Member Reviews

I had been seeing such glowing reviews for this book and thought I'd give it a try but I have to say this wasn't at all for me. I found Hazel to be SO annoying and very over the top. I'm all for quirky characters but she was too much...of everything. I didn't feel any connection with her because I was constantly annoyed. Luckily the chapters alternated between her and Josh because that gave me a break from all the crazy. I do have to say, I don't really enjoy romances that have the majority of the book being the characters fighting their feelings or extended drama until the end like we had here so I don't think this was a good choice for me from the get go. While I liked Josh as a person, I never felt that he was connected to Hazel, I just couldn't find any chemistry between them at all. Overall, this wasn't the book for me.

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4 1/2 stars

In the opening few paragraphs of Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating, I had this awful feeling that Hazel and her looming adventure were going to be a schooling in disaster,  coarseness, and extreme raunchiness. However, thank all the unicorns, I was wrong.

Despite seeming to be not well put together, Hazel is the exact opposite. Self-aware Hazel delights in being who she is and is unapologetic about it. She knows she's a lot to take in, not datable, and that men frequently lose interest in dating her because they grow weary of her eccentricities and just want her to be like the other girls. But her friends love her because she has a huge heart and lets everyone in.

Since her freshmen year of college, Hazel has adored Josh Im. Although she hasn't seen him in years, it becomes clear that her adoration has not faltered when she sees him at her best friend, Emily's party. It turns out he is Emily's brother. He is the perfect man. But best of all, he gets Hazel. She can let her crazy loose around him, and he's fine with it.

As you would expect with an eccentric character like Hazel in the mix, Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating has many hilarious moments and some extremely touching ones and others, such as when Hazel is reintroduced to the first love-of-her-life, you say: you go, girl! Hazel is definitely an inspiring character because she makes it clear that we should all be who we are. Facades are tiring. They aren't fun. And when in the world did we forget to have joy?!

Perhaps Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating doesn't follow the typical constructs of a romance novel, but, hey, I'm frankly very okay with that. This novel and Hazel made me smile. And Josh was not a jerk--ever. It's all so hopeful and happy, and it made me want to take my shoes off and dance in the backyard to rekindle all of the joy.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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5 Right In Front of Your Face Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free
Years ago I went on a Binge Buddy-Read with a wonderful GR friend. We both read all of the Beautiful Bastard books released at that time. We had the best time and I have wonderful memories of texting, giggling and just having all the warm feelings you get when you share an experience like that with another.

Fast forward, I became busy with life and other book wants causing my not keeping up with this dynamic duo and their current books. I would click and request when I saw their new works but unfortunately, we don't always get the approval...and so I would move on to other reads available.

But I was not deterred and when I had an opportunity to request this book, I did, not expecting to get it...Well, this time I was lucky and so thrilled I was...All of the early reviews jumped off the screens looking like it was something special.

Well, I can say this book was indeed special. I started it and immediately was pulled in and accepting of everything the author gave me. I got the cray cray of Hazel... and how it wasn't brainless... but just how she was put together... she was unique and loving. I also was able to see how her past experiences molded her and how Josh was the perfect man to Hazel and for Hazel.

I loved this from beginning to end. I loved the arc of their relationship, the humor and depth of background of how each family played and influenced them. This book is a delight and gem. I could not stop reading it and lost myself in it every time I was able to just be one with it.

I actually went in with only the blurb and a couple of looks at the beautiful teasers many reviewers used. This had it all and I highly recommend taking the time to enjoy this.

A gifted copy was provided by Gallery Books via NetGalley for an honest review.

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After having much success with Love and Other Words and even more so with Roomies, there was zero chance I wasn’t going to click the request button and cross my fingers for a chance at Christina Lauren’s latest offering. I was delighted when I got approved, even more delighted when it started being reviewed by friends here and strangers on the ol’ Bookstagram who actually, you know, READ the stuff they get rather than just take fancy photos of them. Then I started it and met Hazel . . . . .

“I tend to be too chatty, too silly, too exuberant, too random, too eager. Too Hazel-y.”

To which I promptly put on a "YEESH" face. I mean my profile page full on declares that Manic Pixies best GTFOOH stat. But then I met Josh . . . . Not only was he a Korean dreamboat, but also . . . .

“I think ‘babe’ is the world’s lamest nickname.”

