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Even Money

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* A copy of Even Money was provided by Netgalley for an honest review, no compensation was given.*
Even Money grabs the reader from the first page to the last, and elicits so many primal feelings along the way. This book is definitely written for the 18+ person, so be warned. Ms. Torre weaves a story of corruption, sex, deception and intense uncontrollable attraction, that keeps the reader turning the pages. I could not put this book down.
Who doesn't love Vegas. The setting for this book is perfect and the author gives a realistic view of this glamorous and gritty city. When I was reading this book I felt as if I was back in Vegas. #❤️Vegas
I love the way the author puts you right into the head space of the characters. The main character, Bell, is both incredibly strong but broken at the same time. There are aspects of her past that have left her with a distorted view of relationships. Bell describes herself as an emotional cactus, and that's the way she likes it. She believes that there is no room for love/relationships in her life, just great sex.
Then in walks Dario Capece. "He looked like a night full of filthy, delicious sex and a string of orgasms that would leave you panting and delirious." And then Bell and Dario's eyes meet: " I hadn't been expecting something in me to yank when our eyes met, a pull of need that occurred before his mouth even opened." " He paused the wary look in his eyes matched everything I was feeling." Dario is a very powerful man who owns half of Vegas, but even the most powerful men have people watching them.
Dario is in an unconventional marriage, both Dario and his wife have been involved with other people throughout their ten year marriage. When Bell and Dario start their affair, it sets certain events into motion that even the very dominant Dario can't foresee or control. The ending of this book left me gasping and I can't wait to see where Ms. Torre takes this story. June 18th cannot come fast enough!

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Bell Hartley is a college student by day and a waitress at an off-the-grid casino for high rollers in Vegas at night. She is traumatized by a violent past and avoids romantic entanglements. Dario Capece is a married casino owner who meets Bell one night at the casino where she works. There is instant chemistry between the two but she’s not interested in love and he’s trapped in a marriage of convenience.

Their chemistry cannot be denied and soon Bell is falling in love and Dario is thinking of ways to escape his marriage to his business partner. This sets in motion a series of events that threaten Bell’s life. This book ends in one douzy of a cliffhanger.

You can never go wrong with Alessandra Torre. Her characters are always compelling and her storylines complex. The book is well written. If you are looking for a fast-paced romantic suspense and you don’t mind the cliffhanger, this book is for you.

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Ok. So Even Money is this instaATTRACTION romance set in Vegas, between two people who should NOT be falling for one another. While the love story relies heavily on a spark, it also feels like this book is MULTIPLE stories told through the love story of two people. Like the love story is sort of a distraction for us to follow, as we get tiny bit of the real story. Maybe that’s a big assumption on my part, but that’s what I got. We just get all the stories as one from multiple POV’s, but heavily from the love interests.

It’s suspenseful, and exciting, and honestly I knew something was coming, but wasn’t sure what. I figured out the ending a few pages before it actually happened. Still good, and not what I was envisioning at the start AT ALL.

Can’t wait to see how everything turns out in book two!

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hanks to the publisher for a copy to read and give my honest opinion. I thought the cover and title was splendid, and the blurb eye catching but let's face's name had me here. Her books are always amazing and she did not disappoint.

This book should have been named vortex, because the pull of the blurb and the way the author has with words .....just sucked me in.

Bell Hartley is a cocktail waitress in the city of sin. One night she meets a man that tugs her heart on site, something she has never felt before because she is closed off from her feelings. Something about him has caught her eye but she knows he's trouble, she just doesn't know how badly she wants to burn.

Dario Capece, married in name only, to a rich heiress with a Psycho father. Few things rattle his cage but a few moments with a stunning cocktail waitress tells him he'd like to learn more about her. Quickly that info turns into an obsession.

This was a fast paced read and I loved every minute of it. The author has been known to really hook you and she didn't disappoint here. Dario and Bell have an instant connection and the dangers that try to keep them apart only force them together. Loved it...five stars of entertainment!

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5 Hit Me Stars!!

Seriously where do I begin ?? !!!!!

I completely and totally fell in love with this story, from chapter one.  The writing is excellent, Alessandra really pulls you in.  The characters are interesting, smart witted, and they feed off of each other perfectly.

