Member Reviews

Jeff Wheeler continues the adventure of the Harbinger world in Mirror Gate, the second book in the series. There’s sickness spreading and a war looming in the kingdom.

I LOVE. this series! It’s fantasy, but it’s clean fantasy. Thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for this copy in exchange for my review. I’m getting used to the character development. I read the first book, and it was just a taste of setting, now the reader gets a little more. I especially like the race to the thrown between father and daughter and the callousness of the father to do what ever he wants to get that title to the point of lying about his daughter’s place in the succession. Cattier may be my favorite though. Learning her powers along with her makes it all the more special, if it weren’t for that hateful housekeeper. I continue to wait excitedly for the next book in the series.

Another great adventure in this series. I was an enjoyable ride that I cannot wait to continue. The characters just get more interesting and the story more in depth.

This second book in the Harbinger series continues with the formative years our protagonists Cettie and Sera spent at Muirwood Abbey.
At sixteen years of age, they must make decisions more typical of adults than adolescents and make their own mistakes, some of which make us doubt the good judgment of one of them. But as the author reminds us, especially adult readers, who did not make the wrong decisions in their youth?
With this in mind and hoping that in the third book our fallen protagonist will redeem herself, I highly recommend this book to all young readers who have yet to make mistakes in life and to adult readers, reminding them to be understanding and let's give our little sinner a second chance.

Thank you to Jeff Wheeler, 47North, and NetGalley for allowing me the extreme pleasure of access to an advanced reader copy of “Mirror Gate (The Harbinger Series, Book 2)” for an honest review.
As with all my Jeff Wheeler books, and my falling into reading all of his 20+ novels last year, I love this new world he has built with the fire of a thousand suns again. I love this combination of politics and intrigue, of the worlds, separated between the ground of the planet and the plane of the clouds. I cannot wait to see more of how he will take the twists and turns of the next few books in the series as we follow these characters.

4 stars
You can read all of my reviews on my blog https://www.NerdGirlLovesBooks.wordpr....
This is a good second book in the series. As usual, the author writes an entertaining book with interesting characters that you both love and hate. I can't wait to read the rest of the books in the series.
As the book begins, Sera and Cettie have been away at school for several years studying the Mysteries. While Cettie has achieved a mastery of the skills, Sera continues to struggle. As the duo prepare to take the final test to finish their schooling, the emperor dies.
Sera and her father must compete to win the crown. While Sera knows her father desperately wants to be emperor, she is shocked at how low he sinks to tank her chances. To add to their stress, the country is on the verge of war with Kingfountain and a mysterious illness is sweeping through the country, killing everyone that is infected.
There is plenty of action and the book ends with another exciting cliff hanger.
I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Flash forward- Sera Fitzempress and Cettie Saeed are now at school in Muirwood Abbey being trained in the Mysteries and preparing for the Test.
Mirror Gate takes these two women and sets them on a course for their adult life- will Cettie discover her true parentage? will Sera become the empress? What happens next?
I loved both of these characters- Cettie most of all, but Sera is written so well also. She really transforms in this book from the spoiled, sheltered girl to a strong woman. There are other side characters as well introduced that are wonderful and as always, we have the wonderful Fitzroy to be the rock.
I cannot wait to continue the series.

Mirror Gate, the second book in Jeff Wheeler’s Harbinger series continues to follow Cettie and Sera as they continue their studies of the Mysteries. While they come easily to Cettie, Sera struggles. In the meantime, after the death of the long-ailing emperor, the throne is left vacant – and both Sera and her ambitious father are eligible.
This book was a lot faster-paced than the first in the series, as the girls have aged several years since the events of the last book and are now nearing the ends of their studies in Muirwood. I appreciate the fact that the author brought together threads from his separate series – those centering around Muirwood, Kingfountain, and now this one – and though I haven’t read any of his books set in Muirwood, it didn’t take away from the story for me. I actually find that I’m interested to learn more about the impending war with Kingfountain and to delve more into the corruption and political maneuverings of those in power.
Thank you to NetGalley and 47North for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really, really liked the first book in this series but this one fell a little flat to me. It opens up four years after the last, and I wonder at the author’s decision to skip that period of time since I think it would have made for a compelling book and given more heft to the relationships that are explored in this instillation. Overall, I felt like this was sort of a transition book between the last and what I imagine will happen in the next. While I was a bit disappointed in this book, I will definitely read on because the overall story arc has been compelling and I’m quite attached to some of the characters.

