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Dating for Keeps

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This is a fun romance where the heroine is so frustrated with her love life that she accepts the guidance and help of Caleb Willmett, someone she knows wants to remain single but also someone who wants to form a business partnership with her father. Yes, this is meant to be something of a business deal between the two but get ready as attraction builds and romance makes his matchmaking role difficult as the only person he wants her to match with is himself!

With so many laugh out loud moments, this is a hilarious read that is brilliant to lighten even the darkest times. With challenges galore, surprises from the past, bizarre clothing choices, resilience to keep on trying and friends to help set Caleb straight, this is a delightful, very entertaining read that I have no hesitation in highly recommending.

I requested and was given a copy of this book, via NetGalley. This is my honest review of the book after choosing to read it.

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The story is normal, not bad not good but ok to read and go through my day. The love between is obvious. Love the characters can be themselve most of the time. Would actually expect a little more in the story.

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***I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley.***

Dating for Keeps, by Coleen Kwan, was fun but I didn’t love it. Lily wants to find love and hasn’t had any luck. She’s on a date with a guy she met on her dating app when she runs into Caleb. He rescues her that night and the 2 agree to help each other. Caleb will help Lily find the man of her dreams if she’ll put a good word in with her father. Lily’s dad is a builder, and Caleb is a contractor looking for a steady local job that will keep him near his ill father. Because he’s not a relationship sort of guy, he doesn’t count on falling for her and it makes finding someone worthy of her the hardest task he’s ever had to do.

I had some issues with this book. Lily is described as “quirky” and “different.” I hated it every single time because it felt so disapproving and judgmental. It was like the single defining characteristic about her. That said, Caleb falls for her, every part of her person and personality, so I’ll applaud that message. What I won’t applaud is the same old, same old excuses from Caleb: “I could never make her happy.” I understood that he was scarred by seeing what his mother did to his father. I don’t know. I guess I just needed more from his backstory for this excuse to seem plausible and realistic. Also, since the job with Lily’s dad was so important, I thought we’d see more of it. There was hardly any, and that threw me a bit.

I truly liked Lily, and though I couldn’t necessarily relate to her in a specific way, I wanted good things for her. Same goes for Caleb. I enjoyed the push and pull between them and I laughed a lot. It was a cute quick read.

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Lily Baker had been unlucky in love over and over and over again. She was quirky and different but she knew what she wanted and what she wanted was a man who would love her just as she was and not someone who would try and change her.

Caleb Wilmett was very handsome and while he liked women, he never wanted a relationship. He was always upfront the women he dated but not willing to give anyone his heart. He had watched his mom break his dad's heart and he wanted no part of that. Caleb needed some help and Lily was the perfect person to give it to him. In return, he would give her dating advice so she could find her perfect man. Along the way, he began to see Lily as someone special. But he would never be able to open his heart to love, would he?

I really enjoyed this story. Lily was perfect just as she was and she needed someone like Caleb to show her that she didn't need to change. This story was well written and fun to read. The characters were well developed and the writing style was an easy read.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book by Netgalley and I offer my review willingly.

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Received in exchange for a honest review.

Lily was very unconventional in how she dressed and saw life. She was quirky and fun. Smart and kind. ONly no one really saw her this way when it came to guys. Even when in high school she wasn’t seen in any way but different and strange. so upon meeting Caleb and seeing he liked her for her she freaked out. It was a meet cute and continued to be one long meet cute as Caleb helped Lily find her way and see that it was okay to be herself. How did he do this?

He became her dating coach. In return she helped him with getting a meeting with her dad for a shot at being his partner. Only for Caleb it meant more. It meant a chance to be there more for his dad and family. Something he truly wanted.

Caleb was hard working, kind and caring. He saw Lily for the gem she was and respected her. He liked her for her and not what she can do for him. ONly he didn’t want to be with a woman seriously. His mom kind of has him feeling damaged and he doesn’t want to hurt someone like his dad was. You see the growing attraction and love happening between him and Lily as he helps her get ready for one disastrous date after another. We even see a jealous streak occur in him but he keeps his distance. Not because he wants to but because of fear.

Things to come to a head and we do see mistakes but they are rectified with a grand gesture. ONe that has you laugh and swoon at the same time.

A sweet fun story of love, friendship and wanting more. Of family and hard work and earning your success. Where the characters have you love them and the story has you endeared to them and rooting for a HEA.

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Dating for Keeps, the third in Coleen Kwan’s Pine Falls series, is my first foray into one of her romance novels. This is the sweet story of two people who need a little bit of help to find exactly what they need in an unlikely friendship. A little bit of luck, a little bit of sexual tension, and a whole lot of kindness leaves you rooting for them until the end.

