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Down with Love

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I looked forward to this new series by Kate Meader and was not disappointed. I enjoyed her Hot in Chicago and Chicago Rebels books for their well written characters and loving while realistic and complicated relationships. I especially like the way she develops the family and other social dynamics in her stories, not just the primary one between her two main characters. The new series starts out with an improbable pairing between divorce lawyer Max and wedding planner Charlie who meets Max when she is hired to plan his brother's wedding. The heat between them is instant and so is the distrust. Add in a love of old movies, the Cub's manual scoreboard and a cathartic place called the Punch Palace and you get another great read from Kate set in my home town of Chicago.

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This is the first book in the Law of Attraction Series and starts the series off with a bang. A beautiful story and it's so easy to fall in love with Max. He's a tough divorce lawyer on the outside and all gooey and romantic on the inside. He has no use for wedding planners or anything other than one-night stands. That is until he meets Charlie, his brother's wedding planner. She's hot and their chemistry is explosive even thou they don't especially like each other. Their banter back and forth is amusing and it's humorous watching their enemy to friends relationship grow. I read a reader copy via Net Galley and voluntarily chose to review.

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With a title like Down With Love, I feel like I should be sporting a picket sign and yelling at someone. So here is me trying to at least fufill half of the expectations...


You know those feelings you get when a certain someone walks in the room. (It's indigestion.Take some Pepto.)

You know the wistful sigh and dreamy eyes that result from thinking of that same someone. (Its actually a wheeze brought on by allergies. See an allergist or your local pharmacist for the correct medicine for you.)

You know the empty void in your chest when terrible thoughts or longing to see that certain someone seem to consume your day. ( It's just gas build up.)

That feels like an anti-love ad, right? Well if you are looking for love haters anonymous, you came to the wrong book. Down With Love may give off that vibe in the title but it couldn't be further from the truth. Even with a divorce lawyer and a wedding planner as the main characters, never did this book turn into a brutal MMA style fight. (I can't say that certain people did not behave aggressively or violently but no one was physically harmed in the making of this book. The only destruction was emotionally charged.)

Look I can keep giving you my snark and pretty words (I say they are pretty-wise guy!) or you can unwad your panties, grab a glass of whatever, and enjoy the ride. These two are entertaining and will definitely have you watching your step, Cujo or not!

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Cute story, liked Max, on the fence about Charlie, even after finishing the book. There's some push/pull between the two, but one thing this story lacked is the sexiness between the two main characters.

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I received a free, advanced copy of this book from the publisher by This is my unbiased and voluntary review.

Charlie Love lost her mother at a young age. Angry at her loss, she became angrier in the foster care system , until she was adopted by Cubs scoreboard keeper, Frank Sullivan (Sully) and his wife Donna. Under their care, she grew into a smart, beautiful woman, who even after betrayal by her fiancee, still believes in love and owes her own very successful wedding planner business, Perfect Day.

Max Henderson, on the other hand, grew up in a wealthy, loving home with his younger brother and both parents, who are still in love with each other. Max has overcome challenges, including stuttering, and is a partner with his two best friends, in a divorce law practice. He specializes in helping wives, who after years of supporting their husbands and raising their children, are dumped for a younger model. He doesn't do well with change and has not been able to get over the betrayal of his own fiancee, who was only interested in trust fund, which he gave away.

They meet and clash, when Charlie is hired by Max's younger brother, James and his fiancee, Gina. Charlie is looking for her one, and Max is too jaded to trust any woman, but the more time they spend together, it is Max who starts having feelings for her. Can he convince Charlie he could be her one?

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. All the characters are cleverly developed, slowly revealing their layers to the reader and the other characters. While the plot of a wedding planner and a sceptic is not unique, this one was quite entertaining.

