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Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating

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Christina Lauren know how to write the most amazing romances. They have depth, they're creative even when there are tropes, and without fail they make you swoon.

I love, love, love Hazel. She's incredibly relatable to me as a quite peculiar girl myself. Her peculiarness wasn't forced or unrealistic - she felt entirely authentic. And this story reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend once. I told her I was surprised a guy "tolerated" me because I'm so weird. And to that, she said, "for every weird gal there has to be a weird guy out there somewhere." Which is a sentiment I'd like to have cross stitched to hang above my (fictional) fireplace.

And it's sort of the basis of this story (minus the fact that Josh is not particularly weird). Hazel knew that she didn't want to change for anyone, and in the end, she found someone who didn't want her to change at all. If that's not true love than I don't know what is.

I would recommend this book to anyone with a pulse. It's Christina Lauren so, of course, it's one of my favorite books of the year.

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LOVED LOVED LOVED this one. By far my favorite Christina Lauren book they've ever written. The only thing I didn't love was that it ended and its a stand alone book.

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In exchange for an honest review I received an advanced reader copy of this book.

Very enjoyable. Fun story, loved the characters, loved the environments. Quirky people, lots of animals, Portland? Yes please. Sign me up for the sequel!

I also quite enjoyed that the book finished, and you knew what happened years later. Stand alone books, what a novel idea these days.

Definitely recommend to a friend for a fun and light read.

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This was my first Christina Lauren book and I will absolutely read more. The characters were relatable and realistic. The plot was entertaining and the ending satisfying.

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“The world seems full of men who are initially infatuated by our eccentricities, but who ultimately expect them to be temporary.”

Most of you know that I’m a pretty big fan of Christina Lauren! Autoboyography is now one of my favorite books of all-time. And friends, I really enjoyed this book and it made me so unreasonably happy! Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating is set in Oregon and is honestly one of the cutest friends to lovers stories I’ve read in such a long while. I honestly never wanted this book to be over.

➽ Hazel - Teacher, the quirkiest character I’ve ever read, but I mean that in a good way, and has finally reunited with a guy who she has embarrassed herself around for the past almost decade.

➽ Josh/Jimin - Doctor, Korean (Yeah, named Jimin, smart marketing because BTS Armies are going to love him with their whole heart), and currently in a long distance relationship that isn’t working.

And these two’s paths have constantly crossed since college, but fate has truly brought them together when Hazel attends her best friend’s BBQ, only to realize that Josh is the guy who she has embarrassed herself around since college. But after that BBQ, they decided to be friends and it leads to them going on a lot of double dates, which are all mostly bad.

There is a constant theme of family in this book, both from Hazel and Josh’s side, and I loved it so much. Hazel’s relationship with her mother was so inspiring, and I loved how they loved each other unconditionally. Josh is from a much more traditional background, but the love is so there and so very abundant. Seriously, both of these families warmed my damn heart and it was easily one of my favorite parts of this book.

I also really loved how Hazel wouldn’t change herself for anyone. And I think this book does a really good job at showing you how most people are pretty negative about anyone being too loud, too weird, and too different than the standards society puts on us. This isn’t like the typical “oh, the girl is quirky and cute” but this is the more realistic and sad treatment of people who live their life to the beat of their own drum. And seeing Hazel (and Josh) always speak up if anyone was negative or judgmental, was really beautiful. Because, like, who the hell wants to be normal anyways?

“I have chaos around me, but it’s like he doesn’t even care. He doesn’t need me to change or pretend to be someone else. He’s my person. He’s my best friend.”

This book was actually funny, too! Like, I was giggling alone in bed while reading at least a third of this book. Hazel is one of the most fun protagonists I’ve read about, and she and her animals had me laughing constantly. And all the dates? So freakin’ funny! I honestly could perfectly picture this book, and I actually think it would make for a fantastic romcom movie adaptation.

But this book does have a lot of steamy scenes, so trigger and content warnings for sexual content, talk of past death of a loved one, cheating (off-screen and not main characters), and a homophobic slur.

And out of all these trigger warnings, I want to talk more about the homophobic slur, because it was so damn pointless. I mean, it was said in a negative light, but it wasn’t necessarily challenged. Like, it felt so bad to read and took me completely out of the story. These authors could have just as easily said “he said a rude thing” or hell, even “he said a homophobic slur” without actually using the word. Like, I hated it so much and it was easily the worst part of this book.

