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The Proposal

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After experiencing this massive joy at reading The Wedding Date, I knew that given the opportunity, I would one hundred per cent read The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory. You see, The Proposal takes on one of the minor characters from The Wedding Date. So, I like when books revisit certain characters and give them their own stories. Guillory’s follow up does this in quite spectacular fashion.

The Proposal follows a woman named Nikole who is a freelance writer and Carlos who is Drew’s friend, but also a pediatrician and director of a teen clinic. Anyways, Nikole goes to a Dodger’s game with her boyfriend whom she’s thinking about ending things with. She knows it has been a couple of months but isn’t anything too serious. Only, that boyfriend, he proposes up on the jumbotron. Nikole says no. It goes viral.

Carlos, sitting pretty close by, comes to Nikole’s rescue along with his sister, Angie. They pretend to be long lost friends and whisk Nikole away from the cameras. So, Nikole’s relationship ends in spectacular fashion. She then ends up becoming friends with Carlos and then hook up buddies. Will it develop into something more?

I really think that Guillory has a true knack for chemistry. The chemistry between Nik and Carlos is off the charts. At first, the two kind of resist it. Nik is just getting out of a relationship and there’s the whole proposal drama. Carlos is not one to settle down (kind of like Drew). Over time though, their hookups become something more. The two have to get over this whole relationship fear and reluctance otherwise, they may lose a really good thing. I LOVED it.

Overall, if you’re looking for a book that is sweet with characters who are true to life and diverse, get your hands on The Proposal. I think Guillory is fast becoming a MUST read author for me. Now I know that when I want a guaranteed good romance book, I just have the next Guillory book to look forward to. And also you 100% do not need to read The Wedding Date to be able to enjoy this book — the previous characters show up in like one or two scenes. However, it will enhance your reading.

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I fell in love with Jasmine Guillory's writing in The Wedding Date, so I went into this book knowing that I was going to be entertained and captivated. And Jasmine Guillory does not disappoint.

Nik and Carlos meet so cute that you'll need to get your sugars checked: they're at a Dodgers game, she gets proposed to (by a guy who doesn't know how to spell her name), rejects him, and Carlos steps in to protect her from a crowd that expected a yes. The two strike up a friendship at first, but undercurrents of attraction shine brightly. Jasmine Guillory slowly unfolds a relationship between these two reluctant lovers, and it is a delight to read.

As with Drew and Alexa in The Wedding Date, the racial differences between Carlos and Nik are not a factor. I LOVE THAT. People are people, non? Love is love. The color of your skin doesn't matter when your heart is at play.

Carlos has his reasons for wanting to avoid commitment, as does Nik. Yet they protest too much because you know and their friends know and their families know that these two belong together. It's just a matter of them realizing it for themselves.

I love Nik and Carlos. When I turned the last page, I felt like I was saying goodbye to friends. Read this one and hit up the comments to let me know your thoughts.

Scheduled for publication on the blog on Oct. 30.

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Nikole gets proposed to at a baseball game and Carlos and his sister step in to help her get out of the stadium before the crowd and reporters crowd her after she refuses to accept her ex’s proposal. You get introduced to two of her close best friends who both work in LA. And more of Carlos’ family members. Overtime you see how the two are really supportive of each other and their family and friends. They begin to spend time with one another and it blossoms into more but not enough to call it a full blown relationship even though we know where it is going. I would like to thank Netgalley for the opportunity to read The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory. She is an author I’m excited about reading more from. Unfortunately, I did get good read on the personalities of the two main characters. I would have liked to see more of their characteristics flushed out. I really enjoy love stories and it is okay if the plot isn’t fast paced or attention grabbing; yet if it isn’t, then the characters personalities, quirks, eccentricities and overall being, need to shine through even more. The representation was great and refreshing to read about.

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More of a 3.5 stars. While I enjoyed the overall narrative, some of the specifics bothered me. It seemed like some of the dialogue was forced, but I did like that there was a lot of it. Dialogue moves a story quickly and I enjoy that. I like that the main character was an African American—I don’t think there are enough main characters of color in fun stories. I’m also glad that Drew and Alexa from The Wedding Date made short appearances. I really liked them from TWD so I was happy to hear more about their lives “now”.

