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Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating

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Smile, happy sigh, heart tug, repeat. This book filled me with undiluted joy from beginning to end. The main source of all the warm fuzzies are the two main characters.

Hazel is the OG of quirky. Some refer to her as Crazy Hazie because – let’s face it – she is a total weirdo. She’s come to terms with the fact that most people can’t handle her level of eccentricity in the long run – particularly men. She likes who she is, though, and isn’t willing to tone down her wackiness for anyone, to which I say, “Go ahead and let your freak flag fly, Hazel! You. Do. You.” She’s infectiously endearing, and I admired her her. What must it be like to live life without an ounce of self-consciousness? To believe with 100% certainty that you are completely awesome?

While Hazel is impulsive, energetic, messy and childlike, Josh is her polar opposite: calm, neat, measured, and responsible. Basically, he’s the perfect specimen. They clearly don’t make sense together, so a romantic relationship is out of the question. However, Hazel does decide that whether Josh wants to or not, they will become best friends and guess what? (Spoiler alert) They do!

Their disastrous double dates are funny, and unearthing all of Hazel’s quirks provides plenty of entertainment. What sealed my bubble of joy, though, were the simple interactions between Josh and Hazel: making breakfast, watching TV, or eating ice cream. Seeing the unpenetrable bond develop between Josh and Hazel and the way in which each influences the other for the better warmed my heart.

The more books I read by Christina Lauren, the more addicted I become to their stories. High five to them for creating a minority as one of the main characters in this book. You mean a romance novel can successfully reflect real life?? No way! Seriously though, I’m thrilled to see more and more romances embracing diversity. Josh’s Korean heritage adds another level of affection. Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Dating is one of those tender romances that gives you lots of feels and makes you smile. I can’t ask for more than that.

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Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating

5 Stars!!!!

I can say with absolute confidence that this book, Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating is by far, my favorite rom-com of 2018.
If any movie executives wanted a guaranteed rom-com hit, they should adapt this book into a movie.

I can’t wait until 9/4 so you guys can fall in love with Hazel and Josh. ❤️

I read it back in early July and loved it so much, I couldn’t find sufficient adjectives to describe how or why.
so, I re-read again last week and I’m still at a loss.

I’ll start with Hazel.

She ’s beyond adorable.
She’s the right mix of quirky, flirty, clever and witty and has no filter or boundaries which I LOVE!!
She’s a hot mess but in a beautiful sunshiny way.

The blurb describes her perfectly- “Most men can’t handle Hazel. With the energy of a toddler and the mouth of a sailor, they’re often too timid to recognize her heart of gold.”

She’s a third-grade teacher that seems to bring happiness, smiles, and laughter wherever she goes.
I would give anything for her to be real and to be my best friend.

She knows she a lot to take for some people and understands why she may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but also possesses the confidence and optimism not to change or to settle for anyone who cannot handle her “Hazelness”.
One of my favorite lines of hers is when she was explaining her past dating disasters to Josh – “Being myself is enough. I’m enough.”

That brings me to Josh.
His last Korean last name is “Im” which I can only imagine was an editor’s apostrophe autocorrect nightmare. Lol

Josh Josh Josh
He has made his way into the top of my book boyfriends list.

His calm voice and mellow demeanor seem to be at the opposite end of the compatible spectrum from Hazel, but his dry sense of humor, kindness and tender appreciation of Hazel’s uniqueness makes him perfect for her (and me). 😉

They first met in college and as Hazel says, she proved to him her, “undateability”.
Fast forward 7 years and they come face to face at Hazel’s best friend’s barbecue who also happens to be Josh’s younger sister, Emily.

Josh is in a long-term, but also long-distance relationship at this time and is still a little apprehensive about Hazel’s declaration of their best friendship given their shared horrible college incidents.

Hazel easily manages to skip, sing, dance and putt-putt her way into Josh’s structured and boring life.
When her apartment is flooded and becomes unlivable, chaotic Hazel and her odd collection of animals end up in Josh’s place until repairs can be made.
Josh is supposed to be out of town with his girlfriend so he reluctantly agrees.

They figure out they are unexpectedly comfortable around each other and come to the conclusion that even though they are not compatible as a couple, they are fond enough and trust the other to set them up with friends for double blind dates.
Neither wants to ruin their comfortable friendship with possible unrequited feelings so the slow-burn commences.

This is where I’m going to stop before I spoil the story.
You need to enjoy the humor and adventures that unfold from here.

