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The Duke With the Dragon Tattoo

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I just read The Duke With the Dragon Tattoo by Kerrigan Byrne, which will be available at booksellers in August. I was lucky and given a free ARC so I've got plenty of info I'd like to share with you. Summer isn't over just because Labor Day is upon us. It's still hot, the pool's still open and vacations are taken. If you're looking for good books to take along with you this one should be on your list. Ms. Byrne also writes suspense tales so you can be assured this story has plenty.

We begin our story in Newgate prison. A few of the younger boys have banded together, Newgate is a dangerous place for anyone, much less a young man. We are introduced an unnamed 18 year old, a product of poverty and the streets. He's changed places with another boy to have access to the prison tattoo artist (ouch). He wants a tattoo of a sigil dragon (ouch again). A mix-up occurs, our hero is beaten to death and thrown in a mass grave, or is he dead?

Lorelia Weatherstoke is an untypical girl of 14. She's crippled, has an apathetic Father and a monster of a brother. During a carriage trip our heroine sees something, or someone, moving about in the distance and convinces her family to stop. Not a meet cute by any means. Convalescing and amnesia leads to young love and mourning when they're torn apart.

Their journey continues twenty years later. Our hero is determined to have justice, vengeance, retribution and Lorelia. Now that you have the set up, the lovers story picks up again and it's a doozy. There's murder, kidnaping, anger, disbelief, fear, passion, love, treasure hunting and even mutiny. Our hero begins to piece together all the parts of his life. The lovely Lorelia is by his side through all the tribulations. The whopper of an ending shall remain unwritten here. I want you to have the pleasure of following the story on your own. Enjoy and happy reading.

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Memory Loss, A Tortured Soul, Grace and Forgiveness: No one writes an underworld historical romance quite like Kerrigan Byrne. The Rook is a superb addition to the Victorian Rebels series and finally answers several questions threaded through the previous five books. The fast paced, highly emotional, passionate interaction between the hero and heroine gets me every time and I could not put this book down.

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I smiled when his knife hit its mark…

You might not believe this, but I have read another AMAZING STORY!!! How do I genuinely convince you that THIS was the best book I’ve read when I’ve said that about nearly all the books I’ve read…in the LAST MONTH!! It's like authors got together for a convention and decided to release their best work over the last month. Thank you, but, geez, couldn't you spread it out a bit? Or, thank you, could you keep this going?

I know my credibility must seem questionable but I am legit telling you that THIS story was splendiferously, amazingly, awesomely, HISTORICAL ROMANCE NIRVANA. Well, nirvana in a Kerrigan Byrne historical romance kind of way.

Seriously, this author writes for me. OK, she doesn’t literally write for me, it just seems that way. Her heroines have struggled but still manage to have a strength that I couldn’t help but admire. The storylines grab my attention and keep it enthralled until the last page is turned. The settings are described in a way that comes to life for me. There’s this grittiness that can sometimes bring a tear to your eye but you there’s a reality to it that it could probably have happened back in the day. But, the best part, Kerrigan Byrne creates the most amazing heroes. Strong, tortured, gruff and growly men who have seen the worse life has to offer but find a light in the women they love.

A few times while reading I had to put my Kindle down to absorb the giddy feeling of reading a superb book. You know that feeling when you finally find out a secret you’ve been dying to know? Well, I did the goofy smile of satisfaction when things finally become clear. It’s not like I start each book in the Victorian Rebels series hoping to finally find out the secret. When things came to light in The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo, I was gobsmacked. I got answers to questions I didn’t even know were questions. It just buffed up the diamond to sparkle even more. How cool is that?

As you might have noticed, I don’t share quotes in my reviews. Mostly, because I’m too lazy to check on the final copy to make sure they’re accurate. In this case, I really don’t want to share the best parts. You have got to experience this story yourself. Sure, I’m going to share that it’s good, but I want you to meet the characters, live through their heartbreak, share their highs and lows. I don’t want you to brace for the bad parts or recognise the funny one-liners you’ve seen before. I know that quotes have a great place in reviews, but I really think you would enjoy this one with fresh eyes…just my opinion.

