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Recklessly Ever After

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I really enjoyed this story. I may have enjoyed it more if I was in the mood for the ups and downs these two had in store for me, and it is A LOT.
Gavin, was endearing to me, His panic attacks made my heart hurt for him. Let's not forget that his past is unstable at best. He is a very private man and keeps his circle tight and settling down is just not something he has ever seen for himself.
McKenna, is living her tragic troubled life with no connections, other than her sister, she is living day to day and wants to keep it that way. NO commitment . But when she and Gavin have their moment... well for him it is on and for McKenna, it is going to take some work.
If you are a fan of push back books, you will love this. The push and pull between these 2 is enough that you are vested but not so much that it is tiresome.

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You know, this book could be too frustrating to read, given McKenna's inability to commit and her flip flopping all over the place. But the author delivers it really well, so that although McKenna's behaviour may have you rolling your eyes, it works, both in the context of her character development and the overall story arc.

I truly enjoyed this story. I liked the contrast of the protagonists' characters. Their interactions were realistic and their relationship developed in a lovely, organic manner.

Well worth a read.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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Sometimes those you consider your family are ones that you’re not related to but they’ll do anything to protect each other. Gavin and Kenna try to find their happily ever after coming from fractured pasts. They each become the other person they needed for life to finally make sense.

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After the hell I've been through in the Marines--in life--there's nothing I crave more than routine, stability, peace. Until McKenna Brewer walks into my life. She's impulsive, fiery, tempting as hell, and everything I don't need. But when she offers me a night of no-strings-attached passion, I can't resist.
This was a straightforward contemporary with a pretty common storyline. However, the characters were very well written, but very emotionally scarred. I liked how they were able to heal each other by the end of the book. I recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Not my type of read. I really didn't like the explicit content. There was a little too much for my liking.

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I don't know what I expected from this but it played out differently. Gavin and Kenna were so much opposites, an introvert recluse and outgoing man eater. Gavin has his issues aside from his huge crush on Kenna. Not your typical hero, the alpha type but more organized routine simple life guy. Kenna is outgoing and commitment phobic. They were a unique combination to be honest. But they had playful moments that made them lighter.

That one moment solidified the attraction, one night changed everything. With Mckenna's walls and Gavin's own fears. Both have had bad pasts and became broken in their own way, more like misunderstood becauae they weren't cookie cutter. Good thing Gavin is patient and sweet he got through Kenna. He's not perfect but he's likable and a good hero. McKenna is a challenge but he can prove to her wrong.

The girl running is not that different just here she has the commitment issues. I liked the story like the other two in the series. It had a nice combination of sweet, funny and steamy. The little twist along the way added more depth to the plot. The guys friendship was strong and it paved the way for this story. The epilogue had closure and gave each couple a HEA.

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Gavin St. James had a traumatic upbringing, which means he avoids crowds and keeps himself to himself. His family now consists of his ex-marine buddies who don’t know his real story. He yearns to get close to McKenna Brewer after helping her out months ago, but she has had problems of her own and can’t let herself get close to a man after all the bad experiences she’s had with them. We follow Gavin’s attempts to get closer to McKenna and her attempts to shield herself from her true feelings. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Mary – ☆☆☆☆
Gavin stole my heart from the first book and I could not wait for his story. I was not disappointed, although I was worried with McKenna though. She was wishy washy, and a runner and I found myself bored with her.

Gavin has a past that no one should have to live through, but with friends like Collin and Max, Gavin has been able to get through most things. But he has fallen for McKenna from the moment he met her. But he knows she doesn't do relationships because he sees her with different guys all the time.

McKenna didn't have an easy childhood; her mother didn't want her and her father was always working. So, she basically raised herself. After meeting Abbie and Abbie falling in love with Collin, McKenna meets Gavin and she would like more with him, but she knows it would never work. A relationship is not in the works for her, so she can be friends with him. Until the one thing happens that will connect them together.

Can Gavin show McKenna that they can make a relationship work? Will she realize that she really does love him? Will Gavin's past came back to haunt him?

