Cover Image: Nobody's Child (Detectives King and Lane Book 3)

Nobody's Child (Detectives King and Lane Book 3)

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I have not read the previous two books but this one was a decent read.

A body is found torched in an old hospital and so leads into the investigation. Was the victim the target of this crime?

I enjoyed all the twists and turns!

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Alex and Chloe the DI’S in this series are really such strong females. Each one struggling with things in their own lives.

In this investigation there has been found a burnt body in a building, yet the body was burnt beforehand. Then more things are discovered.

One thing I’ve discovered with this author is that she does like a lot of characters in her stories.

I’ve read book 1, book 2 now book 3. All with many varied characters.

The story is good, you follow along with the investigation every step of the way with many thoughts of your own.

A very good suspense.

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This is the third book in the Detective Alex King and her sidekick Chloe Lane series. Having read the previous two books, I can without a doubt state, the series just gets better and better.
Started the book this morning at home, and just had to finish it now at work (don't tell the boss....)
This was a killer read, and now on to the next one!
Highly recommended.

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Fab read. Could not put down. Highly recommended to all. Believable characters. Great author. Will be watching out for more titles.

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Oh my goodness the prologue for this book is soooo good!! After reading it I was completely hooked and I knew it had to be a book I read there and then... I'd only planned to have a sneaky peak but I sat and read it straight away!!

The plot is very good and whilst I found the book jumped a round slightly at the beginning I was soon well in to the story and I have to say that I raced through the pages to the end. I love the characters in this series and the writing style was excellent again.

This is the third book in the series and the third I've read, I'd say it is fine to read as a stand alone but if you want to read an excellent crime series then I'd recommend reading them all in order.

Four stars from me for this one, its a very good story and I thoroughly enjoyed it!!

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Another gripping read from Victoria Jenkins kept me hooked the whole way through with lots of characters and multi layered story lines going on. Kept me hooked the whole way through. Highly recommend this book.

Thank you to Bookouture, Victoria Jenkins and NetGalley for the arc of Nobody's Child my review is honest and unbiased.

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Thank you to netgalley I received this as an ARC. I enjoyed it very much was good solid read. Solid 4 Stars for me!

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How to describe this book? Gripping? Compelling? Well fanflippintastic would be a good start. I've been a fan of this series since book 1 and although only 3 books in it feels like a very established series already. Again it's a great mix of the dynamic between King and Lane, this time quite strained and a really great mystery. Some crime series have a tendency to have the detectives make huge leaps to solve the case, and in the absence of actual evidence have a dramatic finish where the culprit conveniently drive off a cliff. But this series follows the detection, dropping little clues along the way, letting the reader solve with the characters. It's a bit different from the twist in the tale when it's quite disappointing to work out what's going on - you want to be surprised. No for me, with this sort of book there's almost a sense of accomplishment as you figure out the clues and work out who did it! It's fair to say as I finished this book I felt really very satisfied! Considering the subject matter I probably shouldn't have felt so good but honestly, I loved it and love the series. Part 4 is in the pipeline and can't come quick enough.

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Nobody’s Child is the third book in a series that I am really enjoying. It was though a very short read and I think if this was a paperback it wouldn’t even reach 300 pages. Sometimes I think when authors release two books a year it can result in them feeling a bit rushed or doesn’t give them enough time to really flesh a story out. That said it does contain a good story, it just lacked depth in places.

The story here is a little bit of a drama as well as a crime novel and I could easily see it being made into one of those BBC or ITV dramas. It deals with a multitude of issues, one of the main ones being hate crimes and crimes against victims who perhaps can’t defend themselves or perhaps who an explanation of why they were killed cannot be found easily. Alex King and Chloe Lane return but here their relationship is more strained and doesn’t flow as well as it has in previous stories. I do like this duo though and felt that their friendship, despite Alex being her superior, felt real and perhaps the way they both acted was because of this working relationship also being a friendship.

The storyline I won’t say too much about except to say that a lot of it felt like a lot of the situations were just too coincidental for me to get on board with. I also didn’t fully understand one of the storylines that obviously wasn’t connected to the main thread of the murders and kind of just felt like it had been thrown in to make the story longer than it was. It all just felt a bit random and I struggled to connect with some of the characters and the story at times. I did work out who the killer was from very early on in the story and as seems to be the case in a lot of stories I am reading lately, the ending was rushed and all over the place and didn’t offer a lot of closure to the characters not was the psychology of a killer explored well enough for me. If you are going to have a killer that is meant to be so shocking and rare, take the chance to explore why and how rather than just a few lines and going for that shock value story. All that said I did enjoy the story and I am looking forward to continuing this series further.

