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Run and Hide

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Thank you to netgalley for a copy of RUN AND HIDE in exchange for an honest review.

Run and Hide has all the makings of an amazing action packed conspiracy theory that one could desire. There are agencies galore hunting down people who are running and hiding (hence the name) by using false identities, staying one step ahead, hacking software, and doing a darn good job of it.

Eva Driscoll is one of the main characters. She is on a mission to find out why someone killed her brother, and seems to be adding others to the same hit list. Along the way she rescues one of those on the list, and they continue on the run together.

I am usually really into spy novels, conspiracy theory novels and the like, but I had a hard time finishing this one. Something fell short for me. I failed to connect with characters and I think I found the book to be more of a tell style than a show style writing. For whatever reason, I did not relate to the story like I normally do, and therefore struggled to the completion. By no means was it badly written, but without a connection, it didn't seem to draw me in like I had hoped.

This was my first McDermott read, and I think I would be willing to read another if the opportunity occurred. The concept was good, the story was well aligned and flowed well. It seems others have liked it more than me, so I would definitely say if you enjoy a good conspiracy read, give this one a go.

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If you like a book with a strong female lead character and lots of action to keep you interested from page one to the end this is the book for you! Eva Driscoll is after the most powerful secret society in the world. This select group will do anything to fill their pockets. They buy off politicians, create disasters to make money and buy off police, judges, lawyers, foreign diplomats and anyone who can be of use in their pursuit of money and power. And if they can't buy them they kill them. This secret society killed Eva's brother and staged it as a suicide. Eva, a trained assassin, is a deadly force to reckon with and she is going after the people who murdered her only brother. A roller coaster ride of a story that keeps you reading into the night. So well written you feel connected to Eva and the characters she enlists to help her bring down this powerful and evil society. I will be watching for the next Eva Driscoll story! I received the digital copy through NetGalley in return they ask my honest opinion. I highly recommend this book! I can't wait to get the sequel when it's written!

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After reading a lot of crime fiction recently, this was a wonderful reminder of how much I love breathless action thrillers about conspiracies with near-superhuman protagonists outsmarting the baddies against overwhelming odds. It reminded me somewhat of the Camel Club series, but with an awesome heroine. I have added the authors previous series, about Tom Gray, to my “buy soon” list - just as soon as I’ve caught up with my NetGalley pile of course.

Eva Driscoll, former CIA assassin, finds out that her brother and his ex-army friends have been murdered, and manages to save the last one, Colback, from the same fate. Going on the run together with another discredited ex-colleague, IT genius Farouk, they take on the might of the shadowy ESO, billionaires who run America, and therefore the world, and will stop at nothing in the pursuit of power and profit. They are joined by Brits Sonny and Len, who I assume/hope feature in the earlier series, as they are great characters.

I thoroughly enjoyed this, preposterous though the plot may be. There are shootouts, car chases, disguises, evil megalomaniacs - it would make a great movie - but it makes a change to have a super-cool (in both senses of the word) near-sociopath as the lead - with male back-up accepting her authority. It would be great if the next one could be written in the first person to get inside Eva’s head. The ending sets us up nicely for the next book, which I can’t wait to read.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. This was published this week.

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I gave this 3 stars, but it might actually be deserving of more. My reason for reading this was more for the conspiracy and spy thriller aspect. Alas, there is very little of this other than to mention them as the elite conspiracy out to get the little guys. The book had a lot of shot-em-up action scenes, so if that is what you are looking for, this might be a good one for you. Also, be aware that this is No. 1 in a new series.

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An action-packed, fast-paced story that was well worth the time spent reading. I enjoyed everything about this book.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias.

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The writing in this book is very good.. The story keeps you wanting more. If you like books about Jason Bourne or Espionage this is one for you. There are twist and turns and you are not sure where you will end up.

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Corruption, murder, kill or be killed, protect the country against all foreign and domestic enemies, Who protects the protectors? Is the country really run by the government or people more corrupt? Nail biting, intense, non stop, riviting action. You certainly won't be disappointed with this page turner

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When you’ve already got a successful series, it’s always a risk to start something new. Alan McDermott released Trojan last year, a spin-off from his great Tom Gray series, with MI5 agent, Andrew Harvey in the driving seat. This time around, Run and Hide introduces us to Eva Driscoll, a brand new American protagonist, who is not short of skills when it comes to dealing with bad guys. Or even good guys, being bad.

Run and Hide isn’t a spin-off, but it is set in the same world as Tom Gray, and hence some familiar faces make an appearance, drawing the characters’ worlds together. In this story, there are powerful forces at work, and it is soon clear that Eva Driscoll is facing more than just a rogue team.

I mentioned the risk of starting a new series. The best way of dealing with risk is to mitigate it, and Alan has used all the right ingredients to pull it off: great writer; a fantastic kick-ass protagonist in Eva Driscoll; a decent plot: and all of this wrapped up in a fast-paced novel. Great stuff!

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Non Stop Action - Fast Paced
I love this book. It starts out with an explosion of action and the action never stops. Interesting plots about CIA agent, Eva Driscoll, who has been put on the kill list. She teams up with soldier Colbert to try to survive and find out why they are targeted. Eva is definitely out for revenge. This book is full of interesting twists and turns, a real cliff hanger. My kind of book.

