Member Reviews

Loved Marc and Liv!

Lauren Dane did a great job with this love story!

Would read more of her books for sure!

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I haven't met a Lauren Dane book I didn't love and Chased is no exception. Dane once again delivers an amazing novel and I can't wait to read more.

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Once again I am back in Petal, Georgia for the re-release of Lauren Dane’s Chased, the third book in the Chase Brothers series.
Olivia (Liv) Davis has been there for her friends through thick and thin and watched them all find the man of their dreams and love and she wants that for herself, and after finding her boyfriend with someone else in his bed she is over dating men who don’t want marriage and babies. She wants someone serious, but when Marc Chase who is 6 years her junior decides to woo her she finds him difficult to resist so she agrees, but she has conditions.

I loved Liv’s sassy spirit and smart mouth and the fact that she is force to be reckoned with both in and out of the bedroom. I appreciated that Marc did realize that Liv was a little broken and helped her to understand that she deserved love and there was no denying this was by far the hottest and most sexual book in the bunch, but I still wanted more out of Marc. We didn’t get to know Marc very well and quite frankly there felt like something was missing from his story.

As always it was a joy to see the whole Chase family, hear their advice, and watch them open up their arms and surround Liv with the type of family she’s always craved.

Hot as hell and interspersed with a whole lot of old fashioned wooing, Chased is a welcome addition to the Chase Brothers series.

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Lauren Dane's Chased is the newest book in her Chase Brothers series and it is the perfect continuation! I loved getting to read Marc's story.

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Of all of the Chase brothers I think Marc's story was my least favorite.  Part of it is that the blurb really doesn't do this book justice.  The whole two days away thing doesn't happen until close to the end, which means that a good portion of the book isn't covered.  I don't know about y'all but I kinda rely on what is on the jacket when I make my reading decisions and when I get something else it kinda throws things off track.  And I think that really came into play here.

Marc spends a good portion of the story trying to woo Liv but she's resistant.  There's the age difference between them, the fact that she dated his brother, her more recent relationship disaster, and his *ahem* romantic reputation - all of which combine to having her not taking his advances seriously.  But Chases don't give up easy and Marc is not going to let Liv go without a fight ... and what a sexy, heartfelt fight it is :)

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Who can resist a Chase brother? Certainly not me, and obviously not Liv Davis! I loved the connection between Marc and Liv! And I loved how Marc was finally able to convince Liv to give him and THEM a chance! I love these easy, sexy, smart Chase Brothers books and can't wait to read them all!

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As has become customary for this reader, Chased is the third title in the Chase Brothers series, but it's the first book in the series I've read, and it's only the second novel I've read by this author. For a number of reasons, I liked it but I didn't love it, and it gets 3 stars from this reader.

Although a lot of characters come at you as soon as you start reading this novel, it wasn't difficult to sort them out who they were, and what their relationships to one another were. The are four Chase brothers, and, as described, they are all handsome, two are married, and the other two certainly have done their share of bed hopping--the two unmarried brothers are Matt and Marc. The heroine, if you can call her that, is Liv (Olivia), who once thought herself in love with Matt, but when she walked in on him and caught him up close and personal with another woman, their one-year relationship came to an abrupt halt, which was perfectly understandable. Since two of her closest friends are married to two of the brothers, she's still considered a member of the family, although she's not quite gotten past her feelings of betrayal by Matt.

Now, Marc Chase, a handsome hunk of a personal trainer who is opening his own gym/personal training business, is and has been interested in Liv for some time. He's not revealed his interest, waiting a year after Liv and Matt's break-up to start pursuing her, and boy, does Liv have issues. The main one being that she still doesn't seem over Matt, and fears that Marc is just as shallow as his brother, and that history will repeat itself.

Marc is almost 6 years younger than Liv, and while that certainly didn't seem to be a huge stumbling block for this reader, it's a major hang-up for Liv, and because it's mentioned so often, it became annoying. Liv's stated age is 35, and Marc is nearly 30, so she's certainly not robbing the cradle, and a six year age difference didn't strike me as being untenable.