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I’m a huge Kate Meader fan so I went into this new approach, first person pov, assuming I would love it because it’s her...and I was right! All of the humor (hello Cubs jail!), sexy talk, and emotion (“I want to jump heart first.”) that I’ve come to expect in a Meader masterpiece were there but there was an added element of interaction with the reader, fun little asides that we only get when reading a first person pov. Down with Love is an amazing start to what is sure to be a great new series. And let me just add, super cocky hotness wrapped in romantic movie quotes!

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Down With Love
Max Henderson relation to me that I Know ! He is the divorce attorney extraordinaire. He doesn't want to see you unhappy but if you end up there may want to look him up. He is not a doubter of romance but always says I hope you didn't pay a lot for that wedding !
Charlie Love...Making the wedding of your dreams a reality. Once you find love then you need to find Charlie love to have that fairytale come true!
When these two opposites collide it sets both of their worlds on a tilt. Both of them beginning to question their own judgement and pasts. They are funny, sexy, sassy and the banter with the chemistry is outstanding! Loved them !!!
~~Michele McMullen

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I couldn't stop reading Down with Love by Kate Meader until I finished the book! Charlie and Max's story is fun and sexy! I am looking forward to reading more from Kate Meader.

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Opposites always attract right?
Well what about a divorce lawyer and a wedding planner?
First let me say that this is was a new to me author and while I love finding new authors, there is always a hesitations going in. With that being said, this book had me from 'GO' just by that alone. Meet Max, the brother of the groom who is a divorce lawyer. Charlie the wedding planner for his brother's weeding and obviously, loves, love. When Max first hears about his brothers wedding plans he is happy for him but as a realist he knows that love is not always 100%. He has been there and done it and has the t-shirt, mug and souvenir photo. He meets Charlie and has an instant attraction when he find out she is the wedding planner. Even though they both have different views when it came to marriage she still feel's that spark whenever she is Max around. The relationship starts to evolve and walls start to come down. Max starts to change his views while Charlie wants to stay as a one night hitter, but when that spark's combust it made for one steamy read.
This was a flirty, fun read with a dash of spice. These two characters were well developed and funny. Great Job Kate Meader I will def be reading more of your amazing stories!

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Kate Meader did it again! This book is so delicious, I'm already full, but I want more. I didn't want it to end. Charlie and Max are incredibly wonderful together - from the first meeting up to the Epilogue. Their clever banter should win awards. I'm smiling from ear-to-ear just thinking about their snappy comebacks, the nicknames, their pop culture references, the Cubs jail (!!!). Down With Love is modern, super current with engaging characters (both main and secondary - James and Gina, Lucas, Grant, Cujo, Sully and Donna, etc.), flawless storytelling, snappy and meaningful dialogue, and hothothot sexytimes. Why is Illegally Yours not yet out? I want it right now.

Huge thanks to Loveswept for providing me with an advance copy of this book for review through NetGalley. I want a paperback of this and this has to be made into a movie. Love it!

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I've read & enjoyed many books by Kate Meader & this does not disappoint (I read it in one day). A divorce lawyer & wedding planner are certainly opposites, but Ms Meader brings them together with a fun & humorous writing style.

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A fun and flirty first book in the series. Max Henderson is the hot attorney you want to take home to Mom. Only problem is he doesn't believe in relationships since his whole job as a divorce attorney is seeing the worst of humanity. And he's definitely got reasons to avoid entanglements.
Charlie Love couldn't be more different, her whole job is to make love seamless as a wedding planner, she sees everyone on their happiest day. But sparks fly when the two are thrown together as Charlie helps plan Max's brother's wedding.
Side note: The first few times I read Max's name I kept thinking Mr. Anderson from The Matrix and Max Headroom from MTV maybe that's just me.

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I was super excited to read this novel, it's a hate to love between a divorce lawyer and a wedding planner! It wasn't really hate to love, but the two characters definitely had some negative preconceived notions about the other because of their career. I love that the two love interests have jobs that are very different from the other, and it doesn't seem like a relationship would really work between the two.

The writing was great in this novel, and even though it's a relatively short book, all the characters (even side characters) are well written and fleshed out. I can't wait to read Meader's next book because I can't wait to see one of the side characters from here find love!

