Member Reviews

In a time before I really understood how NetGalley worked, I received this advanced copy. And all these years later, I finally checked this out. This is way outside my regular genres, but decided to give it a go! First of all, it's so intriguing to see two franchises team up in this way. I also grew up with the TMNT of the 90s who take a far more comical tone, so it was interesting to see the turtles in a more "serious" vibe. The artwork of these panels is stunning, and it truly makes the story. I loved being able to see some well-known characters teaming up in unique ways to take down villains, and it was a captivating viewing/reading experience! Thanks to NetGalley for providing me this all those years ago.

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Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles come together once more. When Donatello, the smart one, feels he is not as strong a fighter as his brothers, he tries to contact Batman, who he sees as a smart guy who can also fight. Donatello is looking for advice. However, the portal travel accidentally brings Bane into the turtles' New York City. Now Batman and Robin have to team up with the Turtles to stop Bane, and Donatello learns a valuable lesson in the end.

The premise here was a bit silly, but if you don't think about it too much the comics work overall. The story is entertaining and fast paced. It just keeps you reading. The story blends action with a bit of humor. The comics are in full color with a bit of a gritty style. I really liked it as it drew me in and had good elements from both Batman and TMNT comics.

If you are a fan of either franchise, you'll likely enjoy this. If you read the previous volume (link to my review), you should pick this up as well. The volume can stand on its own. I do recommend this one. A good selection for libraries, especially if you already have Batman and/or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles titles.

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Thank you net galley for letting me read and review this graphic novel. I like these characters, especially Batman and Raphael. Thee art style is nice, and I liked most of the story and writing.

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How can you beat this odd mixture of characters? It grabs your attention and somehow works. I think fans of TMNT will enjoy the team up a little more than die hard Bat fans. Fun and worth reading.

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Good but not exceptional art and an okay story. Good overall for fans of the crossover but not Tynion's best.

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The mix of Batman and TMNT is awesome. I didn't read the first one but it isn't needed to read the second one and see how well they mix in together. It's definitely a different out look on things and how it's all influenced. We see how Batman tries to be a mentor while going after his villians in the TMNT world and helping them as they also help his Robin on when to speak. (Damien doesn't exactly have the greatest tact at things). It's action packed and never a dull turn at all. The art is done up beautiful and captures the dark knight and the TMNT world wonderfully. It gives it the appeal yet the dark shrouded look we all know and love.

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Just as entertaining and fun as the first volume from these iconic characters. This new team up is bolstered by James Tynion's superb script, and the interactions between Batman and each of the Turtles is the real highlight of this trade.

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Donatello tried to contact Batman, but got switched with Bane. Batman and Robin managed to cobble up another portal device so that they could try to retrieve Bane who had gotten Stockman to create a new supply of Venom which he tested on foot soldiers. Plenty of turtle and Robin bonding (Ha!) over video games followed by lots of violence, fighting, and eventual victory using brains and brawn. Another successful genre mash-up!

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Two of my favorite things - Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! The artwork is great and the story is good. These superheroes live in different realities, and when Bane ends up in TMNT's New York, Batman, and Robin crossover to assist in taking care of the big bad. They even get help from another villain. Seems there is only room for one Big Bad.

Donatello (who was my favorite as a kid) is mentored in this graphic novel by Batman. He learns not to be hard on himself. He may not be a hero in the way that his brothers or Batman are, Donatello has skills and gifts. As a result, Donatello gains more faith in himself and his skills.

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I really enjoyed this! It was fun. And funny! And creative. Completely worth reading. Well-done with an unlikely team-up.

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Good crossover story revolving mainly around Donatello and his teenage angst and growth throughout the story. A few too many cameos that kind of go nowhere (gimme more Nightwing! I don’t care if he isn’t a main can’t just drop my boy in a story and not give me some solid Nightwing action). A few of the storylines were wrapped up a bit too quickly but overall, a fun read, some great art and lots of excellent bad guys from both universes.

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Excellent art and story line. The teen turtles add some humor to the dour Batman and especially his sour side kick, Robin.

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The best thing about this was Freddie Williams's art. I love his new approach with shading. It gives the characters a nice finished texture.

The story is very over the top. Bane gets transported to the TMNT universe and takes over the Foot, roiding everyone up on Venom. Batman and Robin crossover to help. I think my favorite moments were when Robin would get into it with the Turtles. Damon's even more of a jerk than normal in this one. There's some mindless fun to be had with this, but not much else.

