Member Reviews

I'm such a sucker for fake relationships that become something more. I'm going to be looking for others from this author in the future.

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This one took me by surprise as my first read by Noelle Adams. I must say 4.5-Stars for Part Time Husband as a great kickoff to the Trophy Husbands Series. Even though it's a full length story it is fast paced and can easily be read in one sitting, you probably won't be able to put it down anyway. It's the typical storyline for a enemy to lovers romance yet the author adds so much more with their steamy, sexy, hot encounters and I can't not mention the amazing witty, snarky banter-filled conversations between Melissa and Trevor. Melissa had alot to deal with in her family and professional life which causes her to be somewhat jadded. Trevor is cocky, overly self confident, smug, obnoxious but also romantic, hot, sweet, sexy, just plain old swoon-worthy! When Melissa propositions & proposes to Trevor follow their rollercoaster ride to a HEA by one-clicking the most certainly recommended Part Time Husband!
I am voluntarily leaving this voluntary review, but for full disclosure I did receive an review copy, ARC, of this book.

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There is no one that does contracted marriage better than Noelle Adams!! I am a fan of this trope and this one fits in nicely! I loved that these two feel like normal people. Normal people navigating life with normal problems. Problems behind the scenes that no one knows about...

This arrangement started out on the way out there plane, but I could understand it! Pop is just so demanding of Melissa and doesn't seem to be this hard on her sisters. Definitely a weird family. Why would you set yourself up for constant ridicule at the hands of this man, not only at a weekly family dinner, but working for him on a DAILY basis!! I don't know if I could have done that! Melissa had gumption that's for sure!

When Pop made the demands of Melissa to be married and dangles losing her coveted job, and she made up someone she is dating. Pop wanted to meet him. In order to play her cards right, keep her job, and get back at Pop, she asks Trevor Bentley to marry her. It's only part-time and only for a year. Everyone wins in the end, right?

Only as the year goes, she finds Trevor is much more than she ever knew. I absolutely loved him. Yes he was brash and very cocky in the beginning, but he softened. He was a good man and Melissa realized she never wanted to give him up!

The story was intriguing-albeit a bit odd at times. I enjoyed their dynamic and how it morphed as the year progressed. I was rooting for them to figure things out! The HEA was very believable given how they evolved into a couple. An overall great read!

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I wasn’t sure absolutely the no9:at first but after the first chapter I was n9t wanting to put the book down I really enjoyed it and I the characters were very likeable I will definitely want to read more from this author in the future

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This book is a great read. I found the first chapters really pulled me in and I got really invested in the story. Just enough sexy scenes amongst the story as well so it didn't feel like they propped it up but enhanced it. A fab read.

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Awesome 5 Star read- loved Part Time Husband !!

ARC received in exchange for an honest review!! This was such a fun - sexy story ! Quick read finished in just one sitting & I will be sure to be checking out Noelle Adam’s other work.

I would not exactly call Trevor & Melissa enemies but they do not exactly like each other - so when Melissa proposes a wedding contract for a year where the 2 must play a convincing HEA so that she can retain her job at Pops ( her Grandfathers business where there is not a lot of growth for women especially at the executive status ) Trevor decides to help her & he will reap the benefit of providing all forms of marketing for the company - this would be an important client for his business.

This book is funny - love the snark between both characters - sexy chemistry thru out & of course the 5 Star swoon worthy HEA

Highly recommended read u will not be disappointed !!

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Victory Editing for providing this book for an honest review.

This is a great little read and perfect for those who love HEA’s. This book is about Melissa who works for her out of date and touch grandfather. She is basically forced into marriage and to pull one over on her grandfather decides to marry the person he despises most. Trevor who would love to have an ad campaign with Melissa’s grandfathers company takes her up on the offer and decides to marry her. Some how the lines get lost and her part time marriage and husband feel more real.

Cute little romance. Who doesn’t love an HEA with a little romance? Actually, the “romantic” parts seemed to be a little much. That was probably my only drawback in this book.