Talk about a take me to bed or lose me forever moment! Not to mention it was funny so I gave it a chance – and surprisingly Hazel really grew on me as did the message of don’t change who you are in order to appease someone else. (I have to say I enjoyed equally the message of also accepting the fact that not everyone has to like each other and sometimes you just won’t be another’s cup of tea.)

This would have been a solid 4 if it weren’t for the addition of a trope that happens waaaaaaaay too frequently that I will never be a fan of. It’s the easy way to end a story, it’s lazy, it’s a message that being irresponsible works out A-okay and I think these two authors can do better so I’m deducting a half star. I’m definitely in the minority here, though, and the remainder of the book was truly fun so I would absolutely recommend this to romance readers and have high hopes for this duo's next offering about a “half night stand.”

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!

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Are you looking for a rom-com?
Are you looking for a book that makes your face hurt from smiling?
Are you look for completely unique yet relatable characters?
Then Christina Lauren are your gals.

In this ridiculously funny opposites attract story, Hazel and Josh are friends turned sometimes lovers who think it's a great idea to set each other up on blind/double dates, all the while not realizing their scorching attraction to one another.

“I always thought I caught you in . . . a phase.” His left eyebrow makes a fancy arch. “Apparently you’re just like this.”
“I feel like I have a lot to apologize for,” I admit, “but I can’t be sure I won’t be constantly exasperating you, so maybe I’ll just wait until we’re elderly.”
Half of his mouth turns up. “I can say without question I’ve honestly never known anyone else like you.”
“So completely undatable?”
“Something like that.”

^^^ hahahhahAHAH if they only knew what was to come...

Josh and Hazel quickly gain what Hazel calls "besthip" status. And as they go out on these disastrous double dates, they slowly start to realize maybe what they really want isn't to find someone the other will like, but maybe they're perfect for each other.

“I think what I liked was being someone’s person.” Hazel’s fingers come to rest on my wrist, and I blink up again to catch her reaction. She doesn’t meet my eyes but a flush of color deepens along the tops of her cheeks. “You’re my person,” she says. “Thanks for sticking up for me tonight.” She gives these vulnerable words so freely it makes fondness clench at something in my chest. Taking her hand, I bring it to my mouth and press a quick kiss to the backs of her knuckles.
“I like being your person.”


And can I just stop here to say the first time their attraction collides and they hook up? BECAUSE HOLY HELL.

Josh is the type of hero I want to see more of. Strong, confident, never cruel, speaks his mind and goes for what he wants (in this case our girl, Crazy Hazie). I love when a hero is all in. When he doesn't give a single shit about any other circumstance and just wants to be with the heroine.

She kisses my lips, pulling the bottom one into her mouth. “Do you think it feels good?”
I suck in a breath, lightheaded. “I think you feel better than anything.”

Can you tell I LOVED them together?

But what I loved most: This is simply a story about a girl who is unapologetically her. Who doesn't let anyone dim her fire. And the guy who loves her for exactly who she is. They're total opposites, sure. But that doesn't matter one bit. When you love yourself first and when you find the right one, they'll love every inch of you, quirks and all.

When I went back to re-read the quotes I highlighted and wanted to use in this review, I had SUCH a hard time picking. There were SO many I wanted to share, SO many I want the book world to read to show how hysterical Hazel could be, how sweet these two are together, how beautiful their slow blossoming love is.

But I guess you'll just have to get this book to see for yourself ;)

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Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating wasn't what I was expecting, but it was everything I wanted. I was a little hesitant about Hazel at first, because I disliked how often she declared herself "undatable". However, I was happy to see that she was super confident, loved herself, and had no desire to be something she wasn't. She was eccentric, and it was beautiful. I'm also glad she was able to surround herself with people that loved her and didn't expect her to change.

I love that she had so many pets! Hazel is a girl after my own heart! I adored the names she gave them and think Christina and Lauren are lovely geniuses. Winnie the Poodle -- golden. I've never wanted a poodle before reading this book, and now I have a strong desire to adopt one and give it the same name.

Hazel had the best humor, and I really enjoyed her outside-the-box way of thinking and living. She inhaled life with every breath and didn't take anything for granted. "And two, I think there’s something about the eight-year-old brain that just resonates with me on a spiritual level."

Josh Im is perfection. He's quiet and thoughtful, but never judgmental. He has always accepted Hazel for who she is, even when she was vomiting all over his shoes, or feeding him barely-edible food. He actually listened when she spoke, and he appreciated her way of living life. I adored the two of them as friends, and liked watching their relationship grow. He was wary at first, but unable to resist Hazel's charms and her lovely personality. She declared herself his (sometimes inappropriate) best friend, and the two really hit it off.