I’m telling you, both times I read it, I could not put it down.
I love Josh and Hazel along with the secondary characters so much, it made me sad both times for their story to end.
Even though this is a romance, I also loved learning some Korean traditions and their strong family bond.

I highlighted over a dozen of my favorite quotes, but I realized that some were either spoilers or wouldn’t be as funny if you weren’t immersed in the story so I’ll post just one that sums up why I love them both:

“I have chaos around me, but it’s like he doesn’t even care. He doesn’t need me to change or pretend to be someone else. He’s my person. He’s my best friend.”
“You’re second only to a unicorn as far as best friends go, Josh Im.”

* Christina Lauren is the combined pen name of long-time writing partners/besties/soulmates and brain-twins Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings, the New York Times, USA TODAY, and #1 international bestselling authors of the Beautiful and Wild Seasons series, Dating You / Hating You, Roomies, Sublime, The House, and Autoboyography.

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Let me start by saying you this book is predictable yet so much fun. Josh and Hazel are wonderful characters. There’s nothing about either of them I would change. Hazel is quirky and fun. And she knows it. And refuses to change for anyone. Which is why I loved this book. She is a strong female character when it comes to knowing herself.

The whole book was just a lot of fun to read! Christina Lauren are giving us light, but highly enjoyable reads that I can’t put down

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I kept putting this book off because I was disappointed by Christina Lauren's last book. I'm happy to say that I loved this endearing book, especially the characters. It was a warm, all the feels, contemporary romance with plenty of humor and hot scenes. This is definitely one of my favorites from this writing team, if not the favorite so far. It's different from their earlier books for sure, even though I loved those too. I absolutely adored Josh, but Hazel was what made the story for me.

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I love Christina Lauren's writing, they always create memorable stories. Josh and Hazels Guide to Not Dating is one I won't forget anytime soon.

There are so many words to describe Hazel. Wild, fun, caring, out-going, quirky, the list could go on for ever and I would love to have a friend like her! Not every one would feel the same way and that's why she's hesitant when it comes to expecting a long term relationship with a guy. Josh is pretty much her opposite in every way but for some reason they become best friends fast. They mesh in the best way possible.

Together as friends they go on double-blind dates that go from bad to worse. Hazel helps Josh out of his funk after his girlfriend cheats on him, and he helps her out when she needs a place to stay. Somewhere along the lines their feelings change. Hazel thinks she's not good enough for Josh. Josh just wants Hazel to be happy. Neither of them wants to ruin the amazing friendship between them.

Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating is a brilliant best friends to lovers contemporary romance that will leave you with a smile on your face. It's a heart-warming and fun story that everyone should read !

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Hazel is a hoot!

From the first introduction of her, I want to be BFF's with her. She is soo relatable & such a firecracker.
Josh is a guy who just mellow and totally the opposite when it comes to Hazel outgoing personality.
Loved how their chemistry of them becoming being friends was refreshing, fun and such a page turner of seeing what would happen next with these two.

I laughed, cried from laughter and swooned delightfully on Author's Christina Lauren signature style of having us fall in love with memorable characters of Hazel & Josh.

This book is one to go grab & fall in love with loving unconditionally. Opposites can attract & fall in love no matter how crazy it may seem.

This book is an Excellent lesson in loving with your heart & thinking outside of the box.

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Hazel Bradford is a delightfully quirky teacher who loves her life, her mom, her animal managerie and her fantastic friends. When she is reacquainted with Josh, whom she harbored a major crush on in college, little does he know that she is now his new BFF.

Josh Im is as straight laced as they come. Seeing Hazel again is a surprise, and when she pulls him into a friendship, he is pleased with how well they get along. Hazel makes everything fun, and Josh could definitely use that in his life.

Deciding to take their friendship to the next level... double dating, the more Josh and Hazel see each other with other people, the more they start to wonder what it would be like if they were to get together...


This was such a fantastic read! I adore it when romance books shuck the same old tired plot lines, and Josh and Hazel was a refreshing and engaging example of this phenomenon. Sexy, funny and highly original you don't want to miss the latest from Christina Lauren...

Hazel is a hilariously quirky character. And while "quirky" sometimes has the potential to come off as "annoying", Hazel was written so well that it was quite easy to become endeared to her and all of her hilarious antics. Having been termed an octopus friend in the past, when she is determined to be someone's friend she does everything she can to worm her way into your life and heart without notice... in the best way.  