Am I a bad person that I smiled at some of the violence? Sure, it couldn't have happened to a better person, but, you know, I tell my children that violence is bad. For a gritty read, there were some very funny scenes that had me cackling and reading them aloud to hubby and even he was chuckling. That is a BIG DEAL!! He normally gives me that fake smile, you are so weird face. So, it’s funny, but it’s also heart-poundingly emotional, extremely sexy and chock block full of action and adventure.

Yeah, I know I’ve said it before but THIS is Kerrigan Byrne’s best work by far. If you haven't started this series, you must start at the very beginning. Honestly, I don’t think you will enjoy this story half as much if you haven’t read the other books in the Victorian Rebels series. You probably could read it as a standalone, but I think you would enjoy the experience more having read the other books.

The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo does not shy away from violence, keeps to the realities of the time and you can bet your bottom dollar that you won’t be sighing in romantic bliss for a wee while of the story. This is what makes Kerrigan Byrne’s books so entertaining. You, along with the hero and heroine, have to earn your HEA, happy, giddy…The hills are alive… feelings. But, geez, it’s SOOOOOOO worth it.

Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.

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I received an ARC in trade of an honest review.

I cannot not say enough of how much I absolutely love this author and the Victorian Rebels series and how excited I was to receive an ARC. This story is about the Rook and early something that most readers of the series would have guessed in the epilogue of The Scot Beds His Wife is confirmed.

This story is very similar to The Duke, about half of the book is telling the backstory of the couple's relationship while the second half is them coming back together after years apart. Lorelei is an amazing heroine, kind and soft-hearted but is not annoyingly weak and helpless. The Rook is another powerful 'bad boy' who immediately falls in love with her goodness and struggles with loving her and the fear of corrupting her with his own darkness.

Even though the second half of the book only takes place over roughly 3 day, the plot doesn't feel rushed or unrealistic. Other characters from previous books in the series make an appearance but they do not draw the attention away from the main characters. The only complaint that I have is that the author relied a little too much on focusing on the love they had for each other when they were younger and could have spent more time with them learning and falling in love with who they were in the present.

I did enjoy how the end of the story tied some existing characters together and there were hints throughout the book at another possible story.

I hate that this series is coming to an end. I believe that the only story left that's been confirmed is Morely's and there's a possibility of one or two more stories or novellas <spoiler>Callum and Allison from The Scot Beds his wife and Veronica and Moncrieff from this one</spoiler> if they aren't featured in the next story. Either way, I immensely enjoy this series and author and can't wait for the conclusion of the series.

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Sexy and full of bite, this has been an enjoyable and exciting read. It’s not just your run of the mill historical, no, it is spiced with action adventure and mystery. A wonderful storyline with equally electrifying characters, giving this book its awesome enticing melody. I like the hero Rook with the chink in his armor, that being Lorelai. A wonderful climatic end that leaves me curious as to who is Veronica’s new husband, is it who I think it is. Anyway, this has been a truly entertaining read on all aspects.

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This is number 6 in a series, but read okay enough on its own without me ever having read any of the others. I’m sure I would’ve loved it even more if I had. Overall an okay read with good character building.

***ARC provided by NetGalley***

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Another exciting historical romance from Kerrigan Byrne. She never disappoints with great characters and setting.