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It’s been a long time since I read an action thriller, and I’d forgotten how much I enjoy them. I especially like how a well-written one can make me picture it as a movie, and this one certainly fits the bill. The action starts in the first chapter and doesn’t stop until literally the last word. The saying goes that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that is certainly on display in this book. The plot was interesting and timely, the conflict was real and not some cartoon version of villainy. That being said, there’s no point going into deep analysis of plot and character, because this isn’t that type of book. There is not a lot of exposition. The chapters are short and the action moves quickly through them, not unlike scenes cutting from one to another in a movie. Since I keep referencing movies, I also have to say that I was casting the characters in my head as I read. This was a fun way to picture the action. It also illustrates how realistic (at least in terms of a movie) the action was written. It was nice to take a break from thinking and just go along for the ride. I’d be more than happy to read further books with these characters, so I will be keeping my eye out. Thank you to NetGalley, Amazon Publishing UK, and the author for a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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In the book Run and Hide, author Alan McDermot writes an edge of your seat, run for your life story full of twists and turns. Ex-soldier Rees Colback finds himself running from people who want to kill him and teams up with Eva Driscoll to survive and find out why. It is kill or be killed and the ending twist is great. Great story and I would recommend this book. Look forward to reading the next book in the series. I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A novel by Alan McDermott

Eva Driscoll is an assassin. Ostensibly she works for the CIA, but the reality is that she works for the Executive Security Office. This group of men hereafter referred to as ESO, run a globe-spanning conglomerate that owns just about every bank on earth. All are trillionaires several times over. With all that wealth comes control. Virtually every governmental organization in the United States including the Supreme Court is under their sway. If any newspaper or media outlet publishes a story that they don't like, the journalist responsible is likely to have a fatal "accident."

Simply put, they can dispose of anyone, just as they disposed of Eva's brother Jeff. Now she is determined that this group of oligarchs is not going to get away with it. She knows many tricks of fighting, killing, surveillance, escape and evasion, but does she know enough? Can Eva save the last member of Jeff's Special Forces team and thereby figure out why he was killed? Can she get revenge? Or will she be just another victim of the ESO?

"Run and Hide" is the first book in a new series that will turn some significant authors green with envy. It has it all; Great characters, fast action and a storyline that will challenge your thinking about where our world-spanning government surveillance apparatus is taking us. Highly recommended for aficionados of the genre.

My thanks to Thomas & Mercer, Seattle, and NetGalley for providing the ARC for review.

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Alan McDermott is a new author for me and I wasn't sure what to expect. Run and Hide jumps right into action and doesn't stop until the last page! I had to force myself to put it down and take care of the family, I wanted to keep reading to see what happened to Eva and her crew. I never saw the twist at the end and now I can't wait until the next book is released!

This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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This book did not impress me. Perhaps it's because I've so recently been reading Dean Koontz's Jane Hawk series, and the similarities are unmistakable. Kick-ass heroine who is a former government agent. Check and check. Shadowy conspirators with unlimited resources pursuing her relentlessly. Check and check. Motley sidekicks whose death-defying skills triumph against near-infinite odds. Check and check.

Problem is, I found Jane Hawk believable and relatable, and her scattered, unlikely crew endearing. Not so much with Eva Driscoll. Even McDermott's conspiracy was less plausible to me, largely because the Executive Security Office was so centralized, with such unimaginable power concentrated in a single person. I mean, even fear has its limits.

So if this type of book is your cup of tea, I recommend reading the four installments (to date) of Jane Hawk series. Better research, better writing, and a story with a warm heartbeat at it center, unlike this one. (I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for a candid review.)

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This was an action packed thriller! I look forward to reading more from this author. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

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Excellent read.... Couldn't put it down...... Non stop action....... Cant wait for the next in the series

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A full of action thriller that is a page turner the whole way through. There is a lot to the fast paced plot.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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Run and Hide by Alan McDermott is a fast paced, easy to read story. Characters are believable and you come to know them, I really enjoyed this book, Eva is a kickass assassin who has been marked as dispensable and rogue, conspiracy theories, more assassins and lots of action are in store for you as she helps Rees Colback (a former soldier that served with Eva's brother), as they try to unravel who killed Eva's brother and is now after Colback and Eva. Thank you Netgalley and the Publishers for allowing me to read this ARC book in turn for giving my honest opinion. I found this book to be unputdownable and I do recommend reading this!

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A fast-paced gem of a book, which kept me hooked from the get-go. From my viewpoint, real characters in believable situations makes for a great plot and the plotting in this book was first class. Alan McDermott gets a gold star for the storyline as it continues to stoke my paranoia about the existence of an Uber-Government and what it gets up to serving its own self-interests.

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Conspiracy, action, adventure...This book grabbed me on page one and kept me engaged. There were so many characters but I loved how the author eventually pulled them together. Eva Driscoll is a strong brilliant heroine. I can’t wait for the next installment. Thanks to Amazon Publishing UK, Thomas Mercer, and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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