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In Her Shadow

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Member Reviews

Oh my!! This was brilliant!! Lots of twists and turns. Loved the poltergiest angle. So enjoyable and life had to be put aside so I could find out how it would finish. Mark is now one of my favourite authors :0)

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What a book!
Mark Edwards has fast become one of my favourite authors and this new novel is brilliant.
The writing is fast paced and there’s lots of twists and turns that you won’t see coming. You will want to cancel all plans to get to the end of it.
It’s definitely worthy of 5 stars and I’d recommend to anyone.

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I’ve read all Mark Edwards’ books to date and have enjoyed them all until his last one, which for me fell short of his usual standard. Consequently, I was apprehensive about reading this one, but I’m pleased to say that In Her Shadow was back to Mark’s usual standard.

It was gripping, creepy and kept me hooked till the end. The chapters alternated between the points of view of several characters and this worked well. The story was full of twists and turns and had a touch of the paranormal, but just enough, to not make it ridiculous.

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With thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this - the perfect mix of tension and potential supernatural elements. Another fab read from Edwards.

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Wow where do I start! another fantastic book by Mark.

Just when you think he can't do any better out comes another five star book!

This book contains lots of twist and turns and leaves you wanting more, Marks style of writing makes it so easy to be draw into the book and its characters. This book has both lovable characters and some not so but you could fell each one of them.

I don't want to say to much apart from IT'S A MUST READ!!!!!!!!! I can not wait for the next one.

Thank you net galley for giving me a chance to read this fantastic book,

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I would like to thank Amazon Publishing UK and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘In her Shadow by Mark Edwards’ for a honest unbiased review.

Where have I been. Yet another author that I have not heard of but who after reading this book will be read more of his works.

This book got me all excited. The story is well written your unsure which way the story is going. It certainly keeps you guessing. Which are the type of books I do enjoy.

Great book. Highly recommended.

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This book was excellent, the first time in years that I got so into a book that I had to stick with it for the day. Absolutely loved it, full of suspense, the paranormal, twists and turns, I ended up being suspicious of everyone! Non stop action all the way through, ended up holding my breaths in several places along the way, really clever writing.
#InHerShadow #NetGalley

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An out of the ordinary whodunnit

Jessica lives with Will and is mum to Olivia who is four and her older brother Felix. It’s pretty much typical of a run-of-the-mill existence of a middle-class family. Jessica may be a little more unusual in that she lost her older, more glamorous, sister, Isabel, to what was determined to be an unfortunate accident and she has never been able to overcome feelings that she was the less attractive and less exciting sibling. Life continues normally though after Isabel’s death until Olivia starts acting strangely and certain things come to light that suggests Isabel’s death was no accident.

And so starts yet another novel about the mundane life of a typical 21st family. At least that is what I thought when, with a heavy heart, I read the first few pages. I am not a great fan of that type of novel and to read that the theme also very much involved the paranormal did not set my pulse racing either. However, I was mistaken and was pleased that I took the plunge.

Mark Edward’s writing style is open and straightforward. The characters he portrays are very human and act and react exactly as you would expect of your friends and colleagues. He gradually builds the tension and then heads off in a different direction. This sounds confusing, but it isn’t as it’s beautifully crafted and the plot is easily followed, as are the characters who are well-defined and individual.

This is the first of Mark Edward’s novels I have read. I enjoyed it very much, would recommend it and will be looking out for his name in future.

mr zorg

Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of the book to review

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I would like to thank Amazon Publishing UK and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘In Her Shadow’ by Mark Edwards in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Jessica’s four-year-old daughter Olivia has started saying strange things about her Auntie Isabel who died five years ago. Jessica always believed Izzy’s death was accidental but things Olivia’s been saying which she couldn’t possibly have known about makes Jessica think maybe it wasn’t an accident and that someone deliberately pushed Izzy off the balcony. Has Olivia been possessed by the spirit of Izzy to get people to find out the truth about her death, or is someone secretly telling Olivia what to say?
‘In Her Shadow’ is a gripping psychological thriller with a cleverly thought-out plot, twists and turns, a number of credible suspects to keep me guessing, and a nail-biting conclusion. The final chapters became so tense that I had to keep reading to find out what happened. This is an enjoyable read that I can recommend.

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Another brilliant book from Mark Edwards. This book had me gripped the whole way through. I did not guess the ending at all. Brilliantly written, superb plot and to me the short chapters add to the suspense. I want to go and read it again now.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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Excellent story. Wonderful characters and plot line. I really enjoyed it. I would recommend this book.