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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THE PROPOSAL by Jasmine Guillory was immensely enjoyable. It starts with a proposal on the Jumbotron at the Dodgers game that was completely unexpected and unwelcomed. What unfolds after that is a dual-narrated story told by Nik and Carlos, the man who rescues her from the camera crew after the debacle. I loved this book. I didn’t know what to expect from a “multi-cultural romance” book as indicated by NetGalley, but it turned out it was my kind of story. It has great girl friends in Dana and Courtney, tight family on Carlos’s side, fantastic food references between the cupcake shop and Carlos’s kitchen, some well written steamy parts, and a lot of humor. My favorite part? How realistic these relationships are between all the characters. There is a lot of swearing in the book but as long as that doesn’t bother you (or the sexy parts), this one is worth picking up. It also reads very quickly!

I received an Advance Review Copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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This was a really fun, satisfying read! I love Nik as a protagonist and found her v relatable. Plus, love to see Drew & Alexa's cameo!

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS BOOK. It's so bubbly and feel-goody and adorable. I was a fan of The Wedding Date, but I loved The Proposal even more! The meet-cute is the meet-cutest of all meet-cutes. There are so many relatable and lovable characters (I really want to be a part of Nik's friend group) and so many descriptions of delicious food. This book made a perfect weekend read.

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Nikole is an African American woman, a journalist, living in LA. She has two best friends, one is a cupcake baker and the other is an actress. All in all, very Hollywood, right?

Nik also has a boyfriend of a sort. They've been dating for five months, and while they have absolutely nothing in common, the sex is great. And then Fisher (the boyfriend) drops on one knee and along with the JumboTron at a Dodgers game - proposes to Nik!

Right after she refuses (epically, I might add) and Fisher has a meltdown, she is rescued by two strangers. The Ibarra siblings. Angie was the rescue mission brains, but Carlos was definitely the brawn.

Carlos and Nik's friendship evolved very quickly after that, and then progressed further into a friends with benefits stage. Both agreed they enjoy things the way they are, and things go wonderfully.

Until Carlos realizes he's in love with Nikole.

What I loved about the story is the little details that tied it all together, from Carlos's background story, to his profession, to his family and his friends. Then you have Nik and her besties, who are fantastic, by the way.

This reaffirmed my belief in the fact that a plot formula can stay the same, but the story can be completely different. And awesome.

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3-3.5 stars

This was a cute and fun contemporary romance. It features a hilarious diverse cast of characters that I found really refreshing. I also really enjoyed the Los Angeles setting. This is my first book by the author and though previous characters from her book The Wedding Date appear, the book can be enjoyed as a stand alone.

I liked Carlos and Nikole (Nik) both individually and together. They each had some baggage haunting them and influencing their actions, but as you got to know each character it made sense why they were so hesitant to explore the possibility of more. I enjoyed seeing their friends with benefits relationship blossom and develop as they slowly let their guard down. Readers should note that the majority of the love/sex scenes are fade to black or occur off page, so if they're looking for a hot and heavy read, this is not it.

One thing I really loved about The Proposal was the relationships between Carlos and Nik's family and friends. Nik's friendship with Dana and Courtney was amazing and probably my favorite part of the book. We would all be lucky to have even 1 friend as loyal and supportive as these ladies.

The book started off very promising and I was really intrigued by the proposal (and rejection) heard round the world, but afterwards, the pacing felt a little off and seemed to stall. A lot of time was spent describing food/drinks, when I really would have liked more back story about Carlos and Nik since it was such a big part of their character arcs. When the conflict arose, I felt Carlos acted completely out of character and honestly, I wasn't sure if I truly felt that they were at the point of those types of declarations. It all wrapped up very quickly and though it was very cute, I'm not sure I was really satisfied. I think what was the most odd for me was that I didn't feel that these characters acted their supposed ages. They are in their late 20's and early 30's, but I had to remind myself of this several times. Overall, this was still an easy and enjoyable read.