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Personally, I feel like every book Noelle Adams writes, just get better and better. I’m totally in love with this book. Not just because I love fake marriage romances but because it’s that spectacular. It’s explosive, hot, witty and so much more. The writing is fantastic and the chemistry between the characters is ridiculous. Just a phenomenal book in my opinion and what a way to start a new series too. I would must definitely recommend this book to all book lovers out there

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So the title suggests the typical “marriage of convenience” arrangement between two people and that’s pretty much what this is.
Melissa’s spent most of her life trying to gain her grandfather’s approval in the family business. In their small town in West Virginia’s there’s still the “Good ole Boys” mentality; and her grandfather is not different. He thinks she should be married to a successful man and at home raising babies. Not trying to make it in the family business. No matter how successful she is, it’s never enough. When her grandfather threatens to eliminate her position in the company if she doesn’t produce someone she’s interested in marrying, she’s got no choice but to appease him and tells him she’s dating someone. However, he calls her bluff demanding to meet the mystery man by the end of the week and tell her that she must marry him and stay married for at least one-year. Not to be outdone by her grandfather, Melissa picks the one person she knows her grandfather despises…Trevor Bentley.
To say Trevor Bentley is shocked at Melissa’s proposal is an understatement but the deal she offers him is too good to pass up. Not only does this mean he get to one-up the one man who despises him most, he gets a chance at proving how good he is at what he does and proving he’s worthy of the man’s respect.
So like I said, typical plot; however, this was not your typical marriage of convenience of two people who didn’t really know each other. Once I started this book, I couldn’t put it down. The only reason I put I down was because I fell asleep. I liked Melissa and Trevor immediately. What I really liked about this book was there was none of the awkwardness of the two when they began to live together. They pretty much found their rhythm right away. They developed a routine, they communicated with each other; they go to know each other which made their comfort level with each other was quick and enjoyable. They actually became friends. Hearts became involved very quickly but without all of the angst.
This is book one in the Trophy Husband Series and during this book we are introduced to Melissa’s two younger sisters Sam and Chelsea who give promise to more juicy stories.
A definite beach read.

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Part-time Husband is the first in a new series by Noelle Adams that approaches the trophy spouse story from a different perspective, the woman's family is wealthy instead of the man's. Melissa has worked hard from the bottom of Pop's (her grandfather's company) to her current leadership role. Despite her education and the great work she does for the organization she has struggled with getting Pop to see her as an equal. Not only is Pop cantankerous but he is also chauvinistic. He shows his attitude towards woman no more than when he complains about her not being married. He blames the number of hours she works for the company and delivers an ultimatum, Melissa gets married or he will cut her job as well as delivering a threat against her sisters who are not so independent. Melissa decides she will find a husband and to spite Pop she will choose the very person he would not want her to marry.

Trevor was very successful when he worked in New York City. He has returned to his hometown and started his own company. He tried to get a contract with Pops for creating their marketing campaigns. Things did not go so well and he is not Pop's favorite person. He is surprised when Melissa proposes to him and lays down her plan for the next year which would allow Trevor to get a bit of payback for how Pop treated him. Part-Time husband was a sweet love story which gives the reader an enjoyable glance into how Melissa and Trevor grow as friends, a family and a couple. I really look forward to reading more in this series. Review can also be read at Lady Techie's Book Musings

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I really enjoyed the enemies to friends story. I read this while I was on vacation and it was the perfect light hearted read that I was hoping to find from Noelle Adams. There was just the right mix of story and character development. At the heart of it, this is a story of two driven people who are trying to find room for each other in their lives, something many readers can easily relate to. I recommend for anyone looking for a good light hearted story with driven characters who are easy to like and relate to.