Josh is a gorgeous, yet solid, and dependable man. With his Korean heritage playing a big role in how he treats his family and upholds it's customs, he was a refreshingly admirable male lead. Somewhat of a neat freak, he not only accepts Hazel for who she is, but celebrates the things that make her different.

While Hazel thinks she might just be "too much Hazel" for Josh to ever want to be with, she is happy to have him in her life any way she can get him. But what Josh and Hazel don't know is that the most epic of friendships can make the happiest of relationships... if they only step up and make it happen...

This was such a fun and unique read! I really enjoyed all of the characters, especially  having a some diverse characters whom seemed represented so well. Hazel gave the story comic relief, while Josh was the grounding presence who supported the lovely person she is.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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Reviewed by Deborah from <a href="">Alpha Book Club</a> <br><img src="" width="150" height="150" alt="description"/> <img src="" width="150" height="150" alt="description"/>

This is such a sweet and quirky romance that will make you laugh out loud and the antics of the two main characters. Hazel and Josh are total opposites, but they become the best of friends when Hazel becomes his temporary roommate. Right from the first chapter you can tell that Hazel will having you non-stop laughing at her because her personality has no filter. She reveals all her embarrassing moments in college when she first encountered Josh. Hazel developed a crush on him during that time but all he saw was an awkward girl with the tendency to embarrass herself or say something crazy. Until the moment he sees her again and they of course start hanging out more does he see her in a different light. When they realize they like hanging out with one another they set each other up on dates and that is where the story gets even funnier. I think they were choosing the wrong people subconsciously because their dates weren’t turning out so good. I love them both because at first the attraction on Josh’s side isn’t so obvious but on Hazel you can tell she still has a crush. I love the fact that it’s a gradual love story and it is so sweet and gets hot towards the middle. Their chemistry is a slow burn and the romance is never overshadowed. I love their interaction and the supporting characters make the book even funnier because some of the are quirky and can take Hazel’s exuberant personality. If you need a good laugh check out this romantic comedy, you will not go wrong.

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Christina Lauren’s words are gold when it comes to contemporary romance. The past few books by them, Love & Other Words for example, have been some of my favorite books in this genre. Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating isn’t any different. This BFF to lovers story is unputdownable, funny, and genuinely sweet in its own way.

Hazel was such an enjoyable character to get to know. She’s loyal, passionate, and accepts who she is as well as who she’ll never be. Her understanding of her own self is one of the most refreshing things I’ve read in awhile. She was relatable to me in the sense that, just like me, her main personality trait is her lack of filter and her clumsiness. She was genuine and I believe readers will fall in love with her immediately.

Josh is the quiet, introverted type. He’s close with is family, keeps his head down and does his job, and is just an all around good guy. It doesn’t hurt that he’s over the top gorgeous, and Hazel quickly sees a bestie in this man who’d rather be left alone by her. The friendship that forms is one sided at first, but soon Josh comes to rely on Hazel’s quirks and lack of filter. It seems as if she’s a breath of fresh air and sunshine in his world of normal and boring.

The plot was amazingly well-written; it was intriguing, hilarious, and so, so sweet. I loved how Josh and Hazel’s relationship progressed. I always felt the attraction between them, and everyone who knew them saw it too, but it was a slow burn kind of thing in a way, which helped me connect better with them. This book was just a fun read with a happy twist at the end. Christina Lauren blows my mind with each new book. Their books will always be on my top, “must-read-now” list.

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**3.75? STARS??

Not my favorite CLo book, but man, did I really enjoyed reading this and getting to see Crazy Hazel and adorable Josh Im!! These two are unreal and despite the "undateable" mood(?) set between them, these two were everything and more! I loved this one from beginning to end and my smile was full force the entire time I read! I laughed, I felt, and I wouldn't even be mad if we got another round of Josh and Hazel? I'm definitely ready to see what Hazel's up to till she's 80.