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'Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II' by James Tynion contimues one of my favorite crossovers in fine fashion.

The Turtles and Batman live in different universes, but Donatello remembers how helpful Batman was to the team last time, so he forces open a dimensional rift to get Batman to help. Unfortunately, Batman is not the only one to enter this time. Bane shows up in the Turtleverse, he gets Baxter Stockman to come up with more venom for his new army. When Master Splinter gets hurt, Donatello takes drastic steps, and Batman turns to an unlikely ally to defeat Bane.

I think I liked the first volume just a bit better, but this was still a really clever crossover that really seems to work well. Damian shows up this time, and isn't given a whole lot to do, which was disappointing to me. The art by Freddie E. Williams II works just as well this time around. Here's hoping for a volume 3.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

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I'm a big fan of Tynion , I'm a Batman fangirl , I love the turtles , I love art , I love action ... So I don't know , this was like a perfect match for me .It was definitely a match made in nerd heaven. A great fun-filled story that is the perfect escapism from the world and a must read for any fan of either Batman or the Turtles

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After the shock of seeing me give the first book in this series three stars, comes – well, what I had expected all along. Here the two franchises just don't gel, and the crossover between the two of them is needless. Of course, the creators have had to go further than before, so it's Bane vs the Turtles – and not even all of them. Batman's checking out a Lazarus Pit, then he's not, Bane's venom is running out, then it isn't, and here's a Brundlefly flapping about with unreadable font, just because. The action artwork is a right mess, the story is a right mess of unjustified problems for all characters, and Batbrat even seems sensible compared to the Halfwits in a Halfshell.

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I had an absolute blast reading Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. It was a true joy to see these worlds come together. There was plenty of action and emotion balanced with some really funny moments. I loved this story, it was not always clear what was going to happen next and Bane proved to be a dangerous threat to this city. There were tons of times where it looked like it was hopeless, but somehow everything worked out in the end. If you are a fan of either of these teams then you are sure to love this graphic novel.

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Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles work really well together. As I mentioned in my review of the first Batman-TMNT crossover in the IDW continuity, Batman is in many ways the perfect superhero foil for the Turtles. He’s an adult who dresses up like a bat and uses tech to fight his foes, whereas the Turtles young mutants who use ancient ninja weapons. I quite enjoyed that first crossover.

Unfortunately, this second crossover suffers from too many characters in just 5 issues. We not only get Batman and the Turtles, but also Robin, Bebop, Rocksteady, Bane, and even cameos from Batgirl and Nightwing. The adolescent bickering between Robin and the Turtles makes sense given that they’re all teens, but it seems predictable and too easily resolved. Ironically, Batman has relatively little interaction with the Turtles. Perhaps it would have worked better had the story focused more tightly on the core characters.

Of the four Turtles, only Donatello actually has a character arc. Fortunately, it’s a good one. He has to grapple with the fact that he’s physically the weakest Turtle. This serves as a great contrast to the primary villain, Bane, the freakishly muscular villain from the Batman universe.

As for Bane, he just isn’t that compelling a villain. He relies exclusively on his muscles to defeat enemies and gain a following amongst the Foot Clan. Unlike Christopher Nolan’s take on the character in “The Dark Knight Rises,” there’s no sense that the character has any personal or ideological goals other than power for its own sake.

Don’t get me wrong… this is a fun crossover. The dialogue is works well for the characters and seeing Batman and the Turtles and Shredder and Ban fighting together is a DC/TMNT fan’s dream. It’s just that, when all is said and done, the comic seems very much like a fan-service crossover as opposed to a crossover that uses the opportunity to explore the characters. I’d recommend it, but it’s not essential.

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Shredder, subdued in Vol. 1, has left a power vacuum that is filled when Bane accidentally crosses over to the Turtle-verse. Now the Turtles (plus Splinter, April, and Casey Jones) band together with Batman (plus Robin, Batgirl, and Nightwing) to set things right. The inherent problem most sequels have is trying to top the original with "more." In this case, that's true. Too many heroes, too many villains. And too much dialogue! Who knew Bane could be so wordy?! Still, it's fun to see Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles together, and there were certainly several cool moments making this a fun read.

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Just as good as the first volume, if not better! Poor Donatello is super down on himself after accidentally reopening the portal and allowing Bane to reek havoc on New York City. Then he feels he has to keep putting himself in danger to try to save the turtles and the rest of the city because he sees everything as his fault. I’m hoping there are more comics with this mashup of Batman and TMNT because I’ve really enjoyed these two volumes!

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