Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley, IBPA, and Mikayla Elliot for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second novel in the Black Ice Trilogy, preceded by Snow, with no news regarding the third installment (Blizzard was published in 2018 and the time of this review is 2024).

I thought the prose of the first novel was a bit slow, and yet somehow still gave it a 4/5.

This novel feels a little more immersive in the history we get with Eliza and her story. I mean, who is Neva? We barely get her until way later, and by then I was more invested in Eliza and seeing her as the main character.

Some vampire history, blah, blah. I just had a really hard time investing in this book. I was considering DNFing at 14%, but I am not a DNFer and was already committed, and if I haden't, I wouldn't have had the intriguing tale of Eliza, Zachariah, and Reegan.

I feel like readers who really love vampires, vampiric lore, and paranormal romance will really enjoy this one, but I personally don't need to finish this series.

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I gave Snow 3 stars and Blizzard wasn't much better for me. I didn't enjoy where the story was going in Blizzard and I found the characters a little boring but I did finish it.

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The quality of this novel just picks up right where the previous one left off. I'm not disappointed in the sequel after 'Snow'. Thanks for the copy!

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The exciting follow up to Snow that gives you more history, more hope, more despair, more angst, more love, more questions, a few more answers. As Neva learns more about the role she plays she also learns that she may have been played. Secrets swirl all around her as her gift shows her a disastrous and deadly outcome. More questions are answered and new questions remain plus the glimmer of love that is new and old and some that has been renewed. So much more than a regular vampire story, the vampire aspect is like eye color or hair color it is a trait but it doesn't determine how one behaves especially Neva. Hail cannot get here soon enough!

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Having not read Snow, I was lost in Blizzard. For now, it's dnf. I might go back and read the first one and try again. I think it's a good story if you know what is going on.

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Engaging, vivid, and engaging — a perfect mixture of elements for readers young and old. My students would gobble this one up.

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im engrossed and enthralled with this novel. the second in its series and i can not tear myself away. The writing is superb with great character development. I loved the flash back portion and how this picked up right where novel one left off!!

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i really struggled with this book. got half way through and just had to stop reading it was so bad. I realy did try to read but , i think this book was just not for me.

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Once again I would personally like to thank the author for this opportunity to review their book.

Our story carries on with our protagonist Neva and her search for her lost niece Lucy.
Eliza knows that Neva still has a lot to learn before going out into the world on her own so she sends Helsing and his men to search for Lucy knowing that they will not fail. With so many questions unanswered for Neva, Eliza knows she must continue her training by first learning where she came from and the battle that began before the vampires existed on earth. With Neva’s ability to look into the past, their minds travel back where Eliza grew up and first met Zachariah and his cousin Lord Reegan.

The first half of the book draws us into Eliza’s complicated past, betrothed at the age of 12 to secure her families situation, she finds herself whisked off to Lord Reegans’s castle to wed. Her mother, Janice, does not trust Lord Reegan or his means to marry her daughter so young, especially as he is 10 years older than she is.
Lord Reegan commands Zachariah to train Eliza to use a sword in order to defend herself if necessary which he is not happy with but trains her all the same. We begin to see how this creates a bond between them over the years they fight together. Lord Reegan attacks Zachariah for keeping secrets as well as his unmasked feelings for Eliza, which leaves Zachariah severely wounded. Eliza uses her powers to heal him infront of Lord Reegan and refuses to heal or return with him. He threatens to kill her family if they do not return to the castle, so they come up with a plan to get rid of Lord Reegan for good.

Without giving too much away, Eliza shows us the past up right until Kareese, who Neva is able to see the world through, turns 14 and her destiny is revealed. Still young and naive, Kareese is a typical teenager who is going through too many emotions including jealousy of the closeness between Thedryk and her mother. She’s brought up in war and bloodshed that still affects her until the very end. It’s good to get a glimpse in Kareese’s life to understand how young and innocent she really was but she still stood her ground when she needed too. It’s interesting to see how Thedryk reacts around Kareese when they are betrothed, there is only pain and jealousy on her side and duty on his.

In the second half of the book, Neva is brought back to the present day after experiencing her past life with Eliza and Zachariah and the war that occurred when she was young. Her older self is now experiencing visions of a full vampire that she is destined to fight against but cannot see what she looks like. Something is blocking her vision, but as her ability is getting more powerful, everyone in the castle is also able to see and experience her night terrors with her. With too many secrets still going around, Neva decides to leave the castle in search for her niece herself, of course with Thedryk by her side. Their feelings towards one another is still complicated with too many things left unsaid.

The story is great, I loved the way it brought us into the past to experience Eliza’s own story, which just made you fall in love with Zachariah. Neva and Thedryk’s relationship is still up and down as trust is still an issue, especially when Thedryk has secrets he cannot share. You know it’s going to last a lifetime, that their love will never die, but the tension remains. It would have been nice for the to have shared a kiss at least once.