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I can’t even describe how anxious I was for this book. Kerrigan Byrne’s entire Victorian Rebels series has been nothing short of spectacular. I swear each book is more phenomenal than the last and this one was absolutely glorious. Lots of tangled connections are revealed in this intricately woven story that I promise, if you’ve read all the series, you’ll be gasping “OMG” several times. I don’t want to give anything away, but, OMG, you will be stunned.
I’d been intrigued by Dorian since the first book, and his and Lorelai’s story did not disappoint. What a tragic tale. But that made their HEA all the more sweet. I fell in love right along with them in their first meeting. Of course, Dorian wasn’t Dorian then. Lorelai found him burned and beaten under an ash tree and thus named him Ash. He had no memory of who he was or what had occurred to place him there. Like the injured animals Lorelai took in, she nursed him back to health. He was a balm for her as well. Lorelai had suffered greatly at the hands of her vile, cruel brother. She was mesmerized with Ash, someone she didn’t have to fear. I loved their budding young romance with its innocent intimacies. How they both craved each other’s nearness and touch. Lorelai’s touches quieted everything within Ash that threatened to become monstrous. For Lorelai, Ash’s touch made her feel safe and cherished.
I ached for them both twenty years later when Ash finally returned for Lorelai. He was no longer Ash. In those 20 years, he’d lost that part of himself and now was the Rook, a notorious, fearsome pirate. Lorelai didn’t recognize the violent man he’d become. She wanted to know what had changed him but was afraid to hear it. Still, she knew Ash was “locked away under the tattoos, the brutal strength, and the emptiness”. In spite of how cold and emotionless he seemed at times, she “wanted him with ferocity and feared him with timidity”. For Ash, Lorelai was his sanctuary but he no longer recognized his feelings as love. For him, love was soft and kind and what he felt for her was obsessive. He truly didn’t know who he was anymore. But Lorelai remembered who he had been and knew who he could be. They both had been broken in life, but “sometimes one must be broken in order to be healed”.
I love a dark, emotionally gripping romance. Emotional darkness and pain are essential elements for a story to be dark to me. And this book definitely had it. Both Ash and Lorelai had terribly haunting emotional pasts. I love the way Kerrigan Byrne brings the reader through that darkness. She does so with a balance of hope and wit that I need to make their HEA believable. Ash and Lorelai were each other’s light and together they were able to not only survive, but thrive.
This story could be read as a stand- alone but I recommend reading the whole series to get a real appreciation for the sheer genius Kerrigan Byrne has in weaving the characters from this series together. Many of the secondary characters come from previous books. I loved being reunited with Trenwyth and Dorian. And Morley! I have loved him since the second book and I learned so much about him in this book. I can’t wait for the rest of his story. I’m also eager to know more about Veronica and Sebastian. They were so captivating in this story and I am practically salivating to know what’s in store for them. This entire series is magnificent, so be forewarned. Once you read one, you’ll be hooked. A Book Obsessed Chicks Review Team Selection

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3.5 stars there is a lot of abuse & violence in this story. Too me it was a little too far fetched. I enjoyed the plot of the story, but would have liked it with a lot less violence/abuse.

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I received a copy of this title from the publisher for an honest review. The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo can be read as a standalone, but I would recommend reading the first of the Victorian Rebel's title, The Highwayman featuring Dorian Blackwell, the Blackheart of Ben More.

The story begins in prison where a young man is getting a tattoo of a map that is supposed to lead to treasure; several men storm the cell and begin to beat him until he blacks out. Lorelai Weatherstoke is riding home in a carriage with her indifferent father and cruel brother when she spots what appears to be a body at the side of the road. After convincing her brother, Mortimer, and father to stop the carriage, they discover a naked and badly injured young man. They take him back to their house where a local doctor and Lorelai nurse him back to health. The young man doesn't remember his name or anything before he awakened so Lorelai names him Ash.

Lorelai's brother is cruel and enjoys nothing more than torturing her. Ash quickly falls for Lorelai and feels helpless to protect Lorelai from her brother. Lorelai and Ash are falling in love, but because she is only 15, Ash doesn't feel it appropriate to declare his feelings. Mortimer takes Ash to a nearby town to get a suit to wear for an apprenticeship arranged by Lorelai's father when Ash disappears. Mortimer reports Ash remembered who is was and went back to his previous life leaving Lorelai to spend the next 10 years suffering under her brother's cruelty.

