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More than a Phoenix

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This book was so entertaining. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was involved until the end. The characters were complex and interesting. I found the story to be well paced and engrossing throughout the whole book. I was invested in the couple throughout the book and felt all the emotions through both the highs and lows of the story.The side characters were such an integral part of this story as well. This is the love story i needed to read at this time. If you want an entertaining and well written book this is it for you

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In this book we learn more about Dante and his mate Mallory along with Noah and his mate Kizzy. Both of these women are completely different but I think so suited for them. At first I thought there would be a lot going on and that it would make the story complicated but it doesn’t because both brothers work so well together and they are pretty much each others best friend. Yes they still have their differences but it all works out in the end.

Dante and his mate Mallory have a secret that no one knows about just yet anyways. Mallory thinks she is going crazy when she turns into a monkey. Turns out that this only happens when she is stressed and if that wasn’t bad enough she also sees dead people who she thinks are real. Thankfully with the help of Dante she is able to see things clearly and wants to know why this is happening to her. She soon realizes that she isn’t the only one able to shape shift. Dante is the perfect match for her because he is supporting and caring of her. Plus she is his secret high school crush and he is able to finally tell her.

Noah and his mate Kizzy I have to say are another fun couple to read and get to know. There is more to Kizzy then meets the eye. She is an ER doctor by day and a witch doctor by night that no one knows about until she meets Noah and Noah discovers there is more to Kizzy then meets the eye.

I have to say that as much as I loved reading about Dante and Mallory I really enjoyed Noah and Kizzy a little more because Noah has something that Kizzy needs and wants and Noah will do anything to protect it and her.

Looking forward to continuing this series.

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I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley for an honest review. I really enjoyed this book. The chemistry an banter between the characters were played out very well. I can always count on an Ashlyn Chase book to be a great read. I give More than a Phoenix 5/5 stars.

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Mallory Summers thinks she’s losing her mind as she starts talking to dead people and suddenly starts shifting into a monkey. Dante Fierro knows she’s not crazy because he has his own secret. Sparks are also flying between Noah Fierro and ER doctor Kizzy Samuels but both them have much more than attraction going on. Both Fierro brothers are about to discover that fighting fires is easy …finding love is the hard part.

Double the fun and double the pleasure with this sweet and passionate romance. The characters are strong, convincing and easily draw readers into this story where readers get two romances in one. Both couple’s relationship sizzles with electrical chemistry and magnetic attractions but they also have some major obstacles to overcome. Mallory and Dante are trying to get a handle on Mallory’s troubles which include some monkey business and causes quite a few intense and stressful situations that are also a little on the charming side and causes a few chuckles. Noah and Kizzy have major secrets causing strife in their relationship along with a meddlesome father and some very bad dudes which causes quite a bit of intense excitement and some intense emotional distress.

The plot is fast paced with criss crossing lives causing lot of thrilling suspense, drama and some major troubles. This keeps readers hanging on to the edge of their seats throughout this exhilarating and daring read which has some surprising twist and a very creative and non-violent conclusion to the antagonist of this delightful paranormal romance.

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This is really well written, but the story itself just didn't work for me. I'm not huge into paranormals, so that's likely a large part of the disconnect for me. If you like paranormals, definitely give this one a try!

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Ashlyn Chase immerses the reader in the misadventures of the Phoenix Brothers and their supernatural friends in More than a Phoenix. Firefighter Dante Fierro, phoenix shapechanger, falls in love with Mallory who sees dead people and haphazardly shifts into monkey form; she has been cursed by South America magic workers who have a fight with her father. Meanwhile, brother Noah Fierro starts a romance with a witch Kizzie who is being pursued by evil mages who want a cursed book which she is safeguarding. Complications on top of misadventures. Fun paranormal adventure.

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More Than a Phoenix is the second book in the Phoenix Brothers series by Ashlyn Chase, although it is related to a few of her other series. I think anyone that has read any of the books by Chase set in Boston will be perfectly able to catch on to the details quickly. However, readers that have not read any of Chase's books might be confused by the details surrounding the different types of paranormals and who is who.

Mallory Summers is losing it. She's discovered she can talk to dead people--and she might be able to shift to monkey form. Firefighter Dante Fierro knows the quirky beauty isn't crazy--just supernatural. But what would she think if she knew his secret? Hothead Noah Fierro has his own sparks flying with gorgeous ER doctor Kizzy Samuels. While the attraction is mutual, so are the supernatural secrets. With this much sizzle going on, how do you not get burned?

More Than a Phoenix covers the romances of two Fierro brothers. Dante and Noah are brothers, roommates, and best friends. However, as they find women that are command their attention they start to grate on each other's nerves and start drifting apart. Maybe it is because Mallory's life is falling apart and she just might be crazy- or cursed, and Kizzy is giving Noah the run around. There are so many secrets that as a reader I knew the stories would come together into a solid conclusion. I liked the characters, the main players and their families. However, since there were so many important characters plus the romance, danger, and drama I felt like I did not get to know the characters as well as I would have liked. I think everything was well written, but Chase tried to cover too much ground and the connection I love to forge to the characters was rather lost on the way. I still enjoyed the read, and think that other readers will as well, I just did not love it.