Bell & Dario just seemed destined to be, fingers crossed.  Each of thier past stories were unique not what I was expecting at all.  I love Dario's protectiveness, love how he handled certain situations.  I also loved that the story was more than sex.  It's a slow sexy build up.  Often authors just sex up a book to sell.  Well I need a story and I really got one in this book.  

Now for the ending WHAT?!!???!!! Where did that come from?? Just when you think you know Alessandra does it again.  

This story will grab you, hold you, shake you up, and then look out you won t see it coming.

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I have read and loved other books by Alessandra Torre so decided to give Even Money a read. This book wreaked of wealth and power, not an element I am drawn to but it is working so far with Even Money. I was really surprised at the thriller aspect of this book. I went in a bit blind I suppose, just expecting greatness based on the author. (She did not disappoint.) But I anticipated more romance and less on the edge of my seat nervousness.

The overall premise is a dangerous affair between a Vegas big shot, maybe The Vegas big shot, and a college party girl. She is only out for hook ups and, given his marriage, he isn't looking for anything serious either. Now the H does love his wife and really wants to be loyal to her but there is so much going on in the background that this affair is not surprising. Both the H and his wife are likeable characters but so is the mistress. The wife's psychotic father is added to the mix and it all hits the fan.

This is a duet and Even Money does end in a cliffhanger. Still very worth the read and a short wait until book 2. Loved it and can't wait for the conclusion. You really will want to read book 2.

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Holy Wow! This book captured me from page one and by the time I reached the end I was a balled up mess of nerves.

Working for friends who feel like family at an underground casino, Bell meets the man who basically owns Vegas. The chemistry and attraction to Dario is immediate despite the fact that few words are spoken. When it comes to light that he is having her followed, he uses it to push open the door and enter her life in a substantial way.

Dario is instantly attracted to Bell and unable to get her off his mind. With stalker like actions, he sets out to learn everything he can about her. Once he accomplishes his goals he is completely trapped. His desire for her has now put Bell and his wife in danger and any decision he makes will only compound the problem. But he can’t let her go.

I loved Dario’s obsessive tendencies in regards to Bell, his need to protect and provide for her. However, she’s a strong independent woman who has survived a nightmare and refuses to yield to his demanding ways. (Be assured, this trait does not lead to any too stupid to live moments.) Bell has no intention of getting into a relationship with anyone but she finds herself unable to stop the pull that Dario has on her heart. I enjoyed watching her slowly accept that what she felt for Dario was love.

Together, this couple move through some rocky places as Bell is reluctant due to his marriage and Dario is intent on keeping her safe. The pull toward each other overcomes all their obstacles. Along the way, we occasionally get another point of view in the story. This one is dark and sinister and ratchets up the angst each time they pop up. There is evil here and it’s only a matter of time before it rears its ugly head.

This had a great pace to it that never got too wordy. The secondary characters were wonderful and the steam between the hero and heroine was scorching. Yes, it’s true, Dario is married. However, his wife is his best friend and the marriage was arranged for purposes other than love. While his wife is in love with another man, he has arrangements with two women.

This ends in a huge cliffhanger! I’m talking HUGE! Thank goodness the next book, Double Down is releasing in a few days.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided by NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Even Money,  Alessandra Torre

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Erotica, romance

Alessandra's writing is perfect for me, solid plots and excitement, real feeling people I can like – or dislike, books need those too, plenty of drama, angst, steamy, erotic encounters and loads of emotions.

So I went into this one eagerly and wasn't disappointed, its got all of that and more. What I hate in a book though is a cliffhanger and this is a real doozy....BUT thankfully book two is only a week or two away. I can live with that, its when it happens in a book and the next isn't due for 12 or 18 months, or even longer....( of course I'm lucky enough to have got an ARC for that on my kindle, but I'm writing there as a standard reader, about how frustrating it can be when the next book is so far away)

Bell's a cocktail waitress in a “neutral zone “ casino, one where the other casino owners come to play. Its owned by two men who have become really good friends of hers, the kind who will – as the saying goes – help you hide a body without asking questions.
I like Bell, just wants to get through school, enjoy life and live and do her best to be independent. She's had a tough background, some awful events in it and yet is strong, determined to live a better life.
Dario – I wasn't sure of him at first, he seemed arrogant and one of those snap his fingers and demand instant obedience types. As we get to know him though I liked him more, he's like Bell in that he too comes from a non moneyed background, but he's talented, worked hard and married well financially, and is now in a strong position. Despite all that his hands are still tied in a way, his wife's father, what an awful man, totally immoral, money is God type, and Dario and Gwen are tied tightly to him. Independence is close but they're not there yet.
Gwen, Dario's wife, is mostly a background figure. They married for complex reasons, live separate lives in many ways though they live together, and have a close respect and friendship with each other. So when he tells Bell Gwen knows and is OK with him having other women, he is actually telling the truth, not spinning a well worn line.