Thankyou to NetGalley, 47North and the author, Jeff Wheeler, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of Mirror Gate in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I thought this book was a fantastic continuation of the Harbinger series. The storyline was well written and the characters were engaging. And just like book one, I feel into the storyline. Can't wait to read more.
Well worth a read.

Hmmm. Didn't realize I never reviewed Mirror Gate, the second in the Harbinger series by Jeff Wheeler. I didn't read Storm Glass, the first in the series, which is a bit strange as I've read everything I possibly could by Wheeler and eagerly awaited the next. I went through the King Fountain series with bated breath because I loved the characters and the plots were so compelling.
Anyway, I didn't feel any loss at not having read the first book, as I quickly settled in with Sera and Cettie, the setting, and the plot.
Wheeler has a particular aptitude with characters, both the main protagonists and the secondary characters emerge with depth and dimension. He also excels at world-building, especially the cultural and political elements of the worlds he creates.
Sera, a princess, and Cettie, a homeless waif, are both lonely girls who end up together at a school for the "mysteries." Their friendship develops although their dreams, abilities, and goals are different.
In Mirror Gate, Sera's difficulties with her father take a turn for the worse when her grandfather the king dies, and her father is determined to take the reins and eliminate any competition from Sera.
As Sera and Cettie are preparing for their tests in the mysteries, Sera makes a serious misstep that will result in consequences that will change her perspective. Cettie continues to grow stronger in her abilities and must face a supernatural foe.
Blog review scheduled for Nov. 15.
NetGalley/47 North

Mirror Gate picks up 4 years after Storm Glass with Cettie and Sera finishing up school and preparing to take a test that allows them to “graduate” into the Mysteries. But there is political unrest and Sera needs to try and claim the role as empress. While Sera’s magical abilities are not strong, she knows her plan in life. Cettie however, is very strong magically but doesn’t know what she will do after school. This book follows both girls as they grow into adults, making both good and bad decisions that could impact the entire world.

Fantastic continuation of the prior novels in the series. I wish the next one was out already! Great series for any fantasy enthusiast!

I was an unwilling reader of this series at first. By the second book I was addicted and couldn't wait to read more about this world and my new friends in it

I've loved everything I've read by Jeff Wheeler, and this is no exception. I didn't realize how the world Cettie and Sera live in relates to his Muirwood series until this book. I still think you can read the Harbringer series without having read the Muirwood books, but it will add more depth to your understanding of this world if you've read the series that was the springboard for all of his series. The Harbringer series also connects with the Kingfountain series, but again it isn't absolutely essential to have read that series to understand the current.
My two favorite characters are Sera and Cettie. They're different from each other and both learning new lessons about their roles and their limitations.
Sera and Cettie have been roommates at school, even though they are quite different and from different backgrounds. Sera has been whisked away for a meeting when her grandfather has passed away without an heir. She doesn't feel like she's made a very good showing in front of the council. When a threat arises at the school, everyone assumes it's directed at Sera, as a potential heir to the throne. This dynamic combined with politics directed at Kingfountain's prince, and the old letters Sera gave to Will, creates a set of circumstances where the hopeful princess must make a series of choices. Being naive she doesn't always choose well, but she is honest. Through her quest for the crown she discovers her desire to rules stems from being able to help the people rather than to engrandize herself.
Cettie has always been humble, and is in awe over learning the Mysteries. She also discovers that many others support her, like teachers, her "adoptive" parents and other friends. Even with their support and her newfound knowledge it is up to her to face her fears. She is the only one who can dismiss them. Cettie worries for the future, but is ready to accept challenges. One of the problems being set up for another book, is her love life. She is sought after by one and loves another. And it's more complicated than that, but I don't want to spoil too much. She is of such high moral character I wonder how everything will work out. From past experience I know Wheeler doesn't feel like he has to give us the answer we want.
I highly recommend this book along with all of the others written by Jeff Wheeler.