More Than a Phoenix is an entertaining read, and covers two romances and a good amount of action. I was not as engaged in the characters as I had hoped, but I still enjoyed the read and think that fans of the author will certainly want to read it.

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I voluntarily read an advanced review copy of this book

The description and cover of this book had me hooked. The problem was that once I started reading the book I was lost. I could not really get into it, I have read books by Ashlyn chase that I have liked. This book just was not for me.

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The Fierro family returns to ignite this light-hearted shape-shifting romance featuring two overlapping romances and a high-stakes adventure.

Mallory is cursed. Luckily, she finds her perfect white knight in Dane Fierro, who’s had a crush on Mallory since their high school days. As a phoenix shape-shifter, he’s the perfect person to help her learn to cope with her new abilities – or at least help her enough that she can keep from changing into a monkey whenever she’s stressed! Meanwhile, Dante’s brother Noah finds himself entranced by a very special woman as well. Her name is Kizzy and she’s a witch. She’s also hip-deep in a dangerous situation involving some very special magical books. With dedication – and a little help from the entire Fierro family – a curse may be broken, enemies may be defeated and, fingers crossed, true love may be found.

I loved the sprawling, easy-handed, creative world-building in the book, adored all the characters in the story, and really wished I loved the story as much as I wanted to. Unfortunately, the book didn’t quite meet my taste in the end because of how very light-hearted it was. While I’m absolutely sure that there are a lot of readers out there who would love the way life rolls along for the Fierros and their woman, I wanted a bit more emotional depth to the story, and felt like sometimes the characters’ just ‘going along with’ things that happened – including major revelations – seemed a bit hard to believe.

That all said, fitting two romances into a single novel is a challenge, but it’s one that Ms. Chase pulls off wonderfully here. I felt like I got to know enough about the two heroines that I could empathize with both, and there were enough distinct differences that it wasn’t possible to confuse the couples or what was going on with who. The Fierro brothers – the entire Fierro family – come alive in the book, and their unique shape-shifting abilities are fun and different. While this was my first Fierro-related story, I’m sure that including all the other family members is even more rewarding for readers who have read other books in this series. The action plot itself was well-done too – not too heavy, not too light, so it fit in the book without taking over or disappearing. Ms. Chase has put together a distinctly light, fun adventure, and it’s one I’d definitely recommend if such books are up your alley.

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A paranormal romance that delivers two parallel romances - it's a wild ride. Mysterious books, things that can't be explained, spells, a sacred land and a developer that needs to be stopped. Are you ready? One-click today!

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Well this book had me hooked from the start …….. spider monkeys can be shifters too !! and witches can be "witchy" too !!
The story is not just about one couple but two …………… the story shifting back and forward between them .
It could at sometimes be a little disconcerting but once I got into the book it flowed much better .
We have 4 people all with secrets , all with feelings coming to the fore ………. matters start to come together , secrets start to be revealed …………. leading to all of them working together to sort out the bad guys .
The book had moments of fun , their families were engaging , the women classy and sassy , them men ………… well what else would you expect from the Fierro family !

This was an entertaining read but would perhaps be better understood if the books were read in order .

I was given an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review .

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This book was just bursting with magic and paranormal craziness! We even get two love stories for the price of one!

The first of two stories involves Dante’s mate. He’s had a crush on a girl from his high school for as long as he can remember. He was never really expecting to discover her talking to herself walking down the street. Turns out, Mallory has been cursed in a few different ways. The first way is that she has been making friends with ghosts. It would be a little more manageable if they didn’t look and seem so darn real. The other way is a bit more concerning. Sure, ghosts are bad (and ends up getting her fired), but turning into a monkey when she get stressed out is somewhat worse. What kind of guy would be up for that kind of challenge? Dante. He has grown up in a loud and invasive phoenix shifter family and knows exactly how to go with the flow. He manages to balance supporting her budding art career while at the same time trying to fix her curse issues.

Dante’s roommate and brother, Noah, ends up meeting his match while going to bat for his brother’s girl. That ghost thing ended up landing her in the ER, where Kizzy happens to work. Since nothing is ever really normal, Kizzy ends up coming from a family of witches who are protecting one of a set of 3 books. As fate would have it, Noah has an interest in fancy old books and happened upon one just recently. After overcoming the secrets and worry, these two end up teaming up with the whole gang to go after the big bad. A huge installment and undertaking, this book went by super-fast!

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DNF around 50%. I just could not get into this book. Part of the problem, I think, is that the focus on both brothers didn’t work for me - I felt like both relationships were short changed. It also started off on the wrong foot with both brothers basically assuming that the heroine is crazy, rather than believing she can see and talk to ghosts. They’re phoenix shifters for goodness sakes, so I would’ve expected them to be more openminded about the supernatural!