The only other negative thing I'll say is that the ending felt rushed. Like, we spend so much time watching these two people become friends, and the romance and love has to come rather quickly. Which I get, and I don’t mind that much, but I was still shocked with how the last few chapters went and then I got hit with the word “epilogue” and it felt so abrupt. Also, this book is 95% light, cute, and heartwarming, and then it just takes a really dark turn during the last tiny bit, and it just felt very disjointed.

“You’re second only to a unicorn as far as best friends go, Josh Im.”

But overall, I really did enjoy this sweet friends to lovers story. I think this is for sure a perfect summertime read. Oh, and even though it has a cover that looks very much like Roomies , these worlds and stories are not connected what so ever. So, don’t be scared or think you have to read Roomies first! But I totally recommend this one, and I hope if you pick this one up, that you’ll enjoy it so very much, too! Happy reading!

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Rom com quality, laugh out loud funny, and plenty of honest communication between adults. Hazel may be "a lot" but Josh is up for the challenge. Their series of blind date set ups was hysterical.

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I love anything by the Christina Lauren duo, and this was no exception! Super cute and diverting summer beach read.

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Quirky, loveable characters and a fun, fast-paced storyline make this a great read. Highly recommend

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I legit just put this book down and it was probably the sweetest thing, ever. Hazel is quirky and not just manic pixie dream girl quirky, she's unapologetically different and I love her for it. She's had bad luck in love because guys usually find her brand of different annoying or inconvenient after a while. And so when her best friend's brother turns out to be Josh, the man she met in college that she never dated but uses as a benchmark for her perfect guy, comes back into town they strike up a friendship. Why just a friendship? Cause she's clearly too quirky and weird to date and she wants him in her life however she can get him.

I saw so much of myself in Hazel and her relationship with her ex Tyler and it broke my heart. I may not be as quirky as Hazel, but sometimes I doubt my loveability and oh man...this book just does so much right. Josh is adorable, so loveable and his Korean family is adorable. I love the cultural focus in this story so much.

What I think I love most is that Hazel (and her mother) are very strong in their stance of not changing for any man. She knows shes' out there and hard to handle sometimes but there is zero chance she's dulling her shine for anyone. It's such a strong message to send and oh my goodness, the sex! Holy crap the sex scenes are just...really good. Christina Lauren crushed it with this book. I think it's going to be a lot of people's new fave contemporary romance.

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Hazel is the most eccentric person you'll meet. She's living life doing what she feels, disregarding anyone's feelings about being around her. She will not make excuses for herself, because as long as she's not harming anyone, and she never intentionally will, what's there to apologize for?

So she dresses however she feels is appropriate, she'll behave as freely as possible and is all around a charming piece of human sunshine.

Even in college, while dating different guys, she didn't try to fit into the "girlfriend" mold. Which is why she's basically come to terms that she's a unique woman and will probably never find someone to contain her special self. Josh Im is a good one. He's gorgeous, smart, well-liked, the RA everyone is looking to. He's perfect in Hazel's eyes. Also, he have never been able to truly understand Hazel Bradford. Only he's never been mean or made her feel bad.

Years after college Hazel is a pre-school teacher, and when she has a new job at a school where her friend works, she finds herself face-to-face with Josh Im again. At her best friend's house, of all places. Once the connection is established, Hazel decides Josh will become her new best friend.

The progression of this friendship is the cutest thing I've read, and hilariously, getting over a breakup, Hazel and Josh start a series of double blind-dates. These turn out to be the oddest scenes in the story, and the ones who make them both realize they are hopelessly in love with each other. But by the time they decide it's time to confess their feelings, a surprise is making things a bit more delicate.

The various relationships in this book are basically what make it so cool. The Korean family ties are beautiful to get to know, and how "strangers" are weaved into them is very special. The bond between Hazel and Emily, and Hazel and Josh is pretty much perfect, and the relationship I most enjoyed is the one between Hazel and her mother.

This story is a rollercoaster-giggle fest of cute, swoon, romance and some pretty hot sexy scenes.

In short, I loved it.

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Josh and Hazel's guide to Not Dating is a quirky, fun, and laughter filled novel with some of the best characters I have met! This book is not only a ton of fun to read, but makes me feel giddy inside because I loved the banter and character interaction so much. This is definitely a winner for Christina Lauren, and probably one of my favorite books from them to date!