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when josh im first meets hazel camille bradford he is propositioned and puked on. it's college and their encounters don't get any less embarrassing. he walks in on her having sex with his roommate. she sends him a drug-addled message after wisdom tooth removal asking for an extension on a paper for the class he's the ta for. and then years go by and she doesn't see him until she'd at her friend emily's house for a party and is shocked to realize that josh is emily's brother.

josh is a little down because his long-term relationship isn't quite working out. so hazel decides to cheer him up and become his best friend. when it's revealed that his girlfriend had been cheating on him, hazel decides that what they need to do is set each other up with blind double dates. hazel knows she's quirky and a lot to take but she figures it's time to start dating again and this is the perfect excuse.

as each date goes comically, horrifically wrong, it's hard to tell whether or not josh and hazel are bad at setting each other up or if they are bad at dates, but it's also soon clear that josh and hazel should maybe be dating each other instead of other people.

this love story is both laugh out loud funny and heart-achingly sweet. i adored every single thing about josh and hazel's guide to not dating. and i can't recommend it enough. it's so fantastic and everyone should really just one-click this.

**josh and hazel's guide to not dating will publish on september 4, 2018. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/gallery, threshold, pocket books (gallery) in exchange for my honest review.

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Title and author: Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren
Publisher: Gallery Books
Releases: September 4, 2018
Genre: Contemporary
Author website:
Rating: 5 Stars

From the instant I started JOSH AND HAZEL’S GUIDE TO NOT DATING, I was drawn into the riveting story and read nonstop until every notable word was devoured. Rarely do I become so immersed in the lives of a romantic couple as I did after being introduced to Josh and Hazel, and my fascination with these two only increased with each new development in their relationship. Laughter was the result during many scenes, while the more serious moments touched my heart with their genuineness. The writing duo of Christina Lauren outshines even themselves with this superb book about love not being denied.

After Hazel Bradford met Josh Im in college, most of their interaction was memorable because her actions were usually unfavorable. Upon graduating, they went separate ways until ten years passed by. To her surprise, they met again when both end up working in the same Oregon city. Though their personalities are not at all alike, as he is quiet and neat while she is outspoken plus impulsive, the two become close friends as days go by. When the girlfriend of Josh proves she is untrustworthy, Hazel feels it is her duty to do everything she can to make him happier.

When a story can get so many immediate reactions from me, then I know it is not only well-written but also very realistic. I frequently could not contain my laughter, especially when Hazel spoke the first thing that she thought about a situation and kept adding more zingers. How Josh responded to her comments was often just as amusing. The naturalness of her behavior had me adoring this spunky woman for being herself, and I admired him for how he handled some of circumstances when others were around. Josh’s sister and her husband were a very likable pair, and the mother of Hazel was a such a charmingly unique individual. There are countless scenes that I will fondly recall which involve these cleverly portrayed characters.

While there are a large number of comical moments this couple experienced, they also faced several incidents which could have a huge impact on their lives. All of these occurrences came across as conceivable, and I so wanted there to be a good outcome but knew there was no guarantee, as each one seemed just like a real-life event. Christina Lauren makes JOSH AND HAZEL’S GUIDE TO NOT DATING truly unforgettable with believable circumstances, lots of hilarity, and exceptional characters.

I voluntarily reviewed the book from the publisher via NetGalley, and all comments are my honest opinion

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I’m a sucker for a BFF to more story, but couple that with it being written by Lo and C and I’m certain I’ll love it.

I love love loved Hazel and Josh. She’s loyal and loving and he’s steadfast and serious. Together they are perfection: he calms her and she loosens him up. And the way they care so much about each other is obvious. I loved their inside jokes and banter.

Plot wise it was great. The dates were hilarious and the slow burn anticipation between Hazel and Josh was delicious. There was the slightest bit of angst, but not nearly what I was expecting, and I don’t have words for the epilogue.

Overall, it was a quick and sweet story. As always, these ladies have delivered.

**Huge thanks to Gallery Books for providing the arc free of charge**

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Of course we know this book really isn’t about how NOT to date, but all about the insecurities, worries, embarrassing moments and you are not alone sort of vibe that happens as people discover themselves and work to find that person who fits them – and not in that ‘soul mate – there will never be anyone else for me” way, but in a realistic, full of missed-aimed kisses and strange moments that bring you closer….

Introduced to one another in college, Josh is restrained and rather quiet – the sort of guy who doesn’t make many outrageous moves for fear of making the wrong one. It’s not that he’s timid, he’s just aware of what it feels like to be uncomfortable and different – so perhaps he does go a bit over the top in easing the path for others. Hazel however, is a whole different flavor: weird in that fun-loving, interested in much and willing to share it all with the world sort of way, mostly confident in who she is and understanding that she’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s been ten years since she first met Josh, and while he always looked at her as a bit of a show to be watched, ultimately from a distance, they had a friendship unlike anything he could have expected. Now both single, they aren’t planning on dating anyone – but a series of increasingly bad blind dates – where Hazel matches Josh with someone, and vice versa, their own relationship is starting to form in ways unexpected.