I read this book in less than twenty-four hours, if that tells you anything. I enjoyed the setting, the story, the characters -- all of it. They went on a couple of double dates, which were fun to watch, but I kept waiting for them to realize the other two people didn't matter. They were so focused on not admitting their feelings (unsure if the other person felt the same, and not wanting to alter their friendship), that they missed out on a lot of moments together. I just kept waiting for everything to click into place for both of them, and I think in the end it was done in the best possible way.

The epilogue might be my favorite part...

Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on September 10, 2018.

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Have you ever read something so genuinely heartwarming that you can't help but smile the entire time? Well, that was J&HGtND for me. I found myself smiling fondly throughout the story and it all had to do with Hazel and Josh. Both of these characters were so amazingly well-written and felt so real, that it was hard not to become smitten with them. But first let me back up a second.

The whole story is this adorable whirlwind of will they/won't they between Hazel and Josh. We get a little history lesson on these two and how Hazel knew Josh from college when she was dating his roommate. She also sort of had a crush on him towards the end but he graduated college and moved off to bigger things. Fast forward almost a decade later and Hazel is meeting her best-friend's brother... who just so happens to be Josh. Small world, right? Anyway, these two strike up an unlikely friendship, and pretty soon try to help each other out by setting up blind dates for the other person. A blind date that they plan to do via a double date. We sit back and watch as these two go on one disastrous double date after another, meanwhile trying desperately to keep their feelings for each other at bay.

I'm sure one thing everyone is going to walk away with from this book is how awesome Hazel is. She's over the top, crazy, fun, light-hearted, and optimistic. She was a breath of fresh air. I loved her character and wish I had a Hazel in my life. She was so much fun and I just wish I could experience life the way she does. So, I could totally see how Josh fell head-over-heels in love with her. I could also understand how upset he'd get when blind date after blind date was turned off by Hazel's personality. So what if she likes themed clothing? He found her knack for dressing for the occasion adorable, sometimes odd... but adorable. I guess I could sort of relate to Hazel's quirkiness because I tend to "march to the beat of my own drum", something my mother's told me before. So I loved that Hazel gets excited to meet a blind date who breeds ponies and decides to dress up in this cowgirl outfit. It's kind of similar to something I did a handful of years ago. I once went shopping for a cowboy outfit just to attend a country concert I was going to... and I don't even listen to country music! But there I was wearing my new cowboy boots, cowboy hat, plaid shirt, and a shiny new sheriff's badge. So... I guess I can totally relate to Hazel.

But Hazel wasn't the only amazing character in this story. I adored Josh, too. He was so supportive of Hazel. He called her crazy, but then encouraged her to be her. He'd do things that would make her smile and lift her spirits, and I'm not talking about just buying her a bouquet of flowers and calling it a day. Even though he was this straight-laced guy, he embraced Hazel's quirkiness and allowed her to be her without making her feel like she was being weird. Josh got a lot of props from me. Plus, I loved that during all of these blind dates, he never gave any of the women a second glance. He was always focused on Hazel throughout it all, and I really liked that the author's didn't add any unnecessary drama for these two.

Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating is an adorable read. I loved the characters, loved the story's progression, and I just wish that these two were real so that I could be friend's with them. Whenever I see a new Christina Lauren book coming out, I always get excited because I know that I'm in for a good time. However, this quirky love story is by far my favorite of theirs.

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I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

3.5 Stars

If you don’t know, Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating is about Hazel Bradford and Josh Im, who originally met in college when Hazel threw up on his shoes. A great first impression, obviously. But honestly, that’s at the bottom of the list of Hazel Stories™ that are out there. Hazel feels like she’s undateable long term because of her quirkiness, and so when she reconnects with Josh years later she decides to put aside his good looks and make him her best friend. And being best friends means you want to see them happy, so a series of double dates occur and hilarity ensues.

I have feelings about this book. I had such a fun time reading this, and honestly was reading it whenever I had the chance. This was one of those books where I’d promise myself just 1 chapter as a break from the work I have due, and then a half hour later I’d remember how aptly this blog was named and curse myself for falling into the trap of procrastinating by reading once again. This reading year has gone pretty terribly for me and the books I end up reading fall into 2 categories. It either takes me 2-6 months to finish a book, or I finish it in 3 days, there is rarely any in between. As I mentioned, this was one of the latter and I had to hold myself back from staying up until 3 AM to finish it.