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Loved this book so much! Hazel is fun and quirky. She's not at all afraid to be herself, but at the same time, thinks being herself means no one will ever want her. As someone socially awkward and a bit geeky, I identified SO HARD with Hazel. Her voice was very authentic, and I wish I knew Hazel so we could be friends.

Josh is utterly swoon-worthy, and he's got a distinct voice that I also loved. This was a great book, and I'm definitely going to check out other books by the author. Am so glad I got to read it.

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Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating is a fun chick lit read. The characters are fun and interesting with enough frustration for the reader to cheer for love. There is enough snickering to keep the reader moving as the characters grow..., great beach read.

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This is a book that will keep you riveted with interest or completely turn you off if you fall in the bit of a prude category. It is tale told by both parties, in separate chapters, from their point of view. It goes from an accidental college encounter to becoming friends much later. He is straight laced and she is a very open and spouts forth what she's thinking, and acts, without considering the consequences. They become friends who try setting up each other on very bad double dates untill they become friends with benefits. But all is well that ends well.

I have rated this book 4 stars.

I received an ARC from Netgalley for my unbiased review.

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FINAL DECISION: Quirky and sweet contemporary romantic comedy. I read this one on a whim and ended up loving the story between two opposites. It was cute and fun and just perfect for a couple hour escape.

THE STORY: Hazel Bradford is a lot to handle. Chaos follows her everywhere, she doesn't have a filter and she has a habit of doing or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. She met Josh Im in college when she vomited on him at a party. Ten years after college, the two meet again and Hazel is determined to be Josh's best friend. After a bad breakup, Hazel convinces Josh to agree to go on a blind date with Hazel. Well, they would each set the other up with someone and they would double date.  The two have no interest in one another, but somehow their dates don't work out and the attraction between Hazel and Josh keeps growing.

OPINION: Some books you just have to approach with an open mind and an open heart. Not that everyone would love this book if they did, but I know that I had to be open to this book to enjoy it.

Hazel is a lot to take in. She is a whirlwind -- chaotic, intemperate, brash. But she also is completely open to loving other people. She cares deeply. The chaos and her inability to censor herself would be something that might annoy me greatly -- until I saw how caring she is. She wants to love so much that she opens herself up and is hurt again and again. And yet she keeps caring for others. And that is what makes her who she is.

She is desperately aware that people are attracted to her, but that she becomes too much and people expect (or want) her eventually to tone down. But she doesn't. Although Hazel is confident in herself, she also doesn't believe that she has any chance with Josh.  She dubbed him "Perfect" as in the model for the perfect guy. Her caring for him makes her want to be close to him, but because she doesn't believe he can be for her, she instead wants to be his best friend.

Hazel and Josh begin a friendship that is funny and sweet at the same time. She brings color and imperfection into his life. Josh brings some order into Hazel's. Josh, however, is always completely accepting of Hazel. He may not understand how her mind works, but he doesn't criticize her or try to make her into someone else. Hazel is a force of nature and Josh is the calm in the storm.

The two end up on a series of terrible dates (with other people) which end up being an odd courtship between them. I loved the humor and the pure acceptance between these two.

This is the first Christina Lauren book I've actually read. I have a bunch on my TBR list and own a bunch, but I have always set those aside to read something else. Why did I decide on this one? Because the hero is Korean American. I thought the interracial romance was handled well.

My only complaint about the story was the ending and the epilogue. I'm not a fan of leaving obvious story points unfinished and them coming back in the epilogue to give answers. I love epilogues, but personally prefer that the story be complete without it and then have the epilogue as a bonus. But that is a quibble with what was a wonderful, light and fun romance.

WORTH MENTIONING: The story is told in alternating first person points of view.


STAR RATING: I give this book 4.5 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in order to help prepare this review. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

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6 stars!!! My first Christina Lauren book but certainly not my last! Josh and Hazel were everything. Hazel was so quirky and fun and full of energy. Josh was the perfect counterpart. His willingness to accept Hazel for all her eccentricities was swoon worthy. I loved watching them stumble into love!

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4.5 Stars


I told myself I wouldn't read anymore Christina Lauren because I thought <a href=''>Roomies</a> was a bit bland and not up my alley, but this one just sounded cute so I broke my own rule and WOW I'M SO GLAD I DID THIS IS A NEW FAVORITE OF THE YEAR!