I really enjoyed that this novel was set in Chicago. I recently went there for the first time, and reading this made me excited because I knew some of the places the characters were talking about/were at.

One issue I had with this novel is Max. At times he seemed kind of pretentious and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. He was also a little too domineering and controlling for me to like him too much.

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Max is a divorce lawyer and doesn't believe in happily-ever-after. So when his brother gets engaged to a woman he has only known for 3 months, Max gets paranoid that his brother is being taken on a ride to the alter. Max believes it is his duty, as James older brother, to oversee the spending of James' money by the wedding planner. But when Max meets Charlie, the wedding planner, he feels things that he has never felt before. Charlie thinks that James' brother is a jacka$$ ... plain and simple! He is there at every turn of the planning and giving his 2 cents when it is not needed or wanted. But it doesn't take long for Max and Charlie's hot tempers to com-bust into something different altogether.

I thoroughly enjoyed this funny, witty romance, having to laugh out loud at the banter between the characters. Even though Max was a jacka$$ at first, it didn't take long to see his softer romantic side ... even though he didn't even realize he had a romantic side. And even though Charlie tried to be this reserved person, I loved that her true nature would come out when Max was around. The side stories were a great addition to the book - Charlie's parents and of course Gina and James. I can't wait for Max's law partners books ... Lucas is up next.

I received an ARC courtesy of Random House - Loveswept through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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I received an ARC of this book to read from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. Down with Love by Kate Meader is the first book in her sizzling new Laws of Attraction series. Kate Meader is one of my goto authors for strong alpha heroes who are balanced by equally strong heroines, well developed supporting characters and quite a bit of steam. Down With Love does not disappoint at all. Max Henderson is a hot shot divorce lawyer, a bit of a player who is pretty sure true love doesn’t exist for him. Charlotte (Charlie) Love is a successful wedding planner looking to settle down into her own happy ever after, and these two opposites meet with a bang when Max’s brother James and his bride to be Gina hire Charlie to plan their wedding. Lots of witty dialogue, plus heartfelt moments and I’ve decided there is nothing quite as sexy as an Alpha male realizing he’s been an ass and delivering a well thought out sincere apology and yes our heroine is not perfect so she does get to reciprocate with her own apology. Quite Steamy. Pub Date August 7, 2018 #NetGalley #DownWithLove

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I absolutely loved this book!

As a fan of Kate Meader, I was a little concerned when I started reading and the writing style seemed so different than what I thought of as her normal style. However, I found myself quickly engrossed in the story and the lives of these characters.

Charlie and Max seem to be as opposite as you could be as a divorce lawyer and a wedding planner, but from their first meeting the chemistry and heat is there. Their clever banter kept me laughing, and the sweetness of Max made me swoon. Both have interesting backgrounds that are well-developed, and the reader is along for the ride as they work through the issues they have personally and with each other.

One of the best parts of this book is that not only are the main characters of Charlie and Max likable, but the entire cast of secondary characters is wonderful too. The friends, family, sibling, and dog were all important and enjoyable parts of the story.

I am so glad that this is a series (and this is only the start) because I am already looking forward to revisiting these characters and devouring the next romantic encounter!

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Kate Meader launches her Laws of Attraction series with the sizzling tale of Charlie Love, wedding planner extraordinaire who’s looking for Mr. Right and Max Henderson, divorce attorney and cynic.

Max is good at his job and loves it. He mostly sees the down side of love and considers himself a realist especially after his own failed engagement and subsequent broken heart. So when James Henderson decides to get married, it is up to Max to look out for his little brother and make sure he’s not taken advantage by all the trappings of planning a wedding, which in Max’s experience is a great waste of time and money.

Though they’re completely at odds, when Max meets his brother’s gorgeous wedding planner he knows he’s fighting a losing battle against the wedding and his heart, as she’s not only beautiful, smart and has sharp tongue. She’s invaded his thoughts, gotten under his skin and is a Cubs fan. Not even Charlie’s own desire to sail into the happily ever after sunset is a deterrent to him.