What made this book so great and readable were the relationships in it. I normally get frustrated by slow-burn romances because I don’t like all the build-up that goes nowhere until halfway through the book. I didn’t have this issue here because of how cutesy Josh and Hazel were even before they dated. They were each other’s best friend (even though Josh wouldn’t admit it for way too long) and were always hanging out and thinking of one another. I honestly liked that they didn’t get together too early because it gave the characters time to work through their issues and to be in the right places to officially start dating.

However, even though I adored the relationships, I had a bit of an issue with the characters. I feel as though Hazel’s only characteristic was as someone zany and different. She was well developed, but in terms of her defining characteristic, it was beaten over the head that she did not conform to society IN ANY WAY. Over the course of the book there are countless stories told of Hazel’s wild escapades, but to me such antics were unbelievable to the extent that they were mentioned. Along with that comes my inability to understand how Josh and Hazel ever became friends. Once they were solidly friends I had no problem, but the initial process of going from meeting each other once after 10 years to hanging out every day, just didn’t work for me. I was surprised at how well Josh put up with her antics before they had actually become friends. While I eventually got over this, that stumbling block really bothered me for the first half of the book.

Despite all that, the relationships (friendships too!) and the eventual romance totally won me over and I have to sing this book’s praises as well. I enjoyed reading it and would love to read another story comparable to this one. I’ve been hit or miss with Christina Lauren, but for me this was definitely a hit!

TL;DR: Awesome book. Super cute relationship. Set a day aside to read it.

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This was my 14th Christina Lauren book. I guess you could say I just get C&L ...OR they just get me.
I love C&L's characters' banter. The Beautiful Bastard series was full of that. Each couple was posh, but cool about it. They'd sling zingers at each other & you could almost hear a drum rim shot... I just love a Rom Com.

Love and Other Words ( C & L April 2018 release) was Women's Fiction. That was more serious for me- getting into more of the nitty- gritty of real life.
Josh and Hazel's story may be something in between these two tropes. There is some RomCom to be had.

Hazel is OTT wacky, UP all the time kind of person. She focuses on Josh when she's in college. She knows that they are NOT "The One" for each other. She's determined to be friends- but he doesn't even call her by the right name.
Josh is very even tempered, way more reserved than Hazel. Everyone is!
Josh and Hazel have known each other since college. Not exactly in the same social circle. When they do meet, it always seems to be an embarrassing situation. They funny thing is, Hazel is never embarrassed.

They meet again 7 years later. Hazel is a now 3rd grade teacher. Josh is a physical therapist. Josh has a long distance girlfriend that cheats on him (the blurb mentions that). Hazel has just short term relationships. She's aware that guys at first are attracted to her brand of crazy (and sex, of course). They soon find out that she's not going to change for them.

Josh and Hazel become friends. I love the natural progression of their relationship. They're not right for each other so why not set up each other on blind dates? They do this a few times. Each time, it's a double date. Yes, it's awkward. Yep, I kept wanting to yell: why don't you just switch dates?
Hazel has "no chill" as Josh points out, Hazel's best friend Emily (and fellow teacher) is aware as well. I love Emily's appreciation for Hazel's unique personality and genuine kindness.

At first, I was wondering if I would get worn out with Hazel's wacky personality. As I got to know her, I got used to her no filter, no chill personality. Hazel takes after her mom. It's funny when they're around each other. Hazel and her mom totally GET each other.
Josh and Hazel are opposites, but they do seem to compliment each other. Josh doesn't change for Hazel, she doesn't change for him. They spend more and more time with each other- including the Blind date/ Double date.

I loved that C & L have written characters that are out of the norm for Romance books. Not too cookie cutter. They aren't just the bff. Josh and Hazel are the main characters- the hero and the heroine.
I do love the scenes when Hazel meets Josh's parents. It's so sweet and Hazel really makes a big effort to be a gracious guest (with a funny/cute incident). ;)
The flow of the dialogue is great and the plot moves along really well.
There was just one tiny moment when Emily gives Josh a talking to about not breaking Hazel's heart. It was a little too syrupy IMHO. Just a tad. But that is all the criticism that I have. This book is so good.
Thanks C & L -for writing weirdo characters. I've read a couple lately, but not enough (example: Penny Reid's books).

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Josh and Hazel might not seem like a likely couple, that’s why Hazel made him her best friend, but what happens when maybe, just maybe Josh falls for her quirky personality.