Of course life isn't smooth, even though her bosses warn her about Dario, even though she knows he takes and drops women when the next comes along, even though she promised herself she'd never get entangled with a man like him she's drawn to him, some undeniable thread pulling them together. Dario can feel it too, this connection that keeps him coming back when he Never chases, Never pursues women. There are too many ready and willing for him to have to do that.

Of course true love never runs smooth, and despite all the signs and self imposed blocks they do get together, then the fireworks start, ending with that astonishing cliffhanger.
I was desperate to read book two, and have it on my kindle so I did just have to take a sneak at the start to see how that cliffhanger moved forward....but didn't let myself read more until I'd written this.
Its hard for me to write a review if I've read both books, trying to recall what was in book two not book one so I was disciplined! I was almost tempted to get up in the early hours and write though.

Stars:Five, fantastic read, excitement, drama, hot and erotic encounters, great characters. This book is a perfect read for those who want a solid romance with some real adventure. No sweet and cute folk here, no fluffy feeling scenes, no “heart warming” sections, heart rending maybe ;-) I will be eagerly reading book two today!

ARC supplied by Netgalley and Publishers

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Even Money was suspenseful, sexy and a little bit on the dark side, which I really enjoy. Liked this book and definitely want to read the next one!

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What a fantastic read! I'm so glad that I have the habit of just diving into books with little to no knowledge. I would have regretted passing on this book because if I had known the hero was married, I don't think I would have given this one a chance.

Cheating is such a grey area for people so I will say that for me, I did not view this couple as cheating. The marriage is a business relationship but a whole lot more complicated than that. That complication as well as Dario and Bell's relationship is what had me riveted to this book.

Dario is a very powerful man in Vegas. One you don't want to mess with. With just one look at Bell, he switches his laser sharp focus onto her with an intensity that makes it impossible to say no to. For such a powerful man, he's never met someone who could so easily disrupt the fragile balance of his marriage, his job and his life.

Bell is just one tiny fish in the big vast ocean full of sharks. She's focused on her job and her studies. She doesn't do relationship, only casual hookups. Due to what she suffered at 15, she's never been tempted to risk more than her body to a man. Until Dario. The one man she's willing to risk it all is unattainable.

There were so many things about this book that grabbed my attention. Dario's power and the way he pursued Bell. The way Bell stood up for herself even when she wanted to cave. The wife. The father-in-law. Claudia. You know it's all going to crumble down but you don't know how. It sucked me in and left me hanging in the end. I loved every minute of it. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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Bell Hartley, cocktail waitress and college student doesn’t do commitment or relationships. She doesn’t do feelings after events in her past cause her to build walls around her heart. So when one of Vegas’ most infamous men walk through the doors of the casino she works at, she doesn’t understand why she is so drawn to him when she should be walking away instead.

Dario Capece rules Vegas along with his wife. But it’s a marriage of convenience both looking the other way when lovers are taken. But when Dario feels an instant connection with a cocktail waitress in a casino he wants to buy, he’s willing to risk it all to see where things could go with her . . . even if she claims she doesn’t do relationships.

It’s a no win situation as both Dario and Bell develop feelings they shouldn’t have for one another, yet they can’t help falling in love. But, when Dario’s psychotic father in law enters the picture, no one will be safe and lives will hang in the balance.

Even Money is the first book I’ve read by Alessandra Torre and I am hooked! I literally found myself repeating OMG OMG OMG over and over again when I read the last page of this book!

I loved Bell. She’s a woman who knows exactly what she does and doesn’t want. She loves having fun and enjoys no strings sex, but relationships are out. Dario, however, has her breaking her own rules and she can’t even figure out why as she starts falling more and more for him.

