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On Magnolia Lane

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On Magnolia Lane is the third installment of The Blue Ridge Romance. It definitely can be read as a stand alone but I suggest reading the first two of the series, Characters from the previous novels are throughout this book as well. Pastor Jack is in love with Daisy. She has no clue how much he has been pining over her for the last two years. Daisy who works at the locally owned flower shop on Magnolia Lane hence the title, is your sweet down home girl. She is willing to do anything for anyone. Her dating life is pretty much in the gutter though. Jack enlists her help for a fundraiser to help Hope Home for Girls. How can she no to the pastor? All the while, Daisy's personal life gets a twist like none other and the family that she thought was perfect comes crashing down. This story is about forgiveness in others and most of all in ourselves. When those we are close to let us down, we need to learn love and forgive. I love Jack's love for Daisy, he sees the good in her when sometimes she doesn't even see it. Great ending to the series! 3.5 Stars
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This cover is beautiful and is what initially drew me to read the synopsis of this book.
Jack has had a crush on Daisy for 2 years and she has no clue. When he finds out from his friends that she is on a dating site, he feels his chance to be with her slipping through his fingers. Yet, he does nothing about it. His friends make his a profile on the same dating site and 'nudge' her. she 'nudges' back with a note. Even though the profile doesn't lie and does have 2 pictures of him (face kinda hidden), he feels he is deceiving her which makes him take a few days before responding to her.
Slowly she starts to fall in love with Jack and TJ (the online guy) not knowing they are one in the same.

Sweet love story with some unexpected things happening in the background.

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This was such a fun read, it felt like a great movie. It was a quick read but a great and relevant love story. The online dating element lends itself well to real world scenarios so the reader can easily imagine themselves inside the story line. Fun read, highly recommend!

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Pastor Jack McReady is an excellent male protagonist who is insecure around women. The leading female is Daisy Pendleton, a giving person, who has dyslexia and doesn’t feel qualified to be a pastor’s wife although she admires Pastor Jack and thinks he is attractive! The road to romance is very rocky for Daisy and Pastor Jack. Daisy suffers several disappointments in people and learns to forgive and give grace to others. Denise has written another winner with On Magnolia Lane.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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On Magnolia Lane is utterly delightful. A story about grace and forgiveness in the face of betrayal, of falling in love even if it’s a little unexpected, and of community coming together to support and protect, On Magnolia Lane is so very easy to savour and enjoy.

Daisy Pendleton doesn’t mind being single, but she’d really rather like to find a wonderful guy who can love her and she him. That’s why she has joined a dating site and suffers through blind date setups. Jack McReady has been in love with Daisy for years, but knows she doesn’t see him as anyone other than her pastor. When Jack’s friends create him an anonymous profile on a dating site, Jack has a chance to show Daisy another side to the man she thinks she already knows.

The whole I’m-the-same-person-who’s-been-talking-to-you-online,-whoops-sorry-I-didn’t-tell-you-earlier thing is not my favourite romantic plot line but it’s impossible not to fall a little for Pastor Jack and enjoy his love for Daisy. He is a man desperate to gently show her his love for her -even if that means keeping a secret online identity. Jack is kind, awkward around women and head over heels for Daisy. Watching him love her in any way he can was incredibly sweet. Daisy, on the other hand, sees Jack only as her pastor and counsellor while she searches everywhere else for love. Watching Daisy and Jack connect on deeper levels, both on the dating site and face to face as they work together, is sweet, romantic and uplifting.

Yet while Daisy struggles to reconcile her growing feelings for Pastor Jack and her enjoyment talking to TJ online, she also faces a revealed secret that shakes the beliefs she had about her family. This betrayal from those she loved most dearly is the perfect backdrop story to the story of grace and forgiveness. Daisy also struggles with self-doubt and her journey through On Magnolia Lane helps her to explore this. Familiar faces from the other books in the series and a charming small-town setting give On Magnolia Lane a wonderfully welcoming feel.