Oh this was clever with a twist at the end that truly came from left field and was a bold, if not necessarily welcome, choice. Hazel is a wonderful character – there isn’t a mean bone in her body and she is determined to broaden her own horizons and keep the judgement from the door. For she’s had plenty of that – weird in all the ways that feel plausible and honest, not grasping and searching for attention, she’s pretty sure there isn’t a man out there who can handle all of her as she is, and changing up to fit someone’s ideal isn’t happening. There’s a certain freedom to Hazel that is unique – the thoughts in her head aren’t filtered, and she’s not known to filter much before it hits her tongue. Some truly clever mis-speaks that could have sent her into silent mode – but she’s able to laugh them off, or move around them, mostly because no one feels she means any harm.

Josh had a girlfriend who cheated, so the honesty from Hazel is a refreshing change, even as her freedom of expression and being scare him to his toes. But there’s something that can’t be denied when you have experienced Hazel’s peculiar brand of being – and being an actual nice guy – not an alpha player or one who is too consumed with himself to not see the world around him, and that people won’t die if he doesn’t turn himself inside-out to make them comfortable in every situation that starts to work on Josh. He’s learning to exist in ways that make him happy and don’t challenge who he is by expecting that he can’t and won’t challenge them, or make it easier for them while pushing his own needs and self aside. Perfectly presented new adult characters who are searching, experimenting and trying on tactics and approaches to see which ones fit and feel right with who they are now, and who they are striving to become. Add that growth and a ton of laughs, the trademark openness with difficult issues that come with most books from the duo that is Christina Lauren – here we tackle slut shaming, add diversity with Korean characters, blend in those weird moments about sex and body functions and fluids and there is a sense of accepting everyone for who and what they are –without rushing to judgment, or trying to see what makes them different – instead of seeing how everyone, at their core, has similar wants and dreams, and sometimes the ‘different’ you see can help you to find the sweetness in places you couldn’t expect.

A lovely and fun story that cleverly places characters that you’ll want to befriend into your hands, and guess what? They worry about things you do, learn to move and live despite them, and simply are trying to enjoy this ride called life!

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at <a href=”” > <a> I am, Indeed </a>

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I have finally read a Christina Lauren book!! Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating was adorable and fun. If you are a fan of friends to lovers or awkward encounters, this is a perfect pick.

So Hazel's first few meetings with Josh are hilariously uncomfortable. Then several years later they meet again. Hazel's awkwardness continues of course because that is just who she is! What I liked is that Josh was accepting of it all. He is kind of like "Thats just Hazel". The book is a series of funny double 'dates' with other people, fun times as friends, and the slow burn of a love that builds over all this. Normally, NOT a fan of the slow burn books, but Josh and Hazel's adventures are so funny and enjoyable, I didn't mind!

Also, Hazel is a teacher! I love teacher characters (because teachers rock!). She is a perfect person for a 3rd grade teacher-weird, not afraid to embarrass herself, and fun! I imagined her as Zooey Deschanel's character from New Girl. The story really focuses on building these characters so that the reader is really just in love with them. I'm not always a fan of the rom-com because the situations can seem hokey or overly ridiculous, but CL writes the story perfectly. The situations felt realistic and true to the characters and helped build the story instead of being isolated, random, funny events. Overall, I am thrilled to have finally read a CL book and that my first one was Josh and Hazel! What a delightful read!
4.5 stars!

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I am so overwhelmed right now???!!!! Hazel is the best character ever and she friendship thirsts for Josh and they are SO CUTE TOGETHER?? This book takes friendship to new heights. I feel real physical distress. I might even be dehydrated because I've been so into this book.

*Korean rep (Josh is Korean American)
*hardcore friendship rep
*self-love rep
*low angst

Most of this book is about two best friends who love each other so much, and take care of + protect + support + comfort + enjoy one another???!!!! Hazel pursues Josh as a best friend, and eventually they have zero secrets + spend 110% of their time together as two supportive pals who use special endearments. OH MY GOD, WHAT A BADASS FRIENDSHIP!!!! And honestly I would have been fine if this were a platonic love story because HOLY SHEEP. Josh and Hazel are Best Friends 9000

Hazel is an amazing exuberant hilarious loyal fun person who I PERSONALLY ADORE KSJDFLJS. She's an actual butterfly made of puppies and friendship.