One thing I found difficult to understand is how Zachariah returned and everything was normal again. Not that you really minded after you witnessed his past and how heroic and in love his was with Eliza. I read back through but I still couldn’t get my head around it. After the last book introduced us to his new stolen title as Lord Vlad, it just created more confusion and felt unfinished. I hope the next book will provide us with more about what happened to him in that timeline.

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While I was really not impressed with the first book, I found this one to be much better. This was kind of like two books in one. The first half was a prequel to the first book in a sense and told Eliza's story. I really enjoyed it and would rate that a 4-4 1/2 on its own. It was intriguing and captivating. The second half, was back in the present time for Neva, and I really did not enjoy it near as much. I would have rated that more like a 3 by itself. I find Neva/Kareese to be kind of boring and the story drags a bit. It is still better than the first, but it could have been better.

Overall, I would give this book a 3.5, but will round up to 4. In large part because I feel like this author has really improved from her debut novel and hope that her books will continue to improve.

The wording was still a bit awkward throughout. Some of the writing was still too wordy and some of the word choices just felt a little off, like one sat with a thesaurus and picked words that have the same meaning, yet did not feel right in certain sentences. Editing could have been improved as there were some issues with tenses, but overall, it was an enjoyable read.

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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anyone who knows me knows how obsessed I am about vampires. this book did not upset. so unlike many other vamp books I've read but still just as well written and easy to love. It has just the right amount of angst, sappiness, and adventure.

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This is the second book in the Black Ice trilogy and after reading the first one I was dying to get my hands onto this one. Thanks to the generosity of the author, the book is up to "read now" on Netgalley, so thank you for that.

Unfortunately I was a little disappointed after the first book. I found this one went more into details about Neva's past, and yet I found myself very bored through it. There was times I was skimming it altogether. This does not mean I will not be reading the third book--oh, on the contrary I would love to see how this series ends. I just wasn't as into this one as I was in Snow.

I biggest compliment of Snow was the author's flawless writing, and this praise is still true. Wow, it's so nice to read. So even when I wasn't into the actual storyline, the writing kept me going. Some of her phrases, and use of words are so beautiful and flawless that you can't help but be intrigued.

Thedryk and Neva's relationship takes more of a turn and they're getting closer. He is all-in with her, while Neva has a slight push-pull thing going on. She experiences jealousy and love for him, but also is sure to keep a bit of a distance until this is all over. There is a less of a slow build between them in this one like the first book (obviously, since now they are in the romance) but it still doesn't go full-blown onto the track or anything. The slow progression and growth of their romance is wonderful, but more so, the two of them together is just adorable.

Thanks to the author for putting this free on Netgalley. I enjoyed it, but didn't love it, but do look forward to reading how it ends.

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While I enjoyed the first novel...this novel was so much more!
The writing was better, the plot was so interesting, and I loved the characters.
In blizzard, we get a past flash back for a good portion of the beginning novel as to how eliza, zachariah, thedryk and kareese came to be. It was such a different unique take on how vampires came to be and I love it so much. Neva also grows in the end of the novel becoming so much stronger and fighting for what she believes. I cant wait for the third novel! There be better a third novel anyways xD Ill post a full review soon here and on my blog also one spoiler/compliant below so look away if you havent read >.>

My only compliant about this book was I need Thedryk and Neva to stop being brats and love each other already!! Kiss damn itxD

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I must say this vampire tale enthralled me, it totally engrossed and captivated my attention, it is indeed like a boiling pot filled with steaming rage, deceit, steeped deep in treachery and betrayal. Imagine selling your twelve-year-old daughter into marriage on a guise of this joining would provide a means of protection and preserving you and your people way of life, only to be threatened by the very evil you sacrifice her to. Life is a bitch indeed sometimes karma is well deserving. A terrible ordeal for any child to endure, and mature real quick too. In my opinion, this twelve-year-old is our young heroine. Eliza is the heroine of this book to me she had no one she could trust or rely on except herself and Zachariah. Petty jealousy and envy caused a deep gulch and doubt in our young heroine’s mind now at the tender age of fourteen and forcibly impregnated by her monster of her husband all seem lost, but alas out of the ashes comes a tiny spark that ignited the flame of hope illuminating her way forward. A truly masterful storyline and an awesome crew of characters to back it, well written and induced with a lot of intrigues, a vampire tale that rivals others.

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Haven’t read a vampire story in a while, plot twists always capture my attention. Best part about it is that it left me wanting more.

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This is unlike any vampire story I have read before. There are lots of characters and plot twists. The ending is not really an ending and leaves you wanting to know what happens next.

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