Lily Baker has had unbelievably bad luck when it comes to dating. She has never seemed able to be herself around anyone, and it’s always resulted in her fumbling and stuttering. No one ever stuck. Lily is original; she crochets, she has a bearded dragon, and she has an old car named Kermit. She is who she is and she’s looking for someone who will appreciate her quirks as well as her intelligence (PREACH, GIRL).

Caleb Willmett has had reason lately to stay around Pine Falls; his dad recently suffered a stroke and his sister has a young daughter with whom he wants to spend more time. As a contractor, he finds it difficult to keep up steady work in such a small town where a large contractor business already exists—which happens to belong to Lily’s father. Caleb has sworn off relationships, having had some bad experience as a player in the past, added to and a deep-seated fear of being let down. But he’s the “hottest guy in Pine Falls,” meaning he has no trouble finding a date.

The book opens with an accidental run-in right as Lily and Caleb are about to enter the annual Pine Falls Chili Festival. They’ve only met briefly before, but they certainly remember each other. Lily is heading in to meet a date she’d set up after a friend pushed her onto a dating website and Caleb is going to meet his sister and her family. After her date goes horribly wrong, Caleb proves to be Lily’s knight in shining armor. As they talk, they realize they could be exactly what each other is looking for; Lily needs a guide to help her navigate the dating world, and Caleb needs an in if he wants to make a pitch for the junior partner spot with Lily’s father. Since this is a romance novel, we know where this is headed, but the journey is enjoyable nonetheless.

One of the things that is so sweet about this romance is that, despite their obvious attraction to one another, Lily and Caleb start out as friends. Yes, they’re both aiming to get something out of the relationship, but there’s not the awkward tension of hidden secrets or manipulative ambition. They’re up front with one another about what they’re looking for, they’re perfectly cordial about it, and they’re eager to help one another.

Another thing that adds to the sweetness and consistently melts your heart (which will be mush by the end), is that Caleb is constantly there for Lily. Date went poorly? Caleb is there. Bearded dragon’s cage needs renovations? Caleb is there. While he does not understand the extreme pull that keeps him tethered to and returning to Lily’s side over and over again, the reader gets to reap the benefits of one adorable scene after another.

Caleb’s cluelessness - or resistance to being clued in, rather - is probably the only thing I disliked about the book. Along with his persistent ignorance comes his reasoning as to why Lily is so different and isn’t the average girl everyone might be attracted to. It’s slightly off-putting to hear over and over about why this attractive woman is just slightly off-brand for everyone because she is confident enough to stick by her own sense of self and isn’t a conventional beauty. For example:

Seeing her tonight had unsettled him. Most men would just see the pink flamingo shirt and the Tartan shoes, but he had noticed her small waist, shapely and inviting, just the right size for his hands. And most men would think her looks were just average, as did he initially, but the more time he spent with her, the more he found her wide mouth and squarish jaw appealing, especially the sweet dimple the appeared in her cheek whenever she smiled.

By contrast, we’re invariably reminded of how perfect Caleb’s looks are:

Sometime last night, possibly after her third glass of wine, she had finally given in and imagined herself on a date with Caleb. He was so effortlessly sexy, so comfortably charismatic, and without a hint of hubris.

The way their differing views, experiences, and looks play into the dynamics of the story and their relationship are understandable, but it would have just been slightly nicer if Caleb were able to notice Lily’s quirks and differences without having to constantly point out how those differences kept her from being attractive to most men, including him initially.

But their friendship, chemistry and unwavering kindness towards one another keeps you rooting for them throughout. They can’t seem to keep their attraction to one another in check, and the result is a bit of steam in some subtly sexy scenes. You won’t find anything too overt and graphic here. Overall, you’ll enjoy a quick read with Dating for Keeps and be satisfied by just enough swoon-worthy moments.

Now that I’ve read Lily and Caleb’s story, I’m looking forward to going back to the first two Pine Falls stories to see how some of the other characters found their way together. You won’t have to read these stories in order, and from reading the descriptions, it sounds like the journeys to happily-ever-after in the Pine Falls series are always interesting.

~ Alex Serrano

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Dating for Keeps is book 3 in the Pine Falls series but can be read as a standalone. It's the story of Lily and Caleb, two people that you would never imagine would end up together which makes it all the more interesting. 