To me, this was the best of the series, I loved everything about Gavin and the way his friends were always there to help him. And the ending was a perfect way to end the series. So, sit back and enjoy and you can read them as a standalone, but why would you, they are great as a series.

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4.5 Stars

Family isn’t always created by blood, sometimes family is found in friendship. Gavin and McKenna have both experienced a harsher side of life. They are emotionally scarred in their own ways. Gavin has this soft heart, hoping to someday find a woman who will be his other half, while McKenna has been sticking to a “one and done” method when dealing with men. When life throws these two together in a situation as more than just “friends through friends” what follows is a sweet, endearing, heartbreaking, and sexy story of two broken individuals finding a HEA that isn’t perfect, but is perfect for them!

Cara - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

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I really enjoyed the fact that both lead characters have personality flaws. So neither was saving the other. They were saving each other. By taking a chance on that this was the one person who got them. Who would always have their best interest at heart. The fact that she got pregnant allowed us to see how hard it sometimes is for a woman to do the best thing possible. There were so many relevant social issues that his will appeal to everyone. This is one book you should read if you want a love story with real issues and hard choices to make.

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I have to say that I loved this book. I love a book I can be surprised by and this book did surprise me in many ways. First the main character Gavin is a broken man. He is an ex-marine and he has his demons he fights daily. He is living day by day and his friends help him out. They are so supportive I loved them right off the bat.

McKenna has had a hard life and she is no joke. She is rough and tough and does not take crap from anyone. Even though she is tough she is a nurse. That surprised me because she has this tough exterior. I love how she is in total control of her life. Choosing to have one night stands and no relationships was awesome in my eyes because she knew she was not commitment material so she chose to chew and screw and be done.

When these two meet there is chemistry between them and McKenna decides to give Gavin one night no strings attached. But after Gavin has her once he knows he has to have her everyday in his bed and by his side. He knows it is going to be a fight but he is determined to not give up and fight for McKenna.

Can Gavin win over the tough as nails McKenna or will he be another notch on her belt?

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Recklessly Ever After by Heather Van Fleet is book three in her Reckless Hearts Series and can easily be read as a standalone. The previous books are Reckless Hearts and THe Right Kind of Reckless.
Meet Gavin St.James and McKenna Brewer. Gavin is an EMT, ex-Marine and has a lot of issues, including an severe case of PTSD. He craves stability and peace.
McKenna Brewer is everything he wants, but she's the opposite of Gavin. She's loud, fierce, tempting nad never ever again wants to have a relationship or be a parent. But karma has other plans and life says a big fat ha . Put a drunken ons, a broken loner and a commitment phobe together and you got the recipe for disaster - or a really great and captivating read. I liked the story and the writing is great, I connected with the characters very easily and could feel their emotions in the words. Their fear and doubt, their scarred souls and broken minds. I enjoyed reading this third book in series and give 4,5 stars.

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I was waiting rather impatiently for the release of this book because I really loved the other books in this series about this trio of former marines who are living together to take care of little beaner, Collin's daughter Chloe since his girlfriend died.

Gavin is the last one of our guys who hasn't found love yet and he is the one who obviously needs help the most and he's also the one who makes it so hard for his friends to get closer, the one who cares so much for our little beaner but is scared to be left alone with her - well, let's just say that he has had a special place in my heart for some time now. And Mack...well, she was burned as well and has some major trust issues. These two are some hell of a package with all their insecurities and their problems and you can't help but feel for them, feel with them, encourage them to trust and not run away.

Gavin is the one hoping for forever but McKenna is the one girl who doesn't do forevers - except, well, there may be a little forever on its way that could just be the thing that convinces her to trust again.
I loved those two. I cried with Gavin and I cried with Mack, I laughed with them and I loved to see them together and I loved their chemistry - and most of all, I loved to see them find love and happiness!

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This was my first time reading this author, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect going in. Unfortunately, I was rather bored with the story, despite the potential I could see within it and the rest of the series.