And Josh is this sweet, loyal, funny, quiet, serious person who loves her SO MUCH. AND DID I MENTION THEY ARE LIKE....*crosses fingers* LIKE THIS??? THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER IS GOLDEN AND PURE.

This is one of my favorite contemporary love stories EVER. + Hazel Bradford is my new favorite. She is my whole world and I will actually fight for her. c:

**Sidenote: I thought this book took place on a plane because the cover has a plane, so I thought was involved w the setting in a major way. The whole time i read I was anticipating airplane scenes?? Update: Planes are not really that important in the story.

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Perfect friends to lovers HEA novel that will make you laugh and smile. So Hazel's a little quirky (a lot) and Josh has his issues too, but the two of them together- well that's what this is all about. There aren't many surprises in the plot line but that was perfectly ok with me. Lauren has a light touch, a good storyteller style, and a wonderful way with comedy. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This was a great light read on a summer day.

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This was one of the best friends-to-lovers contemporary romances I have read in a long time! Something felt different and smarter about this book and the whole tone of it impressed me.

Josh and Hazel have been acquaintances since college. Hazel has always thought of Josh as the perfect guy; too perfect, in fact, for a quirky girl like herself. When Hazel becomes best friends with Josh's sister, she makes it her mission to be best friends with Josh too.

Josh is a straight arrow, almost the complete opposite of Hazel personality-wise, but somehow they work as BFFs. They are there for each other through break-ups, exes, and a lot of set-ups with the wrong people. It makes you want to have a Josh or a Hazel as your friend because who wouldn't want someone like them on their side?

It was so much fun to watch Josh and Hazel realize that they might be the one for each other, when that is the last thing either one of them expected.

It gives me so much hope that guys like Josh exist somewhere out there in the world, who are good and kind and love their family and are extremely loyal to their friends. I also want to be Hazel's best friend because she was a free spirit who was a joy to get to know.

Christina Lauren did a fantastic job with this book in creating two fun, sexy characters who you want to root for throughout the whole book!

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I absolutely adored everything about this! Hazel is a hoot. Free spirited and hilarious, reader's can see why she hasn't met the right guy. Her lack of filter is refreshing. Josh is her polar opposite. Despite their bargain to 'not date', these two are actually perfect for each other. I also appreciated that the authors chose a male protagonist who was not the stereotypical 'hot, white guy'. Part of Josh's charm and sex appeal is his Korean heritage and relationship with his family.

It is no secret that I'm a sucker for friends turned more romances and this checks all the boxes. Josh and Hazel's history plus the disastrous blind dates are hilariously entertaining!

This writing due continues to excel with great, funny, sexy relationship reads. I don't often give perfect ratings but I enjoyed every minute of this book, even laughing out loud quite a bit. My only misgiving was that it ended far too soon. I want more!!!

Final rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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I Loved Josh and Hazel! Hazel was such a quirky girl and I find that I'm truly entertained by characters like her. I also really like the message the authors gave about her. She knew she was wild and a bit crazy and that not everyone would appreciate her and that's ok. She accepts who she is and that it will be a bit harder for her to find the right guy who can accept her as well.

Hazel had one defining moment in her life that really stuck with her. She gets her wildness from her mom and she remembers very vividly the day when her father told her mother that she embarrassed him. She didn't want that. She wanted a guy who would never feel embarrassed by her.

I would not describe Josh as straight-laced, but his personality is on the calmer side. To be honest, Hazel's personality was so big that I find myself struggling to describe Josh without her. There is mentions of some embarrassing firsts encounters in college that had Hazel believing he would see her as undatable and then jump 10 years in the present where they meet up again at his sisters bbq.

Hazel still has that belief that Josh does not see her as anything more than a friend and is determined to become his best friend. When she witnesses him go through a break up with a long term girlfriend, she insists on them double dating to get them both back in the dating world.

I love that we get to see them dating but not dating. They are going on these double dates so the pressure to see each other differently is off and yet they become closer and closer as they get to know each other and help each other move on from one disastrous blind date after another. Josh was great with Hazel. They had chemistry that made them seem like they had been together a long time. I think if she wasn't so stuck on believing she was too much for him, they would have been a couple so much sooner.

This was such a fun and entertaining story. Despite Hazel's craziness, she was so endearing, and the way Josh treated her will just make you heart flutter. If you need a feel good story that will make you laugh out loud, pick this up! ARC provided by NetGalley.

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