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Melissa cried at fourteen when her parents died but hadn’t cried very much since. Melissa lost her family all at once when a car accident her parents and both grandmothers. All that Melissa had left were two sister- Sam and Chelsea, Pop, and the company. Melissa is not the woman, the sweet sentimental one who tears up over a kind gesture she’s the one who makes an appointment on Wednesday afternoon to ask a smug butthole to marry her. Melissa is twenty eight, hard working and efficient. Melissa was good at managing the world around her. It all started one Monday with her grandfather/Pop. He’s been among the elite of Charleston for most of his life, after starting a restaurant chain called Pop’s Home cooking that has expanded into twelve surrounding states. When Melissa told him at seventeen that she wanted to work for his company Pop had patted her on the head and laughed. He said she was a girl and she would be better off finding a husband. Melissa went to UVA as an undergraduate and then to Harvard for her MBA. Melissa interned for seven summers in a row finally four years ago Pop hired melissa and she had been working fifty to sixty hours per week. Six months ago pop gave melissa an executive level position. This was Melissa’s family, her heritage. Each Monday melissa had lunch with Pop and he grills her on the hard work she had been doing for the past week. She also got lectures on her lacking social life. Pop thinks women should be married and have kids so she hears about it. Then today Pop says “ it's time.” Melissa had learned long ago that losing control is the way to lose the battle. Then opo says he thinks she works too hard to find a husband and he was going to reconstruct her job . To understand her situation Pop owns the company outright, there is no board. The sole decision maker is Pop and melissa’s job is entirely up to him. Also he doesn’t make idle threats. If pop threatens to do something he does it. Melissa knows she has to fix this immediately. Then Pop said he may also have to do something about Sam and Chelsea just living off his money so Melissa lied and said there was a man but they weren’t at the that place where they will marry. Pop said he wouldn’t do anything about her job or Sam and Chelsea if she married the guy and pop had to meet him by the end of the week. Trevor bentley was the most arrogant obnoxious that made Pop snarl when Trevor’s name was mentioned. Melissa doesn’t like Trevor and he doesn’t like her either so she will have to think of something to get Trevor to agree to marry her for one year. Melissa does know something Trevor wants enough to agree to the marriage. But still as much as she doesn’t like Trevor Melissa still finds him attractive and he agrees to marry her.
I loved this book. It was a quick easy romantic funny read. I loved Melissa and Trevor together and how they interacted with each other once they were married. I loved watching their relationship grow. I loved the relationship Melissa had with her sisters. I don’t know why Pop acted as he did about a job and marriage and being so controlling he should have been a more loving man he was all Melissa and her sisters had besides each other. I was happy when she married Trevor and her grandfather didn’t like it at all and I loved how Trevor stuck up for Melissa about Pop and the way he treated her. I was happy pop- seemed to change in the end. I chuckled at times while reading this and loved the plot and the pace. Happily I couldn’t find anything to criticize in this book. I loved the characters and the ins and out and I highly recommend.

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When I clicked on Part-Time Husband on my Kindle, I groaned and rolled my eyes at the first person narrative. I know, I know…get over it already!!!
But this is Noelle Adams we’re talking about, the same author who gave me those delicious Damon brothers, which means she ALWAYS gets the benefit of the doubt and I am happy that I stuck it out. Well that’s not right, I didn’t stick it out, I started reading and I just couldn’t stop until I found out what happened with Trevor and Melissa.
This is a classic enemies to lovers story blended with one of my favorite tropes: marriage of convenience and Noelle did a great job. Watching the push and pull as Trevor and Melissa tried to cope with their changing feelings was a treat to read, especially when it became clear that Trevor was more in tune with his emotions than Melissa.
Maybe Melissa resonated with me as the oldest child but I think it was that she’s the perfect heroine. She’s tough, resilient and strong as hell but she is also completely unaware of her own appeal where the opposite sex is concerned. Another thing about Part-Time Husband that really appealed to me was Trevor because he was such an anomaly. He was strong and alpha but in this understated way that doesn’t feel like the borderline abusive alpha commonly found in the genre today. He was a good guy, a really good guy who took care of his family. Sure he was a jerk on the surface but underneath he was one of the good ones.
If there was a thing in this book I didn’t like, it was Pops. He was sexist, inflexible and he treated Melissa like garbage. I wish there had been some resolution where Melissa told him what a condescending jerk he was being, denying her what she’d worked hard for because of his own views on life. He needed a verbal takedown and I wanted her to deliver it. But I'm okay with how things worked out...besides my desire for vengeance!!!
Despite that, this was a great read that I totally devoured in one day.

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Oh my gawd, I loved this story!!! It was everything I enjoy in a marriage of convenience book!

In order to save her job with her grandfather’s company, Melissa must come up with a husband. Fast. After a meeting with her sisters, she has the perfect candidate. Trevor Bentley is an obnoxious, smug so-and-so and the one man that grates on her grandfather’s nerves more than anyone else. Unfortunately, she doesn’t like Trevor one bit and the feeling is mutual. With a lucrative “business” proposal in hand, she asks him to marry her.

What follows is all the wonderful, mixed emotions and sexy times that a marriage of convenience can offer. Written completely in the heroine’s point of view, there is no doubt that the hero has more than just business on his mind. I loved how Trevor was all into Melissa. I’ve read books with dirty talkers and just during sex dirty talkers, but Trevor gave a whole new meaning to the word. His wasn’t your usual dirty talk, his was all about his lady. Sigh. Totally swoon worthy ladies!

I especially enjoyed reading the emotional changes that took place within Melissa. She had built walls around her and Trevor’s smirky obnoxiousness, the thing that she had initially despised, were the tool that slowly crumbled them. And when he messes up. Holy heck he gave good grovel. Not all of it verbally, but sometimes remaining strong and steadfast is the best form of grovel. Sigh…again.