I loved the "Three guys and a baby" premise! That had me wavering between a 3 and a 2 star rating right there! However, there really wasn't enough done with it for my tastes, and, due to the fact that I hadn't read the rest of the series like I had intended to, often left me confused. It definitely felt like I had to read the previous books first before getting full enjoyment out of this one!

I had a hard time connecting to the characters. Gavin and McKenna each have their own issues, but they felt forced together for the sake of seeing how much "crazy" they could be together. I liked Gavin much better than McKenna, as she was just too intensely crazy for me to be able to connect with.

I wasn't impressed with the book enough to go back and read the previous books in the series, nor do I think I will read the author again.

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Gavin St. James is an EMT but also suffers from panic attacks after his time overseas and due to his experiences growing up. When he is stuck in an elevator with McKenna Brewer he is shocked by his attraction to her but the two are butting heads more than anything.

McKenna Brewer is not a relationship type of girl. Yet one night with Gavin has her questioning things and her future. But there are certain things that she knows for sure and settling down is one thing she is avoiding at all costs.

When Gavin discovers what Kenna is hiding will he convince her to change her mind and give it a chance?

This was a great book that I enjoyed from start to finish. It had some great moments of laughter but also enough sad moments to really attach you to the characters and want them to get the happiness that they truly deserve.

I really liked Gavin right from the beginning but as I got to learn more about his past my heart just went out to him and I really wanted him to get the happiness that he deserved. I was totally shocked at what happened to him with his uncle and then my heart broke with the accident.

I though Kenna was also a great character but I felt bad that she really didn't think to highly of her possibilities when it came to "family" with the way she grew up. I felt bad for everything that her sister Hanna went through and I was glad that Kenna was there for her.

I liked how Gavin was slowly able to earn the trust and heart of Kenna and prove so much to her through his actions and words. It was so great!

The end was great although I would have liked a tiny bit more in the epilogue on Kenna and Gavin themselves instead of it being from Collin's view.

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Recklessly Ever After is the third and final book in the Reckless Heart series. Now is Gavin's turn to finally find love! I've been eagerly awaiting Gavin and McKenna's story since I finished The Right Kind Of Reckless. This man has legit been on my mind.

Both Gavin and McKenna share similar childhood traumatic stories. Both grew up in loveless homes and both in one way or another have suffered abuse leading to insecurities as adults. I legit felt so sad for these two, my heart broke. Especially after a one night stand leads to a pregnancy!

I have to admit, the main reason I requested an arc of Recklessly Ever After is because of the one night stand resulting in pregnancy trope! Babies make everything that much more emotional!

Overall, I liked this novel but I didn’t love it as much as I loved Max and Lia’s story.

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**Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the ARC in exchange for an honest review**

"Recklessly Ever After " was such a sweet, emotional, lovely story!! Two people with a loads of issues.The storyline was well written and paced perfectly!! Gavin and McKenna are perfectly good match together!! This was a such pleasurable read!!

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This was an awesome book! I feel like I need to go back and read the first few in the series and soon! This is my first book by this author and it will not be my last. Great book!

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Such a heartfelt book both Gavin and McKenna have massive issues past and present and both are struggling with their demons.

McKenna is a girl who doesn't do connections she's a one-night, no commitments kindd of girl! Where as Gavin's the broody type who can wait for what he wants and has the patience of a saint when it comes to McKenna.

Both are completely reckless characters but with a huge twist instore for the pair it shows that feelings can grow and we all need our safety blanket in life!

I can't get enough of this book it was simply amazing! I recommend it for a feel good book! Heather Van Fleet wrote a great cast and poured so much into this book.

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After Gavin’s career in the Navy he thrives on peace and stability but when a whirlwind by the name of McKenna bursts into his life he is beginning to have doubts about the choice he has made. McKenna is a complicated mess who thrives on spontaneity who chooses to live in the amount and will let the future take care of itself.

One night changes everything and two are about to become three. Gavin is determined to show her that they belong together, but will he be able to get McKenna to open her mind and her heart to the possibility.

Although Gavin and McKenna appear to be complete opposites together they fit. They are both damaged by their pasts but together they heal each other. Hot chemistry, humor and a few twists will keep you entertained until the last page. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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