While I usually don’t enjoy books with cheating, I actually loved Dario’s character. He’s a bit of a white knight and married his wife to save her from her psycho father and to get them both ahead and a piece of Vegas. While he’s loyal, he’s never been in love with her, so falling for Bell was completely unexpected. Even knowing the consequences, he can’t walk away and together, these two have off the charts chemistry that will leave you fanning yourself!

This book has smokin’ hot scenes and enough intrigue that you won’t be able to put it down. Watching Bell and Dario dance around one another and what they shouldn’t be feeling is fun as heck to read . . . even knowing that it’s probably a doomed romance. Once Robert Hawk gets involved (remember the psycho father in aw) all bets are off the table and pure suspense ensues and will keep you turning pages until the very last sentence.

As this is part of a duet, Even Money does end on one heck of a bang leaving readers screaming for more. Luckily, part two is coming in just a few short weeks, because I need it!

5 Stars for Even Money! I’m definitely all in!

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It's been awhile since I've picked up a book from Torre. This book was entertaining. I was hoping the story would have an element of suspense. It didn't let me down.
Bell's character was surprising strong for what she endured as a teenager. I liked her take charge in life attitude.

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OMG is what I said when I finished this book and OMG is how I am still reacting 24hrs later. Nothing in this book was as it seemed and it was a wild ride trying to figure out where we were going. I loved every minute of it. Bell, Dario, Lance, Rick, Gwen ( heart breaks for Gwen) too many wonderful characters to mention ( which says a lot about the writing when you love the support characters nearly as much as the main characters) . So many twists and turns, tension, mystery, fear, love, sex, friendship.....Amazing read

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I received a free copy of this book from the author.

One of the things I love about Alessandra Torre books is you never know what you're going to get! She's such a prolific writer and each story takes a different route. Even Money is a Vegas love story.

Dario is Vegas royalty. He and his wife own a good number of casino's, hotels, and restaurants along the strip as well as other places. There's one place in town called The House that Dario and Gwen are interested in buying so he goes to check it out.

When he arrives at The House, the owners send one of their waitresses, Bell, out to greet him and get him settled. He's not a shark in Vegas he's the Killer Whale. Of course this gets Bell on his radar - one he can't shake her from even if she turns him down at every turn.

Their magnetism is hard to stay away from though. She can't push back enough to keep him from breaking past her defenses. And break he does.

Now there's some danger just talking to this man much less falling for him. Well...maybe more than some danger. Bell should be warned to watch her back - which her bosses have said many times since they knew she was on Dario's radar.

There's some twists and turns in the book you'll be rooting for and a big bang at the end. I'm already trying to figure out where Alessandra is going to go with the next book and these characters. I can't wait to read Double Down. Grab your copy of Even Money - because you won't want to miss it!

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Classic Alessandra Torre story telling. Even Money possesses all the stylistic choices that makes Torre dominant in her writing: the suspenseful landscape cast against gold and glamor, the constant prickle of danger, the unbridled passion, the fearless heroine, and the bad man who's most likely unlikely hero. At the onset of this book you get the cocktail waitress who catches the eye of one of the most powerful men in Vegas - a trope used before, the King and the improbable catch, lust a first sight esque tale. Quickly after realizing that trope though you're thrust into a completely unique and gritty story line catapulting this story line into something entirely new, menacingly engaging, darkly erotic, and utterly exciting. Details on these vibrantly bold characters are not to be revealed unless you read it. I will say that their relationship, whatever that may be, moves seamlessly. The effortless dynamic tethering these two characters is palpable and allows readers to be consumed by the fluidity of how they move together throughout this story. As Torre masterfully toggles between points of view in the first and third person she wraps her words around readers minds preparing them for something big, something that will change the entire scope of their love story. The delivery couldn't be more precise or more effective once again proving Alessandra Torre tells brilliantly consuming stories. Even Money, part one of a duet, is not be missed.

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*ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

Having a traumatic past doesn't stop Bell Hartley to give up on her life. She is a college student by day and a cocktail waitress by night. It's tough especially if some clients are pervert and disrespectful. With Rick and Lance around, owners of The Mirage, ensure her safety and constantly watch her back. I love Bell's friendship with them, they're like the brothers she never had. As for relationships, Bell has no time for committment and settles only in a no-strings-attached relationship.