This was such an adorable read. Hazel was so strange and really out there but I found that fascinating. We often read romance stories where the female character has this great personally and put together, so I found her personally refreshing. I liked Josh, but I feel like she made Josh more fun.

It was fun to read this book as they navigated through being best friends and trying to help each other find love.

4 Stars!

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This is not my typical read but I loved everything about this book. Hazel freaking rocks as a character. Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was just a little too young adult for me. Couldn't get into it at all. I'm sure it will appeal to other readers

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This hands down was my favorite Christina Lauren book to date! I loved Hazel’s character. She was so funny, quirky and you couldn’t help but love her. Josh was cute, reserved and all around good guy. This was the perfect story of opposites attracting. I loved the build up, the story, the characters and I loved that their wasn’t any over the top drama. This story had a very realistic feel with relatable characters that you can’t help but love. Another thing I liked was that the hero Josh was Korean. It’s very nice to have some diversity in my reads. If you are new to Christina Lauren you will not go wrong with this title!

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I loved Christina Lauren's Love and Other Words and was hoping for similar character development, chemistry and drama, but this one didn't draw me in in the same way.

I did like the banter between the more reserved Josh and the wacky Hazel, but their relationship didn't get me in the gut and the twist toward the end felt like a last pull to add some interest. Might have been the pacing. Also, I know it's a romance so don't send me angry notes, but I could have done with a lot less steam and more emotion. I'm in it for the love story...that said I think a lot of people will like this novel. It is funny and has plenty of sweet moments and moves quickly.

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Looking for a light, funny, and uplifting romance? I had a chance to read Christina Lauren’s latest, Josh and Hazel’s Guide To Not Dating, and it hit the spot perfectly!

Hazel has a zany, over-the-top, larger-than-life personality...and she’s always looked up to Josh since college days. When they run into each other a decade later, Hazel is determined that they are going to be best friends. Not only that, they are going to help each other find their perfect matches. After a whole slew of bad double dates, the inevitable happens and they start to wonder if what they are looking for might be right in front of them.

Hazel’s personality might be a little over-the-top for some, but she has such a lovely heart. Josh is sweet and kind and thoughtful, a wonderful antidote to all the Alpha Male heros we typically see in romance novels. Their love story develops gradually, with enough sizzle and plenty of sweetness to keep the reader turning pages. I’d rate the steam level as moderate-high and on par with something like The Hating Game. It was a LOT of fun and I read it in less than a day.

Much thanks to Netgalley for a free digital review copy. Josh and Hazel releases September 4 so go grab yourself a copy and enjoy!

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I was provided a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review. 

I had just recently read my first book with this author in July and LOVED it so I was excited when this book became available for review. And I'm so glad that I got to read it, I ended up loving this book too. Hazel as a character was hilariously funny. She was sweet and precocious and just utterly charming. I was infatuated with her from the start and she really drew me in through the rest of the book. I really liked Josh too, but my favorite thing about him was how much he loved and accepted Hazel just for being who she was. The plot was somewhat predictable, friends turn to lovers and fall in love, but the authors imprint such emotion into the story that its astounding. And the characters were all wonderfully developed and like-able - Hazel is probably one of my favorite characters of all time. I didn't want to put this book down, and while the last book I read by this author duo was poignant and touching, this one was lighthearted and fun. Reading this book just made me feel so happy and light and I wish I could read 100 more like it. I'd highly recommend this one.

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First, I am a huge Christina Lauren fan and have LOVED every story I’ve read of theirs—except this one. While the humor was on point, I could not feel the chemistry between these characters nor could I forge a connection to them or th storyline. I wanted to love this story, but, sadly, it didn’t resonate with me.

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I love love love Christina Lauren and usually devour everything they put out, but this was the first of their books that I didn't feel an instant love/connection to either character. I couldn't feel the spark between characters with this book. I finished it, but it didn't feel very satisfying. Still a great read overall, but Christina Lauren's bar has been set pretty high with their other novels.

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With every new release from Christina Lauren, I find myself falling in love more and more with their words. After reading Love and Other Words and loving it, I wasn’t sure how they’d possibly write something that I loved as much, but they did it. Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating was a breath of fresh air and I didn’t want it to end.

It’s opposite attracts, friends to lovers, it’s everything!! Hazel is one of a kind and beats to her own drum. An elementary school teacher with few quirks, she is unique I LOVED her!!

Josh is Mr. Organized, a planner. not to mention HOT and dreamy!!