Lily is what most people would consider weird. She's an accountant and she dresses in eclectic clothing. She crochets, has a pet bearded dragon, and has the worst luck with dating. Her dates always end badly. She meets Caleb when she hits his car trying to park for one of her disaster dates. They end up becoming friends and agree that if Lily will get Caleb an interview with her dad, then Caleb will be her dating coach. An old college enemy of Lily and her college reunion are looming, so they only have a few weeks to find Lily a suitable boyfriend. But when Caleb realizes that he doesn't want Lily with anyone else, will it be too late? 

I really enjoyed this book and couldn't put it down. There are some pretty hysterical moments and I could just imagine the character's responses. Lily is just a phenomenal character. When you read her back story, you can't help but to admire her for what she has dealt with.  I will definitely be reading more from this author!

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Mary Jo – ☆☆☆☆
A cute book about two completely different people falling for each other. Lily is quirky, doesn't fit the norm and she knows it. She's been bullied most of her life for not being what others considered normal and it was so bad in high school that she was home schooled by her father.

Caleb has his own issues and those stemmed from being abandoned by his mother when he was eleven. He doesn't trust women not to walk away, even when you love someone.

Lily wants to be in a relationship but she's a social nightmare. She falls, spills things, and says the wrong things at the wrong times. The only man she feels comfortable around is Caleb and she really doesn't know why. I guess it’s because she believes that he'd never want a woman like her.

Caleb likes Lily. Likes her quirky ways, of saying what she thinks, of her off-beat ways of doing things. He agrees to help her with her search to find a nice guy but doesn't understand why he's so upset when she hits it off with the guy he sets her up with.

Turns out that Caleb and Lily each want the same thing – each other. Only, they are afraid of messing of a friendship in order have more. The characters in this book are easy to relate to and we've all had our share of similar first dates. To see Caleb and Lily work their way through the awkwardness and to each other is amazing.

Erica – ☆☆☆☆
Coleen Kwan is a new-to-me author, and I picked this book up on a whim after the blurb hooked me. This is the third installment in the series, and there was zero confusion to reading it out of series order. However, I do plan on eventually going back to read the first two installments.

Contemporary romance isn't my usual genre, but I've been warming up to it lately – branching out, if you will. I found Dating for Keeps a solid addition to the genre, giving out plenty of feels.

Lily is positively a disaster when it comes to dating. Adorkable. Some of her past failures are over-the-top, but not shown on-scene, so it didn't drag the novel down into eye-roll territory. The dates the reader experiences alongside Lily are realistic, something no doubt countless ladies and gents have experienced in their quest for finding 'the one.'

As a lover of angst and the gut-punch sensation, the first date had my heart clenching in sympathy for Lily. Overall, the vibe of the novel was lighthearted warmth, with realistic humor, and real-to-life emotion.

Our brooding Caleb works with his hands and has momma issues, which is a recipe to drop panties and fan themselves. He's a ladies’ man, but not in the present. Caleb is goal-oriented, looking to become a partner in a construction company... which also happens to be the company Lily's dad own.

Without giving a book report, Caleb wants the opportunity to speak to an introverted dad to become partner, and Lily needs a date to her college reunion. The ladies’ man obviously knows all there is to know about dating, so Lily and Caleb strike a deal.

Love gun-shy Caleb and dating shy Lily have sparks flying as they ignore their feelings for one another. Slow-burn, sweet, and warm and fuzzy, Dating for Keeps has an emotional realistic edge that captured me from the start.

The novel read like candy – once I was finished, it left me wanting more and more of the warm feels it provided. I look forward to more in this series, as well as going back and starting at the beginning. I highly recommend to contemporary romance fans, finding Dating for Keeps a solid addition to the genre.

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Lily Baker is unlucky in love. In exchange for helping her find a suitable guy to date, Caleb Willmett wants her to help him become her father's business partner. Of course, Caleb doesn't count on falling for Lily in the process.

It's a cute romance and Caleb is a great hero. But Lily was a bit too manic pixie dream girl for me. She's insecure, clumsy, awkward and a bit annoying. I did like Caleb and their dialogue was terrific.

Overall, a sweet, enjoyable beach read.

Many thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC copy. All opinions are my own.

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Dnf at 10%
Weak insecure heroine.
I did not like this insecure woman, she liked to wear hand made things, but she was so insecure about them... She sounds a bit patetic, if i was honest.
Big fat NO

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Dating for Keeps by Coleen Kwan is the 3rd book in the Pine Falls series, and a cute romance. Lily Baker is always unlucky in love, and Caleb Willmett agrees to help her get a long term boyfriend. I enjoyed this book, it is perfect for a quick read while relaxing.