Four years have passed since we first me Cettie Pratt and Seraphin Fitzempress in Storm Glass. The girls have been students at Muirwood Abbey, learning the magic of the Mysteries. The emperor dies just as a terrible sickness—the Cholera Morbus—is sweeping through the kingdom. Seraphin find herself vying for the throne against her power-hungry father. War looms on the horizon as Sera faces betrayal from those she trusts, and Cettie is threatened by an evil from her past that wants to destroy everything she holds dear.
It was such a delight to return to this magical world! When I started reading it yesterday, I didn't bother to reread the synopsis, so I essentially went into this without knowing what to expect. That turned out to be a blessing, because everything that happened was a complete surprise.
Sera's portion of the story mainly revolved around the fate of the throne. Would Sera be chosen as Empress? Would her father be chosen as Emperor? Sera's feelings of doubt and her insecurities relating to her (lack of) mastery over the Mysteries were pitch perfect. She had a lot on her plate for a sixteen-year-old girl who was kept secluded for most of her life. The fight for the throne had everything I wished for, but as a result, I disliked her father, the Prince Regent, even MORE in this book. What a treacherous little worm he was!
Cettie's story took place at Muirwood Abbey, where she was plagued by an old foe—the ghost with no eyes that tormented her in the Fells. Its messenger terrified her in an equally distressing, way that made Cettie question everything she thought she knew about herself.
As invested as I was in Sera's part of the story, I have to say that I was more intrigued with the events involving Cettie. ESPECIALLY what happened after she took her Final Test of the Mysteries in the Abbey and she did... that thing she did... and something was whispered to her. (Those who read the book know what I'm talking about.) WHAT WAS SAID TO CETTIE?! Later, Cettie told Maren and Fitzroy about that thing she did, and then told them about another thing, and Maren whispered in awe, "Is she...?" and Fitzroy said, "I think she may be." WHAT IS SHE?! Maren knows, Fitzroy knows.... I want to know, too! It looks like I'll have to wait until book three to find out... ugh! This is torture!
(Ahem. Sorry about that. I just needed to indulge in my frustration at having to wait for the next book in the series to have a question answered. Sigh... it's the life of a series reader... always needing to know more, never wanting to wait... yet having no choice but to wait.)
I'm loving this series so far. I rarely read fantasy, but this is quickly becoming a favorite series of mine. I'm enjoying it so much, in fact, that I'm likely going to add the Kingfountain series and the Muirwood trilogies to my TBR. I don't know when I'll get to them, but I do know I definitely want to read them sometime.Jeff Wheeler has earned on spot on my author radar, for sure!
I received an advance reading copy of this book courtesy of 47North via Netgalley.

I absolutely loved this book. This is the second book in the Harbinger series and despite a time lapse, it picks up right where the first one left off. By that, I mean the plot continues to flow seamlessly. Jeff Wheeler has another masterpiece on his hands. The book can be at times a little predictable, but it still kept me completely engrossed. The book continues to follow Sera and Cettie as they further develop. This book is great for all readers past the age of 10 or so. I definitely recommend this book and the author as well.