This was such a fun and totally enjoyable read, fast paced with well-developed secondary characters and steam that will singe your fingers where you hold the page. The resolution is not a blink and it’s over but oh so perfect as it fit in with this hero and heroine. And the epilogue left me with a happy sob and then a giddy smile.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided by NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Melissa and Trevor are so wrong, they're abundantly right. She needs a favor. He fits the bill. It's that simple. Of course simplicity is life at it's most complicated. He's the man she loves to hate. She's the woman he longs to know. What happens when fake marriage takes a detour into real love? A beautifully complex romance. Adams does understated with a powerful voice.

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Part-Time Husband, by Noelle Adams is a contemporary romance, and the first book in the Trophy Husbands series.

Melissa Greyson loves her grandfather, yet sometimes he causes major issues for her. In order to appease (and simultaneously annoy) her grandfather, Melissa convinces his arch-enemy into marrying her. Surprisingly, Trevor Bentley easily accepted her part-time marriage offer, since he was always interested in Melissa. Soon, their fake marriage becomes very real.

Part-Time Husband is highly entertaining, and it's geared towards those who enjoy reading modern romances.

Note: I received this book from NetGalley, which is a program designed for bloggers to write book reviews in exchange for books, yet the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I have to admit I am a big fan of the fake marriage storyline as they always end up in an HEA which I am so totally about and more often than not, the pair wanted one another but couldn't get the guts or man up and tell the other how they really feel, so they make this whole fake marriage contract only to end up together for realsies. Normally the fake marriage stories are the guy asking the girl, but in this case, it is gender reversed. Melissa has always wanted to take over her families company, and it has been her goal. Never handed too her but she has worked her way up the chain of the business. Now through her grandfather has given her an ultimatum as in his words "she's not getting any younger." She has to marry someone or else she will lose her job, and her sister's allowance will be cut off. With only a week deadline, Melissa only has one person in mind who could benefit from the fake marriage - Trevor Bentley. The thing is though Melissa can't stand him as a person, she knows he's awesome at his job as an advertising executive. He agrees to the proposal, and the pair gets married, what will happen though when they discover that they love one another and their year is coming to an end? Will they both man up and tell the other how they feel about each other or will Melissa overhear Trevor talking and take it the wrong way and feel too hurt to give him a second chance at love? Find out in this quick read by Noelle Adams - Part-Time Husband, Book #1 of the Trophy Husbands series.

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I always enjoy Noelle Adams stories. Part-Time Husband is no exception. This sweet and sexy story of the trophy husband is also a rebellious story of revenge.

It's cute. The opposites attract. And of course it leads you into the perfect segue for the next in the series.

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I am WEAK for the Fake Married trope and I am also weak for the We Have to Share a Bed Because of Reasons trope so this book was RIGHT up my alley. Fairly predictable, but that didn't make it any less fun to read.

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Noelle Adams wrote a great book! Part-Time Husband has all the elements of a wonderful and enjoyable Adams read. It's also a return to the easier authorial voice that hasn't always been there lately.

Melissa and Trevor are a wonderful couple. Both are fighting battles that underscore their individual needs to belong and matter. They find that belonging with each other, despite their wariness and fears. Melissa's overbearing grandfather, whom she loves dearly, has really set the cat among the chickens when he threatens both her job with the family company and her sisters' livelihoods. Melissa is determined to make him pay and she does so by convincing the one man her grandfather hates to marry her. It's obvious from the start that Trevor is marrying her for a whole lot more than to make her grandfather mad or even to help her save her job. Melissa can't see that though, and it takes some work to get her to the point where she sees his good points.

Trevor has a lot of things going for him. He's kind to animals... wait. He's a wonderful son, a good business man, a good friend, and very gentle with Melissa even as he challenges her and her perceptions. He's smart and funny, generous and sexy, and definitely wants a full marriage. I liked how he pushed Melissa and her sisters to see things differently and how he put himself on the line at sweet moments. His obvious vulnerability just underscored how good a guy he is.

When the "Big Misunderstanding" happens, it's obvious that he's been goaded into a reckless position that he doesn't mean. I loved how both his family and Melissa's sisters help them find their way back to each other. That sense of family and togetherness is a hallmark of Adams' books. Trevor's family, in particular, was quite poignant and added a layer of love to the book. While Melissa's sisters didn't make quite the same impression, I do look forward to their books. Granddad can just go suck a lemon though! He didn't impress me at all. Even knowing he is doing this mostly out of love, it didn't help much.

This book is thoroughly enjoyable and I'm definitely looking forward to the other books in this series because this one is just so sweet and fun and wonderful.

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