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Mark Edwards writes what is often a chilling and creepy psychological thriller with elements of the paranormal. Jessica always felt accustomed to the idea that she was living in the shadows of her more glamorous older sister, Isabel/Izzy. Almost five years ago, Isabel died after falling off the balcony of her luxurious apartment. The police deemed it to be an accident, but was it? Living an ordinary life as a mum, Jessica, still traumatised by Isabel's death, begins to feel unsettled and disturbed when her 4 year old daughter, Olivia, begins to exhibit strange behaviour and talking weirdly. The little girl knows things about Jessica and Izzy that she really could not possibly know. Olivia seems to be channelling Isabel, which has Jess looking more closely at how Isabel died. This is a great read, with twists, that does not fail in engaging the reader. Mark Edwards fans will love this! Many thanks to Amazon Publishing for an ARC.

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An interesting read. One I struggled with initially as I found it difficult to get into, but I’m glad I continued.

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This is the first Mark Edwards book I have read, but it won’t be the last. Interesting and intriguing from the first chapter to the very end, I read well into the early hours as the psychological twists and turns kept me engaged throughout. An excellent book well worthy of 5 stars.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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**Thank you to Netgalley and Amazon publishing for the Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an unbiased review.**

This is my first Mark Edwards book and I’m impressed. I started reading this once before but stopped because of the ‘paranormal’ story line. That’s not a genre I usually read. But then I took this up as a challenge and decided to expand my horizons. And boy am I glad that I did!! The book is outstanding. Brilliantly written and very engaging. The paranormal part initially is written so well that I had goosebumps. It felt so real and even scary, chilling to the bone. I’m glad the book isn’t a ‘ghost’ story. It has a complete whodunnit aspect to it and has many twists that lead you down a path to the truth. As the story moves on I was genuinely equally interested in the how and the who. The story has a nice logical conclusion and it was convincing. The slight mystery remains in the end but I’m happy to live with that thought hanging. Enjoyed reading this book!

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First and foremost I would like to thank Amazon Publishing and Netgalley for the advanced copy.
In her Shadow by Mark Edwards (release date 4th October 2018)

The story follows Jessica mother of two who is struggling with the death of her sister Izzy four years previous, who fell to death from her balcony.
Jessica's daughter Olivia starts acting strange and vocalising information that online Jessica and Izzy knew when they were growing up - and things over time start to get more and more strange. I am not going to go anymore in depth cause I really want people to enjoy and savour this book as much as I did.

Mark Edwards is amazing at what he does, this book is another of my top titles from him.
In her shadow is a spine tingling page turner, I stayed up way to late two nights in a row just wanting to find out more and more.
Fans of thrillers and paranormal will absolutely love this book, if you haven't heard or read anything by Mark Edwards please go and check out one of his books and make sure this one is on pre-order.

Easily 5 STARS!! from me.
Once again thank you Mark for this amazing book and AMAZON Publishing and NETGALLEY for the advanced copy..

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When I read this book I was stunned it was a fantastic book .
I really enjoy Mark Edwards so anything I read is fabulous .
I was given an ARC

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This whodunit/suspense with a paranormal splash was a hit with me. I enjoyed most of the characters & found a few I just hated, for good reason. The descriptions of the surroundings, as well as the characters, was done very well. This was a solid 4 stars for me! I'll be looking for more by Mark Edwards.

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I am a huge fan of Mark Edwards having read all of his superb books,i was a little disappointed with his last book The Retreat so was a bit apprehensive about In Her Shadow,but i shouldn't have been because believe me Mark Edwards is back to his brilliant best with his latest book !! Jessica is mum to Olivia who is seemingly having conversations with her dead auntie Izzy who fell from a balcony 5 years ago in a tragic accident.This sets Jessica wondering what did really happen to her sister and was it an accident or not ? Once again Mark excels in telling a story that will have you gripped from the very first page and i highly recommend his latest book and if you've not read any previous books of Mark Edwards do it now i promise you will not be disappointed..5 stars.

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I’m already a fan of Mark Edwards, I’ve read and enjoyed his previous books so I was looking forward to this latest release.
From the beginning I found myself hooked as the story and characters were so well written. Mark Edwards is a great storyteller, he unravelled details over time and I had no idea which way the storyline would go.

In Her Shadow is an intruiging creepy read that will have you turning the pages and staying up late at night to read more. With an incredible plot line and lots of tension, this is a must read!

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