10 years later and on day of her wedding forced on her by her brother, the notorious pirate The Rook comes and frees her from her brother and fiance as well as kidnapping her and her sister-in-law. A captive aboard a pirate ship, Lorelai eventually realizes that Rook is her beloved Ash. While Lorelai struggles to reconcile the man in front of her to her childhood love, Ash struggles to realize that his feelings are more than just a possession but instead a reflection of love he believes himself in capable of.

There is the mystery of the treasure and Ash's true background that keep the reader racing through the pages to see how it will end. Fans of Byrne's books will love the pirate hero of this book. Damaged by events no one should have to experience, Rook struggles to understand what it means to feel and be loved.

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This book was incredible. I am going to be book hungover for a while. A long while.

There is no one who writes tortured heroes as effectively as Kerrigan Byrne. I have almost no words. I don't know what think or how to exist anymore. Let me enumerate my feelings.

I'm SO HAPPY Dorian is found. The Rook gets his book! I could honestly go on forever about how ecstatic I was to get my hands on this story. Poor Dorian! He has been with us from book one, just lurking. lost. FOR FIVE BOOKS! It's about damn time! I am happy to say that this book was all that I'd hoped for and more.

Dammit Morley! I KNEW there was more to ole' Dead Eye than meets the eye. I needed that glimpse into his past, and now I need his future. I won't say anything more because spoilers. But I want to! AH!

Lorelei is amazing. She is everything I didn't know he needed. It takes a strong human to forgive habitual cruelty. Especially when it is delivered by someone who should protect you. Lorelei is strength and grace personified. Rather than become bitter as so many would, she helps other broken things. I found myself loving her for it.

I have more, but I am going to stop gushing now. Suffice it to say, readers of the series will already know they NEED this book. Everyone else should definitely start at the beginning and read the whole thing. It is vital. No reader can be complete without experiencing the gut wrenching emotion delivered by Kerrigan Byrne.

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Ok, there's no doubt that Kerrigan Byrne is an outstanding writer. And I'm happy that my break from historical romance has come to an end with one of her novels, a pirates one no less...and as always, the moment I finish one of her stories I have an overwhelming need to read the next one, which she masterfully anticipates in the last lines of all her romances (and honestly, Veronica and Sebastian - I think, I hope - CAN'T WAIT!).

But, there is a but. I found <i>The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo</i>, at times, way too sugary, way too dramatic (all considered of course), and possibly a bit too fast-paced.
One of the things that I loved the most in all her previous stories is indeed that I found them perfectly timed, all fell exactly into the right place, and most of all, the relationship between the protagonists felt so real. And although I will still consider this one a great story, I think in some instances it lacked that.

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I really loved this book. This series is great historical romance with interesting antiheroes and strong heroines. I loved learning The Rook’s story and how he fits with the other characters in this series.

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There was everything in this book that makes it a good romance. A hero who has dark secrets, a heroine with a heart of gold, a treasure hunt, murder and mayhem.
Ash and Lorraine are two souls meant to be together. Twenty years after they parted ways, they come together and over the course of the book, are able to heal each other's souls. It is not your average romance that is girl meets boy and falls in love. Kerrigan Byrne manages to sneak in a treasure hunt, a troubled past, abuse, and lots of love into this story. An absolute feel-good tale.

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OMG!! Why can't I give this 6 stars? The Duke With The Dragon Tattoo by Kerrigan Byrne is a must read for historical romance junkies. Ms. Byrne has provided us with an action-packed, well-written, amazing book. She then went a step further and loaded the book with phenomenal characters. Lorelai nurses a young man, found beaten and burned along the roadside, and nurses him back to health. She gives him the name Ash because he has no memories and doesn't know who he is. Ash and Lorelai's story twists and turns through time. Heartbreak, fear and violence are their companions. There's plenty of drama, action, humor, sizzle and suspense that will keep readers glued to this book from cover to cover. The Duke With The Dragon Tattoo is book 6 of the Victorian Rebels Series but can easily be read as a standalone. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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If you like your regencies with a bit of darkness and intrigue this one's for you.
A pair of broken souls, meant for each other, find their way through their own private hells to each other and their eternal joy...a marriage always meant to be. The characters with all the virtues and flaws are complex and people you'd love to have in your inner circle.
Ms. Byrne is a talented who portrays the injustice and the hopelessness for some in this period piece...but finishes it with a lovely ending.
I received a NetGalley ARC gratis for my honest opinion.