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*

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This was such an adorable read, I really liked the idea of a woman who isn’t desperately waiting for her boyfriend to propose and Nik most definitely was not prepared to have to turn down her boyfriends proposal in front of the whole world. I can’t think of anything more awkward and embarrassing but it set the stage for a super entertaining and charming read that I breezed through.

One of the strongest aspects to this was how incredibly diverse it was which is always so nice to see! It’s set in L. A. which is such a culturally diverse city so it makes so much sense to have such great representation, gotta give the author some props for that. The characters were all fun, relatable types from Nik and Carlos to her friends Dana and Courtney and his family, I really enjoyed all of them.

This was a super sweet romance with a hint of the spicy stuff, nothing super graphic or over the top. It reminded me of sitting down with a bowl of popcorn and watching one of my favorite rom coms, it had that same charm and appeal and was just an all around good time.

The Proposal in three words: Cute, Sweet and Charming.

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This was a smile in book form. When I realized it was about Carlos, the best friend from her novel The Wedding Date, I smiled. Carlos is fun, smart and loves to cook. He’s also not perfect, not “horrible until the love of a good woman”, just normal quirks. Nikole has some issues too. They meet, enjoy each other’s company and try to make their quirks fit together.

Jasmine Guillory writes these wonderful, engaging romance stories that are totally realistic and charming. Think of the best cocktail party story you’ve heard about how a couple met and this book will be better. Funny, uplifting and lighthearted, it was a perfect Friday night date.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was very sweet, and while I have not read The Wedding Date yet, I really want to read it soon. I nominated this for LibraryReads on another platform.

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❝Why does it scare you so much for someone to say they love you?❞
She shook her head.
❝It doesn’t scare me! I just know from experience that that’s when everything gets bad, that’s all.❞

NIKOLE (NIK) PATERSON is a freelance writer who was proposed to in the grandest scale, only, this wasn’t romancing at its finest, it was a horrifyingly embarrassing moment that Nik wished she could get back.

CARLOS IBARRA and his sister, Angela, were at that game and watched that proposal in all its glory on the big screen at Dodger Stadium. A fixer at heart, Carlos knew he couldn’t leave Nik to the vultures (cameramen) even though he had no idea who she was. Swooping into the rescue, the two accompany Nik out of an unbearable situation and provide her with an exit strategy.

Intent on paying them back, Nik invites them to have some drinks at the bar where she is meeting her girlfriends. By the end of the night, drinks, stories, and laughter are shared. After Carlos and his sister leave, Nik’s girlfriends are positive Carlos needs to be her rebound. He’s funny, sexy, and obviously a good guy!

Since the death of his father, Carlos has shouldered the responsibility of taking care of the women in his family. He doesn’t have time for relationships, nor does he believe any woman would be willing to accept his need to drop everything to help out his family. So a “non-relationship” with Nik is perfect. He enjoys spending time with her, he admires her strength, her kindness and the fact that she doesn’t take herself too seriously. A rebound guy? Yea, he can be that! Until he can’t.

Even though Nik loves the way Carlos takes care of her and everyone around him, she struggles to put aside the bad relationships she’s been in. A rebound guy will be fun, he will be safe, and he won’t break her heart. Until he does.

I was thrilled when I found out that Jasmine Guillory was releasing another book. I LOVED “The Wedding Date“. Jasmine’s writing is captivating. She has me laughing with her sense of humor while leaving a lump in my throat with her thought-provoking dialogue.

“The Proposal” is a funny, heartwarming story about two people who are perfect for each other, but need to learn to believe in love!

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I throughly enjoyed her first book but this one was lacking for me. The MC of the book didn’t have the same character development as Alexa did. And I didn’t enjoy Nik’s friends or Carlos’ family.

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Rating: 3.5 Stars

One of my favorite auxiliary characters in The Wedding Date was Carlos, and I was therefore over the moon when I found out he was getting his own book. It was wonderful getting to know him better in this book, and I was so happy to see him get his HEA.