When one of the most powerful men in Sin City visited The Mirage, Bell felt an instant attraction to Dario Capece. The problem is, he's married. The feeling was mutual because Dario was enticed by Bell's beauty and sass. He begins to pursue her until she gives into him. These two are like fireworks and I like their chemistry. However, this secret affair puts Bell's life in danger and it's a game he must play carefully.

Even Money is seductively thrilling. The story was complex, plot driven and character driven. I'm so enticed by its premise and the protagonists are strong and daring. Dario Capece and Bell Hartley's forbidden romance ignited with sexual tension. However, I can't help feeling anxious for them. The last chapters are intense and THAT ENDING got me screaming! HOLY CRAP. I'M FLOORED. It was very unpredictable and a genius game changer. This is why cliffhangers are lethal, I'm dying to read the finale. I can't wait to see how this goes.

Final rating: 4.5 /5 stars

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I was granted a copy of the book via NetGalley. I have read books from Alessandra Torre before, so I was delighted to get the opportunity to read this one as well!

Now about the book. Bell is a pretty strong character. She's gone through a lot, raped when she was a teenager and with a drunk for father. She closes her heart to any and every emotion and has meaningless sex. That way she feels in control of her body and leaves behind what had happened.

Dario Capece is the King of Las Vegas. He's married to the heiress of the most famous casinos in Vegas, Gwen Hawk. Their relationship is not sexual at all. He married her 10 years ago to save her from her father. They are just friends that live together and have other sexual partners. When he goes to The House and sees Bell is instantly attracted to her. In order to find more about her, he kind of become a stalker!

Dario is determined to make her his. Bell's walls are starting to crumble down and she's scared because he makes her feel things she though that she wasn't cable of feeling. The relationship between them starts but other people are not very happy about it. Robert Hawk, Dario's father-in-law, finds out and puts one of his women to stalk Bell. Robert Hawk, is a dangerous player in the book, a psychopath in the lose. He's determined to kill Bell and rescue his daughter wedding, ignorant to the arrangement between Gwen and Dario.

To find out how everything goes down you need to read the book! I really enjoyed the story. The suspense kept me at the edge of my seat. The scenes between Dario and Bell are steamy and hot! An amazing book, with equally sexy and suspenseful scenes!!

An absolute must-read!!!

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The push and pull with the forbidden aspect just continues to keep me intrigued!
Holy mother of Joseph. I don’t even know how to process this right now. My mind is blown...

Wow. Wow. Just wow. This was spectacular. I love Bell and Dario.

Yes, it is a crappy situation, but can you blame a man? No. Not Dario at least. My god.

This was such an intense read!

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This story begins with Bell...a cocktail waitress in a private gambling house in Vegas for the rich and famous. While on shift, she meets Dario...a dangerous man she knows she shouldn’t have anything to do with. But there is something there...a pull that neither one can deny, and even knowing she shouldn’t, Bell can’t stay away.

With danger lurking in the shadows, can these two have any hope of being together?

My review:

This story had me excited just from reading the blurb and it did not disappoint. It is a thrill ride from start to finish.

The chemistry between Dario and Bell is instant but they spend time trying to fight it, or Bell does anyway.

Very well written with great characters, This one will keep you intrigued from the first page to the last and the cliffhanger will have you jumping right in to book #2.

My thoughts:

POV: switches between multiple characters throughout
Quick hook or slow starter? 5 (I was hooked from the first chapter)
Character development: 5
Level of Romance between characters: 5
Passion/Heat level: 5 (you don’t get to the actual deed until almost the end of the book but there is plenty of steam before then)
Angst/Heartbreak: 5 (Lots or background heartbreak for these characters)
Cliffhanger?: Huge!!!

Overall, I thought it was great and can’t wait to see where the story goes from here!

I received an ARC of this story from Netgalley in exchange from an honest review.

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What did I just read???? But in the best way possible!

I've totally become a fan of the darker "monster" books where the male main character is this total bad MF-er that scares the town but he isn't quite what he seems. Plus just the name Dario speaks to me.

And I truly love that Bell is a take no crap woman. She says what she wants, when she wants it and makes no apologies. She is just fierce and I love her so much!

There is one HELL of a cliffhanger though! Definitely need book 2 NOW!!!

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