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The Proposal

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The Proposal is a feel-good romance that has more confident characters and less repetitive dialogue than The Wedding Date. I enjoyed it more than The Wedding Date because Carlos and Nik don't spend so much time doubting themselves like Drew and Alexa did. I enjoy how Guillory's male characters don't need to be shown how to respect women--it's already part of who they are. That's refreshing in a romance.

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When freelance writer, Nikole (with a k) gets blindsided by a public proposal from her kind of boring, but pretty hot boyfriend (who spells her name wrong) at a Dodgers game, Carlos (and his sister) saves the day. After that, the two form a quick friendship that turns into a friends-with-benefits thing. And they're both clear that's what it is. And they're both clear that that's what they want. Until one of them isn't so clear anymore...

I'm really loving Jasime Guillory and her casual use of inclusion. This book isn't necessarily about the race of the main characters, it's about the love story. Which just happens to be between a black woman and a Mexican man. End of story - or I guess beginning since we know that from the start...

This was a fun read and I enjoyed reading about both Nikole and Carlos. I loved Nik's complete feminism and her struggle to let go of her baggage. My only complaint is more sex! None of this fade to black nonsense... :)

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The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory is a standalone novel. Having read and enjoyed Guillory’s debut novel, The Wedding Date, I looked forward to reading this book.

Nikole (Nik) Paterson, our heroine, is sitting at a Dodger baseball game with her boyfriend and his friends, when she sees herself on the huge scoreboard. When she looks down, her boyfriend of 5 months is proposing to her in front of the huge crowd, Nik is totally shocked, and speechless. She never expected this, and with the pressure of everyone watching, she does not accept the proposal, which then angers her boyfriend, and the media is now ready to crash in.

Carlos Ibarra and his sister are also at the game, and only two rows behind the shell shocked Nik. Knowing she is going to be bombarded, they come to her rescue pretending to be friends, and pull her away from the media to safety. Not having a ride, Carlos and Angela will take her to a bar, where Nik’s best friends were waiting for her, and they all talk about what happened, and get to know each other.

Carlos and Nik become fast friends, but both are not interested in any relationship. Nik is swearing off men (ok to be friends) and Carlos does not believe in true love or getting into a serious relationship. They have fun together as friends, but in a short time their attraction to each other will heat up; but they are both determined to enjoy the benefits without anything more. Each has their own baggage, as Nik knowing Carlos is a doctor, and her other relationship that failed was with a doctor who cheated on her; Carlos takes care of his family, and because of his father leaving them, he doesn’t believe in love.

This turns out to be a very nice, sweet, engaging romance between two very likable people. This is also a multicultural romance, with some great diverse secondary characters. Guillory does this so well. We have Nik, a beautiful black woman; Carlos is latino; his best friend is Korean and her best friends are gay or white. It was a fun group.

What follows is a difficult journey for both of them, with each falling in love with each other, but having to get past their own baggage. You will have to read the book to find out if they open their hearts to their true feelings and allow love to lead the way. The Proposal was a sweet fun read.

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What a sheer delight. Of course I will enjoy any story that kicks off with Carlos and his sister intervening in Nic's embarrassing baseball-game Jumbotron proposal. Guillory is excellent at modern romance: bringing the two main characters together romantically relatively early in the story, but allowing their own fully-developed personalities and hang-ups to be the impediment to a happily-ever-after. Nic's reluctance to commit after a string of bad boyfriends felt real, and Carlos manages to be the most wonderful guy in the world, while still being effected by cultural expectations of being "the man of the family". Suitably steamy to make me worry my seatmate on the airplane was reading over my shoulder, too! Extra points to Nic and Alexa's meeting, each without having been told the other woman was black. It's brief but refreshing-- not something I've seen a lot in fiction.

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The storyline and characters are fun and fluffy. The writing was a bit more 'tell' than 'show', which meant I didn't feel that the characters connected as deeply as the author likely intended, but that may be more of a personal preference.

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Loved this book! A great story of family, relationships, and friendships. Jasmine Guillory never disappoints.

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The opening of the book is fantastic (no public proposals ever, please!) and that energy carried much of the book along. I thought the romance itself lacked oomph, but the characters were great, and it makes me so happy to read diverse romance.

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I read The Wedding Date last year and was a little disappointed by it (even though I know a ton of people who loved it). So, I was excited to try another Jasmine Guillory novel and I was not disappointed by this one! This one was cute, sweet, and just the perfect read!

When Nik finds herself being proposed to in front of everyone at a baseball stadium she panics, the man she has been dating for only several months is proposing and she can not believe it. She does not want to say yes so she politely declines leading her to featured on sports center and be the talk of the Town. At the stadium she was saved from TV crews by Carlos and his sister, Angie.

