this would turn into a love triangle and be tweeny but didn't. Overall I loved the plot to this and the scenes were well written. There are plenty of surprise twists I didn't see coming, so i stayed intrigued by this book and kept on reading! I'm excited to see what will happen next.

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A NA book that takes gorey details and makes sure you can picture it in your mind. This was not at all what I was expecting when I first saw the cover and began the book. Right away you are thrown into vivid details about murder and blood. It continues through the whole book.
The story is well thought out and has many dimensions that continue to influence it. While I do not understand how this could be considered a YA.
I think those who enjoy more gore, detail, and a story that is focused on darker aspects of vampirism will enjoy this story.

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This book did not turn out quite how I expected. It's a lot grittier and bloodier than I expected. Unfortunately I was not able to finish it. I dipped into the book at various points but it was definitely my cup of tea. Sorry!

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I just wanted to say thank you for being the first to give me the opportunity to review your book.

I've been trying to come up with a world that describes 'Snow' and honestly, just Wow. Straight away I was blown away by the detailed graphic transition in our protagonist, Neva, becoming a vampire in the first chapter. It was intense. For a completely fictional experience, it felt like Mikayla was reliving the torment to bring the thoroughness in the narrative. It's been a while since a book has managed to grip me so quickly the way that this one did. I read it in one sitting which kept me up until 3am. It was worth it. 

Neva, or rather Lady Neva has she is now known, is pulled into the world of vampires within the first gripping chapter. You discover that she was a widow who had lost her unborn child many years ago, who was living with her family in their bakery. A world she wasn't ready to leave behind, she had no choice but to continue on her new path.
After being attacked by Rose, an uncontrollable jealous vampire, Thedryk, a 1200 year old vampire who was commanded to look out for Neva, made the decision to change her into a vampire in order to save her, as well as other things. It turns out that Neva has been a part of this world before, as well as many other lives she has lived since then. Returning back to the world of vampires, she is the key to ending the war with demons.
It's a lot to take in but she doesn't fight it. Her unique abilities allow her to see into the past, to witness the lives of others as well as her past life self. It's enough to convince her that for now she needs to follow Thedryk to the 'House', home to the council of vampires and their queen Lady Eliza.

The book overall was fantastic, I loved the detail in the scenery both inside and out, the characters were great, I even found Zachariah fascinating, especially the way he acted around his adopted daughter. I can't wait until the next one to find out what happens next!

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When I started reading this book, I thought that it was going to be a vampire Snow White type of book. I don't know why I thought that, but I did. If I paid more attention to the blurb, I would have seen that.  Oh well.

I don't understand how Snow was labeled as a young adult novel. Neva, the main character, was married. If I were to guess at her age, I would put her in her early to mid 20's. I thought that his book was better suited for the NA genre than YA. But that's me. Someone else could have a different take on it. Which is the wonderful thing about writing reviews. No one's opinions are wrong. Unless you didn't read the book and give your opinion, then I don't pay attention to the review.

I liked the plot of Snow. I thought that it was original. Neva is brought into the vampire world when her life was almost taken in an attack. She is thrust into the middle of a conspiracy that will leave everyone reeling. Can Neva bring Zachariah to his knees and save the vampire lineage? Or will she become a pawn in an ancient war?

I liked Neva but I found her whiny for most of the book. Yes, she had a terrible shock when she was turned. It would have been a huge shock for anyone. Even after Thedryk explained why she was turned and who she was, she still whined about it. She didn't understand the danger she was in. For an adult, she didn't act like one. I did like that she wised up during the last half of the book. Seeing what happened to her family shocked her into wising up.

I didn't think that Zachariah wasn't that bad of a guy for most of the book. Yes, he didn't like Neva and yes, he was only with Eliza because he cared about the power. The author showed a 100% different side to him when he was interacting with his adopted daughter. He cared for them. I honestly don't think that he is going to be as bad as he was made out to be. I do think it is awful what he did in the last half of the book. But it didn't go with what the author showed. I wonder if there is more to his story and if it will be revealed in book 2.

I loved what the author did with the vampires in this book. While these vampires need human blood, they don't need it that often. They can eat regular food but it doesn't do anything for them. Not everyone can be turned into a vampire, though. The author explained that the people can be turned into vampires have a special aura. The vampires can see it but can only turn if they have permission from the Council. If someone is turned who doesn't have the special aura, they become something out of a nightmare. The author also had the vampires have a special gift. Some are stronger than others but everyone has it. 

There is even a science fiction angle of Snow. There is a vampire that can open portals into different dimensions. It is explained more thoroughly in the book. I found it fascinating and wished that it has been added sooner in the book. 

The end of Snow was action packed and moved very fast. What happened to Zachariah, he deserved it. But it was the end of the book that made me go what. First with the introduction of a famous fictional character. Then it was who was introduced in the very last pages of the book. It is that revelation that makes me excited to read the next book in the series.

What I liked about Snow:

A) How the vampires were portrayed

B) Neva's storyline 

C) The science fiction angle

What I disliked about Snow:

A) Neva. She was a whine bag for most of the book

B) Zachariah. I was on the fence with him for most of the book. But the ending events turned me

C) What happened to Neva's family

I would give Snow an Older Teen rating. There is no sex or sexual situations. There is violence. There is no language.

I would reread Snow. I would also recommend this book to family and friends.

I would like to thank Independent Book Publisher's Association, Member's Titles, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Snow.

All opinions stated in this review of Snow are mine.

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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