Josh and Hazel knew each other from their college days, then they meet again through his sister and quickly became part of each other’s lives. After Josh becomes single again, they decide to find matches for each other and double date. What follows is a hilarious, adventure as they figure out that maybe what they're both looking for was right in front of them all along. It’s filled with sweet and awkward moments. With Hazel being Hazel -the fun never stops. I loved how they became friends, there was always this underlining attraction that they never acted on till one night it all changed. It was slow burn and exciting. I fell in love as they fell. It was just a beautiful thing seeing these two become best friends.

“Drunk giggly Josh is my favorite, but drunk confident Josh is my new religion. My gaze drops lower and I realize I’ve half expected him to bend down and pick up the towel and ask for a blanket again. But in the time since I first peeked and then did a leisurely perusal of his torso, Josh has gotten . . . hard.”

Christina Lauren is a powerhouse duo. They know how to reel you in and keep your eyes glued to the kindle while you experience their phenomenal stories.

Every time I learn of a new release they have planned, I count down the days until release. Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating was pure perfection. I wish I could read it again for the first time!

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Anyone who knew Hazel in college might be horrified to learn she taught eight year old third graders. SHazel believes she is great for this as she is not afraid to make a fool of herself. And there’s something about an eight year olds brain that resonates with Hazel on a spiritual level .Emily is Hazel’s best friend and a fellow teacher though Emily teaches fifth grade and is married to the principal-Dave- of the school she works at-Riverton. It was the last day of school and Hazel wa taking the stuff off the walls in her room when Emily stops in. Emily let Hazel know that there was an opening for a third grade teacher and Hazel had applied and she knew she had an inside edge as the principal was her best friends husband but she was still waiting to hear that she had got the position. Emily and Hazel had met nine months ago in an online political forum, Then they met for coffee several times. The soon became best friends. Emily stopped in to ask in Hazel as coming ot her barbecue that night to make sure Hazel hadn’t forgotten. Hazel is talking with Emily and the other third grade teachers that may soon be her coworkers and they were talking about boobs then Hazel heard a voice and It’s Josh from college who she had always believed was perfect. It turned out Josh was Emily’s brother. Josh has a girlfriend named Tabitha that he calls Tabby who had moved to LA for her job dream at a fashion magazine and they fly back and forth to see each other but Tabby has been unable to make it back to Portland three out of four ties as she has said there has been work emergencies and she had to work late or all weekend. Emily comes out and says she doesn't think he and Tabby have a lot in common and when Josh thinks about it usually they have sex and not don’t do much els together. But Josh made it clear he and Hazel were incapable when his sister said Josh needed more fun in his life and Hazel was fun. Then Hazel asked if she could give Josh her number in case he was down about Tabby not coming home and they could hang out together. The Hazel called asked Josh if he wanted to come over for lunch which he agreed to and she just made pbj as she is a horrible cook. Josh is a physical therapist. While at Hazel’s for lunch Josh gets a dirty text from Tabby and she never talks that way to him and it was about coming over for sex also she would have had to fly and miss work on Monday something she had never done. When Josh texted her if she had been planning to fly out after awhile she texted him back and said she was going to surprise him. Josh and Tabby had been together for two years. Tabby texted Josh and asked him to come to L A that they needed to talk so Josh cleared his schedule for two weeks to fly out and be with Tabby. Hazels’ bathroom pipe burst and flooded her apartment Josh let her go rto his house with her dog Whinny as she had nowhere to go.When Josh got to L A Tabby told him she had been seeing someone else also before she left for L A she had moved out to L A to be closer to the guy and he had helped her get her job. The guy knew about Josh. Tabby wanted to stills see both men but that wasn’t Josh’s way in a relationship. Josh flew back home ad him and hazel started setting up blind dates for each other. Each one was worse than the one before. One night they both were drunk and had sex together.
I loved this book it is one of my new favorites. I laughed out loud while reading this and that is rare when I am reading. I choked up at times also. I loved Josh and Haze together and how they interacted. I loved how they got close after seeing each other again after so long after college and became best friends and went form there. Hazel so deserved a HEA. I loved how Hazel and Josh met in college when she threw up on his shoe. I liked how Tyler came back in her life and acted sweet but in reality was still a butthole and then Josh told him to get bent. I loved Hazels and her moms uniqueness. I love the plot and pace and didn’t want to put this down. This book had me hooked form the first page until the last and I loved the ending. I also loved that Josh was honored to take his aging parents to live with him. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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