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I have been left speechless. I have no idea what to say about this book other than that it was amazing. Kerrigan Byrne takes romance to a whole other level. She is able to take these damaged and broken characters and make them whole. The second chance romance is usually my least favorite of tropes but Ash and Lorelei were perfect. They were meant to be. I loved how everything fell into place with the characters revealing their pasts. I could have done without the little cliffhanger at the end but otherwise this book was perfection.
Thank you to the publisher for an advanced review copy of this book.

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I was given a copy of this book for an honest review. Dorian, Ash, the Rook....what a life he suffered through. Lorelei too, has suffered at the hands of an abusive brother. Fate brings them together, evil tears them apart. I loved the flow of this story, loved the supporting cast too. I felt Ash' s pain at the horror he encountered and caused. I won't spoil the story, but this new story in a wonderful series is terrific.

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The book starts out as a solid 4 star read. But the further I read the more I was pulled into the story. With a despicable home life how does she say sweet? Mortimer was truly awful! And daddy was such a wimp. Lorelei sees redeeming qualities in one of the most ruthless men on earth. I thought the story was compelling and kept me reading to see what happened. There are pirates, treasures, love and drama. What more can we ask in a book?
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher I got to enjoy this story.

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The Rook is the most feared pirate to ever sail the oceans. He cannot remember his name nor his life prior to Lorelei Weatherstoke saving him. After twenty years of separation, the Rook braves capture to fulfill his promise to her. Lorelei is everything he remembers and more. In an attempt to salvage his humanity, the Rook claims Lorelei as his wife. He encounters the missing parts of his lost past when he resumes his search for the fabled Claudius Cache. Will Lorelei’s love be the Rook’s salvation? Or is he doomed to remain the monster everyone perceives him to be?
Lorelei Weatherstoke is the crippled daughter of the Earl of Southbourne. She spends the majority of her life doctoring and championing wounded animals. Lorelei prays for the day she can escape her older brother’s cruel bullying. A dark, avenging angel swoops in to save her from an unwanted marriage. The Rook wears the face of Lorelei’s beloved Ash, yet he is no longer the boy she remembers. Can Lorelei accept the Rook’s dark and dangerous side? Or will his past deeds stand in the way of their future happiness?
I have always been curious about the obvious ties between the Rook and the Blackheart of Ben More since book five, THE SCOT BEDS HIS WIFE. The author threaded the right amount of dark mystery around him to create ample anticipation, for example - his ability to escape authorities’ custody. I adore the fact that he kept his promise about returning to Lorelei, despite the odds stacked against him. But, what I love the most about him is how the Rook used Lorelei’s memory to tether him to his deteriorating humanity. No matter the abuse or the cruelty he faced, Lorelei gave him the reason to endure and survive.
Lorelei is no stranger to the harsh whims of another’s cruelty. She never once allowed the ugliness of her brother’s malice to taint her or dim her compassionate nature. I admire that about her. I like how Lorelei tries to help any weaker and less fortunate than her. Animal or man, it makes no difference to her. But, what I like the most about Lorelei is how she becomes the Rook’s beacon of light in his dark, dreary existence.
THE DUKE WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO is book six in Kerrigan Byrne’s exceptional historical romance series, VICTORIAN REBELS. I love how Dorian Blackwell, the hero from book one, THE HIGHWAYMAN, plays a pivotal role in the second half of the story. I always enjoy reacquainting with couples from prior books.
THE DUKE WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO is a bittersweet tale of two wounded, kindred souls overcoming their tortured pasts to find love and happiness together. Kerrigan Byrne is a master at writing unforgettable tortured characters. I hope the author plans to write Sebastian Moncrieff’s book next.

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