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Dating is an absolute nightmare for Lily Baker, especially when her date decides he's had enough and walks out on her in a very public setting. Embarrassed by the experience, Lily asks Caleb Willmett to be her dating coach. However, the more time she spends with Caleb, the more she finds herself falling for a man that doesn't want anything to do with relationships. Will Caleb break her heart or will Lily be able to win his heart and show him that happy ever after is a good thing?

This is such a heartwarming and captivating series and this book is a wonderful addition to Ms. Kwan's Pine Falls series where the main characters show that opposites do attract; the cynical hero shows the quirky heroine that dating isn't all bad, as he coaches her while the pair fall in love; and the dialogue entertained me from start to finish because of the obstacles these two faced to be together. The way this story started had me sympathizing with the heroine, as dating is hard and what happens to her would definitely be a setback and make her not want to go out with another guy anytime soon. However, it was from the moment the hero and heroine came face-to-face for the first time where I was completely drawn into this story, as there's plenty of chemistry between them, and yet, it's palpable he just wants to be someone determined to protect her and be her friend.

With the dialogue, it was a wonderful combination of intense moments due to the main characters back stories and moments that amused because of the dates the heroine goes on. Talk about awkward and sometimes downright disastrous. Furthermore, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the heroine because of everything she's suffered in her past. People can be mean and it's understandable why she's so shy and quirky. However, in saying that, I liked that she owned her individuality. Who cares what other people think as long as she's happy the way she is? While the hero, he's cynical, very protective of those he cares about and I liked the tight bond he shares with his sister. He's also hard-working and I liked how determined he was to impress someone that could give him the chance of a lifetime when it came to his career. Will he win Lily's heart and get the dream he's pursuing in order to help him stay in Pine Falls?

Overall, Ms. Kwan has delivered a wonderful read in this book where the chemistry between this couple was intense; the romance was on the sweet side; and the ending had me loving what the hero does for the heroine. Talk about a good surprise and a good way to stick it to the people who were ever mean to her. However, it was the epilogue that wrapped this story up perfectly, as the heroine is good for the hero and I liked the surprise he had for her. I would recommend Dating for Keeps by Coleen Kwan, if you enjoy the friends to lovers trope, the fake relationship trope, the opposites attract trope or books by authors Karen Foley, Allison B. Hanson, Victoria James and Jennifer Shirk.

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Dating for Keeps is an enjoyable read about a fun, quirky young woman named Lily trying to find that significant other. She isn't having any luck & has decided to use an online dating program. She is attracted to a young contractor but doesn't think he'd ever be interested in her.

Caleb thinks Lily is adorable. Her father is looking for a partner so he offers to help her with her dating if she helps him talk to her dad. He just didn't expect the way she'd grow on him. Will Caleb realize that Lily is the one for him? Can he forgive the past?

Caleb has to learn that love is real & he can trust in it. He has to forgive his mother for what she's done. Lily just needs to gain some confidence & not be so nervous. She also needs to learn how to deal with the bullies from school & realize they can't hurt he anymore if she doesn't let them.

This was a sweet enjoyable read & a treat to read.

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I enjoyed this read. He's afraid to commit because of emotional trauma his mother's abandonment caused. She can't seem to find anyone to appreciate her wonderful quirkiness. It's great to see two people who are kind, accomplished and decent find one another. There's a mean girl and a nice but wrong for her guy in the story, because they don't mess up the good things the characters have going. I enjoyed it! I especially like the role change at the reunion where he’s wearing a suit two sizes too small and it's him who is fumbling this time, when it's usually her.

I received an ARC of this book, via Net Galley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I've read the previous books in the Pine Falls series, and while I liked them, I found them a bit predictable. I couldn't help but pick up this one, though, when I saw that the hero was Caleb, one of my favorite side characters, and a confirmed bachelor. This is the third in the series, though it can be read as a standalone. Like the rest of the series, this is a sweet and emotion-filled read.

Lily's dating life sucks. To start off with, she's a quirky woman with an eclectic fashion sense (she wears crocheted flamingo earrings to on elf her dates), and one of her favorite conversation topics is her pet bearded dragon, Noodles. She's saved from another disastrous date by Caleb, who literally steps in when she's left on the dance floor. They've met previously at her dad's office - Lily's father manages a construction company, and Caleb is a contractor who's looking to do business with him - and their conversation takes a turn for the weird when Lily confesses her dating woes and Caleb offers to be her dating coach. Lily wants the stereotypical husband, 2.5 kids, and the picket fence, and Caleb is a commitment-phobic ladies' man, so he's the perfect person to help her weed out the guys she doesn't want to date, right? As the dates go on, they discover that the spark between them is something that can't be replicated with just any person from an internet dating site.