Naturally opposites attract and the time spent together while planning the wedding and the time Max has sought her out – even through her foster parents – has them acting on their attraction. Charlie just wants a night of enjoyment but Max has other plans. Can he convince her love isn’t all rainbows but rather hard work and that what they have is worth it?

I love the start of a new series knowing we’ll get to experience a whole group of characters find their true love over the course of the series, especially when said series is written by an author known to deliver sexy, witty and heartfelt stories.

The animosity between Max and Charlie was a delightful push and pull that kept me flipping pages. I found myself laughing during their snippy exchanges, fanning myself when sparks flew while giving into each other and falling head over heels for Max – he’s not just self-assured, he’s caring and thoughtful. He may be a cynic on the outside, but inside lives a romantic waiting for the right woman. I cheered for both of the very loveable and perfect for each other main characters.

Together with the romance, Meader weaves other aspects in her story that make it so enjoyable like Max’s business associates, his brother, future sister-in-law and parents, his imposed furry sidekick, a cockapoo dog who he named Cujo, and Charlie’s foster parents. And finally, a big smile and warm fuzzy feelings are guaranteed at the end of the book with Meader’s signature swoon worthy epilogue.

Down with Love is book #1 of the Laws of Attraction series by Kate Meader. It is a standalone enemies to lovers romantic comedy, that delivers big dollops of appealing romance, I can’t wait for the books to com. Told from both points of view with a happily ever after, no cliffhanger.

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Down with Love is the first book in Kate Meader’s new Laws of Attraction series. I loved, loved, Kate’s chefs, firefighters, and hockey players, but they have nothing on her divorce lawyers. Written in first person, this romcon is classic Meader voice with a much lighter tone. This story drags you in from the first page and doesn’t let you go: it is just like being in Cubs jail. If you’ve read Meader’s other books: give this a try. If you love a good romcon: give this a try. If you want a great afternoon read, you guessed it: give this a try.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this novel.

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“You got what you wanted, Max.”
“I think we both did, but where was the romance? The cuddling? The soul-baring pillow to pillow? Hell, I’d even have taken a sandwich. You need to work on your post-coital game, Charles.”

I’m smiling. That should tell you all you need to know about Down with Love the first book in Kate Meader’s new Laws of Attraction series. It was a blast to read from first page to last, and already I’m chomping at the bit for more.

As I’ve come to expect from Ms. Meader, Down with Love is a whip-smart romance that comes complete with a swoonworthy hero, a heroine you want to be friends with, secondary characters who scream for their own books, and an unexpected (and wonderful) take on true love.

Among my favorite things about this book is the very real look at marriage and divorce and the hows and whys of lasting love. It’s a fairytale that’s not a total fairytale—the realism existed alongside the fantasy in a way that made my heart soar—and gah, every time Max called his girl Charles (incidentally, my husband’s name, LOL), I gave a little more of my heart over to this story.

Now, of course, my whole heart belongs to Max and Charlie and Down with Love, and I am 100% okay with that. Which I’m sure you can tell from the smile that’s still on my face.

“Go on a date with me. I promise not to break your heart.”


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Meader is one of my favorite go to authors. Her characters have real personalities with quirks, passions and a past. She makes us enjoy their story and their friends, I think we'll see more of Grant and Lucas. Charlie Love is fabulous at her job, wedding coordinator extraordinaire, and has a smart sassy attitude when it comes to Max Henderson. Max is the guy you want to hate because he's the divorce attorney who probably despises romance, however you love him because he's just that awesome. In addition to a fun lovable story that flows like a movie Meader has added beautiful, sometimes comedic, quotes as chapter headers about marriage and love. It's easy to be Down with Love with Charlie and Max. Courtesy of the publisher, I was given an early copy through Netgalley and wrote my review voluntarily.

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