Coupled with a story of community coming together to support the young foster girls in their midsts, On Magnolia Lance combines family and friendship and messages of grace, love and worthiness with a delightful romance. It is a wonderful addition to Denise Hunter’s Blue Ridge Romance series and easily my favourite of the three books.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

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Really loved the premise and Denise pulled it off well. A sweet love story for all ages. Really liked Pastor Jack’s character too.

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This book would make a perfect Hallmark movie. It really reminded me of the movie "You've got mail". This book was an endearing, funny romance.

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This is a really sweet novel. It reads like a film. And I heartily recommend it.
Jack is in love with Daisy but he is her pastor and counsellor so that creates all sorts of problems for him. His friends rope him into an online dating site to court her and before you know it the situation is worse than when he began.
Daisy herself has to deal with secrets about her family that she has uncovered.
They both have to learn forgiveness and accept the imperfections we all posess.
4.5 stars.

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Denise Hunter's latest soon to be released book, On Magnolia Lane, continues with the love stories of a group of friends that have long been regulars at the Rusty Nail. This love story centers around Daisy, the florist from Oopsy Daisy and Pastor Jack.

In their journey towards finding love, both Daisy and Jack enter the world of online dating. Daisy does so because she is tired of dating duds and wants to get to know a guy slowly by communicating online before committing to meeting face to face and thus weed out the losers. Jack decides to give it a go, albeit under an alias, after his well-meaning friends sign him up when they see that the woman Jack is crazy about has also joined.

Their online relationship develops as does their already formed friendship. Daisy finds herself confused as she begins to be attracted to both men. Because the online relationship with Daisy is based on the falsehood that his true identity has not been disclosed, Jack starts to be very concerned about telling Daisy the truth, yet he fears the repercussions of doing so.

Ultimately, this story is about grace. The unmerited favor that God extends to us and wants us to give to each other. Our lives here on earth are messy and full of sin. We keep secrets and hurt each other deeply. Daisy experiences all of this as the story progresses. She discovers that her beloved Father was not all she believed him to be and feels betrayed and cheated by both of her parents. A lifelong disability has kept her from accepting herself to be the capable, strong, beautiful woman that she is. Because of the grace shown to her in Jesus, Daisy learns that she doesn't have to measure up to anyone else because she is already enough.

Take time to read this book which I very much enjoyed. And find out what ultimately happens with Daisy and Jack!

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This is one of those books that I was sad to see end. I enjoyed being back in Copper Creek and finding out Jack and Daisy’s story.

This story is reminiscent of “You’ve Got Mail.” Daisy joined an online dating website in her search for love. As a joke, Jack’s friends create a profile for him as TJ and they send a nudge to Daisy on his behalf. Jack has to decide whether to pursue a relationship with Daisy online as he is having difficulty pursuing one in person.

Meanwhile Daisy is busy with new family revelations and helping the town recover from a tornado.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I was curious to see how everything would be resolved in the end and I felt the end was satisfying. I would recommend this book to my friends.

Although it is the fourth book in the series, it is a stand-alone book.

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This review is going to gush a little bit over Denise Hunter’s latest book.

I love reading a well-written, clean, sweet, heart-warming, faith-based romance. I absolutely adored Jack and Daisy. I keep wanting to use the word “sweet” here over and over, but it’s true. They are a such a sweet, charming, loveable couple. Their story has several twists and turns on their way to happily-ever-after, but oh, that last scene when their dreams come true! I’ve read many of Denise Hunter’s books, and I’ve loved this series, but I think this is my favorite story of them all. This would make a perfect Hallmark movie and I have hopes maybe they’ll discover this book someday.