Who will rise and who will fall?
What an awesome sequel! Deeper and darker than its predecessor, Mirror Gate follows Cettie Pratt, almost eighteen, and Sera Fitzempress, now sixteen, as they prepare to finish their four years at Muirwood Abbey and take their Test. Cettie is firmly still part of Minister Fitzroy’s family, although not yet adopted. Sera and her father are competitors for the position of emperor, and Kingfountain has sent a prince for the chance of a political match.
Everything is up in the air and under siege in this sequel to Storm Glass, whether it’s Cettie’s parentage and adoption, Sera’s chance at the test and being chosen as emperor, peace with Kingfountain… it’s all in contention and the politics and politicking build layer upon layer undergirded by deceit and greed. Cettie and Sera must each do their best to survive the machinations of those around them while holding onto the integrity, honor, and steadfastness of their true friends and mentors.
There are some serious twists and unexpected consequences in Mirror Gate. Sera still dreams of helping change society and demolishing the rigid codes that oppress the lower classes while she’s opposed by those who have no desire to change the status quo. But the evil forces at work are revealed as deeper, more malevolent, and older than all but a few have imagined. The self-serving politics of Sera’s narcissistic father and his cohorts plunge her and the kingdom into danger. Friends become enemies and betrayal is the order of the day. Some they have held in low esteem prove that they are more steadfast than seeming friends and beloved companions.
Some storylines are tied up, but many are not, and there are definitely new puzzles and mysteries to be solved. Unnamed characters move upon the field and those who claim familial ties use their children for their own nefarious ends. There is no end to the depths to which men and kingdoms fall. Can these two families and the kingdom survive the fallout of betrayal from within and without?
Mirror Gate is, like Storm Glass, reminiscent of a steampunk novel, but remains firmly fantasy, rather than mechanisms, there are magic stones, mysteries, and maritime vessels flung aloft. The world-building is wonderfully colorful and real, the characterizations are deep and complex, and the magical system of mysteries is, well, mysterious.
Mirror Gate is another wonderful read from Jeff Wheeler with a lot of deep, deep thoughts and insights along with twisty, gritty plots. You will leave this book satisfied and yet hungering for the next. Jeff Wheeler is a master storyteller who improves with every book he publishes. Greatly anticipating the next book! Highly recommended.
I received this book as an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) from the publisher through NetGalley. My opinions are my own.

Excellent sequel. Will love to see Sera redeem herself after her mistakes made this book and also find out more backstory on who and what Cettie is. What Gift was given to her before blacking out and by who? So many questions im dying to find out the answers to!

This is my fourth series by Jeff Wheeler that I have read and in all of his other series, book two are always intense and non-stop. The Harbinger Series is no different. Wheeler has a way with words that grip his readers to draw them in. After discovering that this book takes place at Muirwood Abbey, I was so excited to continue the story. Even though the timeline is much further into the future, Muirwood Abbey still has its magical charm and peacefulness. I really enjoyed seeing the twist on the old ways with this new future. One of my favorite, and dreadful, parts of the book was bringing Kingfountain together with the empire. Two of my favorite worlds finally combined again. However, the worlds are on the verge of war. Wheeler truly exudes his words to describe the tension between the places and making it hard to choose a side! The pacing of the book, as always, was perfect. There was never a dull moment even with the amount of details he provides. Each place is easily imaginable and I can truly see the world as I read about it.
Cettie and Sera. What do I say about these two amazing girls? Wheeler has always created these amazing, strong willed characters and these two are no different. I really enjoyed seeing Cettie coming into her abilities. She started out with nothing and now with the help of the Abbey, she is truly showing her strengths. I also really enjoyed how she was already part of the Fitzroy family. Her past is still questionable and I like how subtle Wheeler makes it. The question lingers there but it is never the dominating part of the book. Sera has grown up so much. The devotion she has to her people is enduring and really makes you want her to become empresses. While she still struggles and gets distracted, her growth has really shown with how much she is willing to take responsibility of the whole empire. Towards the end, I was crushed at her disposition even though I know everything will work out in the next book. I cannot wait to see how much further these two girls grow in the next book.
Final Thoughts
Overall, Mirror Gate by Jeff Wheeler is a perfect addition his world and the Harbinger Series. The story was nonstop and addictive. There was no part of the book that was dull and boring creating the perfect pace. Cettie and Sera are perfect characters for this world. Their personalities are so different but compliment each other in the best way. I cannot wait to continue their story and to watch them grow even more. I highly recommend this book if you enjoyed Storm Glass, fantasy, and a world that is always growing.