I like the friends-to-lovers trope, and Lily and Caleb are just plain adorable together. While I worried Lily could fall into the trap of being socially awkward and quirky just for the sake of laughs, I think Ms. Kwan balanced it well. This isn't a Cinderella story where she turns into some glamourous bombshell, instead Lily becomes more confident and comfortable in her own skin. I especially liked watching the friendship between Lily and Caleb blossom, from Caleb helping Lily feed crickets to Noodles to becoming the person she calls when a date goes wrong (again). The chemistry between them was excellent, and this was pretty steamy for a closed-door romance. And, oh, how can I forget Noodles? I honestly think that Lily's pet was the breakout star of this book! I loved how much Lily, and eventually Caleb, cared for that lizard! Of the other side characters, I loved seeing Lily's relationship with her dad. Most of the other Pine Falls books have dealt with rocky parent relationships (and Caleb does as well) so it was nice seeing a father who obviously wanted to care for and protect his daughter while still realizing she's a grown woman.

On the cons side, while I enjoyed the "Caleb matchmaking for Lily" angle, I think this may bother people who have issues with "other women" or "other men." For my part, I didn't like how things were left between Lily, Caleb and Ryan. There's also a whole "need a boyfriend for college reunion" subplot that was a big deal through most of the book, but then really fizzled out at the end.

Overall, I honestly liked this one better than the first two in the series, and I'm hoping that the next book is about Ryan, poor guy. I'd definitely recommend this as a fun, sweet summer read!

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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"He's got to stop helping her date other men." From the moment I read that statement I couldn't wait to read this book. I fell in love with Lily and Caleb from the beginning. Lily is quirky and awkward and looking for love. Caleb is a good guy but he isn't looking for a relationship. When the opportunity arises to help each other they begin to realize they have real chemistry. This is a sweet story and a quick, fun read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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It's a great read, I loved the story as well as the characters. Especially, Lilly's character. She has a very unique personality and it is not easy for people to accept her for who she is. An artists at heart and finance expert at profession, she is a mixture of sweet and sassy. For now, she is trying very hard to find her soulmate, someone she will spend the rest of her life with.
Caleb, on the other hand, doesn't believe in happily-ever-afters, he isn't looking for any long-term relationship so he knows that Lilly is not for him. However, he can't help feeling attracted to the quirky and artsy woman. What more, she somehow wakes up his protective instincts. He wants her to find her happiness and stop being rejected by men who don't even deserve her to begin with.
The two strike an unlikely bargain, they both want something the other can help with so it seems right to help each other and get what they hope to achieve... but things do have a tendency to get complicated when opposites are involved. Soon they will want more than they bargained for...
It's a very well-written story. I enjoyed it immensely and would recommend to all romance lovers.

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The storyline of a character helping another with their dating life always gets me. I also really enjoyed that they explored the world of online dating and the awkwardness that can ensue.

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This fun sweet read is excellently written with great character development and a fun storyline. Lily in all her quirkiness (that's a word, right?) is so much fun and I loved how Caleb accepted her just as she is. Lilly's ready to get back in the dating game and Caleb agrees to be her dating coach. Sounds like a great plan until Caleb starts getting jealous of the guys he's setting her up with. Can he get beyond his past and go after what he wants or will he stand by and watch the girl get snatched up by some other guy?

I definitely recommend this fun relaxing read.

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#DatingForKeeps #NetGalley

publisher synopsis: Unlucky in love Lily Baker is ready to get back in the dating game. But her first night out ends with the guy ditching her—in the middle of a dance floor. Wonderful. Public humiliation on top of rejection. And worse, Caleb Willmett, the sexy local contractor with an unfortunate desire to remain single, witnessed the whole thing. But where Lily sees disaster, Caleb finds opportunity.

The only long-term relationship Caleb wants is a business partnership with Lily’s father, but the man won’t give him the time of day. If Lily can arrange a meeting for him, Caleb promises to help her find a guy worth dating. Perfect trade. And this should be easy—just look for someone completely opposite of himself, someone who’s willing to settle down.
But when Lily unexpectedly captures his heart, playing matchmaker for her becomes the most difficult job he’s ever done.

I liked that lily was her own person, she didn't try to conform to society for the most point. But she did feel the pressure to fit in and in a weak moment made up a boyfriend. Caleb tries to help her find the right guy while Lily help him win over her father. There is undeniable attraction between the two. I just wish they would figure things out before hurting Ryan. I also felt like the ending was rushed. The reunion that was made a big deal, along with Sheri, were hardly mentioned at all. There were a couple of details at the end that could have been explained and it would have added to the story.

I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for a fair review.

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