So if you love reading about true love that’s on a little bit of bumpy path until the way becomes smooth, this is the book for you. This one goes on my favorites shelf.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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A lovely and sweet romance that makes you feel good. The characters are lovely, there's a wonderful setting, and the plot is heartwarming.
I want to read the other books in this series as I really liked this one.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC

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On Magnolia Lane, is the third and final novel to the Blue Ridge Romance Series. This is the perfect ending to this series. Denise Hunter has saved her best for last. During the two prior books, I kept pulling for Pastor Jack McReady. Out of the group of friends, it seemed like everyone else was pairing up, becoming couples and getting married except for him. Jack has had a secret crush on Daisy Pendleton for two long years. As in any small town, the crush does not stay a secret, at least from his best friend Noah. Noah is relentless at trying to get Jack to act before it is too late.

Jack feels he has so many reasons not to ask Daisy out. Besides his extreme shyness with women, Daisy is part of his congregation. He is worried about their 10 year age difference. He just knows someone like Daisy, who is so kind and beautiful, would not be interested in him.

One of my all time favorite movies is You Got Mail. Without giving the plot away, there are parts of this book that remind so much of that movie. I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it.

I received a copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishing through NetGalleys. The opinions expressed in this book are my own.

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On Magnolia Lane is a wonderful ending to Denise Hunter's Blue Ridge Romance series. In this story two characters that have appeared in the previous two books take center stage. Daisy Pendleton, the local florist has been receiving counseling from her pastor, Jack McReady. Problem is, he's fallen in love with her and she's never seen him as anything more than her friend and pastor. Jack can't seem to figure out how to make her see him as just a man, so when his friends find out that Daisy is on a dating website they make Jack a profile, using his initials (TJ) and a photo that hides his true identity. Although Jack struggles with this idea at first, he ends up giving in to the idea when another man shows interest in Daisy.

Daisy is looking for a partner in life, so when TJ nudges her, she shows interest and they begin a friendship. Little does she know that this new man in her life is actually her dear friend and pastor! Throughout the story Daisy opens up about her life in different ways to each man, growing close to both...which is actually one and the same. When a woman she's never met shows up at her flower shop, she discovers that, before she was born, her deceased father was unfaithful to her mother and a sister she knew nothing about was the result. Daisy confides in Pastor Jack about her dad and thus she begins to see Jack in a new light.

At the same time, the local girls shelter is hit by a storm that causes series damage to their home. They have no insurance, so they seek help from Pastor Jack. Daisy has a reputation of being able to organize fundraisers, so Jack asks her to take over and plan one, which she gladly does. This gives the two of them ample time to work together and begin a new relationship. As Daisy grows closer to Jack and TJ at the same time, her feelings are confusing, but the thought of being a pastor's wife is too daunting to her, so she decides to meet TJ in person. When they make plans to meet, Jack knows that he must tell her the truth, but the night of the fundraiser she accidentally discovers that they are the same person. She is crushed that Jack would deceive her and she runs away. During this time, she realizes that she must forgive her mom and dad for not telling her about her sister. She must show grace to others in the same way that Christ has shown it to her. But will she be able to extend that same grace and forgiveness to Jack?

My favorite part of this story was Jack's love and devotion to his God. I loved how all throughout the story he prays for those in need and when he believes that he's lost Daisy, his main concern is for her and to pray for her. It's a beautiful thing when a man prays for the woman that he loves...even if he can't have her.

Well done Ms. Hunter...well done! This is a wonderful read that will grab your attention from the very beginning and hold it until the very end!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Pastor Jack McReady has had a secret crush on Daisy Pendleton for two years. Daisy has never seen Jack as anyone other than her pastor, a confident and a good friend. Jack, a shy person who thinks he’s too old for Daisy, is afraid that she will never see him as anyone other than a pastor. With little nudge from a friend Jack and Daisy start communicating via an online dating site. After a few twists and turns Jack and Daisy realize that they are meant to be together.

A sweet love story that is part of a series yet can be read as a stand-alone. This is my first book by Denise Hunter and it won’t be my last.