The main thing I love about this book is the main character. She's cute and quirky and fun without every trying too hard to be ~different~. She's authentically weird rather than being a manic pixie dream girl, and she's aware of it, AND she's proud of it. She reminded me of Jess from New Girl, which is my favorite show of all time because I love her character so much. That, combined with the fact that she also reminded me of Lucy from <a href=''>The Hating Game</a> made me love her. Her dialogue was always so great--hilarious without EVER being cheesy. She was so refreshing and unlike any character I've read before. Hazel also really validated a small part of me that's insecure that I'll never find anyone because I'm too weird. I've never read a book like this before, like I was receiving a gentle pat on the back. Two thumbs up.

Josh was also SO sweet and mindful and generous and he's the perfect love interest. The dynamic of (sorta) enemies to friends to lovers was also a great slow burn. The pacing of this is exactly what I look for in romance and I would read every book Christina & Lauren write if they do it similar to this one.

As always, Christina & Lauren were really mindful of representation, feminism, and healthy relationships. The love interest and most prominent side character in this are Korean, and their culture was discussed at multiple points in the book (I'll link some ownvoices reviews discussing the rep if I see any once this comes out). However, there were a few times that Hazel would fetishize Koreans because she sexualized Josh's Korean name and the way he sounded when he spoke Korean, but there's only two occurrences of that at the beginning of the book. Lastly, there's a lot of candid talking about sex, including discussion about consent and bleeding and other good stuff. Also, there's a lot of fighting back against slut shaming and women being able to do what they want, which I think was great. I just love how the characters in Christina Lauren book will encounter a problem in the relationship or with sex and literally say, "Hey, let's talk about this" rather than avoid each other childishly. SO GOOD! (and yes, that's how low the bar is in romance books to be considered good, people.)

I was warned that the ending of this might be something I'm not into, and I gotta agree that this veered a sharp left at the end. I haven't decided if I liked it or not, but it was definitely *cough* a choice. I'd have to talk about it in a spoilery review. But if this would've ended differently, I probably would have given it 5 stars.

Definitely add this to your TBR if you're looking for some healthy romance that has equal parts cuteness and steaminess. I adored it thoroughly.

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I absolutely love the books I have read by Christina Lauren. The books are well written with fun plots that are out of the ordinary. This is true of Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating. Josh and Hazel are great, fun, complicated characters who do not see how perfect they are for each other because they are almost extreme opposites. They embark on a plan to find each other the perfect match but none of the blind double dates end up well and some are just hilarious. Some head knocking will have to happen if Josh and Hazel want to find the perfect match.

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Delightful! The authors do an amazing job with characterization: you feel like they could walk off the page and be standing next to you. Also, Hazel is the person we all wish we could be-joyful and eccentric. Definitely recommended!

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Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. It's an entirely different brand of fantastic than, say, Love and Other Words or Beautiful Bastard, but it is fantastic nonetheless and I loved every single second. This story is adorably sweet, hilariously funny, achingly romantic, and it squeezed and tugged at my heart strings in that pleasurable, painful way I adore. I swear, this friends to lovers romance gets better and better and better as the story moves along. I never expected to feel all the things I was made to feel in this unconventional love story but with each turn of the page I grew more and more immersed. I don't know how they do it but Christina Lauren continues to blow my mind every single time.

This book gives off serious Will and Hannah vibes!! Hazel is awkward and adorable and she's self diagnosed as undatable. I actually cringed every time she spoke at first. I laughed aloud over what I initially thought was an unfortunate case of bad luck but later realized it was actually a refreshingly joyful case of Hazel being unapologetically herself. Josh, though, is a bit straight laced. He's the calm to Hazel's storm, and with the two being so obviously incompatible, they've placed each other firmly in their respective friend zones. The slow burn between these oblivious friends is such a sweet one, but it's rife with humor and sharp witty banter that had me laughing out loud as often as I swooned over their chemistry.

This has to be the single most refreshing friends to lovers romance I've read. It doesn't fit into a neatly packaged box of predictability and cliches, nor do the colorful characters within it. This is as much a story about love as it is about embracing your quirks, about never allowing anything to dim your sparkle, and finding the person that'll appreciate every part of you. This story made me laugh, it made me cringe, it stung my heart at times and, in the end, it left me smiling from ear to ear. Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating is SO MUCH FUN. It's light and sweet, SMOKING HOT and hilariously entertaining. Readers are going to just DIE over this couple. I can't even get over them myself. Christina Lauren is KILLING IT with romance in 2018 and Josh and Hazel are up there in my list of TOP FAVORITES.

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