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WoW......Nobody's child by Victoria Jenkins. Is the third installment of Detectives King and Detective Lane......and it was just a another Brilliant read. I loved all the characters, they all fitted well within the book. Victoria's books are just brilliant and so looking forward to her next book in this great series of books.

I would like to thank Victoria Jenkins, Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review

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I was going to settle with a 4 star rating but the more I thought about it, it deserves a 5 star.

Well, Alex King certainly put her bitch pants on for this book! She was very nasty to her co-workers that's for sure, especially Chloe Lane. Slap-slap!! Right away we're met with a gruesome crime committed. King and Lane have practically nothing to work with because they can't even tell if the victim is a man or woman--its that gruesome. As other crimes are committed they need to work fast before things escalate. But with hardly anything to work with its proving difficult to solve the crimes. We get several pov's throughout this book. King and a few side characters lend their voice to this story. Quite a few red herrings until the explosive ending is revealed. Which I enjoyed. Another great installment in this series.

* Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A good book with lots of suspense and twists. Although I haven't read books 1 and 2 , I still felt as though I could follow the characters. It kept me on my toes and guessing all the way. I will definitely be reading the other books.

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Not a favourite of mine by this author. I found the early chapters tough going with a lot of characters involved in various attacks and suspicious deaths with little investigative success by the detectives we’ve come to rely on. It’s pretty clear Alex is struggling to get her act together and the ensemble detective work we are used to seeing in this series is absent thanks to the awkward working relationship between Chloe and Alex. The red herrings spread over the initial suppositions by the detectives seem heavy handed, so much so that when the detectives finally sort out legitimate suspects it’s too little, too late. It doesn’t help when a blurb for a novel indicates a killer twist coming. It lets the reader know that everything they are led to believe is suspect.

I still have hope for this pairing of Alex King and Chloe Lane and hope their next case has them acting instead of reacting to the evidence they find.

ARC received with thanks from Bookouture via NetGalley for review.

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Victoria Jenkins is fast becoming one of my favourite authors she brings a story to believable levels slowly building up to twists you never see coming
A body is found in an abandoned hospital burned beyond recognition. Following the autopsy it is discovered that the victim had been badly beaten before the building had been deliberately doused with petrol and set alight.
Follow this with crimes against detective king, racial hate issues, inter office problems and more suspects than seems possible i suggest you read this when you have plenty time as you won't want to put it down..
Can't wait for next in series a well deserved 4 stars.

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Excellent story. Wonderful characters and plot line. I really enjoyed it. I would recommend this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read this book and return for my honest opinion.

This was a great continuation of the series of King and Lane, but it boils definitely be read as a stand-alone book. I enjoyed this book a lot. As I read this book, I was always trying to decide where the plot line was leading us, and was so shocked by the ending I definitely did not see that coming. Lots of twists and turns, King and Lane are great detectives and I can’t wait to see where their next case takes us. Love this series!

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A brilliant read, good characterisation and plenty suspense to keep the reader interested. A quality read. Thank you Net Galley for my copy. Reviewed on Amazon and Facebook.

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Enjoyed reading this for the most part. There a few spots that were a little long-winded. I didn't see that ending coming at all. Overall a good read.

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Good read. Number 3 in the King & Lane series. The main plot is gripping and shocking and the sub plots continue to build nicely as we catch up with the two main characters and their colleagues.
Murder, deceit, racism and betrayal by those closest to you. I was genuinely shocked when we found out who the culprit was, totally didn’t see that coming. Happenings to the main characters leave the door open for a great number 4 too

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This is Book 3 in the a Detectives King & Lane series. I have read and loved the other two in the series so was really looking forward to this one . Whilst it was a good read I unfortunately didn’t enjoy it as much as the previous two . There was in my opinion a lot of characters and at times found myself getting confused as to who everyone was . I also found the story quite slow moving and didn’t find it going anywhere until I was about 60% into it . Then it all kicked off and I loved the last 40% of it . 3.5 ⭐️for me .

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