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On Magnolia Lane by Denise Hunter
Pastor Jack McReady thinks he will never settle down and marry. It’s not like there are not several women in his congregation who would love to be with Jack, but Jack has only eyes for Daisy. Daisy however, sees Jack as only her pastor and confident. Jack’s best friend, Noah sees and feels his pain and decides to help out his friend. Knowing that Daisy has recently created an online profile on a dating site, Noah creates one for Jack. When there is a match, Noah tells Jack what he has done and conflict arises. Should Jack continue interacting online with Daisy, should he confess about the online profile or what should he do?
On Magnolia Lane is a quick and enjoyable read. This latest offering by Denise Hunter will not disappoint her many fans and will draw in many more readers who like a good warm romance. The story is somewhat predictable but for readers who like a cozy romance, this story will not disappoint. There are book discussion questions at the end of the book which can be used for a good book club discussion.
I received an ARC ebook from Netgalley and the publisher, Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review.

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On Magnolia Lane
By Denise Hunter
Daisy is determined to find “the one.” She is tired of blind dates and setups but she decides to take one last chance for love using the Flutter app. Meanwhile, her pastor who has been smitten with Daisy lets it slip that he likes Daisy to their mutual friends. As an act of encouragement for shy Pastor Jack, his friends surprise him by making him a Flutter profile.
There is much fun in this quirky book that made it easy to read. It is very Hallmark like to me, however, making most of the book expected. I still enjoyed the read and would recommend it to friends.

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On Magnolia Lane, by Denise Hunter is a contemporary romance focused on family and relationships, as well as underlying inspirational themes.

Daisy Pendleton enjoys her life as a local flower shop owner (along with her family) in a small town, yet she wants to find a permanent relationship. Recently, she joined an online dating site to meet men, yet the dates are very lackluster, until she encounters TJ. They decide to take it slowly and chat over time, before meeting.

However, Daisy doesn't realize that TJ is actually Jack McReady, and his friends initially set up his dating profile. Jack has been secretly in love with Daisy for years, yet she only views him as her pastor and friend. After his friends set up the dating profile, Jack continues chatting with Daisy as TJ, since he wants to connect with her. Of course, this creates more issues later.

In addition, Daisy is dealing with past family secrets that currently affect her life. There's a lot of drama in their lives, yet Jack and Daisy slowly build a strong friendship, which may lead to a future together. However, Daisy is also interested in her online dating friend.

Even though it's the third book in the Blue Ridge Romance series, it's easily read as a standalone. However, I recommend starting with the first book in the series, which is titled as Blue Ridge Sunrise.

On Magnolia Lane is geared towards readers who enjoy fictional modern romance stories with a slight inspirational theme. Also, there are ten discussion questions included in the back of the book.

Note: I received this book from Thomas Nelson and NetGalley, which is a program designed for bloggers to write book reviews in exchange for books, yet the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Sometimes I love Denise Hunter's books, and sometimes they are just so so for me. This one was just so so. I enjoyed the setting, but felt like the main characters were a little oblivious at times. The story seemed to drag on at the beginning but picked up later in the book. The issues that the heroine encountered with her not being "good enough" really resonated with me and I enjoyed seeing how she overcame that. I did not feel much chemistry between the main characters until the very end.

Thanks NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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A sweet, wholesome romance with a subtle inspirational message and an appealing hero. Since this is book three in the series, I was looking forward to Jack and Daisy's story. Jack was well-developed as a character and his goal of winning Daisy's heart in the context of an online dating app made for a fun, modern twist on this classic trope. I will say that Daisy was not the most delightful heroine of this series. She just seemed kind of ... flat. While her struggles with dyslexia struck an empathetic chord, her backstory and inability to see what was right in front of her did not resonate with me. Also, the structure of the novel seemed odd. So many things were alluded to as happening off-the-page, i.e., a tornado that apparently caused a lot of damage. It didn't seem plausible and the events described in past tense prevented the novel from flowing well. I felt like I'd missed some key scenes.
This has not been my favorite series. Often the books didn't delve as deep, the heroines not as easy to root for, and overall the characters not as well-developed as in previous series by this author.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance electronic copy. All opinions stated here are my own.

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