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More Than a Phoenix is filled with a quirky cast of characters that highlight an original paranormal mash up romance. You never know what paranormal species your high school crush might end up being. Fun, flirty and just the right amount of romance, More Than a Phoenix was one of the books that you enjoyed because the entire clan of characters would be a someone's story you wouldn't mind hearing their entire tale.

I received this ARC copy of More Than A Phoenix from Sourcebooks Casablanca. This is my honest and voluntary review. More Than A Phoenix is set for publication Sept. 25, 2018.

My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Ashlyn Chase
Series: Phoenix Brothers (Book 2)
Mass Market Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publication Date: September 25, 2018
ISBN-10: 9781492645528
ISBN-13: 978-1492645528
ASIN: 1492645524
Genre: Paranormal Romance

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I rate this 2.5 stars. It’s not bad, but it’s not all that good either. There are two love stories, supernatural creatures, and magic yet I still struggled to stay focused. Mallory and Dante’s insta love was dumb to me. Instead of knowing her seeing him around and him crushing from afar it would’ve made more sense if they had been friends. Especially since Dante was so eager to take care of Mallory from the moment he saw her, and she was willing to let a complete stranger into her life. Noah and Kizzy’s relationship played out better considering all she had on her plate, but it was boring. There was conflict and it did feel like the characters were in danger. But for some reason I never felt invested. This book was filled with good ideas that I didn’t connect with. I might read the next in the series, but this isn’t one I’ll be on the look out for.

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This time around Ashlyn Chase is giving us two Phoenix brothers and their lively, adorable mates in one story that flows together very well… and all the characters are needed to solve this nasty problem. You “could” read this one on its own, but I feel you’ll get a better overall view if you’ve at least read Hooked On A Phoenix – but I’m a firm believer of reading series in order to get the most from the stories.

Dante and his mate, Mallory who is turning into the cutest little monkey under stress and sees dead people…. but that’s not possible, right? So she believes herself totally crazy. Noah and his perfectly witchy doctor mate Kizzy who gives new meaning to the word magic… and Noah the perfect chances to say with a straight face “My witch doctor”. *eye roll at men and their humor* Two brothers, firefighters, phoenix shifters and their classy, sassy, completely perfect for them mates give this story a lot of laughter, sizzle and perfect one-liners. And we’ll run into other well known and loved faces as well as very nasty villains. I will admit that although I followed along without troubles, the story is a bit crowded and is told in multiple points of view, so until you have the couples together in your mind there might be some confusion.

I have a blast with the large, boisterous Fierro family every single time we meet, and More Than A Phoenix was no exception. There are secrets to be revealed, mated to charm, a mystery to solve, lots of family and friends interaction and one very nasty evil group to take down. That’s a lot of action, sizzle and danger packed into one story… and I loved every minute spent in this world once again. If you love anything Paranormal, hot guys, sassy ladies and a really good story then you’ll enjoy this story or the connecting ones as well.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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The paranormal elements of this book and the concept really grabbed me. Two smoking hot fireman brothers, who happen to be phoenix shifters, are guaranteed a resurrection should they go down in flames on the job. Their love interests are a witch, who happens to be an ER doctor, prompting the use of the term “witch doctor,” and a woman who not only sees dead people, but shifts into a spider monkey under stress. The unique types of shifters added a fun element to the story,

Alchemy, a band of baddies hell-bent on getting their hands on two ancient spell books to gain immortality, a curse, and a world packed will paranormal creatures complicate the story.

MORE THAN A PHOENIX provides a whole lotta bang for a reader’s bucks, but for this reader, it was a little too much. I prefer romances that focus on one couple, so I can really connect to the characters and their love story. The story is told in numerous points of view, including both heroes and heroines, the villains, and even the Phoenix shifters’ parents. The dialogue-heavy writing style and enormous cast of characters proved to be a bit overwhelming for an introvert like me. Yet, other readers may be drawn into this magical world and love the idea of getting two happy ever afters for the price of one.

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While the problems the characters have are serious the tone of the book is very light hearted. That is a combination that is hard to do but Ashlyn Chase handles it with ease. I loved both of the Phoenix Shifters. They were strong but very opened minded. The added paranormal characters added interest to the story line. They all had so many secrets and all were needed to solve the problems in the story. This is book two in the series but works well as a stand alone.

I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.

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This book is another good book from Ashlyn Chase, and it has it all. Love, adventure and action. This is the story of two brothers and their girlfriends, but the two stories mesh together really well.

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This is the second book in this series featuring the Fierro brothers . These guys are incredibly close and both work as firefighters but even more interesting is the fact that they are both Phoenix shifters. If you thought you were getting a romance then I have to say with this story you actually get two ! Yes you read that right as Noah meets Kizzy who unknown to him is a Witch and even more bizarrely Dante meets Mallory who has just started to see dead people and honestly that’s the least of her problems as she starts getting very furry indeed !
Well this is my first book featuring a spider monkey shifter but as I read everything made sense. There are secrets, misunderstandings and nasty bad guys here but also funny moments, family love and of course steamy times ahead. Of course there is a happy ending for the two couples but getting there leads them on quite a ride .
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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