I thought the set up for this book was brilliant. I was all in during the first chapter, and loved getting that little peek at Nik. I do wish the whole failed proposal thing had been explored more, but only because I liked it so much, and thought it had a lot of possibilities.

Guillory found a wonderful match for Carlos in Nik. These two were so easy to ship as they had great chemistry withe each other, and it was a lot of fun watching them go from friends to more. She was smart and sassy and enjoyed such an ease with Carlos. He brought out this soft side of Nik, and I sort of loved that it was reserved for the special people in her life.

We did not get any information on Carlos' past relationships, but Nik was a little damaged from some bad love. This left her relationship weary and slow to trust. The exploration of this side of her was interesting, and there was this one scene, where Nik was confronting this pain via an external experience. It was so meaningful and helped her tap into her inner strength.

Carlos. I loved Carlos so much, and seeing him in his own environment just reinforced my love for him. I do wish we spent more time with Carlos and his family. I felt like more page time was dedicated to Nik and her friends, and let me just put it out there - I read this book for Carlos.

It isn't that I didn't love Nik's friends, because I did. They were a very vibrant group of women, who were always there to support each other. I loved strong female friendships and women supporting women, but like I said, I just wanted more Carlos, and I wanted to spend more time with him and his family.

One very pleasant surprise were the cameos by Drew and Alexa. My love of companion novels relies heavily on the author catching us up with past couples, and Guillory gifted us with some really wonderful updates on Drew and Alexa.

I thought the ending was fun and cute. It addressed the BIG question, and left me with a smile on my face, but I wanted a little more past that. I DID get a resolution, but it was just too abrupt.

Overall: A fun and cute friends-to-lovers romance featuring a hero and a heroine you will want to root for.

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Even though the premise of The Proposal is catchy and engaging, Guillory's characters could use a bit more roughening around the edges to portray more complexity. The story is sometimes too rosy, too sirupy which is strange when the narrative indicates a plot in which the characters should be a lot more enticing.
Guillory is a good writer, but this one in particular was not successful in accomplishing what was initially promised.

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After a disastrous and unwanted public marriage proposal, readers will route for Nikole to recognize her match. Carlos is in the right place at the right time. The chemistry between them shifts easily from friendship to more, and then between sweet dates and steamy bedroom scenes. Everyone (except for Nik and Carlos) recognize that what's developing between them is more than casual. Nik's confidence is refreshing and her friends are ideal. Modern romance with a happy for now ending (happily ever after implied). Strong choice for libraries wanting to diversify their collection. Fun & Contemporary!

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This was a light and fun read. I enjoyed getting to know the characters, although they sometimes seemed to invent obstacles to their relationship along the way. Friend and family side characters added some fun elements, as well. Overall, cute story!

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ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

I have not read anything else by Ms Guillory so I didn't know what to expect from her .

The Proposal is cute and sweet and fluffy, and just the thing that I needed for my weekend read.

I liked the diversity of the characters - though it did irk me that when 2 POC characters met up they were surprised that their partners had not told them about the other being a POC. I just didn't understand why this was brought up when it didn't really seem to matter? But this could just be me.

Not going to lie, I did crave cake as I read and cupcakes were being talked about. Not good for the diet!

I liked Carlos and Nikole and wanted them to be more than friends right from the start, and enjoyed their journey to get more.

I liked this book, it wasn't one that will tax your brain or your feelings too much, but it was just what I wanted at the time.

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I liked this book a little less than The Wedding Date, but it is still pleasant and an enjoyable read. I liked Carlos in The Wedding Date, but in this book I realized what I really liked about him was his interactions with Alexa, his best friend's girl (and the heroine of Wedding Date). Mildly controlling guys just aren't my cup of tea, but he stayed solidly on the right side of the line of emotional abuse (unlike other men in the narrative). As others have said on Goodreads, most of the sex scenes happen "off camera" and those that don't are fairly mild. I loved Nikole's friends the most in this book-- I would love to see a book about her friend that owns the cupcake shop! Love for self-professed fat cupcake bakers too!

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