Liv also has major trust issues. Granted that she, like most women her age, has had several relationships end with her getting cheated on and dumped, but what woman of 35 hasn't had a few relationships that didn't work out? While it was understandable when it came to Marc, who is a world-class flirt and has admittedly bedded most of the women in their small town of Petal, he's certainly been more than sincere about his interest in Liv, and goes out of his way to pursue a relationship with her, but she shrugs it off, considers it casual dating, and although they spend an awful lot of time in bed, she still can't get past his reputation, their age difference and her trust issues, the latter being what caused her out-and-out bitchiness quite often, and quite frankly, by the middle of this novel, I simply couldn't stand Liv, her immaturity, her control issues, her age issues, her trust issues, or her out and out bitchiness. What Marc saw in her, aside from her physical beauty and her bedroom skills, was a mystery to me. Marc, however, though six years her junior, came off as far more mature than Liv, and far more appealing as a character, although his groveling after Liv and begging her to take him seriously certainly made this reader think less of him and his judgment.

The other main problem in this novel was the lack of an interesting, suspenseful, or more complicated plot. Aside from the May-December relationship issues, Marc and Liv spend most of their time having sex, and while explicit sex in a novel certainly doesn't bother me, there wasn't much more to this story than boy wants girl, girl wants boy, the two seemed ill-suited, they have sex, there are many misunderstandings and arguments, and eventually an HEA ending. For this reader, I just couldn't see this couple ever having a happily ever after, lasting relationship because if they weren't having sex they were either misunderstanding each other or arguing. Although Marc states that he loves Liv in spite of her bitchiness, crankiness, and her tendency to jump to conclusions, what man is going to put up with that kind of distrustful behavior forever? Certainly no man I've ever known.

If you're now wondering why I gave this novel a 3-star rather than a 1- or 2-star rating, it was the Chase family itself. Polly, mother of the four Chase brothers was an absolute pip, as were the two married Chase brothers and their wives, both of them were close friends with Liv. While I disliked Liv, I couldn't fault her for being an amazing, true, open, and giving friend to her two married girlfriends, one of whom was about to give birth to her first child, and Liv was totally there for her. When it came to her friends, Liv was tried and true genuine, and reliable, and it was really the only thing I found likable about her character at all.

While this novel had more than a few issues for this reader, it was fairly well written although a bit overwrought, and judging by the 4- and 5-star ratings it's been given, it just left this reader unsatisfied and perplexed as to what other reviewers seemed to love about this relationship and this novel, because I wasn't feeling it at all.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel. The opinions expressed are my own.

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This series is absolutely everything. Marc stood by and waited patiently for Olivia. It has been a year since her relationship with his brother had ended. As he embarks on fulfilling his dream he finally gets who he wanted all along. Olivia thinks he is too young for her but age is only a number especially when she has the love she always wanted.

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A solid plot, with plenty of steam, touching moments, humour and a good array of characters. Another favourite by this amazing author.

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This is my first read of the series but it was easy to be brought up to speed. It's also a republication of the series with updates done by the author. Marc is the youngest Chase brother and a forever player. This is his story and how the wild child turns into the tamed.

Liv once dated Marc's brother so that is a little twist to the story. But they weren't right for each other. That said, Marc and Liv have been friends forever. Liv thinks she knows Marc. But when they start spending more time together, she realizes that her friendship could be turned into more. Fear prevents them both from loving.

I loved the easy banter between all the characters. I loved that Marc rally's his brothers to help in his quest. I really loved the tender moments between Liv and Marc.

I'll be grabbing the 4th book for sure. Can't wait to see who Matt lets into his heart.

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When starting this book I didn't realise that it was the third in a series. So in some spots when it referenced other things I was confused. That being said I didn't finish this book and am going to start at the first one that way I can give this book a more honest review later.

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Honestly, I had to DNF this book. This is the third Lauren Dane book I've read and I've tried so very hard to love her but she's just not for me. The writing is too unpolished and juvenile. I will not be leaving a review on my blog or any retailer sites.

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One book of the Chase brothers isn't enough! So I was happy to see that after Shane (in Taking Chase) I could now read about brother Marc. I read the books out of order, because I read Making Chase before this one. So, I already deducted from Making Chase that Olivia (or Liz) would end up happily ever after with Marc. The road to it, however was very interesting.
Liz is the former girlfriend of Matt. So she was already familiar with the hot Chase brothers. However, Marc being six years younger, was always the little brother. The playboy, the one-night-stand-guy, the-no-strings-attached-guy.
And Liz is about commitments and long-term relations. Marc is determined not to fall in love like his brothers and do long-term. Or so he thinks. Until he kisses Liz and realizes he may be in over his head. But Liz? She doesn't want anything to do with him. So the Chase is on...
Sparks flying and a lot of chemistry. You just gotta love the Chase brothers... Four out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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These Chase Brothers stories are Hott!! Each and every one of them keeps you drooling for more.
I love these contemporary stories that Lauren Dane writes. She does an excellent job in creating amazing characters that are so easy to picture as you read.
Can’t wait for more to come by her.
Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Fun and sexy read. I didn't love this one as much as the others in the series, but still a good read. 3 brothers down, just one more to go!