After spending time with Carlos she realizes that she enjoys his company and is glad that she met him. What will come of this newfound friendship in the wake of the public proposal? Anyone who enjoys a cute romance novel will enjoy. It was the perfect balance of funny, romantic, sexy, and story of friendship.

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This was, dare I say it, even *better* than THE WEDDING DATE (which was exceptional). Nikole and Carlos are wonderful characters and their friends-to-lovers relationship was beautiful. I loved all the humor in the book.

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I was really hoping I would slip in and enjoy the Proposal. I loved the premise and while the first book was ok, I listened and wondered if I would make out better reading this author. Unfortunately, this one was not for me, I had hoped I would enjoy this, but I am not connecting. Characters from The Wedding Date play a big part in this story. DNF at 30%

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Jasmine Guillory has done it again. She’s crafted a smart, witty, sexy, & delicious novel to fall in love with. This time we’re in the middle of a new-found, or should I say re-bound, relationship between Nik & Carlos. I loved the early stages of their fun hook ups & how we get to see the two unexpectedly fall for one another. Their chemistry is superbly hot & let’s not forget the sexiest parts: their sense of humor between all those steamy moments!

Aside from the romance & fun comedy aspect, there’s a deeper story about empowerment and friendships. One I wholeheartedly believe in. It’s the perfect foundation for a perfect read.

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This was, amazingly, even better than The Wedding Date. I was so sad to see it end. Nik and Carlos are an extraordinary love story.

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A slightly better version of New Adult romance set in California-- the characters were more distinct and likable. The family and friends aren't mass-produced background characters but individual and memorable. Although of course the ending the expected, it's a fun read.

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Equal parts funny, charming and sexy. Readers will be be cheering for Nikole. This is not to be missed.

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Contemporary romance is a genre that I’ve been exploring more of as of late and I’m so glad that I stumbled upon this book while browsing through NetGalley. This novel was exactly what I needed! It’s beyond adorable and so much fun from beginning to end. A perfect summer read for lounging by the pool and soaking up the sun (too bad that it's scheduled for release in October...what a wasted opportunity!).

Before I start my review, I do want to say that I have never read the author’s debut, The Wedding Date. The Proposal features characters from this book but it’s not promoted as a sequel or companion novel. Not reading the first book didn’t impact my enjoyment of this one at all. So, you don’t have to worry at all, however, I now really want to read The Wedding Date. It sounds like another great romantic read!

The story begins with a woman having her boyfriend of only a few months propose to her at a Dodger’s game. She declines his proposal and is judged by thousands of people in the stadium. Right away I was behind her 100% because I would hate having such a public proposal. I cringe just thinking about it. I could really put myself in the main character’s shoes and I loved that about this book. Anyway, as the lead character is trying to deal with the awkward situation, she’s aided by a man who had watched the whole thing a few rows back. This intervention changes both of their lives and kicks off a series of events that made me smile uncontrollably, laugh out loud, sigh and shake my head in disagreement. I cheered the characters on and found myself mumbling about some of their choices...basically I was fully invested in this story and was so sad when it ended.

What I especially loved was how the romance was friends to lovers. The two characters had to navigate through a lot of personal issues to figure out how they could make what they had work. Things weren’t easy but that’s what makes for a good story! The book is also very diverse with a cast of characters that actually reflect the world that we live in. For example, there is a black main character and a Latino love interest. The writing was simple, but it flowed and I just kept on turning the pages. I read this book rather quickly and totally didn't mean to...I just couldn't help myself! 

So, if you are looking for a fun romance book to read or need a good pick-me-up then this book is totally for you! I know that I’ll be getting a copy of the author’s first novel very soon and will be keeping on eye on her future releases.

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This book was really fun and refreshing. I liked reading a fluffy, smart romance that was not just about white people. I hadn't read The Wedding Date but definitely want to after reading this.

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Jasmine Guillory's second outing is as delightful as her first! I was so excited to read Carlos's story and meet Nikole. Cannot wait to handsell THE PROPOSAL!

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I loved this story! Nik and Carlos were so cute together. And, I really liked that they both actively addressed and worked through their insecurities. The only thing that could've have made it better was recipes at the end of the book (and, less use of the word preeclampsia).

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Guillory 2nd contemporary romance title is a hoot! It's spectacular start is hilarious as or some of the shenanigans that follow. The hero's reaction towards the end of the book is a bit unbelievable. Overall an enjoyable read!

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After I read The Wedding Date, I immediately researched to see whether Jasmine Guillory had written anything else, and I was so excited for NetGalley to provide me with an ARC. I devoured The Proposal in one sitting, and I’m ready to shout from the rooftops to anyone who’ll listen that they should be reading this book. I loved the relatable characters and the fact that Nik was strong and independent but willing to face her flaws. It was refreshing to get lost in a love story where there was more to it than just the physical attraction. I loved getting to know the other female characters as well, and that Drew and Alexa were woven seamlessly into the story too. This leaves me wanting more!

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