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Chased is a friends to lover full length romance that is re-release published by Carina Press. This is book 3 of the Chase Brother series but I read it as a standalone and didnt feel as if I missed anything by not previously reading book 1 or 2 of the series. However, after reading Chased, I can definitely say I will be purchasing and reading Giving Chase and Taking Chase. Chased was so much more than I was expecting, Lauren Dane, has a way of drawing you into the story and I didn't want this one to end. Liv had previously dated Matt Chase and while she was friends with Marc Chase she hesitated to try for anything more. Liv was older than Marc, but I didnt understand why this fact was such a big part of the stories, Liv and Marc has a sizzling connections, including many conversations with magnificently crafted witty banter, and hot & steamy between the sheet session that are Kindle-melting and swoon-worthy! I want to stress the Chased is definitely a book worthy of one-clicking and one you dont want to miss in your Kindle library! My final thoughts on Chased by Lauren Dane; Loved it, amazing & engaging storyline, definitely recommend!
I am voluntarily leaving this voluntary review, but for full disclosure I did receive an review copy, ARC, of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Chased by Lauren Dane is book Three in the Chase Brothers series. This is the story of Liv Davis and Marc Chase. I have read the previous books but feel this can be a standalone book. This book was first released in 2007 but has since had the cover updated and the story refreshed by the author.
Marc loves women and shares that love allot. Not planning on being like his other family and fallen hard for just one women....until he gets close to Liv. Liv after being hurt didn't think true love was going to be something she would have. But then Marc came into focus for her.
Really enjoyed 'watching' their story unfold.

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Although I wasn't 'wowed' by this tile it was an enjoyable read. Ms. Dane writes mostly realistic relationships and Chased was no exception.

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Marc is known as the wildest Chase brother. When he gets Liv in for some training sessions, he starts to think she may be the one he's been looking for all along. Liv is the mayor's daughter and older with some hangups about dating a younger man. Will two nights away change things between these two or will they decide to let things go? A good older woman/younger man read that I can recommend.

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley and am leaving a review.

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I have truly enjoyed reacquainting myself with the first two Chase Brothers and their stories. They are a fun, sexy, and alpha bunch. I have no memory of ever having read Marc’s book so I’m wondering if I skipped it way back when. Seeing as how it’s got an older woman/younger man scenario, it wouldn’t surprise me since that trope has never been a favorite of mine.

It’s not that I mind a good May-December romance, it’s when the heroine has a big hangup about it that my eyes get to rolling. Which is what happened here. In fact, Liv had all kinds of hangups. Marc was younger, he was a former manwhore with women falling at his feet on a regular basis and Liv had trust issues etc. etc. She was the epitome of a hot mess.

Marc and Liv had pussyfooted around each other for quite awhile, knowing they had chemistry but never committing to it. Marc came around first to the fact that Liv might be his one, but Liv went round and round with it, pretty much keeping poor Marc hanging for quite some time while she made sure there wasn’t a better alternative. I’m sure this will be a huge surprise to you but this drove me batty. I didn’t know who I wanted to throttle for half the book, her for being a wishy-washy idiot, or him for being kind of a doormat.

I would have probably liked this better if there had been some kind of suspense plot going on to liven things up like in the first two books, but alas, this was an entirely relationship driven book. The main bad guy was Liv’s hangups and fears. Because of the many issues these two had, I had a hard time envisioning them as a couple that would go the distance so I never truly connected with them.

My first thought as to a rating was 2.5 stars due to my issues with the MC’s. Upon further reflection, I decided the writing was as engaging as I expected from a Lauren Dane book. The rest of the Chase family got lots of page time and I enjoyed the easy, teasing banter that they had with each other. Because of this, I felt like it deserved more credit than I was giving it.

Rating: 3 Love Just Shouldn’t Be That Hard Stars

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